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Why Most Players Choose Hexis Suda And Steel


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I totally disagree. It's a game, and it even has zero consequences for picking anything at random, other then the kill squads from the other sides.


I heard this argument in EVE Online saying that people don't want to be Amarr because they are religious zelots and endorse slavery, when people only really cared about what ships they actually had to fly.


People will pick a Syndicate based on things they want off their reward charts. If you think they really care about a non-existent, totally made up ideology, well, you worry me, actually.


With that logic, then no one would want to play a game like Call Of Duty, because you are killing hundreds of people in cold blood for your personal entertainment, and since no "normal" person would want to be associated with killing, then people that do play it must like killing.


You monster.

well that's a real world and logical responce, but I can't help but notice that everyone around me was the left 3 syndicates and I was wondering why, Even I was, so it's obvious why even famous youtubers point it out. 

I picked the left three and my friend picked the right three...so we could trade things between one another. '_'

same. He liked getting infinite ext, int, and cap missions.  

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I only chose Arbiters because of their direct links to the tenno. Suda followed because of their allegiance. Steel was chosen because of no conflict. 


The lack of more info on the syndicates leaves a lot of the interpretations of their philosophy out to interpretation. Which means that a lot of what is discussed here comes from each of our perspectives. 


Which is pretty cool, since it does lead to some good discussion on the beliefs/philosophies/ideologies of the syndicates.


That said, I'm almost certain that quite a lot of us chose based on physical looks or their reward items. Probably truer now that we have syndicate primaries/secondaries.

Edited by XaxalShiba
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It's all about ideology

Steel- Protect the weak

Hexis- Pursue and even greater truth 

Suda- Learn more


Perrin- Cold brutal Capitalism

Veil- Extremism that supports utter violence, also sounds like communism

Loka- Humans are the master race everyone else is inferior 

I don't know about you guys, but that's the vibes I get, and no one wants to be associated with the bottom 3 meanings


Steel. While their intention is good, they only help grineer defectors, not others. Even totally hostile to ex-Corpus, which look for same intention, but different road and way of approaching problem.


Hexis. They basically want Tenno to make a kingdom, possibly isolate Tenno from others conflict if succeeded. Basically making a Tenno Caliphate paradise.


Suda. Learn more, but destroy everything that didn't take their interest. If they found something in a colony and they aren't interested in civilian colony, they will just destroy the colony because "it's in the way"


Perrin. They basically help people with supplies, terraforming engines, food, transport. Things that could make civilization carry on. They have higher chance of success than other syndicates.


Veil. Yes, they look like tenno jihadist and the assassins, but have you look around? Warframe universe is totally corrupt and a big pile of mess. Degenerated and xenophobic clone warlike race. A group of brainwashed, monopolistic, armed merchant who worship some old lost tech. Unchecked virus that infects solar system. And with the rumors of old enemies coming back from beyond the solar system, pushing reset button doesn't sound like bad idea. They will work, IF they removed themselves after the purge.


Loka. We've gone too far. basically, every race in Warframe except for Sentients are descendant of human from earth. Coming back home could fix the problems. Maybe not every problem will be solve. But try not to lose your indentity, that's their message.

Edited by dataman88
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I typically just choose whichever has what I need at the time, and separate my headcanon entirely from what my actions may be in-game. 

hmmm big point lol I guess I thought the cephalons and arbiters looked and sounded cool, and steel happened to have a cool voice, whoever voiced the steel girl. 

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Perrin Sequence - Create a Peaceful System

New Loka - Return to a point where humans aren't systematically enslaved

Red Veil - Overthrow a corrupt and genocidal system


Suda - Disregard the suffering of other's to pursue own interests

Arbiters - Tenno are the Master Race. Tenno should rule over the lesser races. We shall advise them.

Steel - Protect the weak (Hard to make themselves sound bad)

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You know person who calls somebody a racist can be just as much racist.


You are thinking a bit wrong. What comes on Perrin and Loka. Who wouldn't despice Grineer when they makes everybody else be their slaves? Well I would gladly despice grineer greatly from making my people be their *****.


Perrin is just collection of merchants who works through gaining money to make system be much more open to everybody.


What comes on Red Veil... Well they are just as much bad and good. They assassinate people who are corrupted. (Mostly those who bathed in sins)

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RV, I don't view them as the "We want to burn everything and kill off everything on the face of our sol M.D. Geist style" That just produces Edgy outlooks. How I view them is that their the REAL weak ones in the circle and have been caught up in a war that they can't stand for themselves in... So what did they do? They want to "Burn" the galaxy, I use the term "burn" as more of a... "We want to stand up and be known and feared as our ancestors" was.


About Red Veil "weakness", I don't think that's really the spirit. Here is what I think :


There are 2 factions : Grineer and Corpus. They see 2 peoples bathing in corruption. One seeks total domination, brings terror and death and has its very DNA twisted by cloning, The other seeks profit at all cost, embodoying greediness and its vices. There can't be peace when both sides fight for evil goals. The only way is to get rid of them. They must be purged, like the devil, so the peaceful minorities can grow and make a pacific system from the ashes of the old and corrupted Origin System (hence the "cleansing fire"). Where the forest has burned, there is ground for a new and more properous life.


This is how I see the way of Red Veil. They have to be more evil than the one they fight, so they can exterminate it. They are the necessary evil, so the others can keep their hands clean.

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I went with Red Veil/Perrin Sequence.   Here's my views:


Red Veil knows that the power structures in place are so corrupt that they must be destroyed before anything can be good again.  They are likely correct, when you consider that the Grineer and Corpus seem to be the major factions controlling most of the Solar System.


New Loka is trying to fix the planet earth and the human race.  And Earth is pretty much a dump, and pure humans are a rarity it seems, so I don't think of them as bad at all.   


Perrin Sequence is not the Corpus, they don't seek to push perpetual war and act as arms dealers to all parties - instead they recognize that the greatest profit is peace for all. 



Cephalon Suda is inhuman, possesses no empathy, and really trusting her is super questionable.  (just like Simaris, cough, cough)


Arbiters of Hexis are philosophers who encourage the Tenno to withdraw from conflict, while this is a noble idea, but without the Tenno the Solar System will likely fall to a dark fate at the hands of the Grineer or the Infestation.


Steel Meridian just seem like good guys, I can't really criticize them at all.


As for the Steel Meridian/Perrin Sequence relations, they don't trust each other because they were both formerly mortal enemies when they were previously loyal Grineer and Corpus.   That kind of distrust dies hard.

Edited by KalastRaven
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Isn't it obvious? When syndicates first came out hexis gave you t4s, steel gave t4d and I forget what suda gave but the fact that left wing gave you t4s and t4d was amazing for higher leveled players that weren't as concerned in obtaining the credit loving right wing that gave t4c and t4ext

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I think veil is not communism, its substantially more simple Totalitarism and fascism. They are extremely xenophobes and extremists. communism is much more.... complicated than that.

yeah... Kinda like, you know... post WW1 Germany? i.e. Nazis?

Like, I swear, wanting to kill  everyone else because you feel inferior and entitled to greatness is NOT a good line of thinking.


Except that is not indicated anywhere by their description or lines. They want to remove the Grineer, Corpus and Infested from the system. That's it. The devs have even gone on record saying that they don't attack civilians.


Hell, their goals are actually very similar to the ours.

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I see lots of 2 syndicates casuals -*clears throat*- if I may, syndicate content is so sporadically released that it pays off to level 4 at a time, even if at a bit slower pace.


Loka, Veil, Perrin and Steel here.


Just wear Loka and Veil sigils, while managing the other 2. After understanding this management you can wear Steel and Perrin sigils to hasten something you might need from them, at the expense of one of your other syndicates just making sure you don't derank - since despite DE stating that after deranking you wouldn't need a sacrifice in an eventual reranking, it doesn't actually work like that-.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see lots of 2 syndicates casuals -*clears throat*- if I may, syndicate content is so sporadically released that it pays off to level 4 at a time, even if at a bit slower pace.


Loka, Veil, Perrin and Steel here.


Just wear Loka and Veil sigils, while managing the other 2. After understanding this management you can wear Steel and Perrin sigils to hasten something you might need from them, at the expense of one of your other syndicates just making sure you don't derank - since despite DE stating that after deranking you wouldn't need a sacrifice in an eventual reranking, it doesn't actually work like that-.


I went for 3 for lore reasons.


As, far as why I picked steel. I like shotguns,they have shotguns. They have a pistol that may as well be a shotgun. I can dig It.


But, really when everything is said and done for me.


Too much edge in the red veil. I see enough red and black from the Stalker.


And If he is related to the red veil like some believe. More of a reason to dislike him.

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