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Time Limited Exclusives!


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Holds as much weight on Warframe now as pre-orders do for digital copies. You're going to get them anyways eventually so why bother? Gersemi came out what, a few weeks ago? Not mad about skins being available just the marketing used to sell it was bust. So what are your feelings on this bait n switch?

For the love of god, it's not a bait and switch. People have been begging for this to happen for ages.

How about people getting arsepains over this grow up and stop whining over nothing.

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I don't think it's bait and switch. I think that the skins, when released, were a success but there was enough outcry in the community that pressured them into changing their strategy in regards to the timed exclusive stuff. I think that it's better for them long run to just keep the stuff in the market full time. 

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Keep the buzzwords to reddit plz


eh WRONG, we knew they'll come back next year, so don't come with the "never coming back" dumbass.


Ok, I promise to never in a million years ever hyperbole again.


dont care?


let others be able to buy is fair, and is something many in the community wanted 


i dont feel trickedor baited


seriously, have you played destiny xD roflmao


if not dont or you'll feel more betrayal in a game company then ever before 


Destiny is actually an enlightening think piece on the direction the gaming industry will go. It's "Destiny" as you will. Chortle chortle.

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Oh "that"? It's not going anywhere. Where'd you get that idea from?

There's a difference between limited and exclusivity. And didn't someone else recommended you to get arse pills? They're helpful

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Did anyone actually think that those skins were a one-time-only thing? There was WAY too much work put into them for them to be around for two weeks and never be seen again. If you think that you were "tricked" into buying them, then you're fooling yourself.

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Medically speaking, it's one of the best ways to get medicine into your system quickly - the membranes are really thin there, so it'd get absorbed into your system faster.


But TC can't use those. He's too butthurt from not being a special snowflake anymore.


All jokes aside you need to chill Tactless_Ninja. It's not as if the skins being a permanent market item suddenly erases the skins you've already bought.

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