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Hotfix 18.0.4 [Spoilers]


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hi, DE


i wanted that misa. i wouldnt mind the plat.


i already have everything else (and dont care for the avatar icons much).


do you really expect me to buy a second frost, latron and reaper? what's the point of that? i cant even sell them on trade chat, since they come pre-crafted.


did you really think the way into my wallet would be so easy?


no, i dont think so.


why isnt there an option that you get an additional plat worth for stuff you already have? or that you can uncheck those things to get additional plat in such deals? maybe that'd be something to consider for future deals.


too bad, really. i'm all for supporting you guys for a work well done, but you're saving me 54€ here, i guess. the misa and that little bit of plat is nice, but not worth that pricetag.


and i'd say there are many more tenno in the same situation. after all, the prime things were available via trade chat the whole time, and those that would have shelled out now, surely already did so there.





plus, please let me see planet extractor health again (and sort them by type and health again too, like before), and please give us an option to scale the transmission video size down a notch again. i'm not playing this on a tv across the room but on a monitor right in front of me, after all.

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talk about a crappy "hotfix" if you use Razer synapse warframe cant check for new content so it fails....closing synapse temp fixes the issue, but it sucks that i would have to do that every time i want to play warframe.


the so-called fix with razer comms overlay (even though I dont have it installed) is causing the issue it seems

Edited by xcynderx
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I am so tired of people complaining that things are too hard.  some things need to be hard in order to be fun.  Please if you you are finding things hard, stop complaining about it and just practice towards it or plan before you go into a mission.  This always makes things less fun as there becomes no challenge to things anymore,

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I like the change to the Excavation missions, but I feel that the change to defense wasn't that necessary. Even with the Eximus event my team had no issues holding that pod for those 20 waves.

Then increase the level of enemies / type of enemies, not the number of waves we have to sit there doing the same thing on repeat.

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I'm just sad it comes out in a pack. i've allready got the frost P and the weapons, i don't really care about the extractor.


I won't say i don't care about platinum, but you know, pay 53,99€ just to get one syandana looks isn't that great. 


So to conclude, i'll say : If you get the misa prime available out of this pack, I might get interested. but like that not that much.

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cool but if we have frost prime, latron prime, reaper prime, do player really pay 54€ for 1050 Platine + extractor and misa prime syanada ?


Why didn't make a possible access to something like accessory pack ?

We can buy 1000 plat for  44.99€


Ok there is 50plat more, the extractor and the syanada but so only player without the warframe and the weapon are really interested, you F*** a little old player ...

Edited by Garvarr
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I can see one problem with this:


  • Enemies slain within 5 seconds of spawning will no longer count towards stealth kills.

What happens to my stealth kill combo counter if I stealth around a corner and kill an enemy that has just spawned in front of me a couple of seconds ago? Will it reset? Does this mean I will need to stop and wait 5 seconds with my thumbs up my hindquarters and wait before I can kill it, just on the off-chance it is not 5 seconds old yet? What if I don't have an invisible frame and an enemy just pops out of thin air right in front of me? Do I need to wait for 5 seconds with my silenced gun almost literally up his backside for 5 seconds and hope it doesn't turn around? It keeps happening quite frequently. You should really fix this spawn mechanic bug.


To put it shortly, this is yet again introducing even more awkward clunkiness and rules that make no sense into stealth missions.




Could we PLEASE get focus from shared affinity? The public missions are turning into fights over kills. And that can turn pretty ugly pretty fast. Basically promoting this sort of selfish gameplay damages the community spirit and causes people to not co-operate anymore, but run off to compete over getting most kills.


Also the fact that support frames are pretty much screwed with this Focus system because their abilities do not generate many kills. This will lead into everyone starting to play an AOE nuke-frame to blow up everything to maximize the number of kills and focus gained.


The other "optimal method" is to play solo stealth missions with an invis frame and getting stealth kill combos (which you just broke).


So please, think of the community when you continue developing the focus system.

Edited by SoanoS
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I like the change to the Excavation missions, but I feel that the change to defense wasn't that necessary. Even with the Eximus event my team had no issues holding that pod for those 20 waves.


Can confirm. I did all current 3 Sortie mission mods with just another friend. Every single mission with Valkyr and Frost, me playing Frost each mission. They aren't that tough, but they are time consuming.


However, that's looking at it from my point of view. We can't just assume everyone has end-game items and builds; the new players should also be included. You can always invite a random new person to join and tag along so they can also get the prizes, but it's a lot more tedious when they just die every two seconds. Such a difficulty tweak like this is surely nicer for those types of people that struggle to make it this far.

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I'm also only after the Prime Accessories..

Totally not worth purchasing the whole $60 USD pack just for the Syandana & Extractor, Plat is handy but doesn't really factor in for me. They're still re-releases and even the usual $50 Prime Accessories pack with 90 day boosters is better value and more useful to me gameplay & grind wise.

Heck, I'd probably just buy every accessory pack at launch if they were cheaper, maybe half the price. To be honest, at $50 USD I always pass unless I really, REALLY like the items - The other new games/shows/etc I could spend it on.. plus the Steam Workshop gear coming through.

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I like the change to the Excavation missions, but I feel that the change to defense wasn't that necessary. Even with the Eximus event my team had no issues holding that pod for those 20 waves.

but it wasnt about it being a problem or hard to hold it for 20 waves, it is BORING sitting in there for about 30+mins.

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thx for the changes in sorties, but has realy noone else felt surprise-butt-sex'd for getting 25 Gold R3 cores after working ur ! off in 20 waves Def against level 100 Eximus? oO


noone? realy??? oO


imo that the worst Joke DE made on my costs in a long time, litteraly...


and to have it possible to get the same S#&$ again almost makes me thinking about stop playing sorties ...


why cant u sort out S#&$ like that and give hard working Tenno what they deserve?

not like it would break ya back when u give 25 R5 cores instead, given it costs 512 of these little S#&$s to max a primed mod...


besides that i have to say i love U18, its a master piece and realy overdid my wildest expectaions,

even had me cry at the end =´) just so wonderfully done and the lore.. dont dare to get going or theres no stop till next week *^^*


now we only miss a replay button for quests, without the original rewards ofc, selfexplaining.



keep it up DE, but pls avoid bad jokes like 25 gold R3 cores in a sortie reward table.. (or the freaking 2 goldcores in Void A rotas)

Edited by Naomy1701
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thx for the changes in sorties, but has realy noone else felt surprise-butt-sex'd for getting 25 Gold R3 cores after working ur ! off in 20 waves Def against level 100 Eximus? oO


That was the first reward I got ;) I was pretty disappointed, but I'll live.


The missions themselves are fine with a decent team/composition though. 'Missed the first day's sorties but completed all the others fine & timely through public matching or solo.

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I'm also only after the Prime Accessories..

Totally not worth purchasing the whole $60 USD pack just for the Syandana & Extractor, Plat is handy but doesn't really factor in for me. They're still re-releases and even the usual $50 Prime Accessories pack with 90 day boosters is better value and more useful to me gameplay & grind wise.

Heck, I'd probably just buy every accessory pack at launch if they were cheaper, maybe half the price. To be honest, at $50 USD I always pass unless I really, REALLY like the items - The other new games/shows/etc I could spend it on.. plus the Steam Workshop gear coming through.


Exactly the same for me dude ... i will not spend my money for this when on the next (or maybe the trinity one, didn't took it yet) prime Acces i will be able to have 90Day of Affinity and Credit x2 + all cosmetic item, for exemple actualy that :

- the Naviga Prime Sugatra

- kavasa Kubrow Prime armor

- Gene masking kit


for 10€ Less than the actual pack ... why wast my money ? the guy behind the marketing is so noob and idiot really ? 2 different Vault Pack will make DE take mush more money ....


After the expendable 3 ... ... "The ununderstandable !!!" Based on a true marketing story

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For all asking, why Latron Prime Stock is in a normal alert, its quite easy:

Latron Prime Stock is not in the void farmable. So this mechanics reduces the supply of Latrons to 1 Latron per account.

Giving everybody the chance to get the latron and reducing the impact on the latron prices to a reasonable amount.

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1. Where did the Scorn Lacera Skin go?

It is in the U18 list, but not in the game.

2. Had anyone tested Scimitar support perk before shipping it?

Right now it is as lethal or useful as fireworks. Seriously once in 10 minutes you can shoot some mob for like 1k DMG and only if you directly point at one? AOE is less than 3m wide. My SEER is 4 times more lethal than that.

3. Why do you ninja-nerfed Volt’s 1st ability.

More Nerf for the Nerf God? Scott woke up on the wrong side of the bed… again?

4. Would you kindly stop beating around the bush and give us Excalibur Umbra already?

For three months you promised people one by the end of the year and then went all “F*** it, we don’t feel like it yet”.

Edited by Diaemus
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