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Archwing, Fun Or Nah?


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I indeed agree that the grind on Archwing is truly a pain.


For leveling I usually go to interception on Uranus, well not with unranked because then you will be destroyed.

In my opinion that affinity is pretty good but obtaining certain archwing parts truly suck because you're just doing the same mission over and over.

If you aren't really a fan of AW but need these, it will be worse considering the AW trial.


More of an opinion on the current state of ArchWing:
I really like Archwing, you have a very big area to fly around in and it's something different than regular missions without AW.

I wouldn't say I do more Archwing than normal missions but after grinding that one part you just can't seem to get it gets boring running the same mission over and over again. Besides the only negative part I can say is: Loot pickups. 

Because the area is so big and you can move in every direction in quite a big speed you easily miss a lot of drops.

The only solution would playing Itzal but I would so much prefer it more if we get a bit of bigger range on the item pick ups around us (vacuum).

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But doing it ~23 times just to get the part you want isn't fun.


That has nothing to do with Archwing itself, it´s a problem with the whole game. Or youlw you say doing a Void mission 50+ times to get the one itme is fun?

@topic: for me it´s fun, but it needs more Archwings, weapons and nodes. I wanna play Grineer MD with at least lvl 40 enemies.

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It's fun when you have a good team and are just playing for fun.  


Not so much when you're grinding for a part or event score. 

sums it up...


And I would add...also needs some investments, it's not going to be fun without proper modding and leveling.


I'm pretty sure DE would give a damn about the community's hate and proceed to link more relations to Archwing in the game.


I wouldn't got hung up on "because people hate it and it suck" ... I'll just follow along what DE has to offer, I love Archwing with my heart.

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Fun but nah. Flying around in it can be plesant, but the grind for weapons is worse than void grind most of the time. Pewpew is hard though, which makes doing the missions more of a chore at times. Needs more intergration though, flying from ship to ship would be badass, but hard to transition on.

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I like it but it needs:

1) much more enemies, and BIGGER .

2) Dinamic combact and not "stay still and try to catch the enemy".

3) new tracking system

4) tileset size rework

5) more variety in all (enemies, aw, aw weapons, etc...)


7) auto collect drop

8) Ranged assistance for incapacitated ally.

9) Much more control in movements.

10) Different type of missions (and when i see different , i mean totally new, not copied by the main game)

11) Much more 50/50 arch-ground missions.

12) Improve sharkwing speed and interaction with ground for the change of the mode. (More dinamic and fluid change)

13) Much more mods .


Do all this and everyone will play aw.

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It is getting better. But I don't play it just to go do something. To tell the truth it's dorky. Like the funnest part is laughing at how goofy the the poor thing looks. It feels as much as outer space as the old asteroid game. I think what DE wants it to be someday is gonna be really cool. But I don't like it right now. I don't hate it. I just would not play it for no reason.

I like it but it needs:

1) much more enemies, and BIGGER .

2) Dinamic combact and not "stay still and try to catch the enemy".

3) new tracking system

4) tileset size rework

5) more variety in all (enemies, aw, aw weapons, etc...)


7) auto collect drop

8) Ranged assistance for incapacitated ally.

9) Much more control in movements.

10) Different type of missions (and when i see different , i mean totally new, not copied by the main game)

11) Much more 50/50 arch-ground missions.

12) Improve sharkwing speed and interaction with ground for the change of the mode. (More dinamic and fluid change)

13) Much more mods .

Do all this and everyone will play aw.

Dude, you nailed it!
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I like it but it needs:

1) much more enemies, and BIGGER .

2) Dinamic combact and not "stay still and try to catch the enemy".

3) new tracking system

4) tileset size rework

5) more variety in all (enemies, aw, aw weapons, etc...)


7) auto collect drop

8) Ranged assistance for incapacitated ally.

9) Much more control in movements.

10) Different type of missions (and when i see different , i mean totally new, not copied by the main game)

11) Much more 50/50 arch-ground missions.

12) Improve sharkwing speed and interaction with ground for the change of the mode. (More dinamic and fluid change)

13) Much more mods .


Do all this and everyone will play aw.


Even though I might end up protecting DE a little with "Warframe is still beta, bla bla bla"

I truly love these ideas, same with ground enemies, they all look way too much like each other.

But hey, seeing new corpus enemies coming in, I'm excited to see what else will follow (hopefully more diversity for other factions as well)

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I enjoy archwing, it grows better by each big update... it feels like its left alpha and now in Beta.


Corpus trenches off compact high octane flight runs and battles but grineer asteroid fields are open boring missions againt overtly cheap and powerful enemies. Sealab should be fave tile of the lot but too rarely do you actually fight down there and it could do with dedicated sharkwing only exterminate nodes or something, maybe even a submarine hijack?


That aside the modes are same as anywhere else, it only really started to get me hooked though when i got the better mods, frames and weapons - the defaults are efficient but under whelming... you got choices in main mode to fit playstyle, you dont get that in AW and no alternatives are easy acquisitions neither.

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Too slow.  And who seriously thought that it was a good idea to add cramped corridors to a high speed space flight minigame when the camera is offset so it makes it hard to line things up precisely?


You have to start from scratch on mods and gear. It wastes frame revives, but doesn't give frames XP. The levelling speed is abysmal. The default AW gear is boring as hell.



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Currently , nah

 They should add a new corpus tileset that can do archwing + warframe at the same time ( similar to Uranus submersible) ((except not Uranus submersible pls, the speed there is cancerous and its not fun underwater if you cant see what you kill)) 

basically like warframes​ are fighting on land and preferably near a open space area where archwings can do air support.

examples (those corpus rooms with breakable glass, a glass tunnel, on hull of ship, etc)

also make the grattler have a smart blast area, make all weapons hitscan, velocitus is the only sniper-like gun that has no scope, no hitscan​. GG

archwings atm needs rewo​rk

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It's fun when youre moving at speed shooting things in dog fights.. The problem is you need to fight the actual movement limitations to get an enjoyable feel from it. (using rapid combinations shift / space boosts and free aim to dodge incoming projectiles while shooting things to keep your speed up.) The golem showed some glimpse.. But................ ugh... i hate repeating myself ~.~ its like the 5,000thousand time.



Archwing is a snoozefest as soon as you loose all the speed.

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I was fortunate enough to not have to farm that heavily for Elytron, so from time to time I enjoy a bit of AW. I think however they missed a great opportunity here by trying to implent some basic non-AW mechanics into AW.


For instance reviving in AW is an absolute drag and nearly impossible, because you first have to fly over to the person which already takes most of the bleedout time, then you get a tiny small box in which you can revive which you will overshoot 3 times first and then the enemy starts swarming around you and just blasting away rockets depleting your health very VERY fast. 


Also the same swarming mechanics don't work in A. It just feels like you're fighting a swarm of bees with a peashooter. IMO you need enemies like J3 Golem, bigger enemies but harder to kill of as previously mentioned more dogfight-like battles. I always thought that's what they implented AW for in the first place, so they could go bigger. 


Then they totally ignore the best part about AW, which is it's mobility. In Interception and Defense (the only modes which you can sort of level) you just sit around spamming Thumber on Elytron or spraying you peashooter into a mob of enemies flying around. This of course makes it insanely boring, however exterminations and sabotages are focussed more on the mobility which makes these modes much more enjoyable.


Another thing is that enemy levels don't scale up good. You have Erpo and Sabotage and stuff which is easy and then you get an insane peak in Uranus which is void-tier hard. Doesn't make any sense, they should scale down Uranus and maybe implent other AW's on planets further into the solarsystem like phobos, etc. so to more gradually increase the difficulty. 


but that's just my cup of tea, I would love to see some changes. AW already seems to get more popular, so if shows people are still interested in it. 

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