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Nezha Is Super Fast Sure But...


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Has anyone else tried this out?


Apparently you can copter with nezha.


I tried this on while crouch slashing with the War as my primary weapon.


If you run and then slide and do the coptering move, it recreates the forbidden technique and it pushes Nezha far ahead than the former coptering ever did.


In fact everytime I rush with Nezha I have trouble rorating because the force of her speed still pushes me into the direction she rushed into.


You are able to copter realy far even without her firewalker ability. Feels like a bug because her base sprinting impacts player mobility.

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I can already sense the distant sounds of locking...


But to clear up the air about Nezha, 


Nezha is from an a very old Chinese folklore and is depicted as a young boy -- as in not an adult, but a child. Generally speaking, a lot of young boys are not muscular until they reach early adolescence, hence why masculine features are not depicted in Nezha.


In short, Nezha is a boy.

Edited by Mobilizer
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You are welcome to identify Nezha however you please. However, officially, Nezha is a male Warframe. That said, I've been seeing a lot of derogatory comments since his release, the most popular being "trap". Several of these insulting remarks have already been removed from this thread. Out of respect for the community as a whole, I implore you refrain from posting any gender-shaming comments. 


Thank you and Carry on Tenno   (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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You are welcome to identify Nezha however you please. However, officially, Nezha is a male Warframe. That said, I've been seeing a lot of derogatory comments since his release, the most popular being "trap". Several of these insulting remarks have already been removed from this thread. Out of respect for the community as a whole, I implore you refrain from posting any gender-shaming comments. 


Thank you and Carry on Tenno   (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Sorry Danielle, but I think you misunderstand the term 'trap'.


Traditionally, it is used to refer to an individual who an observer believes is one gender, when they are actually another. That's it. It has literally nothing to do witha person's sexual orientation or gender identity, and everything to do with their physical appearance.


It's just like words like 'ugly' or 'beautiful', and like those words, it can be a touch judgemental, but it is not offensive to people of nontraditional sexualities. Because it has nothing to do with sexuality.


It's origin and general usage is from anime, and most traps in anime are in fact, heterosexual males. The word is just used to describe their appearance.


It can be offensive when applied to real life people that are of nontraditional sexuality. If you call a trans-woman a 'trap' that is very offensive, because it implies they are trying to be deceptive or hide something about their gender. However, in the same token, calling a trans-woman a 'man' is also very offensive. This contextual use doesn't make the word itself bad.


Calling Nezha a trap isn't offensive at all either.

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Sorry Danielle, but I think you misunderstand the term 'trap'.


Traditionally, it is used to refer to an individual who an observer believes is one gender, when they are actually another. That's it. It has literally nothing to do witha person's sexual orientation or gender identity, and everything to do with their physical appearance.


It's just like words like 'ugly' or 'beautiful', and like those words, it can be a touch judgemental, but it is not offensive to people of nontraditional sexualities. Because it has nothing to do with sexuality.


It's origin and general usage is from anime, and most traps in anime are in fact, heterosexual males. The word is just used to describe their appearance.


It can be offensive when applied to real life people that are of nontraditional sexuality. If you call a trans-woman a 'trap' that is very offensive, because it implies they are trying to be deceptive or hide something about their gender. However, in the same token, calling a trans-woman a 'man' is also very offensive. This contextual use doesn't make the word itself bad.


Calling Nezha a trap isn't offensive at all either.

Trap is a derogatory term for trans women. Like tranny etc. The fact that you would try to justify...


It's a slur.It's gross. Extract it from your vocabularly and the trans people you encounter (you may not know they are) will thank you immensely.


Also, there's a whole other layer of using a slur involved in being attracted to a woman only to be "tricked" by the person actually being a man. (Which, again, trans women are women,) on a little boy.


There's nothing sexual about the frame, it looks like a child. Beyond not using such a term at all, using it on him is so icky.


Edit: also sexuality is irrelevant here, this is a gender issue. Transwomen can be gay or striaght or bi or ace etc etc. Gender and sexuality are different

Edited by SpicyDinosaur
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Sorry Danielle, but I think you misunderstand the term 'trap'.


Traditionally, it is used to refer to an individual who an observer believes is one gender, when they are actually another. That's it. It has literally nothing to do witha person's sexual orientation or gender identity, and everything to do with their physical appearance.


It's just like words like 'ugly' or 'beautiful', and like those words, it can be a touch judgemental, but it is not offensive to people of nontraditional sexualities. Because it has nothing to do with sexuality.


It's origin and general usage is from anime, and most traps in anime are in fact, heterosexual males. The word is just used to describe their appearance.


It can be offensive when applied to real life people that are of nontraditional sexuality. If you call a trans-woman a 'trap' that is very offensive, because it implies they are trying to be deceptive or hide something about their gender. However, in the same token, calling a trans-woman a 'man' is also very offensive. This contextual use doesn't make the word itself bad.


Calling Nezha a trap isn't offensive at all either.

Sorry, it is.

if you can use other synonyms that are definetly not offensive (gender transgender) to explain something, yet you chose to use one that already has a negative connotation (and than have the nerve to explain to a moderator on how, even though its offensive everywhere, somehow, it is not offensive here).... no. simply stop.

n*ger can also be used to describe a black person. yet it has a connotation, a negative one. and if you choose to pretend it doesn't, because in your own world it can be used in an unoffensive way, than you simply are being disrespectful.

Rebecca knows what a trap means. So do I. and so do you.

So, for the sake of everyone. be respectful. and dont use the word.

Stop telling people what they should or should not find offensive.

Its not you who's being called that.

Edited by tnccs215
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Sorry, it is.

if you can use other synonyms that are definetly not offensive (gender transgender) to explain something, yet you chose to use one that already has a negative connotation (and than have the nerve to explain to a moderator on how, even though its offensive everywhere, somehow, it is not offensive here).... no. simply stop.

n*ger can also be used to describe a black person. yet it has a connotation, a negative one. and if you choose to pretend it doesn't, because in your own world it can be used in an unoffensive way, than you simply are being disrespectful.

Rebecca knows what a trap means. So do I. and so do you.

So, for the sake of everyone. be respectful. and dont use the word.


Actually there's no other word that properly encompasses a 'trap'. 


As I said, in anime (the origin of the context of the word) most traps are heterosexual males who are feminine in their appearance or behaviour to the point of confusing others of their gender. 


They're not transgender, so it wouldn't be correct to call them that. Calling them 'feminine' might work, but it doesn't quite have the same weight.

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Forget trap. I prefer nubile or prepubescent.


But the drama around Nezha's gender is one of the silliest community issues in WF--a community that is so far from tight-lipped or rhetorically reclusive.


Regardless... The design is nice and her power kit looks fun.


To those complaining about including Chinese mythology due solely to ChinaFrame... We have Norse inspiration, French, Greek, Japanese and several more... Chinese mythology inspired themes in a Ninja-esq themed game about swordplay and guns...seem fairly appropriate to me. Honestly I'm more surprised that we don't have more Chinese mythology and kung fu based themes... Or do we... SPOiLER ---> the new system is totally based on Taoism and the stance mod names are a very overt tip-of-the-hat to old school Hong Kong kung fu films. 

Edited by RawGritz
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you know something funny about language? it changes.

For example, where I leave there are two words for an homossexual person. gay, or "paneleiro".
technically, "paneleiro" means "cooking pot maker". yet, somehow, it got to be the equivalent to fa*got. 

And its offensive, and it shouldnt be used.

So I'm sorry, but its not the origin of the word that defines it as offensive or not. And it surely isnt you. It's the language, the culture that decides. and trap is offensive. So stop using it.

Edited by tnccs215
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Actually there's no other word that properly encompasses a 'trap'. 


As I said, in anime (the origin of the context of the word) most traps are heterosexual males who are feminine in their appearance or behaviour to the point of confusing others of their gender. 


They're not transgender, so it wouldn't be correct to call them that. Calling them 'feminine' might work, but it doesn't quite have the same weight.

Epicene, androgynous, nubile, effeminate, cross-sexual, prepubescent...

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