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Why I Dislike The New Quest/tenno Thing (Spoilers)


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I don't see what the big deal is.  Get over yourselves.


There is still so much lore to be explored.  People that don't like change, hold back progress.

All of the biggest complaints for warframe used to be a lack of story, and now they are "where did my mindless game go?"


Would you rather they just release another 30 weapons and 10 frames that you have to level up?

Or re-hash old weapons and frames as primes, and make you do the same missions you've done 1000 times to get access to the new RNG tables?
D.E. could have easily done that and continued milking the playerbase on non-content.

But they actually chose to do something, to give the player an experience, to make a story come to life.

And they intend to continue these kinds of quests.


Don't worry, you will be able to customize the operator more accurately in the future so that it will look like you.  I always got the impression that "insert yourself here" is what is in that chair, and the child is just a placeholder.


Nobody is telling you to like it, we are just telling you that it's not that big a deal, and to get over it.

Edited by Enemy1
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I'll take what I am thinking is the minority stance here. I liked the reveal. I like being a "kid" controlling dolls in combat. I like modeling my operator how I pictured them to be. At this point in time we aren't kids anymore. At hundreds of years old we aren't kids we are very malnourished old people. I think my immersion with the game has improved 2 fold at least. I feel more connected to the game now that I have a voice and not some mindless doll prancing into combat. I am excited for new cosmetics for the operators in the future.

actually, you're not the minority.


A happy person tends to be quiet, an angry person wants everyone to know about it.

ergo, the people who like the lore are playing the game, and the unhappy people are here vocalizing it.

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The problem with how the operator was presented is mainly the following:


The Behaviour.


They say things, and respond to things in a way that does not necessarily correspond to how you, the player, would.  

This is the crux of the problem, because you are supposed to BE the operator.


The divergence in behavior destroys immersion, especially for players who are invested in role playing. Notice that most of the players satisfied with the reveal were not bothered by being thrown off by this problem. They were never trying to be the tenno, hence they never came across this problem.


Also the dialogue choices deserve heavy criticism. They show very little thought put into how they mesh with the universe, whether intended or otherwise.


Let me be clear on what we know about the Tenno.  



These people created and practiced a highly developed culture around martial traditions. These people made literature, traditions, schools of learning, meditating and coming up with philosophies. These are highly cultured, highly learned thinkers and warriors.


So why are they spouting such childish, cheesy dialogues?


Especially the dialogue on grineer. You never, ever belittle the enemy. It just doesn't fit with the gravity of the people we have come to know.


I know you might want to show them as kids, but these 'kids' have grown up. They have ended a civilization, they have lived through countless battles, they have committed to slaughter and running their hands red with blood for what they believe in. These are not children. They cannot be.

It is just not possible to weather that much, and still behave like petulant tweens. I'm sorry I have to be this harsh.


It is important to address this asap. Let responses be something you can trigger. If you want to be edgy and cheesy, fine. Let there be character trees where you can select responses to specific circumstances. 




let there be three trees: Serious, Jocular, Cheddar Cheese


On using a charge attack:


Serious: 'This ends now.'

Jocular: 'And Off with your head!'

Cheddar Cheese: 'BANKAI'


On Lotus saying 'it's the grineer'


Serious: 'Let them come.'

Jocular: 'I would never have known! I could swear it was the corpus-are you sure it isn't the corpus?'

Cheddar Cheese: 'The dark forces in me will rise up and swallow the sun and adorn me in glorious black and red gundam armor to blot out the sun!'


Of course there will exist the option of being mute at all times if you fel it befits your character.


As you can see I am just giving an outline and am only half serious about the responses, but I hope you get what I mean.  


I hope in the coming updates we will see DE remedy this. I can guarantee you that as soon as you can fix this side, and allow you to mold your character, most of the problems of alienation will fall away.

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I just finished the quest. First I though the 1 that I'm going to save on the moon was something that going to aid me and power up my frame. But after the mission, it was quite disappointing when I come to know my role was as the Tenno, not as some 1 that suit up in the frame (not even a frame operator) geez. I think it will be better if DE let's player experience our selves claw toward our frame(like call of duty) and lotus to talk face to face with the player(us, MEeee~, not the player customize Tenno). It makes me felt emptier than my frame. sob sob..

Edited by Frostbite6900
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I don't see what the big deal is.  Get over yourselves.


There is still so much lore to be explored.  People that don't like change, hold back progress.

All of the biggest complaints for warframe used to be a lack of story, and now they are "where did my mindless game go?"


Would you rather they just release another 30 weapons and 10 frames that you have to level up?

Or re-hash old weapons and frames as primes, and make you do the same missions you've done 1000 times to get access to the new RNG tables?

D.E. could have easily done that and continued milking the playerbase on non-content.

But they actually chose to do something, to give the player an experience, to make a story come to life.

And they intend to continue these kinds of quests.


Don't worry, you will be able to customize the operator more accurately in the future so that it will look like you.  I always got the impression that "insert yourself here" is what is in that chair, and the child is just a placeholder.


Nobody is telling you to like it, we are just telling you that it's not that big a deal, and to get over it.



that will only work for those that needed a avatar to customize in the first place. I have never needed such a thing and i dont need it now.


More customization change nothing for me. Nor would a quest where we could choose to be the warframes change anything for me.


u18 gave me two things.


An extra npc in my liset that i care nothing for and a underdeveloped new system that is barely in a beta stage. 


That is all your Grand Quest has given me.


Cutting of the operators transmissions have ensured that i do not suffer from the bad writing and cheesy lines.


The gameplay is the same, i just ignore all nodes with the bulletsponges.

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Yeah...someone has too much free time on their hands if the game is ruined for you because "the warframe is not alive" anymore. Jesus...the things people complain here about. The best update as of yet in this game and you just whine about things that don't matter? Go ahead and leave please, less of these useless topics on the forums afterwards.


Quote thingie didn't work, anyway someone said:


I REALLY want to control the frame like it's ALIVE.
Edited by Tubsie
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Yeah...someone has too much free time on their hands if the game is ruined for you because "the warframe is not alive" anymore. Jesus...the things people complain here about. The best update as of yet in this game and you just whine about things that don't matter? Go ahead and leave please, less of these useless topics on the forums afterwards.


Quote thingie didn't work, anyway someone said:


I REALLY want to control the frame like it's ALIVE.



your right. I do have to much free time on my hands. 


as for it being the "best update" that is subjective. for you its awesome, for me it sucks.


also I have left the game but I haven't left the forums.




it lets me keep updated and will let me know if the operator is ever removable.



I know its an extreeemly small chance that it will happen but I might just get my wish someday.

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Yes I do agreed on "what is the big deal if the warframe is not alive". In the very first place, the U18 is sure awesome and no one really complaint on it(apart from some minor bug). I my selves love it, but we are here more like player exchange their experience, as what if thing happen these way or blablabla "you get the same" lol (some thing like that). These is where we talk on those stuff, mostly like movie review. xD

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I think the crux of the issue is for a lot of people they want the Operator to be them. They want them to do and act in the manner they would act in their mind if in the Operators circumstances. The game doesn't seem to be designed like that though. The Operator is not intended to be you,Mobutu rather you are intended to play the Operator. You don't complain when cast as an actor, that certain lines are not what you would say, because you're not intended to be playing you. It's natural that some people aren't fond of that though, as this is the first time such role playing has put itself in the game though.

But that's just my two cents. I like how this turned out overall.

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The problem with how the operator was presented is mainly the following:


The Behaviour.


They say things, and respond to things in a way that does not necessarily correspond to how you, the player, would.  

This is the crux of the problem, because you are supposed to BE the operator.


The divergence in behavior destroys immersion, especially for players who are invested in role playing. Notice that most of the players satisfied with the reveal were not bothered by being thrown off by this problem. They were never trying to be the tenno, hence they never came across this problem.


Also the dialogue choices deserve heavy criticism. They show very little thought put into how they mesh with the universe, whether intended or otherwise.

Thanks, have this Nano Spore cookie from me.

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I personally like the quest and wish they all had cinematics. An yes this is not exactly how i pictured things either. But, alas there it is. That being said. I wish that our Tenno had been older or at least given the option to make them so, with Face selections. Also wish the female forms looked more like females, facially any way. as well wish there were more customization options with the Tenno such as hair styles and facial hair. I mean the same hair styles and faces look pretty much the same weather male or female. Also would have liked it if you could inter act with your Tenno on the ship. And I'm really getting tired of Ordis tell me his memories might be his fault and that he needs maintenance. I would have thought with this quest it would have solved that for him. And to ask DE. are there going to be more options for customization to our Tenno in the future?


One another note. now that the orbiter has been expanded. I wonder what the doors on the left and right or the Tenno chamber will be for?

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Yeah if they kept the mask on an never showed the "emo teenager" faces, It'd would still work quite nicely.  I really liked the way the quest played out, and how my warframe had the struggle of carrying the operator back to the ship and fighting against the stalker, etc.  (which is weird because why didn't the stalker just teleport to our ships and kill us off at any other time? Well that's another problem.)


When I saw the weird teenager faces...  It just destroyed it for me.  I'm not asking for older people's faces, etc.  I'm just asking for the mask to stay on like when our warframe first rescues the operator from the pod and during the stalker fight.  That way the mystery is still there.


Great quest...  I just have this to nitpick on.  XD

I don't mind the teenagers but DE should give us the mask back. Additional customization is always good.

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The problem with how the operator was presented is mainly the following:


The Behaviour.


They say things, and respond to things in a way that does not necessarily correspond to how you, the player, would.  

This is the crux of the problem, because you are supposed to BE the operator.


The divergence in behavior destroys immersion, especially for players who are invested in role playing. Notice that most of the players satisfied with the reveal were not bothered by being thrown off by this problem. They were never trying to be the tenno, hence they never came across this problem.


Also the dialogue choices deserve heavy criticism. They show very little thought put into how they mesh with the universe, whether intended or otherwise.


Let me be clear on what we know about the Tenno.  



These people created and practiced a highly developed culture around martial traditions. These people made literature, traditions, schools of learning, meditating and coming up with philosophies. These are highly cultured, highly learned thinkers and warriors.


So why are they spouting such childish, cheesy dialogues?


Especially the dialogue on grineer. You never, ever belittle the enemy. It just doesn't fit with the gravity of the people we have come to know.


I know you might want to show them as kids, but these 'kids' have grown up. They have ended a civilization, they have lived through countless battles, they have committed to slaughter and running their hands red with blood for what they believe in. These are not children. They cannot be.

It is just not possible to weather that much, and still behave like petulant tweens. I'm sorry I have to be this harsh.


It is important to address this asap. Let responses be something you can trigger. If you want to be edgy and cheesy, fine. Let there be character trees where you can select responses to specific circumstances. 




let there be three trees: Serious, Jocular, Cheddar Cheese


On using a charge attack:


Serious: 'This ends now.'

Jocular: 'And Off with your head!'

Cheddar Cheese: 'BANKAI'


On Lotus saying 'it's the grineer'


Serious: 'Let them come.'

Jocular: 'I would never have known! I could swear it was the corpus-are you sure it isn't the corpus?'

Cheddar Cheese: 'The dark forces in me will rise up and swallow the sun and adorn me in glorious black and red gundam armor to blot out the sun!'


Of course there will exist the option of being mute at all times if you fel it befits your character.


As you can see I am just giving an outline and am only half serious about the responses, but I hope you get what I mean.  


I hope in the coming updates we will see DE remedy this. I can guarantee you that as soon as you can fix this side, and allow you to mold your character, most of the problems of alienation will fall away.

Excellent feedback.



The divergence in behavior destroys immersion, especially for players who are invested in role playing. Notice that most of the players satisfied with the reveal were not bothered by being thrown off by this problem. They were never trying to be the tenno, hence they never came across this problem.

Players satisfied thrown off? They never try to be the tenno? Problem? This is an interpretation of yours.

Let's say, now this is a problem because roleplayers play the game in a peculiar manner?

I can support you about the dialogue matter, but this doesn't hold a point.

All I see are people which identifed too much into their character and now refuses to follow the plot...or maybe they're doing it too much well despite their intentions.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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I'm happy with the update. The quest was emotional and full of heart, well directed on a cinematic level and voice bits and sound clips were amazing.  Info pointed all along to this outcome without actually telling us enough to make it certain - DE pulled some great vague puppetry to accomplish that, and @##! it really paid off.


I only wish that the Tenno had more facial animation beyond mouth movements, but otherwise, hey, my Tenno looks like a void scarred gal that would be operating/piloting Ember.


To me, the Warframes were always silent warriors.  That intro cutscene to every map where they just silently look at each other and then ahead, knowing there is work to be done, that said a lot. They had muted personalities expressed only through the actions and what was seen - they weren't pyros and party creatures in their downtime and all this stuff to me.  They didn't need to be. They were frames, piloted and controlled by someone, something that wasn't inside (I always wondered if they were remotely op'd because there were never any mentions of humans/beings inside the frames by any of the bosses and whatnot) and it works.  Perhaps some of you might feel differently if you felt a little more in tune with the operator - ie they were batS#&$ insane, ultra grizzled and rough, so old ninjamans, etc.


To me, the frames felt alive just enough to be silent guardians. They're practically like spirits, or, greater things for us to extend ourselves into.  The operator for me is a character as much as any other - in spite of being a die hard roleplayer I don't have the need to insert -myself- into every character in situation in games I play.  This explanation, this story and ending though, I identified perfectly with, but I'm a weirdo.


If it weren't the good deeds of both total strangers and close people watching over me to guide, save from accidents/close run ins with brutal things, and other S#&$, I wouldn't be here today.  Having to put on a suit (well not a suit-suit always, per se lol) and force yourself to operate at levels beyond what you really feel like what you can do and sustain, this totally hit home for me.  That silent guardian did what it needed to, and momma lotus took you the rest of the way and put you to bed after one of the hardest times ever just seemed like the perfect ending and opening.


Ultimately, I don't know: DE (well scott I think it was?) warned that new things were coming and some people were going to love it, some weren't. I respected that they understood that was going to be a reality.  I am also glad because I'm one of the people that loves this outcome and feels its totally perfect, and relevant.

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If you don't like the kid, start a petition to make their lines like 12 year old Thor ("I will crush the frost giants with my hammer" or whatever he said to Odin). Fighting with each other over which of your preferences is more correct isn't worth it at all.

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I think the crux of the issue is for a lot of people they want the Operator to be them. They want them to do and act in the manner they would act in their mind if in the Operators circumstances. The game doesn't seem to be designed like that though. The Operator is not intended to be you,Mobutu rather you are intended to play the Operator. You don't complain when cast as an actor, that certain lines are not what you would say, because you're not intended to be playing you. It's natural that some people aren't fond of that though, as this is the first time such role playing has put itself in the game though.

But that's just my two cents. I like how this turned out overall.


Hmm, I agree that perhaps some of the cutscene dialogue was too much like channeling your character down a particular course, and as some have said, didn't offer enough scope for people who might have felt the wanted to reject Lotus' revelations, but I think DE did obviously make some effort to make both the actor's delivery in the cutscenes neutral and give enough options so you could feel like a broad range of characters when you were responding.


I'd just quibble a bit with what you're saying about roleplaying.  The idea of roleplaying has generally been that you create a whole virtual person that may or may not be like you and think like you.  In videogames, developers have to provide a range of options (a "blank slate" character creator and dialogue options, where any) that can give a broad range of possible expressions so that anyone can roughly project the character they've created into the game. 


IOW, yes, of course you can "be you", and have the character react as you would - but you can also create a character that's quite unlike you, and the game is then to try and figure out how THAT character would speak and behave.  It is in that sense an imaginative exercise, a bit like acting. 


This is especially the case in "hardcore" roleplaying, which is essentially like musicians jamming, only co-creating a story as they go through their dialogue, instead of music. The electrifying excitement of hardcore roleplaying (which actually gives you ten times more of an adrenaline jag than PvP :) ) is that when it's "your turn" to say something, you're on the spot, on the stage in the spotlight, as it were, and you have to consistently act the character you've created out of thin air, and also at the same time forward the story in a way that, in turn ,affords others the opportunity to do the same with their character.  A tall order!

Edited by Omnimorph
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While I agree fairly strong with everything Omnimorph said about the aspect of roleplaying and DE's fairly neutral/varied mix of Operator dialogue responses, that jab against pvp was totally unnecessary and really just serves to help the absolutely stupid divide between roleplayers and pvp.  They're not necessarily readily compatible in computer/video games with active combat, but, they very much engage the same areas of entertainment and thought/reaction.  There are hundreds of thousands of cases and hours of roleplayers not trying to extend themselves in the least bit, be challenged or challenge in the way of what they play/reactions/addressing interpersonal conflict (which probably 70% of roleplayers are terrible dealing with).  Roleplayers are notorious for doing poorly when taken out of their comfort zones, but more experienced roleplayers or well rounded individuals (be they active for decades or just a few years) tend to deal with surprises and un-ideal situations and roleplay much better.


No, effective pvp players tend to adapt much quickly to new situations, more consistently because they, like roleplayers, seek an experience out of the norm that is ever changing and challenging.  The main difference is, they want a more dynamic challenge to test their skills and possibly creativity as opposed to (some) roleplayers that want to test their creativity first, then their ability to deal with challenge afterwards.  Besides, you get adrenaline rushes when you're overwhelmed and unprepared/inexperienced and grossly in over your heard - whether one gets a rush out of RP or PVP is entirely dependent on the summary of that person's experiences and the situation they're thrust into.

In the end, to put roleplayers or pvpers above each other in any real regard is just piss-poor thought and judgement.  There are just as many sloppy, lazy, unimaginative roleplayers out there as there are creative, considerate, and thoughtful pvpers.  Both have their sizeable population of jerks, elitist pricks, and bland cookie cutter fotm types, because, surprise, in the end its a bunch of humans playing.



Clearly, this was a bottled up, reoccurring rant spiked off of a single sentence from a generally well thought out post, lol

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" You are the Tenno.
  You are the Operator.
  Ordis is the Cephalon.
  Ordis is the ship.
  Lotus is your surrogate mother somewhere in deep space."

The child is merely an extension to you, the Operator, the player.
Sure, you'd rather be DragonBorn, or a vampire, or a pirate, or a hitman for the maffia,
or a cyborg sent from the future, or in this case - a Warframe, or The One inside the frame.
'But' (or no but) in this reality, you are a (tormented) child with immense powers, wich was the story / the lore
since we recieved the Codex (Update Rhino Prime).
In every game, and in even more so in every story; everything collides in the end.
You're still the one inside, you're pushing the buttons and farming that first or last blueprint.

sn: As mentioned a couple of times in this topic, you can silent the child in the options menu.

Edited by worminthewood
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The electrifying excitement of hardcore roleplaying (which actually gives you ten times more of an adrenaline jag than PvP :) ) is that when it's "your turn" to say something, you're on the spot, on the stage in the spotlight, as it were, and you have to consistently act the character you've created out of thin air, and also at the same time forward the story in a way that, in turn ,affords others the opportunity to do the same with their character.  A tall order!

Different strokes for different folks - someone big into PvP is likely to get just as much of a thrill from a close, very competitive match as what you describe - just like some may be getting less from roleplaying than the PvP. I mean, heck - I'm not a big PvP person, but I've had moments in other games that were absolute heartstoppers. Otherwise great post, good to learn more about what's ticking in some of the more roleplay set people.


are there going to be more options for customization to our Tenno in the future?

I believe yes, if for nothing else but the cosmetics of the suit implying to me that they may be adding a variety of suits to match existing "Ways" of the focus system. How they'll be rewarded (or bought) is something I'd rather not think about though.

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This is like reading a book a few chapters at a time. starting to theorize between each reading session then when you get half way in you snap the book shut, call the author and go "your story doesnt acommodate my specific assumptions about it, this is bullS#&$. you should at least give me a CHOICE to get your story my way. Please start writing, i'll send you some notes"

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Warframe having a story with DE's artists and writers having the artistic freedom to tell the story they want to tell.


Warframe pandering entirely to your internal headcanons.


Choose one.


Because ultimately many of these arguments against the Tenno reveal come across as oddly emotionally manipulative.

"My bond with my warframe has been broken."

All in the vein of "This story element is bad and should change because my feelings don't like it."

So you never wanted DE to tell their story... You wanted DE to tell a story that only resonated with you.


I worry this negative push and attitude will scare DE into never actually experimenting and trying risky ideas. Because some of you cannot handle ideas that don't fit into your little bubble.


Personally I am so glad they've ditched the boring and soulless "Dark Souls" method of story telling in favour for a true direct approach. This is a space opera after all and space operas don't hold well to none existant plot.


Regardless of what they did, someone would have been unhappy with it. Personally if warframes turned out to be powered by some wisp or soul of energy then I think the universe would have been far more comical and Anime and far less interesting than what we got. The Tenno went from a near omnipresent threat with no weaknesses to a very weak race of people with something fragile to protect, themselves and each other. Which has always really been the theme of warframe, if you watch those fancy CGI trailers.



Edited by grimoireofalice
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Wow these topic is more intresting that I though. Overall the quest was superb and the story plot was excellent.
Actually I don't mind to have another npc on my liset, is just I don't need another Odis (you know what I mean, unleast you are an Odis fan).

When come to the think about it, I don't think DE really put us(player) 100% as the tenno that we saved during the moon mission.


Why is that? First, remember the plot just after the stalker trying to kill the tenno, the frame move on it own right?
I think that is where DE puzzle us and it is where our role the one who sit infront of the screen come in.
Our will to move the frame LOL, while we squeez our mouse and biting nail.


Second, Ordis always remind us to maintain the operator not to fired them I guess. It is why we can actually change(Customize) our operator(Tenno) / fired them LOL.


Third, Tenno actually interact with us during the mission. That show the Tenno was not 100% operating the frame. They assist and they help(focus skill).


I, my selves was a fans of the frame and yeah I do felt like "My bond with my warframe has been broken.", but it just a matter of time on how DE

trying to fit us a role. Cheers to all frame lovers XD~.


But that's just my two cents. I'll leave the rest to DE.

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I see that a lot of ppl are angry but you guys are in a vocal minority.....





Vote wasn't made by me but it clear that a lot of people liked the quest. I personally loved it.




Warframe having a story with DE's artists and writers having the artistic freedom to tell the story they want to tell.


Warframe pandering entirely to your internal headcanons.


Choose one.


Because ultimately many of these arguments against the Tenno reveal come across as oddly emotionally manipulative.

"My bond with my warframe has been broken."

All in the vein of "This story element is bad and should change because my feelings don't like it."

So you never wanted DE to tell their story... You wanted DE to tell a story that only resonated with you.


I worry this negative push and attitude will scare DE into never actually experimenting and trying risky ideas. Because some of you cannot handle ideas that don't fit into your little bubble.


Personally I am so glad they've ditched the boring and soulless "Dark Souls" method of story telling in favour for a true direct approach. This is a space opera after all and space operas don't hold well to none existant plot.


Regardless of what they did, someone would have been unhappy with it. Personally if warframes turned out to be powered by some wisp or soul of energy then I think the universe would have been far more comical and Anime and far less interesting than what we got. The Tenno went from a near omnipresent threat with no weaknesses to a very weak race of people with something fragile to protect, themselves and each other. Which has always really been the theme of warframe, if you watch those fancy CGI trailers.



Very good reasoning here for why people are angry.

Edited by TheFinalEpic
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Played it on the PC, amazing, now I'm gonna play it on the Ps4 when it comes out, disagree with the fact that DE has made a mistake just because you don't feel the same way because the story didn't match your expectation(which was pretty clear what was gonna happen if most of you read the codex, it was there, the lore wasn't really "hard" to figure out if you paid attention to the details). Plus the Warframes aren't just puppets, I thought your frame moving by itself removing the sword and saving your life was a obvious hint, I'm sorry but when I see posts like claiming that DE made a mistake revealing the operator in Second Dream(which we were all excited to know more detailed info about Warframe's lore) sounds more like childish insatisfaction due to the fact you cannot be what you wanted to be because you believed that your vision about the game's lore was correct or more "accurate", sorry to say but majority of the community loved it, sure there'll be different opinions but making a post pointing fingers at DE and(like you posted at your first post) QQing at how they are wrong because of it is pure nonsense.

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