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Why Does Everyone Hate Chroma?

(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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His 1st and 4th need tweaks. First needs more of an umf and his 4th needs to drain waaay less energy then it does now since they changed its drain to be duration based. So his 4th is kinda underpowered even if you can make really high duration. You spend more time looking for energy then fighting.

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I love Chroma. I hate spectral scream. This is one of the most worthless abilities in the game. It has mediocre damage, reduces your mobility making you a easy target, has mediocre range, uses quite a lot of energy and the status chance is not enough to compensate all of this. It is completely overshadowed by Ignis in my opinion. And Effigy uses too much energy. Also toxin Chroma is not so good, it could give some sort melee buff like increase damage reduction when blocking.

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I like him but his 1 and 4 do need a lot of buff, either damage buff or cc type buff to make them useful at mid high levels. And you know lot of people like saryn because you can just sit there press 4, which is apparentely fun for them. Not judging, just not for me

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frankly he has only a vague similarity to the original dragon concept, which made a lot of people angry because that concept was genius.  OH and dont be the one to say that "oh its DE's game they can change it all they want"  i know that. 

Edited by robertgk2017
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I love Chroma, I just wish all 4 elements have the same role power as Ice and Fire can have. He's an amazing tank, but not anything else going for him. And I don't see taunt/pulling mechanics being brought into full force for Warframe, or into his kit at all. 

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He doesn't look anything like a dragon.

His skills are not very dragon like.

He looks ugly.

He is boring to play. (You basically just cast his two defence skills once every minute or so).

Despite Chroma being pretty much only useful as a tank, Trinity still out does him as a tank, while also being more helpful to a team and more involved when it comes to her skill utilization.

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Tested Effigy with max power strength fire element on Sechura/ODD with a friend playing Trinity and some randoms.


I wasn't very impressed, although I suppose if you're in it for credits, Effigy does help you make the most out of your runs. It's also a bit aggravating that the ideal builds for Vex Armor/Elemental Ward and Effigy are fairly different, but that's fairly typical in this game.

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I pretty much main Chroma just one of the things I hate about him is the fact that he can be quite boring and too easy to play .... it's mostly just pop 2 and 3 then faceroll the keyboard and do whatever you want for a minute.

For a dragon themed frame he doesn't really live up to it.

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frankly he has only a vague similarity to the original dragon concept, which made a lot of people angry because that concept was genius. OH and dont be the one to say that "oh its DE's game they can change it all they want" i know that.

Oh good lord - that was not an officially picked concept - it was not taken by DE and adjusted. It was just fan art - nicely presented - but nothing more.

It was also boring and unoriginal in myriad ways - it was basically Rhino in Skyrim Armor. Maybe a vocal segment of playerbase wanted that but I for one was seriously unimpressed.

DE never said "we picked that fan art concept and made it" - they just said they'd made a popular and often asked for theme - ie. Dragon.

Frankly, what they did was awesome - the Drac helm is awesome - and nothing has displeased me more than seeing the juvenile rage that got the helm changed to the gecko helm.

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I love Chroma, he is my fav and go to frame. I think the hate towards him is because people just dont know how to play and mod him, I had the same problem but TacticalPotato helped me with this Chroma vids, so I modded mine, gave him a new paintjob and now I love him.

2+3 Builds > 1+4 builds


For people that dont like his colour scheme - go for a white one, example :
Edited by [DE]Danielle
Merged posts :)
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I have never heard of people hating on Chroma, but it all comes down to opinion. Chroma is a great frame, if they don't like him, then they don't like him. Don't waste your energy on them. Their opinions don't matter. The only opinion that matters is your own. Forget everyone else.

Well elsewhere people say Chroma is a bad frame due to the only useful ability is Vex Armor. And they are comparing that to Hysteria saying that Vex is bad compared to that.

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I enjoy Chroma, although he does have a few problems;


- out of the 4 elements he can deal, each one already has a frame that specializes in that damage type, the only one that COULD be viable is Toxin, but that does nothing more than increase weapon swap speed, which is kind of useless compared to giving Health/Shield buffs.


- Efficiency is not a word in Chroma's Dictionary; Even Mesa doesn't chew through energy like Chroma does, and efficiency mods seem to do nothing to help. I know his efficiency was nerfed, but I think it was nerfed a bit too much.


- his Prime version (when it appears) - this is more of a nit-pick, but how can a Frame based off of Infested Biology look good as a Prime? will we see an alternate skin for Chroma?


I think if they changed Toxin Chroma to Viral Chroma, that has better buffs, such as giving allies a Viral field that procs nearby enemies, or maybe even turning enemies into allied infested Creatures that turn on their former friends! something like that would make Chroma a way more interesting frame!


and yes, a Frame can deal a secondary Damage type (Oberon's Radiation for example)

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