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So How Bout Dat New Ignis Model?


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The model looks ok. What caught my attention more- and this could be a result of the bad quality I had the stream set to- the fire's graphics seemed to be changed back to the old-and-not-orange-fart-cloud fire I see in videos of days past. Good fire... that looks like fire. That's what has me the most excited.

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I sold my Ignis a very long time ago to make room for a new weapon since it was pretty bad back then. Not soon after they buffed and reworked beam weapons, and I considered building it again. Never got around to it.


Then Prisma weapons started appearing. Once I saw the Prisma Grakata, I figured that there would be Prisma Ignis one day.


However, after seeing that it is going to get a visual update and buff, I may just have to get the BP and make it again lol

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