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New Quest: The Second Dream [U18 Megathread/spoilers]


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i am torn about this quest. i thought the quest itself was well done, but much like Mass Effect 3 the ending ruined it. I did not care to count how long i was stunlocked because the stalkers strikes were endless and my mind bolts were not


-On that note, i am also somewhat disappointing with our status as operator. my headcanon was already similar, but i did not expect us to be so hale, nor so... incredibly annoying and naive sounding. Please tell me there will be an option to mute the operator, minor lore tidbits aside, i feel it breaks immersion having the game tell you what your character thinks


-on the topic of the sentient, they need some major changes. i understand they are supposed to be high tier enemies, but the fact that i cannot bring weapons with even remotely similar damage makes these missions aggravating to say the least. I like to theme my equipment and this forces me into a hodgepodge of gear.


-very much glad to see Alad V back he is my waifu


-I am immensely pleased with the sorties, Bravo


-Focus is weird, don't think ill be using it often but that's no reason to stop other people from using it.


-i will probably make an in depth thread about why i take umbrage with the particular way the operator was done.

-if anyone would direct me to the thread where the dread M0reco lurks i would appreciate it

How is this anything like Mass effect 3's ending?


That ending basically made your character's ingame decisions null and void. The only thing this reveal has done is ruin your headcanon. 

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Was excited to start a new, very hyped quest. Until it starts with a @(*()$ retarted Sabotage mission. I hate this type of mission with a passion normally reserved for pedophiles and Islamic extremists and am now forced into one to see where the story leads? No thank you. Thanks for nothing DE.


O.K. after a couple days of playing I am still a fan of the game and the update. My apologies for the harsh words. Still despise Sabotage missions though.

Edited by MidgetSasquatch
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Was excited to start a new, very hyped quest. Until it starts with a @(*()$ retarted Sabotage mission. I hate this type of mission with a passion normally reserved for pedophiles and Islamic extremists and am now forced into one to see where the story leads? No thank you. Thanks for nothing DE.

Get over yourself and play it.

It's hardly a sabotage anyways, they just needed a label.

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BTW 10 thousand screenshots i made from this quest can be my wallpapers for 10 years or so :)


2 thing i forgot to mention -

1 PLS give us an option to replay this quest so i can do it  with any frame i want !!!

2 is Soundtrack - this music is GODLY awesome pls give us a chance listen it again and again not only when we playing this quest :)

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I really did not enjoy the first part or the second.  I really enoyed the later parts, except the very last bit.  It took me every ounce of patience I had in me to not scream bloody murder.  It was an exercise in frustration the likes of which I am more comfortable facing in other games wherein the full of the game is unforgiving.

The problem is definetely the Stalker's energy wave knocking you back way too much. I also needed to figure out how to block them.

Anyways, finished the quest. So many thoughts, both good and bad.


The really bad:


-The Stalker part at the end (because of the knockback)


The good:


-DE preparated by making the most important part a solo quest. Good job there, because some people usually skip and run like crazy.

-The ending plot twist. My jaw was wide open, dragged to the floor.

-The half-Bethesda character creation. Jokes aside, I was not expecting to customize myself. This being your first time doing this kind of stuff, I thought you played it great.

-The whole Stalker stuff. You gave him feelings, you gave him reason, you gave him EVERYTHING. I've felt something for that random assassin that just looked cool, well done. Extra point for looking cooler from now on.

-The Moon.


-Alad V. Not only is he cured (kind of), he was the last character I expected to return. Hope the future crosses him back with us.

-The general story pace and developing.


And of course... MOMMA LOTUS! :)

The bad:

-Now we'll end up paying plat to customize that guy/gal we'll never almost see :P

-Zariman child Prime

-Did I mention plats?

TL;DR: Thanks DE. Special shotout to Steve for the Focus system twist at the end, glad to see it finally arrived. And to everyone for this magnicifent work.


Also, if we can't replay the cutscenes, would you be able guys to upload it to YouTube in some days as private videos? So people who have seen them can replay them, but we can keep spoilers to a minimum for those who want to avoid 'em.

Thus we end the year of quality. Wow.

EDIT: Shotout at the soundtrack too:

1-I truly thank the audio team for this

2- Gimme gimme gimme? :P

Edited by NightmareT12
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Well this was interesting to say the least.

I expected a reveal, but not one going so far with the Tenno as characters.

Congrats DE on a job well done.

However once again i feel like there is an elephant in the room. Mainly, what about the thousands of other Tenno out there?

It's official, as seen by the Relays, that our Tenno is not the only one in the solar system and i assume our Tenno is NOT meant to also controll all the other Warframes we see.

So what are we supposed to think happens to the others out there? Did they experience the same events as our characters did, or just a less "dramatic" version of it?

Basicly what are we supposed to think is the "collective" version of the events?

Well it's always problematic to use a "The One" storyline in an MMO. But i can live with it.

Lastly i find the implication near the end, that Warframes MIGHT have a spark of live on their own interesting. It would fit into each having some form of personality (as seen by the idle animations).

Alad's appearance kind of makes sense Nightmare.

He was the one who has so far studied Warframes the most (or had people working on that, it's not clear how sciency Alad himself is) and has managed to harness their powers (Zanuka and powering an empty Mesa via technocyte).

So even more than Vor he is the closest to an external expert on Warframes and Tenno powers.

Edited by Othergrunty
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They aren't creatures.

They are. The Rhino Prime codex entry confirms it. Without an operator they're like mindless violent animals.

In the quest, your Warframe pulls out the sword on its own while the tenno is incapacitated by Stalker.

From then on your tenno talks to your Warframe in the second person, as if it can listen.

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I'm not happy with this. Not one bit.


In short, I'd rather be a mysterious space ninja than some gormless pillock in a chair piloting one. Doubly so since I was already a gormless pillock doing that by virtue of playing a video game. TRIPLY so if that pillock is something as boring as a human. Lotus can rant about how they're more than human all she wants, but it looks like a human. All those people who went 'oh no, they're normal looking people' were proven (mostly) right, and the more interesting thoughts get flushed like so much used toilet paper.


I never wanted this. It's bad enough that this has been introduced, it has to be jammed up our noses with communications and having to go to them for the Focus system.


I'm not 100% done with warframe. I'll be keeping tabs on it for sure, in case this is... resolved in any number of ways. But I can't play this with such an unsavory thing rammed up my nose. I'm wishing I'd never done this quest. People will go 'abloo bloo your headcanon got ruined suck it up' but NO.




Lore and worldbuilding is SERIOUS BUSINESS, and when it's stupid as heck, I will sure as heck complain.


I mean really. I'm not even the biggest fan of warframe. But just going 'no, you're actually this mook, not a cool powersuited warrior' enrages me to the point of posting on a forum, something I almost never ever do!


I WANT to keep liking your game, guys. And I'll be keeping up to date in case something else changes to make this tolerable, but right now it just... isn't.


Worldbuilding is important, and to me, it just got ruined.

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Chronologically, aren't they over a hundred years old?

Maybe more. But I mean, look at Teshin, or any Corpus -- it looks like they age really, really slowly. If Void exposure to the children granted them some powers, both the Void energy AND Orokin experimentation could have slowed down the process.

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I actually have changed my opinion on this issue.  I know I will become hated/disliked after this post, but I now believe that the ending was a bad thing for warframe. While it was a 'good ending' (yes, it was a good story and was done very well)... it now locks Warframe into a particular archetype, one that I do not believe is as good for it as the original concept(s).   Fundamentally, it WAS  a story about a warrior in a suit (originally), then it become murky---but now, we are playing a game about a drone operator...   We are playing  a game about a person playing a game.  the Warframe is twice removed..  I can't customize my frame now without feeling like I am playing with dolls... The entire game now just feels ..like.. well.. just a game.. but, REALLY like it is just a game.  My ability to identify with my frame is shot all to hell... . I wanted to play as a space ninja... I don't want to play as some kid in a pod controlling a remote controlled Ken/Barbie Doll....  So, while I think the story was beautiful, the long term effects of the implications are starting to sneak in.. and I am finding that my love of warframe dwindling fast.  Yesterday,i wanted to get to MR 20... now... eh... I don't care. The game has reminded me that it is only a game... seems self defeating marketing.. 

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I actually have changed my opinion on this issue. I know I will become hated/disliked after this post, but I now believe that the ending was a bad thing for warframe. While it was a 'good ending' (yes, it was a good story and was done very well)... it now locks Warframe into a particular archetype, one that I do not believe is as good for it as the original concept(s). Fundamentally, it WAS a story about a warrior in a suit (originally), then it become murky---but now, we are playing a game about a drone operator... We are playing a game about a person playing a game. the Warframe is twice removed.. I can't customize my frame now without feeling like I am playing with dolls... The entire game now just feels ..like.. well.. just a game.. but, REALLY like it is just a game. My ability to identify with my frame is shot all to hell... . I wanted to play as a space ninja... I don't want to play as some kid in a pod controlling a remote controlled Ken/Barbie Doll.... So, while I think the story was beautiful, the long term effects of the implications are starting to sneak in.. and I am finding that my love of warframe dwindling fast. Yesterday,i wanted to get to MR 20... now... eh... I don't care. The game has reminded me that it is only a game... seems self defeating marketing..

We all knew that whatever happened after this update, there would be very mixed feelings about DE's path with the lore. Some will love it, some will hate it and some will simply not care. To me the quest was a nice surprise. It felt like a new chapter in this games story.

But I do sympathise with you, purely because this probably the most significant update of all time in terms of story. We've never known who or what the Tenno were, we always just assumed.

I tend not to concentrate on it as much. I still want to reach MR30 before I die. I like the fact that our Operator is a torrent of destruction when not directly controlling the Warframe. You can use them in mission and they are OP as hell. It's a nice addition, but I do feel a sense of loss in a way. I had my own take on what my Tenno looked like under the suit and what his motives were.

But now we have to accept that we are in fact, teenage Orokin puppeteers. Doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It'll just take some time for it all to sink in.

This is probably the only time I feel envy towards new players, as they haven't been with this game for a long time, so they can accept the new lore fully and without any feeling of confusion. For the rest of us though, it is either a slice of chocolate cake or a spoonful of salt. I'm taking both that slice of cake and that salt together.

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I take it you dislike this update? lol

Pretty much yeah.


I like the Focus stuff. I liked the stuff with the Sentients and with Stalker. I loved Alad V coming back.


I hate the 'mook in a chair'.


I wanna be a space ninja, not play as someone playing as a space ninja. I'm already an unhealthy manbabby sitting in a chair watching my muscles slowly atrophy into pudding, I don't need to play a game about doing that too.

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Pretty much yeah.

I like the Focus stuff. I liked the stuff with the Sentients and with Stalker. I loved Alad V coming back.

I hate the 'mook in a chair'.

I wanna be a space ninja, not play as someone playing as a space ninja. I'm already an unhealthy manbabby sitting in a chair watching my muscles slowly atrophy into pudding, I don't need to play a game about doing that too.

I think DE might have to change their "Ninjas play free" quote now.

Out of curiosity, what were you expecting the Tenno to be?

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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I think DE might have to change their "Ninjas play free" quote now.

Out of curiosity, what were you expecting the Tenno to be?

I wasn't expecting the Tenno to be anything, really.


I never put thought into if they were horrid abominations. Or animoos. Or normal people. Or energy beings. They were mysterious, and I liked them that way.


One of the biggest things that narks me the heck off is that they're flipped where the import is. The warframes you've gotten attached to? The ones you've customized and maybe made little backstories for, or really like their existing ones like Valkyr? Oh no, those are irrelevant! You're supposed to care about the midget in the chair, THIS is who you're playing as now!

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