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Feedback Megathread: Saryn Revisited.


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Still literally no reason to use this frame as it exists now. At least with the old Miasma we had a reason to use Saryn at all.


Now, she cannot kill quickly enough to crowd control and survivability through damage dealing. The stun on Miasma does not last even a full second, making it insufficient for crowd control. And her Molt, even with regen, neither draws aggro well enough not lasts long enough not spreads enough toxin, to offer her survivability with that strategy. Saryn is a throwaway frame now. 


I get what DE was going for. But admit you missed the mark and fix it. We have an utterly useless frame at this point. Even the fire mage can deal more damage to armored enemies than the Toxic frame now. And since the later parts of the game are all about armor, well...there you have it: Largely useless frame.

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Not sure what people are freaking out about over this rework. I'm still able to wreck everything relatively quickly and with the recent hotfix, we can constantly viral proc any enemy that appears. I was able to destroy lv 60 Grineer in Draco at 40% power strength with Overextended. 


The only things I have complaints about is Saryn's low HP/Armor and semi-high energy consumption. Hope DE boosts her max energy capacity or maybe even lower the cost of some of her abilities soon. An armor buff to fit Excalibur-level play wouldn't hurt either. 

Edited by [DE]Drew
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Agree 100% with this. Too many people seem to be focusing on her armor and melee skill and trying to max the hell out of str. You dont need to focus on str at all with her. I have no vitality, no redirection, no steel fiber on her only Regen molt. And it gets me so far in the game.

Edited by rawr1254
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Spores skill is much nicer now than before.. It's like a babyi m-prime that cant kill but does damage.. <3 Thankyou i love it.

Molt.. ugh.. The HP/survivability expires so fast T_T I noticed its keeping agro much better now atleast...

Toxic flash.. same feeling as before

Miasma? I dont know..It does what it says it does? what can i say? i never cast it even when it was supposedly overpowered. temporary aoe crowd control is a nice feature.


power strength 125

range 145

efficiency 160

duration 98

Overall without any energy efficiency it feels bad. Occasionally i'll accidently double cast Spores on the same enemy. As im not used to the new audio sound. I do feel energy drains faster. I have'nt been combo'ing the ability because life ingame is hard enough without comboing my way out of energy

Conclusion, love the change to the newly named "spores" ability.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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I really like the changes; Saryn has gone from a press-4 snooze fest (with builds other than negative duration not really possible/effective) to a really entertaining frame to play with. Overall, I think it's a step in the right direction. I've been playing around with some of the weapon combos (Ignis/Phage/Embolist/etc) and it can be pretty entertaining to use alongside Spore/Molt.


However, I still think she's a little resource intensive and slightly mod-complicated. She's essentially shoe-horned into the Rage+Regenerative Molt+Vitality right off the bat, especially since her EHP was reduced and due to the expectation that you'll be in melee range (toxic lash). This takes up at least three slots of the top, and leaves you in a "mediocre" range of bonuses. All of her skills are important for setting up and unleashing combos, so it's important to give each one a little attention.


I've tried to neglect her 3 to save energy (Toxin proc) by using the Phage (not enough shotgun mods to really be an effective primary with Toxin proc, since you're a little limited in the way of elemental mods you can use in order to isolate Toxin itself) and Ignis (better, but slightly more difficult to spread spores due to accuracy/hitscan imo, still my favorite though). Embolist was nice, but the short range and ammo economy left it a little lacking. It's worked fairly well, but I feel like her 3 should also amp all Viral/Toxin damage done by all her weapons, not just her melee weapon.


I love the concept of frames being better paired with certain weapon/elemental combos (along the lines of Volt and Ember).


Overall, I think she makes a decent damage-support frame (if used for Molt+Spore for Viral procs, as I think using Miasma for damage will fall off eventually and cost too much energy to be worth it); however, I still feel there are better frames for damage-support (Nova, Banshee, Mirage, etc) that don't require as much set-up time or specific weapon combinations in order to be as effective. It's nice to at least have another option, though.


Great job overall, but don't stop fine tuning her!

Edited by GideonG
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After the spore buff on auto explode, Spore does better, that auto-pop range is too short though

however Saryn is still a one-trick pony, changing from spamming miasma to spamming spore, GG DE

as we all know damage abilities (to be accurate, damage of DoT abilities) are irrelevant in "high-level content", stacking toxic is still useless

but I can handle that, at least she is not completely useless now

now please buff CC/or add armor removal to miasma, revert the health nerf(we have regenerative molt doesn't mean we must have to use it), scaling molt and buff the damage reduction on contagion


off topic, can we have some vision on the armor scaling rework so we can see how pure damage abilities are viable in the future?

Edited by akira_him
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I have a suggestion: the number of spore on the enemy increase stun duration when casting miasma. And molt add 1 or 2 seconds invincible kinda like frost globe, just to absorb damage, convert it to HP, since at high level, molt die too fast for timing miasma.


I also noticed some odd thing in the test room where enemy don't get stun after getting hit by miasma and they keep attacking. I did see the damage number ticking though.

Edited by Harrycan
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Wheres your screenshot to back it up? Up to LV 60 Grineer, either you were popping energy pads like there was no tomorrow or your EV trin must have some epic back pain right now.

I was still destroying corrupted units 40 minutes into a T3S, whatever level that is. Others were Saryn(MR15), Frost(MR2), and Nova(MR4). Mostly me and the other Saryn using abilities, stacking spores off each other and popping miasma when it got crowded.
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Wheres your screenshot to back it up? Up to LV 60 Grineer, either you were popping energy pads like there was no tomorrow or your EV trin must have some epic back pain right now.

Or you know, they used Streamline and a Primed Flow with Duration and strength mods to do the work.

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Saryn is pretty viable on high level mission since she can do viral proc the entire room, which is insane. Taking out half of enemy hp at t4 60 mins survival mission or above is never wrong.


The only thing that bug me at the moment is that molt gets destroyed too quickly for you to use it on anything at high level.

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While I don't mind the change to her powerset, I am very well against the reduction to her health based on the assumption that everyone uses regenerative molt. This goes against the principle of why you nerfed Greedy Pull back in the days: An augment should not define a warframe.

Edited by DarkSignal
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Lvl60 grineer is serious business now? Level 60 is pretty low..... you are getting to the point where you might consider headshoting with a 5 forma weapon instead of foot shotting everything. If anything level 60 is what end game missions should start enemy levels at.


Banshee and nova do her job much better. She is like oberron, not bad if loki or nyx existed, but sadly both saryn and oberron exist in a world where banshee, nova, loki, and nyx do exist.


A lot of people do realize spore is her best ability, being in denial and white knighting DE while calling other people dumb because they realize this though is just silly, you have to compare things relatively.

Edited by Oishii
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