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Almost Everything Past Mid-Game Isn't Challenging Anymore.


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Conclave isn't exactly challenging. You hide, run, chase than kill someone. If you haven't died yet you bullet jump away.

And this thread's about PVE, not PVP

PVE =/= PVP.

CTC: a guy just bullet jumping and rolling at random places with the flag. There's nothing more annoying than the guy who only does that.


.... wait there's that one who flicks around the map with 900 ping.


Those 2 are the real challenge.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Another topic that thinks bullet sponge = challenge. If thats the case, remove your mods.

In the bin this tired topic goes. It makes me wonder who is or isn't paid to promote nerfs just so DE can stall for more time by making things take longer, until they release newer content.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Dear OP, please attach a screenshot of your boltor/boltor prime in mod menu.


I find it a little hard to believe that you find everything so easy, yet don't have any maxed gear.


Perhaps you are just lucky and keep joining guys who carry you all the time, if so then you should buy a lottery ticket!

Started a second account, because of science, and did T4D after 3 day of playing with potatoed Attica R7 Serration as well as other not fully maxed standard dmg mods and even without Split Chaimber. Could easily hold my own till 20 waves, only Eximus units were aproblem.


The game is too easy, it never was hard from the beggining.


Oh. And that meme with scumbag-Rhino is out of place, because there is no content that requires 8 forma in weapons.


Hopefully starchart rework will bring some fresh air into te game.

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I didn't read all but I get what you're talking about but look at it from diffrent perspective:

You go to the gym to gain strength but in the beginning you're weak so you start with 10kg, after few months of regular training that 10kg will feel like nothing to you but still might be a challenge to someone.


Point is: sure there should be something challenging for more powerful players but it also shouldn't make it difficult for everyone.

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I agree that difficulty could use some adjusting but no big changes.

I see new players just die all the time and high level players just yawn a lot off.


What I'm saying is, maybe it would be a good idea to make new player maps a bit easier or have some penalty's which will go away after earth/mercury. (and/or disappear after a certain MR)


Also, I love the MR tests but they are really everything but challenging, I think those need a big rework in making harder to success.

Edited by Sparkfear
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Like I said a bunch of times I don't even have more than 3 forma on my weapons or frames, and I never said it's easy for all players, I said only for end game/near end-game.  I also never said all difficulty should be increased, but only new things for end-game players should be added so they can be challenged once in a while. 

The only thing the upvotes to this show me is that 17 people didn't read anything

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Dear OP, please attach a screenshot of your boltor/boltor prime in mod menu.


I find it a little hard to believe that you find everything so easy, yet don't have any maxed gear.


Perhaps you are just lucky and keep joining guys who carry you all the time, if so then you should buy a lottery ticket!


There you go, and no, I'm not only extremely unlucky when it comes to just about everything, not only do I get paired with people who can't even shoot, but I also usually do all the damage, yet get the most hurt.  It's almost always like that for every game I play.

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I just want to say that end game never exist and it is but a myth, that is unless the make have like world vs world or faction vs faction. Even if De decide to make the pve content to be challenging as possible, it still gonna be easy to veteran and pros so long as it is beatable because our brain is just too awsome at problem solving and pattern recognision. Therefore so long as the game have some beatable mechanics, it wont be challenging for long.


I my self have yet to found a game that is still challeging after I've spend a lot of hours into it, that is unless:

1. the game have a $&*&*#(%& unbeatable mechanic

2.the game require me to fight other human

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A lot of players are casual players. Being casual isn't a bad thing, but this usually indicates that these players aren't nearly as good as more frequent or hardcore players. If you want to see this, hop into lower and mid tier planet nodes and join randoms. Watch how lvl 22 heavy gunners can down people.

The issue is that Warframe is balanced fairly well for the masses, but truly lacks endgame content for vets. You take a casual into a 40 minute T4S, and you will quickly find out how hard the game is for a lot of people, while some of us can get to 60 minutes in our sleep.

I present to you - U18 and end game content (hopefully). The sentient is supposed to be end game orientated content, so now we just have to keep our fingers crossed that the devs deliver something epic. If they don't, then I think this post will hold more validly

Edited by (XB1)G R A V O C
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There you go, and no, I'm not only extremely unlucky when it comes to just about everything, not only do I get paired with people who can't even shoot, but I also usually do all the damage, yet get the most hurt.  It's almost always like that for every game I play.

Well, dang...you actually came through.


Keep on rocking fellow Tenno !

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Well if you don't know how gaming means..... Many of those games have many difficulties to chose. When you max your EQ you can try your luck there, but still its recomended to do it with other members that have maxed EQ too, probably you wont survive solo.

In warframe, you max your EQ and you have no where to go. All is just too easy. Or go to T4Surv and play the whole boring Hour and then action begins.... AFTER A HOUR??!! I would go sleep while playing and just give up of playing longer than 40minutes.

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i found it hard to take serious after mentioning loki. Then, i saw tonkor...
It's an obvious troll-trap.

"game is to easy"
mobs are buffed
"stop making it artificially difficult, it is $&*&*#(%&"
"wtb x arcane for y plat" cause it'd force me to communicate with peeps.

but don't take me serious, i still die in non-endless t4's.

Edited by 5HV3N
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