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What Do You Believe Will Be Your Biggest Disappointment With U18?


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Why so pessimistic? Are you determined to be disappointed? Is there something you want to talk about?


"Hope for the best, expect the worst" is a very appropriate axiom when contemplating future Warframe updates.


For example, I hoped to get some cool Warframe accessories comparable to Pyra Prime or Targis Prime with Trinity Prime Access, but instead I got a minuscule ribbon along with pig armor for a companion with broken AI and pathfinding.


This also applies to the actual game: I hope for a Trinity Prime Blueprint, but I expect a Tower II Defense key.

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Multishot change is eh. Pretty much a glorified firerate mod. Hope the change comes with a really good enemy balance.


That, and RNG/grindfest quest. Like, I get that 90% of the game consists of grinding and RNG but come the f**k on, you just locked the damn "story mode" behind an infested ballsack of a drop table.


Oh, right, forgot one thing...












The community ;^)

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The Second Dream not being what it is told to be and further extending this damn 2 year long debate that should have ended a while ago.

no matter what the quest reveals, there are going to be people who insist on interpreting it as meaning something else, further continuing the debate.
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the new starchart


and also if we dont get kavats

we won't. The wild ones will likely be added but not pets until later

no matter what the quest reveals, there are going to be people who insist on interpreting it as meaning something else, further continuing the debate.

I'd be happy if it ended some of the debate, I'm sad if my ideas for lore are totally different. But really nothing can kill off those people with ideas about the link the Dark Sector

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This thread is more like a request to complain, sh;t chat and barely an discussion. 


I'll be honest, it wasn't intended as such. I wanted to view what it is that people would find the most disappointing, just out of curiosity, and if people talked and discussed things, that's a definite plus.

My apologies if I upset you from such a simple topic. I just wanted to see what people's worries were, and the like. No harm in that.


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