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Warframe China New Frame Revealed "nezha"? (Update) [Megathread]


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What other appropriate names can you think of, than the name by Chinese giving to their own closely warframe culture lore fav character?!


Maybe Western world see Loki should be as Loki is and Atlas should be as Atlas is, but China sees... Wukong should be as Wukong is...


We have Monkey and Tripaka from Odysey of the West. We have Asura in Asura's Wrath... Maybe Son Goku (Japanese direct transcriping of Sun Wukong), or Monkey D Luffy... how about calling him Ryu or Akuma (splitting evil version), or Ken (spliting Westernized version for more acceptance)


As a part of the western world, I disagree. Loki is fine as Loki is - he has an identity (trickster) that isn't JUST the Norse character. Same for Atlas (geomancer/brawler). Wukong IS as Wukong is - that's the PROBLEM! He's NOT an archetype he's a CHARACTER!


Can there BE other interpretations of characters? YES! OF COURSE! I'm not STUPID!


But Warframe has thus far been about archetypes and themes, not just about directly referencing source materials - unlike the other examples you posted (in which some cases the comparisons to the original character - especially with Goku and Luffy - are overshadowed by the characters INDIVIDUAL history and personality).


It just feels a TOUCH out of place to me and others. I'm forgiving of it, but I can see where they come from.


As for a name: Xiong, which, based on what I could find, can mean anything from hero, heroic, powerful, mighty. Leaving the abilities and appearance to pay homage to the tale while allowing the Warframe to maintain it's own identity - something of the inverse of what Excalibur does.

Edited by Morec0
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I don't think WF community would ever be ready for a transgender frame given the sh*storm caused by Equinox and people's precious frame release order (which btw was brought up in this thread as well).


Personally I dig Nezha's design and can't wait for his kit, but also I feel a bit of disappointed in the direction the chinese frames are going. Every chinese mmo/game feels like a copy of the same themes over and over. Which is what probably sells the best and brings profits but leaves little space for imagination. Oh well.



I think it's the same thing over here~ We need more exposure to different things! >;(

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As a part of the western world, I disagree. Loki is fine as Loki is - he has an identity (trickster) that isn't JUST the Norse character. Same for Atlas (geomancer/brawler). Wukong IS as Wukong is - that's the PROBLEM! He's NOT an archetype he's a CHARACTER!


Can there BE other interpretations of characters? YES! OF COURSE! I'm not STUPID!


But Warframe has thus far been about archetypes and themes, not just about directly referencing source materials - unlike the other examples you posted (in which some cases the comparisons to the original character - especially with Goku and Luffy - are overshadowed by the characters INDIVIDUAL history and personality).


It just feels a TOUCH out of place to me and others. I'm forgiving of it, but I can see where they come from.


As for a name: Xiong, which, based on what I could find, can mean anything from hero, heroic, powerful, mighty. Leaving the abilities and appearance to pay homage to the tale while allowing the Warframe to maintain it's own identity - something of the inverse of what Excalibur does.

And that's exactly what I meant. You SEE that Wukong should be named something like Xiong for Warframe... but do you know how the Chinese would see of that...?


The only way to resolve this culture gap/understanding is that Wukong and other Chinese lore-rich frames should never go global, at least never to  the West!!


It's alright to me either, but may not be ok to everyone. It's blessing, I think, at least we get to have those frames directly from China Warframe and see the interwoven of lore in multi cultural diversity.

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And that's exactly what I meant. You SEE that Wukong should be named something like Xiong for Warframe... but do you know how the Chinese would see of that...?


The only way to resolve this culture gap/understanding is that Wukong and other Chinese lore-rich frames should never go global, at least never to  the West!!


It's alright to me either, but may not be ok to everyone. It's blessing, I think, at least we get to have those frames directly from China Warframe and see the interwoven of lore in multi cultural diversity.


alternatively the global build version can be named differently 

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As a part of the western world, I disagree. Loki is fine as Loki is - he has an identity (trickster) that isn't JUST the Norse character. Same for Atlas (geomancer/brawler). Wukong IS as Wukong is - that's the PROBLEM! He's NOT an archetype he's a CHARACTER!

Can there BE other interpretations of characters? YES! OF COURSE! I'm not STUPID!

But Warframe has thus far been about archetypes and themes, not just about directly referencing source materials - unlike the other examples you posted (in which some cases the comparisons to the original character - especially with Goku and Luffy - are overshadowed by the characters INDIVIDUAL history and personality).

It just feels a TOUCH out of place to me and others. I'm forgiving of it, but I can see where they come from.

Personally I wouldn't mind the frame being named Wukong, with abilities that pay homage to wukong, as long as the frame itself had a consistent theme amongst it's abilities that wasn't simply 'this frame is x character'.

Like say, I dunno, gas perhaps? No, not the game element but the state of matter, it would make perfect sense for cloudwalking and given warframe's bending of physics the staff could even be justified as being made from compressed gas made to behave like a solid with help from Space Magic (and even justifies the size changing) and things as such. There, the warframe can keep it's wukong identity while having consistent abilities.

But as of now his abilities are completely unrelated to each other, stapled together simply under the name wukong and for the sake of it only.

And that's exactly what I meant. You SEE that Wukong should be named something like Xiong for Warframe... but do you know how the Chinese would see of that...?

The only way to resolve this culture gap/understanding is that Wukong and other Chinese lore-rich frames should never go global, at least never to the West!!

It's alright to me either, but may not be ok to everyone. It's blessing, I think, at least we get to have those frames directly from China Warframe and see the interwoven of lore in multi cultural diversity.

I think you are missing the point, this has nothing to do with cultural exchange or anything like that. It's not that wukong pays homage to a character, it's that he has abilities completely unrelated to each other by themselves themselves, put together simply for the sake of being under a name, DE doesn't even need to change the name or anything like that to make Wukong consistent, like what I suggested above. Edited by RahuHordika
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The disspointment comes from the fact that he is just wukong. His powers have no consistent theme and have no relation to each other, they seem to have been literally stapled together based merely on the name contrary to every single other warframe that has consistency between the powers and was then named something that fits. This comes of as rather uninspired/lacking of creativity which is why it's dissapointing.

One cannot be any clearer than that.

Read up on Wukong, man. He's basically a Mary Sue whose primary use in a plot is to screw with everyone for lulz or hand them their collective asses through their mouth.

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Why? All warframes weren't renamed for China Warframe. Why rename China warframes? And everyone outside China having issue with the names of Chinese warframes?

Because we don't like the name Wukong. 


We changed Chroma's entire helmet, why can't we change some text on a screen?

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If you want to get technical, here's a relevant tidbit: Wukong is not actually called Wukong in the Chinese version.

In the trailer, his name is "Great Sage Equal to Heaven", which was the title he gave himself the first time he declared war on Heaven. It's pretty much synonymous with the character in the same way that Batman is the Dark Knight, but technically, he's not actually called Wukong.

Then again this might just be the naming scheme the Chinese version uses since Excalibur is just called "Holy Sword".

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As a part of the western world, I disagree. Loki is fine as Loki is - he has an identity (trickster) that isn't JUST the Norse character. Same for Atlas (geomancer/brawler). Wukong IS as Wukong is - that's the PROBLEM! He's NOT an archetype he's a CHARACTER!


Can there BE other interpretations of characters? YES! OF COURSE! I'm not STUPID!


But Warframe has thus far been about archetypes and themes, not just about directly referencing source materials - unlike the other examples you posted (in which some cases the comparisons to the original character - especially with Goku and Luffy - are overshadowed by the characters INDIVIDUAL history and personality).


It just feels a TOUCH out of place to me and others. I'm forgiving of it, but I can see where they come from.


As for a name: Xiong, which, based on what I could find, can mean anything from hero, heroic, powerful, mighty. Leaving the abilities and appearance to pay homage to the tale while allowing the Warframe to maintain it's own identity - something of the inverse of what Excalibur does.


What about Vauban? No one here knew who Vauban was before he dropped in the game.

And you cant really say that Vauban is an archetype.


BTW, Wukong does have some characteristics that follow whenever some using him as a base.

Wukong is a rebel that does what he wants. He doesnt care about rules, he is the original Han Solo.


Maybe this is DE first attempt at bring stories through Warframes?

Maybe Wukong frame is going to bring up questions about the evil "lotus." Wukong frame may actually have memories of what happened! And with his rebel style the game can now have another faction.

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What about Vauban? No one here knew who Vauban was before he dropped in the game.

And you cant really say that Vauban is an archetype.


BTW, Wukong does have some characteristics that follow whenever some using him as a base.

Wukong is a rebel that does what he wants. He doesnt care about rules, he is the original Han Solo.


Maybe this is DE first attempt at bring stories through Warframes?

Maybe Wukong frame is going to bring up questions about the evil "lotus." Wukong frame may actually have memories of what happened! And with his rebel style the game can now have another faction.


The day warframes become fictional/historical characters is the day we lose our identities as individual Tenno, imo. I'm not for it.


Besides, it's not like the devs said to themselves "lets make a Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban Warframe". They made a warframe that made traps, and called him Vauban because of the slight relation. Like every other warframe.


Here, they just remade Wukong as a warframe. I mean, he has several incarnations in other video games already. It's not an original or creative concept.

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Lol, I'm sorry and I mean no insult to anyone, but changing the gender in the title and description was hilarious.

I understand that in 2015 gender borders are....vague, but still I find weird to look at a picture like that and have doubts about the gender just because the guy is skinny.

Equinox was a much more important addition than DE realized, apparently, I can't remember all this gender threads years or even months ago.

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Lol, I'm sorry and I mean no insult to anyone, but changing the gender in the title and description was hilarious.

I understand that in 2015 gender borders are....vague, but still I find weird to look at a picture like that and have doubts about the gender just because the guy is skinny.

Equinox was a much more important addition than DE realized, apparently, I can't remember all this gender threads years or even months ago.


Yeah, it was silly.


The physique of Nehza is a slender male. It's undisputable. Even his influence (Nehza, go figure) is a male deity.


Dunno what makes people so adamant that frames must always be in this male to female to male to female release order. There might even be a female frame between Wukong and Nehza that hasn't been leaked yet.

Edited by IANOBW
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The day warframes become fictional/historical characters is the day we lose our identities as individual Tenno, imo. I'm not for it.


Besides, it's not like the devs said to themselves "lets make a Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban Warframe". They made a warframe that made traps, and called him Vauban because of the slight relation. Like every other warframe.


Here, they just remade Wukong as a warframe. I mean, he has several incarnations in other video games already. It's not an original or creative concept.

Personally don't see the problem with the name Wukong, not when we already have Oberon, Loki and Atlas. Sure his powers may be a little "on the nose" but for me it's not a problem.

Besides, honestly, before these threads, who had actually heard of Wukong? I knew of journey to the west and monkey but that's about it. 90% of players will think it's just a made up name like Donkey Kong or King Kong anyway.

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