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Coming Soon: Devstream #63


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Will there be a Nightmare Jordas Verdict Trial coming soon? Most of the bugs have seemed to be worked out and some of us are ready to step it up another notch once more.


Are the Kavats coming soonest / sooner / soon? Also, will the Kavats have their own different type of "breeds" Like Huras and Sunika, or will they just be feline versions of Kubrows. And if so, can we see / hear some of them?


Will the New Star Chart have a different method of resource obtainment? The current system is a bit harsh to new players that need to go several planets and levels ahead of their current skill level to get certain resources, while being a tedious and, to some, boring grind for veteran players farming resources on lower tier planets.


Will Stalker get a New Model in the upcoming quest instead of his current model as a spooky Excalibur with a special helmet? Also any plans to buff him game play wise and / or his item drop rate? 


Awhile back there was a mention on a devstream of giving players a reward for reaching a new mastery rank such as weapon or warframe slots. Has this idea been worked on any further, shelved for later, or has it been trashed?




How is the mastery level requirement for weapons rework / overhaul coming along? 



Thanks and Keep being Awesome y'all!

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Hi De i've never posted before so i don't know i what i ask will be seen but what the heck


Q:when are glaives getting ,buffed? as a throwing weapons, in my opinion and in many others, should be able to stand up to primaries, the cereta was a good melee weapon, but as a throwing weapon, it still stands as being mediocre.


Q: I really like doing melee, but some of what used to be my favorite wepons are now sorely lacking. For example: Polearms, dual daggers(sinking talon specifically), and more have but a single combo.While some have more than one combo, the second or third combo's feel kinda simple compared to others like the nikana class weapons (main culprates being the mnachete stance and gnashing payara)


Q:the mios seems alot like a kusarigama type weapon, after this are their plans for more like it? Also Is there going to be something like a wakazashi/tanto type weapon(daisho) this is a really great idea suggested by someone earlier and i just wanted to support him on that.



Q:Ash is my FAVORITE frame, he was the first I built back in the day and is my most used. While i do love him, I must admit he needs a rework. I know bladestorm is getting a rework, but are there any plans for changing his other abilities?


Also since this is my first post, this is my first chance to thanks you as a development team. I've played alot of mmos and you are the most concerned devs i've ever seen. constantly updating the game, all while maintaining a high standard of quality Thank you, and even if you don't read my post at least it's out there

Edited by tigerbeatsdragon
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Can we expect another tenno gen weapon contest in the future?


what is the status on the upcoming rapier in game? (a large thank you for putting my personal concept in prime time #96)


is there a premium skin for the volt coming down the pipe?


what is your current opinion on sex alternate warframes considering all the premium skins coming out and your previous statements of not making any skins because of the fact they could be turned into another warframe?


any estimates on when U18 will hit?


are we ever going to see the ability to melee without the need of a melee weapon such as in recovery and other special missions normally?

Edited by lightdragon64
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This game is all about ninjas with super powers weilding the gun and blade combo, right? So why put down your assult rifle for a quick slash at the enemy with your sword, then take the time to sheath the sword and pull out the rifle again each time I press "E"? Why not just dual weild like a badass? Wouldn't it be ridiculously awesome if you could have a pistol in your right hand and sword in the other and be able to fire your weapon while in a melee combo, possibly be even part of a combo? For example, what if the combo stunned the enemy, grabbed them, and then forced the barrel of your side arm of choice to their head where you could unload both efficently and satisfyingly. Brutal space ninjas.

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2 Melee Questions here:


1) Are there any plans to be able to equip a second Melee weapon when running melee only and possibly be able to use Quick Melee for the weapon not currently being main-handed (maybe make make the Context Action/Reload button a secondary Quick Melee)? Would make for some nice combos and utility for the different enemies in each mission.


2) Are there any melee reworks in process, like Melee 3.0? Possibly something to help hit flying enemies a little easier.

Edited by (PS4)Ninja_Specter
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This game is all about ninjas with super powers weilding the gun and blade combo, right? So why put down your assult rifle for a quick slash at the enemy with your sword, then take the time to sheath the sword and pull out the rifle again each time I press "E"? Why not just dual weild like a badass? Wouldn't it be ridiculously awesome if you could have a pistol in your right hand and sword in the other and be able to fire your weapon while in a melee combo, possibly be even part of a combo? For example, what if the combo stunned the enemy, grabbed them, and then forced the barrel of your side arm of choice to their head where you could unload both efficently and satisfyingly. Brutal space ninjas.


An idea saying exactly that has been discussed on forums quintillion times already.


AKA. Dual Wield 2.0.

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While I understand if this isn't considered high priority since we have plenty of weapon variety, I wanted to ask if you have plans to do a rework on certain weapons that contain one or more other weapons in their blueprints. While some of these weapons are wonderful additions to the tenno arsenal, others are considered not worth building due to the high amount of materials required, the combined time it takes to craft the component weapons, their inferiority to the weapons you sacrifice to get them, or just being outclassed by weapons that are easier to obtain.

As a side note, it seems strange from a lore standpoint that some grineer weapons require tenno weapons in order to craft. Do the grineer raid tenno armories in order to craft their own weapons? Or do the tenno simply augment their own weapons in order to mimic grineer design?

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To DE,


A few friends and I are wondering; when will the Corpus get their turn?  The Grineer have expanded so much, multiple quests, events, countless unit additions as well as tilesets and almost every boss reworked, as well as a full trial to boot.  While we are appreciative of this growth, it feels like the Corpus have been left behind in terms of advancement.  It feels like you have been relying on Alad V for too long, and that the Corpus have stagnated.  The new units are a step in the right direction, but it feels like they [the Corpus] still need more attention. If you could divulge some ideas/plans you have in store for our resident Avarice-centred cult, it would be greatly appreciated.


Regards, Tenno Dalimir.

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Hey DE Rebecca, Steve, Scott, Sheldon, Geoff, and/or guests,

Thanks for doing what you guys do.  My question is: what could the next specialty Warframe mod slot be?  I was wondering if the idea of an elemental slot, with the purposes of altering or modifying a frame's elemental power damage, has been tossed around?  This thought occurred to me when considering suggestions for frames like Ember, Hydroid, Volt, frames that utilize and may be hindered by powers with elemental applications.  Such frames have great potential, but either haven't realized it through buffs, or simply suffer from late game damage drop off by comparison to other frames.
If their damage has an innate element, unlike consistent hitters like Excal, Mesa, or Ash who only have physical elements, I wonder if this could give most of them the boost they seem to need as some of the elements, and dual elements could stack on their already existing damage type.  It could also alter them for additional damage versus specific factions.  I imagine something along the lines of base elements [heat, cold, electric, and toxin], being silver mods, and the dual elements being gold mods.  If frames like Hydroid or Zephyr had their damage types moved to a base element [i.e. Hydroid moved to cold and Zephyr moved to electric for example] this would seem to allow an elemental mod buff to stack and go further, allowing frames like the aforementioned, or Ember, Saryn, Volt, etc, to potentially take their existing damage types to a new height.  Such a mod slot could create new opportunities for them to utilize different dual element types to make them effective against factions you typically wouldn't want to confront, as well as aid the frames that are already used consistently.   
Again, thanks for all you guys do.


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Excalibur Umbra has not had many details revealed yet, I have a few questions


1. Will Excalibur Umbra be its own warframe like a prime, or just another skin?


2. Will other discontinued prime warframes be getting umbra versions as opposed to just a re-release? Someone mentioned that they would like Umbras to become "a thing"

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Will there ever be a syndicate mission type that lets players pvp their rival syndicate in the regular game mode sort of like stalker and have it conclave based to match them up(similar to dark souls in a way)


And any details on How the Auction type trading will function?

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A question to Scott.

Dear Scott,

I know its your job to solve problems and maybe cause new ones but why do you insist on shouldering everything by yourself?

This game is built around the developer and the community cooperation so let us help you so you can help us!

Lets us help you tweak, improve or even develop something new and you help us by putting it in the game so we can enjoy it!

How we can help you? when you want to rework something, let us know in advance then tell DERebecca to start a thread with the new change then drop the rework and ask us to form our thoughts regarding the change in few days then post our opinions to see how what stays and what changing.

Dont try to do everything by yourself, we are here to help so let us help you!!!!!!



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Any news on any quality of life (or possible rework) for the Limbo warframe in the near future? He is so anti-team friendly at the moment that it is no longer even funny.

Limbo seems to be stuck in this unfortunate place where his abilities are only used to their full potential when combined with the abilities of other warframes, but the coordination required to do this well isn't always readily available. Off the top of my head it strikes me that if his first or second ability was changed so that it creates a portal into the void that people can walk through(similar to nova's 3rd ability), he would be much more team-friendly since everyone in the squad could actively choose if they wanted to be in the void without having to ask.

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I have a question for the dev team regarding the "forgotten weapons", namely the Polearms. These weapons have stances with only two combos, and will almost always require a "Hold" or a "Pause", which is harder to execute than "Walk Forward", "Walk Backward", or "Block". Comparing this with the Claw stances, such as Malicious Raptor, Four Riders and Vermillon Storm, which have four different combos, three of which are easy to execute. The same goes for Staves, Fists, Sparring and all other melee weapon types. I think the Polearms either need a buff or a new stance, is that going to be considered?

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