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What Do You Think Of Trinity's Blessing? And Her Existence In Warframe?


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Second, and more importantly, is that Blessing is an instant full shield restore + heal.  This means that unless someone is downed before the Trinity can react and cast, they cannot die.

You say that, but it's actually pretty hard to do reactive emergency blessings. People don't seem to realise that the new in-game UI was an indirect nerf to Trinity - because it drastically worsened the visibility of the team health bars. Under the old UI, the team health bars were bright red against a black background, and they were on the centre-left of the screen. You could easily see them with your peripheral vision.

With the new UI, they're smaller, further away from the centre of the screen (and if you're actually fighting, your attention is devoted to the centre of the screen so you can aim well) and now with no background, so you get less contrast (thus making them even less visible).

It's a pretty big leap backwards in terms of functionality. If you want to do reactive blessings for your team, you need to keep flicking your attention away from the action. This is extremely annoying.

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That's pretty much my point.  It is difficult to do emergency Blessings because the devs know they need to kill players before the Trinity can cast Blessing.


Good point about the UI.  I know I've missed Blessings in low level areas because I was too focused on messing around instead of watching the shield/hp bars tucked away in the upper right side.

Edited by Falchoin
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I don't have a problem with a healer being a healer. I have more of a problem with EV. I don't think Trinity should be feeding unlimited energy to players and herself. It's the combination of unlimited energy with unlimited shields, health, and damage reduction that makes it OP.

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Ok then, EV threads are done, now let's go for wednesday topic of 99% trinity and the player who just jumped on Trinity Prime bandwagon and really, really loves her, but not entirely you know, there are things he wants to change. You say you don't want her to be nerfed and yet you say something about reducing damage reduction and giving more duration. Are you serious? so we get less usefull blessings and in exchange we can cast it less often. You are proposing a nerf, it's that simple.


Maybe we shouldn't be judging it's usefulness at level 170.


And on what level we should? 20? 40? 60?



There's a small number of supports, and viable healers? Trinity is good at what she does, we should bring other supports to her level and make more support frames, change the enemy scaling etc. before you "propose some changes that you woulnd't even implement" - please... then why the hell are you bringing it up? becouse you are curious? give me a break. That will only result in her nerf.


And that's what i think, cheers \o/

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And on what level we should? 20? 40? 60?

There's a small number of supports, and viable healers? Trinity is good at what she does, we should bring other supports to her level and make more support frames, change the enemy scaling etc. before you "propose some changes that you woulnd't even implement" - please... then why the hell are you bringing it up? becouse you are curious? give me a break. That will only result in her nerf.

And that's what i think, cheers \o/

How about level 80-100, where it's supposed to be? Because, you know, Trial enemies?

You say these things like it's impossible to be a good healer without 99% Damage reduction when that is a simply ridiculous notion. But all you can focus on is going to level 200 or whatever so you can go tickle enemies for whatever reason you do, while the rest of the game where you're supposed to be suffers because it's stupidly broken. What does enemy scaling have to do with anything here? If enemy scaling is "fixed" will 99% DR magically become balanced? Will buffing other frames to the same point make it balanced? Of course not. If it's not balanced when these things are "broken", fixing them won't do squat.

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How about level 80-100, where it's supposed to be? Because, you know, Trial enemies?

You say these things like it's impossible to be a good healer without 99% Damage reduction when that is a simply ridiculous notion. But all you can focus on is going to level 200 or whatever so you can go tickle enemies for whatever reason you do, while the rest of the game where you're supposed to be suffers because it's stupidly broken. What does enemy scaling have to do with anything here? If enemy scaling is "fixed" will 99% DR magically become balanced? Will buffing other frames to the same point make it balanced? Of course not. If it's not balanced when these things are "broken", fixing them won't do squat.

Perfect. Balance around lvl 100...

1. Go to simulacrum

2. Spawn a Corpus Tech lvl 100

3. Do a blessing with picking up 1 health orb (27 health on 285 max) --> perfect 90% bless

4. Bless

5. Let him shoot you and imagine some more enemies are around

6. Understand why i said it does a S#&$ un higher levels --> lvl 100 isnt too high

IMO only the self damage aspect of trinity is OP, give her a passive of immunity to self damage and blessing will be perfectly fine. EV is a whole other debate though.

Do NOT give her this passive

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I think lower blessing Rng reduction would be bad mmk let's say it's 75% u take enough dmg that you can recast it without self inflicted dmg actually making the immortal trinity build more natural how because then I can recast blessing before I even loose said 30 seconds of 75% dmg reduction causing a continuous cycle of re cast basically infinite 75% but twice as op. I think self dmg should be nullified when using trinity as well cause just trying to hit that 99% dmg reduction while playing t4 40min+ is pretty hard to do without downing yourself from the insane dmg they do overtime.

Edited by (PS4)Belicosegamer
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Perfect. Balance around lvl 100...

1. Go to simulacrum

2. Spawn a Corpus Tech lvl 100

3. Do a blessing with picking up 1 health orb (27 health on 285 max) --> perfect 90% bless

4. Bless

5. Let him shoot you and imagine some more enemies are around

6. Understand why i said it does a S#&$ un higher levels --> lvl 100 isnt too high

Do NOT give her this passive

1). You left out teammates

2) you left out EV

3) it's like 30 damage per shot. Health exists.

4) why aren't you shooting him? Or dodging? Or taking cover? Why just stand there and suck plasma

5) do the same with, I don't know, literally anyone else. How long do they last? I'll bet it's less than 3 seconds.

None of your points actually help your case here. You assume an awful lot, and even then you still fall short since you get to survive nine times longer than any other team. Saying that you need 99%DR is a reflection on you, not Trinity.

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I really hate anything that takes away any sort of challenge in a game but Blessing's DR is what makes Trinity the best healer out of the 3? we currently have so I'm some what ok with it.


What I'm not okay with is the fact that on top of full heals + DR she also has infinite range. EV is another thing that's ridiculous but at least that has to be modded for and it kills Blessing DR builds.


Cap Blessing's DR at 80% (basically make it not scale with str) and give it 25m range scalable with range mods. You still have the best heal in the game capable of restoring 100% hp and shields + turning the whole team into semi-tanks in a pretty big area. Up its duration to 15-20 seconds and boom now you have a balanced support frame that doesn't make any game it joins into ez mode.


Her current state is why I prefer playing night Nox. I just feel bad using Trinity since I pretty much cant die. I can just spam 2 and 4 without moving and still keep my allies alive forever.

Edited by RexRgisIocus
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I Love trinity but I rarely play her, she almost never goes down ( I don't play 3 hr long endless missions).



I just find it really boring press #2 Press #3 and sometime #4, I prefer combat frames.


EV I think is broken, endless energy for the team needs to be addressed.

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First, this IS a nerf Trinity thread.


Second, this has been discussed a lot. And they are quite recent, you may want to look for the threads.


Third, Blessing doesn't have to be nerfed,


AT MOST, just make self-damage lost interaction between rage, quick-thinking and damage reduction count of blessing, all the problems mentioned solved.


Quote myself from an earlier similar thread:



Blessing doesn't need a nerf. But the interaction between self-damage and rage, quick-thinking need one. And yes I agree maybe self-damage should also not count towards blessing's damage reduction.


If Trinity can't heal and hold up the team properly, without good means of other buffing and CC abilities, she will not see play because other hard CC frame provides a better damage distraction. Thus I can only agree tweaking from the self-damaging aspect.

Edited by climatiseur
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Yeah I'm going to have to disagree with you OP.

for starters, lets talk about the build of a blessing trinity and relevant facts shall we?

- high duration

- miniscule range (blessing unaffected)

You're sacificing 3 of the 4 abilities for one ability (yes including link since that range takes a massive hit).

Currently blessing has infinite range and a reasonable short casting time.

The amount of damage reduction one gain is equivalent to the highest % recovered. Aka the closer to death you are the stronger the blessing.

Trinity has 15 armour, aka a base damage reduction of 5%. It is also one of the lowest armour value for a warframe.


I bought up armour value for a reason: she needs damage reduction because she lacks crowd control skills for survivability.

Every other frame has some kind of skill that can help them from being hit or temporarily stun enemies. The only one that kind of lacks cc is valkyr (paralysis has really short range) and she has invulnerability.Blessing is a high risk high reward ability.

Changes suggested:

Limit the range / make it aura base.

you lose out on reactive emergency heals.

It also means your teammates will spend alot of time hugging you.

reduce to max heal to 80%

Literally almost no point in having any strength mods for a blessing build. Not to mention that higher levels 80% DR will still shred you like nobody's business.

Prevent Self-damage from effecting blessing.

Unless you mean still heal but not the DR, this is going to be an absolute casting nightmare. If you allies are suicidal maniacs that doesn't care about self damaging themselves, trinity going to be spending more time slamming the ground then actually helping the team.

make rage unable to interact with self damage

It already doesn't.

this isn't a nerf trinity thread

It really is.

oberon and equinox healing effects aren't as good.

They have cc skills, and oberon healing is a 3rd ability and has increased bleedout time. Honestly equinox night form ultimate needs a buff or some additional effects. I think it really fails as an ultimate.

Edited by 321agemo
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