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Warframe China New Frame Revealed "nezha"? (Update) [Megathread]


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if you change the basic expression of saints/heros/gods or helpers/protectors lets say from "some realm" from whatever history of whatever race on earth you get more then troubles in your life ... you move all the good things which they stand for against yourself by your own responsability ...


and why doing it ?

Edited by DUR4NDAL
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Think there's a megathread for it somewhere. It's definitely been talked about and for a while.


Despite some of the complaints around it I'm looking forward to it, and Wukong. Just looks fancy. Hoping it's interesting to use.

Edited by Naith
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So I just finally found this thread. Heard the name pop up in game a few times and didn't know what it was about. Now, lemme just say. I have no issue with DE's involvement and visits to china giving them inspiration. None at all. In fact, I'm happy. We were missing some of that. What I DO have an issue with however is:


- The fact that there is no "creativity" whatsoever outside of the "design" to fit into warframe's style. The names are exactly the same. The powers are literally the powers they have in the stories. There's a difference between inspiration like they have with say the archer frame with her poison frog touch and what they are doing here which is straight up just copying something.


- DE seems to have absolutely no control whatsoever about what is going on over at Changyou. They make what they want, copy anything they want with no creativity (big surprise after what happened with the "advertising with fanart" fiasco). They don't care about what DE themselves are doing and their release orders. They seem to have ultimate power over making whatever they want to add into the game whenever they want, which then ends up back in the normal game because if they get exclusives, half the fanbase over here will riot. The tangible lack of control I feel DE has over them needs to change. DE should seem very obviously in charge- as they are supposed to be.


- DE has made some stuff that has chinese influence and inspiration, but Changyou literally stylizes it 100% chinese with seemingly no other thought put into it whatsoever like EVERYTHING else in the warframe universe always has been. It's like they feel like other cultures have no right making their way into a game they signed a deal to allow into their country. This all kinda overlaps with parts one and two, but this is more about the feeling of disrespect for anything non-china that I personally feel like is emanating from the Chinese version of the game. I could be wrong, but my gut feelings are usually right. One might say "well obviously nunchucks and wukong and nezha are chinese things, they're gonna be chinese." but this again goes into the whole thing of "inspiration from multiple sources" vs just using one culture's designs completely without any other thought.


I'm not trying to bash Changyou or "chinaframe". I think nezha looks cool (other than this weird power ranger vibe I'm getting from him). Hek, his powers sound like he's a mix between a male ember and what oberon wants to be (he still needs a rework btw. After mag maybe, DE?). I just feel like there's a lack of control when DE is supposed to have that control, and that scares me. I had faith after reading all the legal papers they released for us to read that DE would stay in complete control and everything will be fine, but what was written is just barely being maintained in what has actually happened so far. Like it's treading on a tightrope.


End wall of text and concerns.

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Exaggeration much? We have twenty some frames, not including Primes. We got a handful already based on Gods, historical figures, and monsters (Atlas, Nyx, Loki,Oberon, Excalibur, Banshee, Valkyr, all made long before China got into the picture), but China starts getting some based on their Gods and suddenly its a problem?

The issue isn't it being "based on" their gods. It's being a blatant copy without any originality whatsoever and a stark contrast to the existing warframe universe as a whole... Valkyr is based on a valkyr with their songs of war (I believe?). Twist: she screams instead because she's been tortured. Nyx: goddess of the night. Twist: "blinds" her enemies... mentally. Banshee... ok well this one fair enough. Excalibur: Master of the sword- rather than an actual sword (then again that kinda changed a bit with his rework and new 4). Loki: trickster god- not really copying any "powers" loki is particularly famous for here... Wukong: wukongs staff... cloud walking... actually CALLED wukong, the monkey king, and looks/acts like a monkey guy... Nezha: nezha's fire ring... actually physically modeled as well on the back, rather than just having a ring of fire for an ability. Actually called nezha.  Starting to see the "issue" people have with it now?

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Yes, Nezha warframe is arriving with our chinese counterparts tomorrow. 11th of November is a special date in china as it is a day where single people look for partners. 

Also to coincide on this date, they are giving away free "dual prova" type weapons to lucky people who claim it when the timer is up <refer to pic>




Claim button only available after countdown finishes:




I am not sure what the dual prova type weapon is like as we dont have it here yet and there isnt much to go on over at the chinese forums. Hopefully I can get my hands on one and post some videos of what it is. wish me luck :)


In other news, Chinese warframe will be getting:


- Law of Retribution 

- Patient Zero Quest

- Mesa Warframe

- Tonkor

- Kohm

- Redemeer


I will login when I get back home and see if there are anymore sutff in the game itself and post them when I can.


Meanwhile, stay tuned :)

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Meh, It's fine, they need to load all the base content, then give us the content.

Wait..is this allowed? to post?


Wait a second, once all the content is translated to chinese we should be getting chinaframe restricted stuff?

I'm going to assume that for the time being, since mesa didn't come to them till now..


Wait...what is gump****?


Sooo here's my question, once Ne zha becomes released, HOW would it be Obtained?


Wu-kong seemed like it was Purchase only.

I don't want a frame that can only be purchased...I want to grind for it, since my luck with Rng is too good..I give up grinding for nova on my first try.


Wait, Who upvoted my post?


Once Ne zha comes out, I wish it replaces Phobos's drop for trinity, and makes Bursa's appear in corpus missions(to drop mods and trinity parts.).

Edited by Magnulast
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Of course, instead of making a decent machete stance they just turn machetes into staffs. Classic DE.

DE doesn't do everything with Chinese warframe, that's Changyou, pretty much everything that comes from warframe china to global is made by Changyou, maybe edited by DE

Everything that comes to Warframe China from global is DE thought

Can you tell us about Ne Zha's powers when you get a chance? I'd be really interested if you could.


Edited by BabyKurama
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Jesus man! Your tabs!


Still, I almost kinda respect Chinaframe for getting these guys before us - just as PC tests the bugs and glitches out for the Consoles, I'm choosing to think that Chinaframe's going to inadvertently be doing the same for these particular Warframes.

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DE doesn't do everything with Chinese warframe, that's Changyou, pretty much everything that comes from warframe china to global is made by Changyou, maybe edited by DE

Everything that comes to Warframe China from global is DE thought



Someone else perpetuating false information. DE creates all assets in the game. Just like they made Wukong and Excalibur Umbra (Prime), they also made Ne zha. Changyou publishes the game, markets the game, and sets prices in China.

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Yes, Nezha warframe is arriving with our chinese counterparts tomorrow. 11th of November is a special date in china as it is a day where single people look for partners. 

Also to coincide on this date, they are giving away free "dual prova" type weapons to lucky people who claim it when the timer is up <refer to pic>




Claim button only available after countdown finishes:




I am not sure what the dual prova type weapon is like as we dont have it here yet and there isnt much to go on over at the chinese forums. Hopefully I can get my hands on one and post some videos of what it is. wish me luck :)


In other news, Chinese warframe will be getting:


- Law of Retribution 

- Patient Zero Quest

- Mesa Warframe

- Tonkor

- Kohm

- Redemeer


I will login when I get back home and see if there are anymore sutff in the game itself and post them when I can.


Meanwhile, stay tuned :)

Thanks for posting this!

Get the Tonkor! You won't regret it! It will require a lot of forma and modding but it is the most endgame weapon out there!

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Someone else perpetuating false information. DE creates all assets in the game. Just like they made Wukong and Excalibur Umbra (Prime), they also made Ne zha. Changyou publishes the game, markets the game, and sets prices in China

I swear i read somewhere that its Changyou :/ well F*** then hate when u get one false info

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