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Nezha Dropping In Sorties [Megathread]


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Good thing the majority of you guys didn't have to farm Banshee... that helm was a beatch. Took me over a year to get her. ...and Nova when she was released... that was a nightmare.



Vauban is also a challenge, but at least Nezha is tradeable. Imagine the complaints if there was no trade system. Yeah, those were tough times. 


Dry up the tears and embrace the GRIND!!!! :P


Banshee was nowhere near as bad, I got her parts fairly quickly when infested still had nodes on the Starchart V1 back in U10. Banshee was nowhere near as bad as what nezha will be because the sortie's "replayability". Its not a grind, its a timesink and rng nightmare because you can't grind it in the first place. Its literally 1 chance a day. with a sub 1% chance of getting a part at any given time. And the ultimate dilution over time because of permanence of being stuck in sorties as a reward.

Edited by Cmdr-A
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I just don't know what to say.


Instead of farming for a frame (like Ivara) and being in game for hours or all day. Meeting new people and having a blast. Ill just log in once a day to get my daily log in reward of junk resources like 10 oxium or a single galium, or a 3 hour xp boost (on an xp weekend). Run my daily sortie then log out tell it resets. I even wasted plat on buying slots for the new frame, that who knows when ill get him if ever.


I guess everyone needs a break from the game every now and then. Its sad. Its the first time I really felt the need for a break, with this and the stealth changes. I just hope another game does not do what warframe did when I took a break from the game I was playing b4 warframe, and suck me in to the point I dont even play the other game anymore.

Edited by FunkadelicMayhem
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Both sides have their cons and pros, fanboys, people just want the frame now & some want to make a profit off it.


I also dislike how nezha drops from sortie, not only because of the wait a day a "try" and I have noting else to farm or do in this game anymore. What I think people are pissed off about is that DE mention noting about it before time, then ruin 2 more days to get karak wraith for those who need it for mastery with a post "we wanted you to get nezha early"... how is sortie early lol. Then try to fix it by removing reactor and catalyst ?

People say you can trade parts it's fine and good, let's say there is about 100,000 people playing WF each do sortie for the 15 days with a chance of the 16 drops to get 3 parts. I'm not very good at maths but that does not sound like a lot of people getting nezha that's also if people even share it than sell it, Christmas is coming up and we must all sit here and try every day.. people have things to do to get ready for the holidays.


A possible way DE can fix this while keeping everything the same is... give 2 of each part as a drop. So 2x chassis etc meaning it will drop the price on market while also ensuring that people will trade it for the parts they need.

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a rare part drop chance is not even in the same order of magnitude of 5%, 5% is common as dirt, the fact that it's once a day limits it but with a 15% of getting a unspecific nezha part in a few days it's going to be as common as bo prime ornament

Last time i checked (before U18) Ash Prime BP chance was 7,52%.. T3def rotation C... and price was.. 100+ plat.. few months after release.

5% is common.. for quick missions like capture or exterminate.

Almost all sorties so far have at least one long mission (surv or def).. and 5% chance is extremally low in such case.


And.. ~5% is probably best case scenario.. where all drops have same chance.. very unlikely.



Putting new warframe to sorties..

- where you can get duplicate rewards..

- drop chance of specific part is very low..

- missions are long..

- and can only be done once per day..

.. is very bad composition of timewall & grindwall with RNG.


So far we have either grindwall or timewall.. now we have both in one.



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Hydroid and Mesa both have grind- and timewall.


Hydroid was fixed, Mesa got a little easier grindwall.

Mesa.. yeah.. I forget about that one! (Now its double grind-wall since you can grind mutalis nav coords @ orokin derelict)


Hydroid timewall? As far as i remember it was just double grind-wall (first beacons, than vay hek).. still remember replaying Kiste @ Ceres multiple times.

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Mesa.. yeah.. I forget about that one! (Now its double grind-wall since you can grind mutalis nav coords @ orokin derelict)


Hydroid timewall? As far as i remember it was just double grind-wall (first beacons, than vay hek).. still remember replaying Kiste @ Ceres multiple times.

Yeah, Hydroid was just a grind. 


As far as I can tell, even Vauban is better than Nezha from a certain point of view. Yeah, you're waiting for his alerts to show up, but at the very leat once you play it you are guaranteed to get the part you set out to get. With Nezha, you have to wait 24 hours for a chance to get what you want, then wait another 24 hours to get the next, assuming you got the other part you needed.

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The only real reason I was at all disappointed in the frame-in-sortie deal was simply because I know it's beyond my level of skill as a player to go through an interception, defense, or maybe even the survival against level 65+ enemies solo (espeically with some of the conditions) - which is how I generally play these days. That being said, the actual RNG chances of getting the thing aren't any worse than prime parts in the t4 tiers - it just trades one layer of RNG (getting keys) for a time barrier (once a day). I can deal with a time barrier if it reduces some of the RNG involved (like the quest frames such as Mirage, or even the Lab frames).

In my perfect world, all the frames would be in the lab, and you would just need to put in X "boss resources" from specific bosses to get them - which would be trading the chances of RNG for a more average number of runs to get the resource amount necessary - but that wouldn't be perfect for everyone. Some people get super lucky with the RNG rolls - heck, me and my three pals managed a Nezha part on the first pass last night (which considering my luck with getting parts struck me as super astounding) - and I was glad to see it didn't even require Nitain like I thought it would (but there are two other parts left to get, so it's not in the clear yet). Unless I go to trade, chances are that I'll still end up with a Nezha before I get the other three Ash Prime parts.

The game has always been an exercise in patience as you've been having fun, specific drops giving a focus to where the fun is had. When the grind causes it to cease being fun, the focus shifts elsewhere to a different part or goal to serve as a break. If you have time, you spend that. If you had money, you spend that instead. As much as I like the idea of getting Nezha, I'm also pretty okay with not having to put my new-skinned rhino out to pasture just yet anyways.

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Well, I won't farm it. Sorties are a pain in the !, not fun at all for me.

sorteas are easy enough some take longer than others the spy missions re headless loki race defence you do with randoms exterminates you slow solo with ivara if you have her or take an roulette on the random player rooster with whatever frame that gives you fancy rubico one hits most enemies if you are able to aim for the head ivara helps that with headshot multiplier ofcourse. 

some sorteas ive intended to do solo but forgotten to put on friends only and ember players has just rushed trough it killing most


They did reduce the grind. You can only attempt to farm Nezha once a day. Did it reduce the NEED to grind? Nope. But they did reduce the grind, one way or the other. XD


What a clunky, ham-fisted solution this was.

if your already doing the sorteas then it doesnt really add to the grind now does it, look at it like an chance of getting an free coffie while in an traffic jam that you are in every day the traffic jam will still be an slow ride, and you will still have to take the traffic jam to (say) work anyway but if you get that coffie you will feel just slightly happier but if you decide to take the train you wont have the chance to get coffie maby coffie arent your taste and you want tea from the sortea

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Last time i checked (before U18) Ash Prime BP chance was 7,52%.. T3def rotation C... and price was.. 100+ plat.. few months after release.

5% is common.. for quick missions like capture or exterminate.

Almost all sorties so far have at least one long mission (surv or def).. and 5% chance is extremally low in such case.


And.. ~5% is probably best case scenario.. where all drops have same chance.. very unlikely.



Putting new warframe to sorties..

- where you can get duplicate rewards..

- drop chance of specific part is very low..

- missions are long..

- and can only be done once per day..

.. is very bad composition of timewall & grindwall with RNG.


So far we have either grindwall or timewall.. now we have both in one.



the sistem is flawed. you know that, i know that, everyone here knows that, even those that defend it, there's no avoiding it.


however i disagree on some things, it is neither a grindwall nor a timewall it is a practical impossibility to get it solo, assuming the drop chance is even for all sortie items the drop chance to get a single part is actually 6.25% that holds true only for the first part you get, for the second and third part you have respectively a 4% drop chance and a 2% drop chance(i redid the math, as there were mistakes in the previous ones), this means that you need a minimum of well over 150 sorties to get it, with it being once a day you can see where this is going.


Aknowledging that people shouldn't be forced to trade and shouldn't be penalized for not willing to do so, the chances are much better on a global scale, first off you have a 18.75% chance of getting a generic nezha part, that means that one out of 6 players will get one and there's also the fact that the wide majority of the playerbase runs sorties every time they play meanwhile ash prime blueprints are only farmed by a small amount of people in comparison, the reason why lenses and weapon components prices did drop (aside form the market cash grab release) is becouse everyone farms sorties so there is a massively highter amount  of drops, if everyone that switches the game on did every day do a mission with a chance to drop ash prime blueprints i can assure you that they wouldn't be worth anything.

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we wanted better rewards>> DE delivered


we wanted more contents (weaps, cosmetics, enemies) DE delivered


we wanted harder missions starting with high level enemies and so de gave us that too


 the grind is just a side effect from all of these stuffs and if (God forbid I am saying this) DE made it all easy to obtain you all will be still complaining and nit-picking about whatever...

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The way I look at it is that Sorties are supposed to be end-game. End-game missions deserve endgame rewards.  Trials are a multi-type mission c/w a boss battle at the end and gave out arcanes as rewards, which are exclusive to trials.  Sorties are supposed to be one step above that, but offer less exclusive rewards; only the event weapon parts and legendary cores are exclusive, everything else can be obtained elsewhere. Except Nezha which is probably not an endgame frame.


I think there should be no blueprints in the sorties reward table. Everything should come completed (event weapons, potatoes, etc.).  Put Nezha blueprints somewhere else (tenno research) and put the Nezha parts completed in the sortie tables.  This allows players who do not have the ability to complete sorties to get Nezha, while awarding the players who can do sorties the completed parts so they don't have to farm for the resources.  

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I am wondering who's Brain Storm Idea was it to have a Warframe drop from sorties???  Especially that the rewards are repeated. Excessive RNG I must say. 


I am also hoping the Mastery Rank tests are fixed. Last night in doing MR 21 practice test I would run hit an enemy bullet jump for the orb test failed. Tried several practice test all of them failed.  Didn't have enough time to get to an Orb and enemies were not spawning fast enough nor dying fast enough. This was after the hot-fix of MR test.

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Knowing DE and their love for weighted drops, I just KNOW I will be one of the many who won't get the frame to drop. This will then take away my ability to tell my friends, whom I try to convince to play, that " everything is obtainable without money as long as you spend enough time trying."


With a warframe that now has a chance to NEVER drop for some people, I can no longer say that. You , DE, have officially taken the BEST brag/selling point out of the game, i had about your game, that every thing, even the exclusive weapons, we all obtainable with some time and dedication. 


Yes, just this one frame, but once you go down this rabbit hole, it DOESN'T get better. 

It's so disappointing I want to spit. 

And to clarify, I understand we can sell other items we find and then in turn use that plat to buy the frame parts to build this new frame, but many of us hate trade and you have now forced us to HOPE someone will sell it to us at a fair price when it never drops.


Way to go DE, way.to.go. 

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That's....nice. I'd argue that many of the people that are currently fighting with the end-game time/grind wall to get said parts aren't as blessed by RNGesus as you apparently are.


Don't you think that getting all parts in one day is more trading than RNG ?

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I personally don't mind Nezha being locked behind Sorties. It's no worse than getting Vauban honestly. 

I share that sentiment, but only because I have no interest in getting it.


Granted, DE's over-dependency in grind/RNG walls is getting out of control, and this is hardly fair for those who genuinely want Nosey Nasal NeZha, among other things.

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It's baffling how DE was quick to remove potatoes from sortie rewards, but kept exilus adapter, which you can already get from simaris.



I share that sentiment, but only because I have no interest in getting it.


Granted, DE's over-dependency in grind/RNG walls is getting out of control, and this is hardly fair for those who genuinely want Nosey Nasal NeZha, among other things.

This isn't grind though.

The problem is that when rewards are RNG, you need to rely on grind. But sorties cannot be grinded


Look at it this way: When a warframe drops from a boss, you get a guaranteed random blueprint and you can try as many times as you want.

And people still get screwed over and spend months trying to get one missing piece.


Nezha on the other hand only gives you one RNG roll per day plus there's no guarantee that you'll get a Nezha piece at all.

You might end up with another 20 unairu lenses.

Edited by VentiGlondi
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I personally don't mind Nezha being locked behind Sorties. It's no worse than getting Vauban honestly. 

Is it really??


1)youre bound to get vauban eventually, after this and maybe next season nezha will be gone for god knows how long.

2)vauban drops have no actual rng, if you get mission with part in it youre guaranteed to get it, you can however complete all 15 days of sorties and get jack S#&$

3)vauban requires you to do 3 missions, nezha requires at least 9.


But yeah i see what youre getting at.

Nezha 275p, vauban 300p.


Indeed nezha easier to get.

Edited by Davoodoo
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