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I Want A Full Refund Of All The Platinum I've Ever Spent On My Own Account.


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Despite constantly being told by the developers that they want to reduce both the grind and the reliance on RNG, with every update both grind and RNG increase.


At least Vauban parts were guaranteed rewards from their alerts.

At least we can stockpile most resources, and don't need that many Argon Crystals anyway.

At least we can (at least until Starmap 3.0 inevitably screws us over) target specific rewards by running specific nodes.

At least I can stockpile ducats and credits for Baro visits, and do so at my own pace to get the rewards I wanted each time.


But this? A Warframe locked behind endgame content I can only do once daily?

Farming attempts I can't catch up on if I skip a day?

Something that directly affects gameplay and progression that I can neither target nor farm?

That may become unavailable for weeks or months on end as the rewards cycle?




It's clear you want us to buy Nezha with Platinum, and since that's the case, I want a full refund of all the Platinum I've ever spent on my own account, and all the cosmetics I've ever bought with it stripped from me (it's only fair), so that I can instead use it all on what is clearly the developer-intended purpose of the currency: buying my way past grinds and RNG traps alike.


It's clear I've been playing this game wrong all this time.

I may have been playing the wrong game entirely.

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Most of your points are perfectly valid and this is a truly asinine move, but one point of clarification: Nezha will be a permanent Sortie reward. Which is in itself terrible since that means reward tables are permanently diluted, but at least it's something. I guess?

Edited by Synitare
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Most of your points are perfectly valid and this is a truly asinine move, but one point of clarification: Nezha will be a permanent Sortie reward. Which is in itself terrible since that means reward tables are permanently diluted, but at least it's something. I guess?


edit: well i'm wrong, Adam edited his S#&$.

Edited by Adorable_Ookami_Momiji
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Nezha parts are tradeable?


In one month time you'll be able to buy him for 10 plats or so from other players.


All ok.




As always, the only ones to suffer are the impatients and the incontinents.


P.S. With "incontinents" I clearly mean "people who can't contain their patience".

Edited by Dhrekr
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As always, the only ones to suffer are the impatients and the incontinents.


P.S. With "incontinents" I clearly mean "people who can't contain their patience".




Be happy Nezha is not just a pay option. DE gives those who cannot buy things (for the most part) a way to get stuff in game that is in the market. That is more than a lot of other games out there.


That being said, DE needs to make money. The game is free. They need to put SOME stuff behind a paywall style "time vs reward" mechanic to entice those who CAN pay for special offers to do so. Without those transactions, there would be no money to make the game! DE has bills to pay, too!


So before this wailing chorus of self-entitlement reaches a crescendo, stop and think about what YOU do for the game and the people who bring it to you. Not just "gimmie more for free while I give you bile for your time".


Be patient, or show some love for the people who's hard work deserves a small bit of recognition and buy the thing! Or a new syndana. Or a new weapon. Whatever! Just be grateful!

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for now actually...


Karak Wraith had 4 components, Nezha has 3.

so if 'Dilution' exists(which it doesn't really), it's been concentrated rather than diluted.


Nezha is permanent. Lenses are likely permanent. I'd venture to guess that the cores are also permanent, though even if they're not the reward table has at least 8 static rewards. This significantly limits the amount of new/different rewards that can be added in the future.

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It was never your account in the first place. You gave DE all rights to it when you agreed to the TOS.


Don't expect any refunds.


I don't expect anything.

But I *will* remember.

And I will purchase accordingly.


So before this wailing chorus of self-entitlement reaches a crescendo,


I'm not asking for my money back.

I'm asking for my self-spent Platinum back.

There's a difference.

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"Just like *any* online service, once a product has been used; refunds are no longer available. Specifically, if you have purchased platinum/Prime Access packs and then spent the platinum or used the items included we cannot offer a refund for the package." - From DE's support site.



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