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Is The Grind In Warframe Killing The Game?


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If you want every part of the content spoonfed from a silver plate you are wrong here. Warframe is based around farming

and the long term powercreep. But let us be honest here do we really need the 7th Six-Forma weapon or did we just do

that for fun. Is the stance for the weapon we are most likely never use really important?


Let us end the discussion here. 90% of the content is NOT needed we do it because we have fun playing the game and

reaching our self imposed goals.


No one forces us to hunt Crimson Derwish or ride a cartwheel through the void for the 1 blade of the weapon we will never

equip again after lvl 30.


But demanding a game to change because you are not satisfied in your point of view is sad.

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I find this topic quite ironic right now.


Players who actually posted in here are more inclined to the game, spending more time than most other games, than those who don't post. It gets increasingly awkward as more veterans want to play more just so they can get the new Warframes despite the old ones are already easily more accessible than before.

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a grind game.....thats free to play 


its a GRIND GAME people 


get over it or  better yet throw plat  at your screen.....

No game is made with the goal of grind. It's made with the goal of entertainment to those who play. Yeah there should be SOME grind but the entire game should not be built on or around the concept of grind, grind, grind, and when you've grinded enough grind even more.


Short answer is yes the grind is killing warframe. 

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People need to stop saying this is a free to play game. It's free to download. Some of us HAVE TO PAY, or the game will shut down. Those of us who have supported DE and in my case, help kick start the game as a founder, have put our money into it. 


Second I did not expect this thread to explode the way it has. It is never my intention to defame or bring any type of negative feelings towards Warframe or DE. The game is just getting to the point where it is running players away, and making it even harder for new players to want to invest into it.


Grind has to exist in some form, but there is a point where it becomes too excessive and reliant on luck rather than a payout for the effort you put into the game. 


Some new players have trouble getting access to very basic mods. That shouldn't happen. 

Edited by tripletriple
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All I can say, as an MR 21 player with a lot of experience, I tend to do a lot of pubs to help out any and all in said missions. Lately, I have been finding less and less groups automatically picking up right when starting. Not sure if it is the server, holidays, or that there is a drop in active people in warframe.

 (or have gone the solo route).

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"Grind" is a bad term to argue about, mostly because people can't even agree what they mean by it.


To some "Grind" is just the time spent

To some "Grind" is the time spend doing the same task repeatedly

To some "Grind" is preforming any task where there is minimal or no progression toward a desired reward.


I prefer the last one as a useful definition. this is a feature of a reward system that is too coarse.


If DE want people to had an average-time-to-acquire of X hours for a weapon or warframe, they will engineer that regardless of perceived grind, we won't change their mind on that.




We could change the drop mechanism to keep the average-time-to-acquire while reducing the likelihood of deviation, notable from the bottom end.


Nothing is "faster" but the drops are "fairer"

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Hey, new-ish player here. I got into the game a while ago (though I don't remember when), dropped it due to poor explanation of mechanics and goals, and recently wasted enjoyed 100-odd hours of it over my winter break thanks to a more experienced friend who got me back into it. I'm currently trying to put together Loki Prime, and I have just three words for you all: random number generator. Now, Warframe makes it perfectly clear that it really wants your money and that is nowhere better expressed than through Prime items, so I guess it's fair that I keep getting stuck with helmet BPs (or BPs for items unrelated to Loki P). But still, I think the people who opined earlier in the thread that the RNG is much more of a problem than any grindiness in the game hit the nail on the head. I really don't want anything else right now (well, other than the Latron Prime friends talked me into, and helped me with, getting the parts for <3) save the Loki Prime Chassis and Systems. Give me a number of missions or a number of kills and I will try to achieve it. Will I complain? Most likely, considering something like a Prime frame would mire any who dared strive for it in the longest quest the devs think they can get away with. And then I'd have to wait three days for Loki to build! Outrageous! (this last part is sarcasm, though it does bother me that Warframes take that long to build unless you've got loose change). The ordeal could actually become longer, but seeing a counter go up would, I think, do wonders.

This would come with its own problems like, as mentioned before, crazy enthusiastic players tearing through these quotas in a single sitting and thus both failing to take time to stop and smell the roses (i.e. rushing through every mission) and also leaving no roses to smell (i.e. new content) until the next batch of new ones comes out. I still can't help but think it would be worth a look, however.

Finally, I'd like to add an extra cent to the two I've already given: if I feel significantly coerced into paying I will most likely not pay (full disclosure: I actually did buy one of the Steam packs, but most of the Platinum went to a helmet and two color palettes), but if I feel paying is convenient or pleasant I very well might (see: color palettes, as ridiculous as it may be to charge for them; they're fun extras, not gameplay elements). I've been addicted to two f2p games before Warframe, namely Spiral Knights and Team Fortress 2. The former I spent nary a dime on in spite of its offers to relieve me of play time limitation and grinding, while the latter easily subjected me to its yoke of fancy hats. Warframe feels both more and less oppressive than SK; sadly, it's no TF2. I'm comparing completely different games here, so what works for one could easily be disastrous for another, but the myriad ways in which Warframe wants to nickel-and-dime me get a bit insulting. I'm not going to pay a somewhat ambiguous number of dollars for the instant gratification of not waiting for my item to build, thanks. Speaking of which, that's another thing TF2 did right- it didn't try to hide from me, even on a subconscious level, how much I would actually be spending on each individual item.

...Right, so there's my late night/early morning ramble on how I feel about Warframe's grinding and business model. I wouldn't have gotten this far without friends with whom to play it; being alone heightens the atmosphere of the game but stunts progression, whereas playing with friends can make even the most ridiculous Void runs a weird sort of fun.

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emm yeah, and cod is grind, and battlefield is grind, and halo is grind, and gta is grind.....


-hey guys lets play multiplayer and kill the same @(*()$ enemies over and over and over and over in the same maps over and over and over and over and over and lets say we are having lots of fun... and guys lets go to warframe to say S#&$ about it because we do the @(*()$ same that in these other games, but the only difference is that is f2p, have more content and they dont let us have ALL, NOW and FREE, so lets say S#&$ about it!!!


i know warframe has its fails, but the thing that pisses me is a lot of people complaining about grind saying warframe is a grind simulator and then going to play and say those games are fun


I think you still don't quite understand my thoughts.

I don't complain about Halo's grind because I never notice it, nor does it effect me;

In other words, I don't play multi-player online. (Which is the only place where you can truly grind.)

If I am playing Halo multiplayer, it's with a friend. I also enjoy the campaign both either solo or with a friend.

None of the offline content has a grind. (I suppose story mode for story, but saying that is irreverent after beating it the first time. XD)


My problem is, I at times compare Warframe's missions to Halo's campaign. (And Second Dream really brought out that feel.)

In second Dream each mission was progress towards a goal, and RNG didn't say I had to replay the exact same mission again to progress.

Though as said before, Warframe and Halo is an unfair comparison, as Warframe is Free to Play. Grind needs to be there in normal play.


All I ask though is that there is a "safely net" that stops people from replaying the exact same mission a ridiculous number of times for one part,

or something to make all that time spent on all those attempts worth it. (Which the focus system is trying to do, which is a good move.)

I won't lie, I been pretty fortunate with RNG so far, but I hear people say they play a 20min survival mission over 50-100 times for one part.

Though I currently have Prime parts to get from 20min survivals, I am not sure how many more times I want to test my luck after my attempts at the parts so far.

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I think you still don't quite understand my thoughts.

I don't complain about Halo's grind because I never notice it, nor does it effect me;

In other words, I don't play multi-player online. (Which is the only place where you can truly grind.)

If I am playing Halo multiplayer, it's with a friend. I also enjoy the campaign both either solo or with a friend.

None of the offline content has a grind. (I suppose story mode for story, but saying that is irreverent after beating it the first time. XD)


My problem is, I at times compare Warframe's missions to Halo's campaign. (And Second Dream really brought out that feel.)

In second Dream each mission was progress towards a goal, and RNG didn't say I had to replay the exact same mission again to progress.

Though as said before, Warframe and Halo is an unfair comparison, as Warframe is Free to Play. Grind needs to be there in normal play.


All I ask though is that there is a "safely net" that stops people from replaying the exact same mission a ridiculous number of times for one part,

or something to make all that time spent on all those attempts worth it. (Which the focus system is trying to do, which is a good move.)

I won't lie, I been pretty fortunate with RNG so far, but I hear people say they play a 20min survival mission over 50-100 times for one part.

Though I currently have Prime parts to get from 20min survivals, I am not sure how many more times I want to test my luck after my attempts at the parts so far.

repeating the same mission... thats the definition of multiplayer, the favourite game mode of a lot of people, much more than history mode.... 


and that people dont repeat the same "mission" with obtaining something like you do, thats why you are burned, they replay because they enjoy it... so if you get burned is your problem, becuse its YOU who want that, your desire guides you to do that, not your searching of fun thats why you get burned...


the guys who did the same 20 min mission 50-100 times for 1 part... thats a lie... they are liars, or they are... lets say they arent too intelligent, why? its simple:


if you do the same run 50-100 times; 20 min are 4 rewards... lets say the average prime parts they obtained was 2 per mission (because formas and fusion cores are in the drop table) so if they did 75 times the mission they obtained:  150 prime parts.... 150 prime parts (the hardest part i obtained was in 6 runs of 40 min= 8 rewards, 4 primes= 24 prime parts obtained at he end: 150 are 6.25 times the longest i spent obtaining 1 part, that guys say they spent around 6.25 times more time than me to obtain the part where they spent more time; something amazing... but is not all): 150 parts... a lot of common prime parts are sold for about 5 pl, some others for 3pl, and others for 2 or 1pl if you find someone, so lets say you sell 5pl parts, that would be around 40 of these 150 parts: 40*5=200 plat + other pats that are not the thing they wanted but are not very common, i had some of these and were sold for around 20pl so if hey found 10 they would win other 200 plat. with that 200 plat that are parts that can be sold in not so much time you can buy that part, and even the full warframe/weapon... the other 200 plat of 5pl parts are not easy to obtain because that parts are a bit difficult to sell, but with the around 200 pl won with the "around 20pl" parts you dont need these, and the 100 parts you dont use you can change them for ducats, so you will have what you want+a lot of ducats+the remaining platinum, and you dont need 75 runs to obtain this... with 6, i obtained the part i wanted (maybe luck?)+things to sell+parts to change for ducats


i would even say that with 6 runs like i had to do you can sell that parts that are a bit rare that are sold for around 20pl i obtained 4 of them in 6 runs so with that is enough to buy that part and maybe more...


for another part after 3 runs i said, enough, this is startig to be boring... i sold the things i obtained there, and some other prime part, and bought what i wanted...


so i didnt get burned because i was starting to be bored so i stopped, and started  selling the things i obtained+something i had from another run and bought what i wanted.


thats why im not complaining, because i was enough intelligent to stop when it started to bore me and find another path (that is not boring, at least to me) to obtain what i wanted

Edited by mstriker
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People need to stop saying this is a free to play game. It's free to download. Some of us HAVE TO PAY, or the game will shut down. Those of us who have supported DE and in my case, help kick start the game as a founder, have put our money into it. 


Second I did not expect this thread to explode the way it has. It is never my intention to defame or bring any type of negative feelings towards Warframe or DE. The game is just getting to the point where it is running players away, and making it even harder for new players to want to invest into it.


Grind has to exist in some form, but there is a point where it becomes too excessive and reliant on luck rather than a payout for the effort you put into the game. 


Some new players have trouble getting access to very basic mods. That shouldn't happen. 

I'm finding a lot of empty nodes and cannot believe that most of the newbies are just playing PvP or Void. When I started it was all about unlocking all nodes. Then there was a lot of online chat from people asking for taxi rides to certain nodes.

When we 'founders' started we all played what the game is about. We definitely spent a lot of time in Warframe Wiki learning the game. Now, there seems to be a different mentality arrived which is highlighting RNG because they are not getting their gear fast enough.


My conclusion, DE have failed to realize that newbies come to the game and because it has been running for a few years those newbies feel at a disadvantage to people like myself on MR18 and having had and kept, or disposed of, every weapon and Frame in the game . . . and they see a massive 'catch up'.

DE should slacken the RNG to change the pace of acquiring so that the newbies are encouraged to get more involved . .  there is no point asking the veterans to help the newbies if there are no newbies to help.


These figures suggest that the game is still very healthy . . .




The graph for 2014 onwards shows the games attraction is increasing not diminishing so forget about RNG ruining the game. The dip over Dec could either be because of Xmas or people - myself included - not liking the 'sorties' [or, more to the point, the crap on offer as rewards, and thanks to RNG, getting repeats over and over and over], and reacting by staying away.

Edited by CaptainEras
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It's killing the game very slowly. There still is not a system in this game that properly rewards you something worthwhile for the risk you go through every mission. You either go through the roulette of getting something that underestimates your achievments or you get something you already have. 


DE's answer to this is "Well let's just give them alot of things to grind for to keep the players busy. Sorties, Raids, Voids, etc." ,but honestly that's a system that just isn't working because the problem is more complex than how DE wants to handle it. Only aspects in this game that show a hint of proper reward is the alert system(But even then you fight time vs. the RNG the system provides.), and the Simaris daily that properly awards you syndicate points after accomplishing your deeds. Thats it thats all. 


There needs to be something more straightfoward that applies to the core of the game.


In short, people trying to get into this game just want something more for completing their mission than just credits because credits, as we all know, is a very cheap currency that is easy to obtain and they want something consistant.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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Well, I personally feel like DE balances the drop tables around the "Hard core" grinders. Leaving casuals and people with things to do with a massive beast of grind.

There is a ton of content available to you if you're not a hard core grinder.

Its simple as that. For those that do eat, sleep, and play WF- theres hardcore goals for them to go after.

Everyone should be happy, except the entitled babies who want every new item handed to them. No- you dont NEED Ivara, Wukong or Nezha. Theres plenty of other frames for you non "hard core" busy players with a job and family, to play with.

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There is a ton of content available to you if you're not a hard core grinder.

Its simple as that. For those that do eat, sleep, and play WF- theres hardcore goals for them to go after.

Everyone should be happy, except the entitled babies who want every new item handed to them. No- you dont NEED Ivara, Wukong or Nezha. Theres plenty of other frames for you non "hard core" busy players with a job and family, to play with.


It's funny how after a year and a half, nothing changes in this game. The community is still toxic as ever and the gameplay mechanics and business model make this game truly awful.


I was watching TB stream this game last night and I thought...maybe now, maybe it will be better this time around. But no. Of course not. A few pick-up groups and I was done. There's no sense of teamwork or camaraderie, just a mindless rush to slaughter things as fast as possible...don't slow down, don't stop for teammates, just run to the end of the level. The UI still a mess to navigate. The game still lags, still breaks, and nothing is explained. I had to refer back the wiki...again and again. This game drives sane people who value their time to brink of frustration. A sane person values their time and it's why I loathe the developers of this game because they clearly do not value your (the player's) time. If you want my money, don't waste my time and try to trap me in you F2P pitfall BS. Give me missions that actually matter, not mindless grind-fests for loot I scarcely care about. New weapons and warframes do not equal new content.


Why should I want prime Warframes? Why should I want prime weapons? Why should I have to re-level stuff after I Forma them... and why can't you come with a method of slowing power creep by another means that doesn't waste my time by having to re-level Forma'd weapons??? Do you really need to bleed us for money for inventory space? Can you explain the costs involved in the development and maintenance of this game as to why you require people to send money on COLOR PALETTES?!? (Seriously, DE. You did not invent the color blue.) Is there an end-game...that matters? Do feel like some kind of story is necessary in this game? Why are weapon build for the most part cookie-cutter? (Standard, Crit-Build, and Status build.) What do envision this game will look like when it's done? Or are you content never explaining it and go on bleeding your...community...(*snicker*)...dry?


How about actually respecting your consumer's time and maybe then they'll open their wallets with admiration, not out of frustration or insidious business models. There are still numerous problems plaguing this game that go back the days when it was in early access...for however long you consider that the game WAS in early access (give or take two or three months...) But hey just like the RNG in this game you randomly got some coverage from someone who wasn't Mogamu. So congrats, I weep for the fools that give this game a try from watching TB's stream when they finally discover that playing this game is a giantic waste of their time and money.

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There is a ton of content available to you if you're not a hard core grinder.

Its simple as that. For those that do eat, sleep, and play WF- theres hardcore goals for them to go after.

Everyone should be happy, except the entitled babies who want every new item handed to them. No- you dont NEED Ivara, Wukong or Nezha. Theres plenty of other frames for you non "hard core" busy players with a job and family, to play with.

You are right . . .said before and will say again . .all it takes is a bit of imagination to find a whole load of good gameplay in the game.

As for Frames, have them all but that's for MR points . . . Zephyr is the frame I use the most, the last 3 to the game have nothing special compared to the much earlier frames so nothing to get hot under the collar about.


Darkmoone 1 makes a lot of sense . . . DE need to again sit down around the table and sort out where the game is going for their punters because bit by bit they are losing the 'sensible' grip on it.

If a game can hold so many of us for over 2 years, playing virtually daily, they have quite a jewel worth protecting.

Edited by CaptainEras
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It's funny how after a year and a half, nothing changes in this game. The community is still toxic as ever and the gameplay mechanics and business model make this game truly awful.


I was watching TB stream this game last night and I thought...maybe now, maybe it will be better this time around. But no. Of course not. A few pick-up groups and I was done. There's no sense of teamwork or camaraderie, just a mindless rush to slaughter things as fast as possible...don't slow down, don't stop for teammates, just run to the end of the level. The UI still a mess to navigate. The game still lags, still breaks, and nothing is explained. I had to refer back the wiki...again and again. This game drives sane people who value their time to brink of frustration. A sane person values their time and it's why I loathe the developers of this game because they clearly do not value your (the player's) time. If you want my money, don't waste my time and try to trap me in you F2P pitfall BS. Give me missions that actually matter, not mindless grind-fests for loot I scarcely care about. New weapons and warframes do not equal new content.


Why should I want prime Warframes? Why should I want prime weapons? Why should I have to re-level stuff after I Forma them... and why can't you come with a method of slowing power creep by another means that doesn't waste my time by having to re-level Forma'd weapons??? Do you really need to bleed us for money for inventory space? Can you explain the costs involved in the development and maintenance of this game as to why you require people to send money on COLOR PALETTES?!? (Seriously, DE. You did not invent the color blue.) Is there an end-game...that matters? Do feel like some kind of story is necessary in this game? Why are weapon build for the most part cookie-cutter? (Standard, Crit-Build, and Status build.) What do envision this game will look like when it's done? Or are you content never explaining it and go on bleeding your...community...(*snicker*)...dry?


How about actually respecting your consumer's time and maybe then they'll open their wallets with admiration, not out of frustration or insidious business models. There are still numerous problems plaguing this game that go back the days when it was in early access...for however long you consider that the game WAS in early access (give or take two or three months...) But hey just like the RNG in this game you randomly got some coverage from someone who wasn't Mogamu. So congrats, I weep for the fools that give this game a try from watching TB's stream when they finally discover that playing this game is a giantic waste of their time and money.

So I take it you don't like anything about the game ? . . . except a person who didn't like the game wouldn't have the passion to make such a large post !

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It's funny how after a year and a half, nothing changes in this game. The community is still toxic as ever and the gameplay mechanics and business model make this game truly awful.


I was watching TB stream this game last night and I thought...maybe now, maybe it will be better this time around. But no. Of course not. A few pick-up groups and I was done. There's no sense of teamwork or camaraderie, just a mindless rush to slaughter things as fast as possible...don't slow down, don't stop for teammates, just run to the end of the level. The UI still a mess to navigate. The game still lags, still breaks, and nothing is explained. I had to refer back the wiki...again and again. This game drives sane people who value their time to brink of frustration. A sane person values their time and it's why I loathe the developers of this game because they clearly do not value your (the player's) time. If you want my money, don't waste my time and try to trap me in you F2P pitfall BS. Give me missions that actually matter, not mindless grind-fests for loot I scarcely care about. New weapons and warframes do not equal new content.


Why should I want prime Warframes? Why should I want prime weapons? Why should I have to re-level stuff after I Forma them... and why can't you come with a method of slowing power creep by another means that doesn't waste my time by having to re-level Forma'd weapons??? Do you really need to bleed us for money for inventory space? Can you explain the costs involved in the development and maintenance of this game as to why you require people to send money on COLOR PALETTES?!? (Seriously, DE. You did not invent the color blue.) Is there an end-game...that matters? Do feel like some kind of story is necessary in this game? Why are weapon build for the most part cookie-cutter? (Standard, Crit-Build, and Status build.) What do envision this game will look like when it's done? Or are you content never explaining it and go on bleeding your...community...(*snicker*)...dry?


How about actually respecting your consumer's time and maybe then they'll open their wallets with admiration, not out of frustration or insidious business models. There are still numerous problems plaguing this game that go back the days when it was in early access...for however long you consider that the game WAS in early access (give or take two or three months...) But hey just like the RNG in this game you randomly got some coverage from someone who wasn't Mogamu. So congrats, I weep for the fools that give this game a try from watching TB's stream when they finally discover that playing this game is a giantic waste of their time and money.


Then this game isn't your cup of tea.


If you don't like it, put everything down, move on, come back when you like. Complaining isn't going to do anything. Even more so bashing the Devs like that doesn't get you anywhere either.


Also good job trying to spread misinformation about the Devs not caring about the community. That makes me laugh. It's as if Prime time doesn't exist, or them actually fixing issues because of health related issues in the game (Case in point, Nezha)


If I send you on your way to another MMO that has grind and is free to play, you'll say the same thing. 

Edited by KJRenz
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Honestly, it pretty much sounds like when a parent tells a child they cant have candy for breakfast and the kid retorts "I HATE YOU MOM. You never let me get what I want for breakfast. Worst mom ever"

You think you hate the grind, but its the reason why you're here 1000 hrs later playing the SAME MISSION on the SAME TILESETS over and over again.

DE knows what's "best" for us and our addiction (most of the time)

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Is the grind real? Yeah.

Is it ruining the game? Personal opinion.

I've had to take month-long breaks from this game 2 or 3 times now just because the burnout got real after farming so much. The game lost it's replay-ability. But regardless, I've always come back. And I've always continued the grind. I must say though, All this daily stuff they're putting in is kinda ruining it.

Sorties, Daily Rep, Syndicate missions, Cephalon Simaris, Darvo, Daily Focus, Invasions....Doing all of this is bound to make people hate the game.

I have to avoid doing most of that stuff because I already have 20 trades to exhaust daily, and All of this is just too much....


All these daily things are great, but none of it give enough motivation to complete all of them in the end.

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repeating the same mission... thats the definition of multiplayer, the favourite game mode of a lot of people, much more than history mode.... 


and that people dont repeat the same "mission" with obtaining something like you do, thats why you are burned, they replay because they enjoy it... so if you get burned is your problem, becuse its YOU who want that, your desire guides you to do that, not your searching of fun thats why you get burned...


the guys who did the same 20 min mission 50-100 times for 1 part... thats a lie... they are liars, or they are... lets say they arent too intelligent, why? its simple:


if you do the same run 50-100 times; 20 min are 4 rewards... lets say the average prime parts they obtained was 2 per mission (because formas and fusion cores are in the drop table) so if they did 75 times the mission they obtained:  150 prime parts.... 150 prime parts (the hardest part i obtained was in 6 runs of 40 min= 8 rewards, 4 primes= 24 prime parts obtained at he end: 150 are 6.25 times the longest i spent obtaining 1 part, that guys say they spent around 6.25 times more time than me to obtain the part where they spent more time; something amazing... but is not all): 150 parts... a lot of common prime parts are sold for about 5 pl, some others for 3pl, and others for 2 or 1pl if you find someone, so lets say you sell 5pl parts, that would be around 40 of these 150 parts: 40*5=200 plat + other pats that are not the thing they wanted but are not very common, i had some of these and were sold for around 20pl so if hey found 10 they would win other 200 plat. with that 200 plat that are parts that can be sold in not so much time you can buy that part, and even the full warframe/weapon... the other 200 plat of 5pl parts are not easy to obtain because that parts are a bit difficult to sell, but with the around 200 pl won with the "around 20pl" parts you dont need these, and the 100 parts you dont use you can change them for ducats, so you will have what you want+a lot of ducats+the remaining platinum, and you dont need 75 runs to obtain this... with 6, i obtained the part i wanted (maybe luck?)+things to sell+parts to change for ducats


i would even say that with 6 runs like i had to do you can sell that parts that are a bit rare that are sold for around 20pl i obtained 4 of them in 6 runs so with that is enough to buy that part and maybe more...


for another part after 3 runs i said, enough, this is startig to be boring... i sold the things i obtained there, and some other prime part, and bought what i wanted...


so i didnt get burned because i was starting to be bored so i stopped, and started  selling the things i obtained+something i had from another run and bought what i wanted.


thats why im not complaining, because i was enough intelligent to stop when it started to bore me and find another path (that is not boring, at least to me) to obtain what i wanted


Haha, now we are talking.

I suppose I don't mind repeating missions too much if it's with people I know,

but when it comes to playing with random tenno or going solo; not so much.


I'll be honest that I didn't factor in trading, but alas the part I seek is in the derelict, which only gives one prime part at 20min... or a T1-2 void key.

To make matters worse, the only other prime part is a Burston Barrel, which isn't of much value.

(Then there is the derelict defense... at least the other prime part has some value.)


Also you are correct, I do feel burned when I don't get the item after attempts,

as I am indeed not replaying the survival mission for fun... as I am more goal oriented.


You see, on the Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology, I am both an Achiever and Explorer. (which describes my playstyle fairly well.)

I enjoy collecting and leveling everything (within reason of course.), and well... achieving goals.

I also love exploring different warframe powers and weapons, along with different mod combinations for them.

Replaying the same mission and getting a near worthless reward is well... just not enjoyable for me.

Now the Focus system is helping with that, but something about it just doesn't give enough drive.

(I suppose I should try to get a greater lens...)


Funny enough, I am completely fine with the Sortie missions. (Likely because I value all the rewards. XD)

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