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Update 17.12.0


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As someone who bought ALL of the deluxe skins when they were a limited time...

I don't care, at all, that they are now back on a permanent basis.

I absolutely do not care. Why should I? Why would I? I had it FIRST. I've had it the LONGEST. That the rest of the plebs can now get it? That the plebs screamed and threw tantrums and threw up their hands and whined like children until they got what they wanted?

Haha. What's even more hilarious are the shrieking children bemoaning that the skins are now permanent. What? Mommy's credit card can't buy you exclusivity anymore? Boo hoo.


My point is that first DE lures you into a quick buy only to make the same skins permanent several weeks later. That's a very cheap trick to pull on loyal fans.


Implying the loyal fans wouldn't buy it instantly on Day One if it was a permanent addition. Are you stupid?

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Implying the loyal fans wouldn't buy it instantly on Day One if it was a permanent addition. Are you stupid?


True. ^^


Although I'm holding off the new Rhino skin until he's reworked. I sort of regret buying the Saryn skin, although the rework is fine and the skin is gorgeous, I don't really like her new playstyle/role (normally I would have waited, but "time exclusive" kinda forced me on that buy).

Edited by Skadedyr
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I don't buy it for the exclusive status (not to mention these "time limits" cycle yearly with DE so everyone can get it, it's not exclusive). I buy them because I skipped on proto-excal when it came out the first time (didn't play excal back then) and kept regretting it for over a year.  


And I'm actually pro-permanency. Hated the fact proto-excal was time limited.


My point (several pages back) is that first DE lures you into a quick buy (with a time exclusive limit, which until now have always been on a yearly cycle) only to make the same skins permanent several weeks later. That's a very cheap trick to pull on loyal fans.   


They should have made it permanent from the start.

so you should be happy they finally corrected that mistake.


i agree they used a cheap marketing tactic they shouldn't have (both morally and economically) but i can forgive them for it and just be glad about the change.


for the record i bought the skins on day one too because i liked them and i think it's a good thing anyone that missed them now has a chance to get them.

Edited by ..atom..
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You're kinda stretching on a few of those but I see what you're getting at. However "Speak softly and carry a big stick" is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt when advising the tactic of caution and non-aggression, backed up by the ability to do violence if required.

oh ok, I didn't know that quote was from Theodore Roosevelt 

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So is Rhinos new skin in the market permanently too?

Yessir!~ Go enjoy! (:


Can't wait for Banshee's!


I'm just excited for her premium skin now, since coincidentally I started using her at the time they revealed it hehe~




#demlegsdoe #ineedherheadphones

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I bought all of those packs when they came out.


Now, my four quarters on this:


Great that they made it permanent! 

I hope i will see more gersemi valkyrs around.


I mean, i'd hate to be the person late for the "exclusive" things. And seeing DE almost never wastes resources - yeah.

Just when i thought they should have had the skins come out permanently - next patch they do that.

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I'm not sure this is like... actually illegal, or just grimy. 


It's neither.


I'm not sure this is like... actually illegal, or just grimy. 

I know when RIOT brought back Limited skins, they refunded people, cause otherwise it's sort of a scam...


Not even remotely.

As it's been stated literally hundreds of times throughout the years, the ONLY "exclusive" items in Warframe as of now are:


- Excalibur Prime

- Lato Prime

- Skana Prime

- Lato Vandal

- Braton Vandal


Everything else can and will most likely make a return at some point after it's been vaulted, unless specifically stated otherwise by DE. This includes the premium skins. Not one single person here is entitled to any form of compensation. We got exactly what we paid for.

Who even came up with the term "time exclusive", anyway?

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As for the discussions on whether time limited and/or exclusive items that pop up again in the future, guys you shouldn't let that bother you. All the items that were made permanent with this update have never been marked as "one time-only exclusive" like the Excalibur, Lato and Skana primes.


They were time-limited, yes, but DE had a change of heart and decided to make them permanently available. There's nothing bad in that.. nobody lost anything. The prices are even the same they were when they were first introduced.



I'm pretty sure that DE at more than one time wanted to reintroduce Excal/Lato/Skana prime, but decided to hold onto their word since they said "It's now or never again".

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uh, which ET ?


Eastern Daylight Time ?

Eastern Standard Time ?

...after reading a whole on the link i provided, the Eastern Daylight Time is not observed during winter

Zones within the daylight saving/summer time zone, in the winter some places will switch to the corresponding standard time zone: EST (Eastern Standard Time).

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