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If You Could Prime A Mod, What Would It Be?


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I'm not sure where the idea that Primed Streamline is OP came from. Anyone with a basic understanding of the energy system and efficiency would know that it isn't. Hell, Primed Continuity is MUCH more powerful than Primed Streamline would be.

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Primed Patagium (200% Aim Glide and Wall hang)

Primed Antitoxin (75% Toxin Resistance)

Primed Heavy Impact (causes explosions when you land, ragdolling every enemy away from point of impact)

Primed Covert Lethality (+200 damage to base weapon, enemies stealthily killed add their health to the damage of next attack)

Primed Vacuum (I think someone already said this one)

Primed Concealed Explosives (Enemies killed by shurikens/knives explode on death, dealing half their max health in an 8m radius)

Primed Explosive Ledgerman (Any unused pickups turn into homing missiles dealing 100 finisher damage each)



@Dairaion I could definitely go for Primed Iron Shrapnel

@Kihana Certainly would buy a Primed Ammo Stock. Put it on Kohm with Tainted Mag become a sentry gun :D

@Whoever said Primed Animal Instinct... YES I want this amount of utility!!!

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1. Primed fast deflection

2. Primed fortitude

Max P fast deflection + Max P fortitude + Max Vigor + Redirection + Vitallity + Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + (insert wanted mod here) + Volt= god mode


If possible, I want a mod that shortens the three secs needed to recharge sheilds.

1. Primed fast deflection

2. Primed fortitude

Max P fast deflection + Max P fortitude + Max Vigor + Redirection + Vitallity + Quick Thinking + Primed Flow + (insert wanted mod here) + Volt= god mode


If possible, I want a mod that shortens the three secs needed to recharge sheilds.

Although there is a conclave mod that does that, it's only in conclave.

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