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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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1 - would like to see more rational prices all across the ingame market


2 - would like to see no more bundle-locking of cosmetic gear, sure, offer bundles for 10-20% plat savings, BUT ALSO sell the cosmetics ala carte as well


3 - stop restricting abstract skins to a single weapon, ESPECIALLY in the melee department, ie : saryn gets a rework and gets a new skin for the zorens to make them more 'organic' looking, but many ppl just used their zorens building the awful basolks, and the skin cant be used with the arguably more fitting dual ichors... why not? its a complete model replacement... (this logic does not apply to skin repaints, only to complete model swaps), same argument for the shortsword/dagger skin in the loki bundle that only works on the dual kamas (???) of all things, why is this skin not usable on ANY dual-sword melee grip type? =/

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My very not-so amazing but kinda-amazing wish list:


1. - More tennogen stuff, maybe even armour sets!


2. - Excalibur umbra because swag. :>


3. - New animations, i bought almost all the animation sets and only ash and hydroid animation sets look good, im hoping that there will be more animation sets.

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Best wishes and happy new year to all members of the Digital Extreme team!

I wish the same to my fellow Tenno as well!

As to my wishes for 2016: (u18 spoilers ahead)

Mechanics and systems

1. Focus system.

Tying it with warframes and items is rather strange for a late-/endgame progression system. The whole lens system works rather strange for it in fact. I think that equiping lenses to your Tenno would make a lot more sense

Then the problem comes with the excess lenses people will eventualy amass. I realy don't like he idea of losing lenses when equiping others on items and warframes. It's essentialy trowing away plat. And at 40p per great lens it seems rather cruel to turn them into dust cause you want to focus on another tree.

And the other point is the focus gain that is based on kills.

It discourages team play and discourages going for objectives.

Directly tying it to affinity again would do little to solve this, as objectives still provide trivialy small affinity gains compared to going on a killing spree.

Its not a simple problem to solve, but it would bring many improvements to the way the game is played.

2. Archwing.

It's no secret that archwing is still in great need of polish.

The movement system feels a bit clunky in open space maps, and is borderline broken on trenchrun modes, where you spend a lot of time bumping into walls and random scenery.

The gameplay is still fun at times, but you feel a distinct lack of finesse compared to the normal warframe gameplay.

Because of the amped up speed and the limited capabilities to track enemies it is realy hard to find and hit your enemies with ranged weapons.

The problem is not with the weapons, but the trouble to find and spot enemies against the dark backdrop of space.

This means melee spam is an often preffered way to take down groups of enemies. Mashing the melee button isn't a very fun way to spend time in space battles.

My suggestion would be to take good look at how other dog fighting games help the player to keep track of enemies.

The real trick here is how to do it without much reference points. Normal aircraft can orient everything relative to the ground. In space we don't have that luxury.

Furthermore there are some complains about the item and affinity grind in archwing. Which is fair, but as long as the game mode is fun enough it wouldn't feel so bad. So focusing on the clunkyness and playability would help lessen this complain to a substantial amount.

3. Stealth

I could go into detail here, but the stealth systems could use some improvements.

My personal gripe is the unclear "allert status" of enemies.

Rewards and items

1. Syndicate melee/more syndicate rewards.

Yes please!

Also deepening the lore/involvement with syndicates would be nice.

I believe there have been ample suggestions for this, and i'm sure [DE]Steve has some ideas for this aswell, so i won't go in to detail.

2. Sortie rewards

A normal warframe has no right to pollute a drop table so. (Once you have Nezha, getting more parts will only annoy you) Especialy with a rewardtable thats filled with more items then any Prime Warframe.

That Nezha is tradable is no excuse for for this. Put Nezha's parts in the reward table for the first and/or second mission of sorties and make him untradable like all other normal, non-prime frames.

Perhaps bring back potato's into the droptable? Hell i'd think pre-build forma would be a coveted here. (Well i'm in need of them atleast)

Lore and emersion

I'd like to learn more about the rise of the Corpus. We already know a bit about the Grineer rebelion, but not much about how the Corpus became the Profit, Orokin and selfishness cult that it is.

Aside from that, just give more, MORE!

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Warframe has really been great. I have one must do and of course a really ambitious one.


1. The must do for me is more controller support. I'm one of the few who plays with a controller on pc. I know, use a mouse, but my account is here and i'm invested to say the least (coming up on Mastery Rank 20). If you can please have us be able to adjust the aim sensitivity for when we're aiming and when we aren't. Also fine tune the aim assist, especially during aim gliding. Lastly please let us be able to navigate the foundry, mod table, codex, etc with the controller. That would be awesome.


2. Stealth. It should be easier to pull off if you want to. I would just like it if enemies didn't immediately notice you. Give us a chance to silence the enemy before they shoot their gun. Let the alarm cool down after a while if we are not seen. Let us be able to destroy the control consoles or at least disable them from sending out an alarm. Just a few ideas.


3. Lastly is the really ambitious wish. There are some tilesets that have really cool transitions such as going through the portals to go from a corpus ships into the depths of a grineer ship. Or going into a grineer escape pod to launch and crash into a corpus ship. I love these transitions and I wish for more. I want more dynamic tilesets, for things to happen in these that are amazing. Blizzards happening on europa sets, earthquakes happening on earth, sandstorms on phobos. Sludge pipes bursting suddenly on ceres, ship debris crashing into ships, random explosions happening when you've caused a ship to go critical. What can I say? It would be cool.

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i dont know if you [DE] will read this but  if you do the first thing i want in the game is this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/567063-my-ash-alt-skin-concept/ to go with the ash rework :) and scythe buff and  extend them a little make them actually scythes 

i dont know if you [DE] will read this but  if you do the first thing i want in the game is this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/567063-my-ash-alt-skin-concept/ to go with the ash rework :) and scythe buff and  extend them a little make them actually scythes 

And Volt Rework

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1. Nitan Extract on the drop table from somewhere other than alerts.  Some of us work odd hours and being up at 4 am just to get one or possibly two a day before we have to shove off to work for the day would be nice.

2. Volt premium skin, possibly something that looks kinda steampunkish.

3. Some love for the other Youtubers other than Mogamu and his Youtube mafia of friends.  I know that i'm going to *@##$ed at about this, but seriously there are other people that could use a chance in the spotlight that get shoved off to the side because the big names haven't had their name up in lights in the last 15 min is kind of pathetic.


Who would you give a chance in the spotlight to? I'd be interested to know if we've either had them on TennoClock or if we could get them on.

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1 big maps and open atmosphere large terrains  , more space to hide , and easy to snipe and stealth and different type of missions for stealth (not like spy) and yes we can encounter some wild animals in their who don't attack us at all

2.relays should be open and free to roam around (all 3 should have different themes or styles) where we can see all fractions who choose peace even some of greeniers and corpus too

3.and..... well this one u can take as humble request that please please please make mesa as it was before please that frame was one of my favourite and now i can't use and saryn too


thanks for giving U18 so soon i enjoyed very much all the stuff it's awesome and awesome and ivara is one of the best thing u have given till now so please don't do any rework on it

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Taking ability augment mods out of the warframe mod pane and put into the actual abilities pane. After all, they are mods for the powers of the frame, not necessarily the frame itself (i.e. power strength, range, duration, etc).


So something like this...


Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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OK so now that we are in 2016  I roughly tallied everything in this thread, all 29 pages up to comment #565, in to set headings.

Though I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy I feel I am mostly correct in my tallying.

If you wish to look through my numbers please feel free to explore the spoiler hell at the end of the post


Most requested thing

Syndicate Melee weapons  = 37 Requests


Top 10 most requested Specific things

- More Syndicate weapons/Melee Weapons  = 37 
- More Lore  = 33
- More cinematic quests = 29
- More everything/Archwing love/Arching 2.0/more Archwings  = 28
- Operator Cosmetics = 23
- Better Stealth mechanics & mods/Stealth 3.0 = 20
- Umbra warframes = 19
- Dojo needs More things/attention = 14
- Lance/Spear/Throw-able spears = 13
- Dedicated warframe augment slot = 9


Top 3 Generic requests

- Less RNG = 20
- Less Grind = 17
- Better AI = 12


Honourable/interesting mentions

- Both gender/Male and female of each warframe = 8
- More Gatling weapons/minigun = 8
- New warframe: Typhus  = 7
- New Gunblade weapon = 7
- No more Bundle exclusives  =  6
- Arcanes not linked to cosmetics  = 6
- Distilling old arcane helmets buff = 5
- Arcanes on cosmetic Armour parts = 5
- account migration = 5

Top 10 Warframe re-works requests

- Volt (15)
- Limbo (15)
- Mag (14)
- Nekros (9)
- Zephyr (8)
- Oberon(8)
- Hydroid (7)
- Ash (5)
- Saryn(3)
- Nehza (3)
- Mesa (3)



WARNING: Lots of spoilers below broken down into the different headings I used to count the data. If you are looking into more information in a particular area please see below. However there is a lot of stuff here as I didn't want to pigeon hole peoples ideas into large vague groups. Lots of people recommended individual ideas and i have tried to keep them all in the list.

---------General non-specific comments that people made

-Less RNG (20)
-Less Grind (17)
-Better AI (12)
-More Polish/ less new stuff (8)
-Less bugs/more bug fixes (4)
-More endgame/high level content (3)
-More starting warframe weapon slots/ways to earn (2)
-Less nerfs (2)
-More Buffs (2)
-Fix void drop tables (1)
-Token System (1)


- Better Stealth mechanics & mods/Stealth 3.0 (20)


-More weapons/Melee Weapons (37)
-More mods (All kinds) (8)
-lore back story (7)
-Cosmetics/Armour sets (7)
-More missions (6)
-Other rewards (1)
-Archwing syndicate Mods (1)
-Ability to disable operatives (1)
-More for simaris(1)
-Unique syndicate assassins(1)
-Cosmetic sigils (non-rep giving) so that can be combined with other syndicates)
-Sell fusion cores (1)
-syndicate conflicts (1)

---------Lore expansion

-More Lore (General requests +  including from below) (33)      

                                      <Mentioned by name>
-Warframes/inside a warframe (5)
-Stalker (4)
-Grineer (3)
-Sentients (3)
-Orokin (2 )
-Teshin (2)
-Grineer queens (2)
-Infestation (1)
-Dr Tengus (1)
-Warframe codex pages (1)
-Dax soldiers (1)
-Tenno (1)
                                     <Other lore stuff>
-More factions (1)
-Stalker is Hayden Tenno (1)
-Warframe comics - to explore universe(1)


-Catbros/Kavaats (9)
-Kubrow AI (8)
-Companion commands(4)
-vacuum for all (4)
-mods - sentinel separate mods or shared (3)
-Sentinel Regen Work (2)
-Remove Degradation (2)
-More non-combat non-mission kubrow interaction (2)
-Ability to take multiple companions to a mission (2)
-Spectre control (2)
-Robot/Zanuka pet (2)
-Sentinel survivability (1)
-Rename kubrows(1)
-Sentinel interaction (1)
-Companion Augments (1)
-More guns for sentinel (1)
-More imprints per kubrow (1)


                                     <Requests for Warframes to be re-worked>

-Volt (15)
-Limbo (15)
-Mag (14)
-Nekros (9)
-Zephyr (8)
-Hydroid (7)
-Ash (5)
-Nehza (3)
-Mesa (3)
-Nyx (2)
-Vauban (2)
-Banshee (2)
-Trinity (1)
-Ember (1)
-Rhino (1)
-Loki (1)
-Wukong (1)
-Buff warframes/Older frames (~14)

                                      < General Warframe Related Wish list>

-Both gender/Male and female of each warframe (8)
-PBR Excalibur prime and/or proto skin (8)
-More passives (4)
-Return of greedy pull (3)
-Frost prime cloth physics (2)
-Warfames to be built with more alloy plate (1)
-Vauban to be moved to dojo and take nitain(1)
-All  range in now infinite? (1)
- visual update oilder primes (1)
-Exalted blade charge attack (1)
-Nehza acquisitions changed (1)
-Bring back the mesa peacemaker poses (1)
-More abilities as toggables (1)
-Ivara drop rate increase (1)
-Excalibur passive improved to all melee (1)
-Stop making reworks requiring synergistic use of several ability(1)

                                     <New Warframe wish list>

-UMBRA FRAME!!!! (19)
-Typhus frame (7)
-Valkyr Prime (5)
-Saryn Prime (4)
-Spider Frame (4)
-Summoner/pet Frame(4)
-Nekros prime/Umbra (3)
-Oberon Prime (2)
-Banshee Prime (2)
-Frame that uses other frames powers (2)
-Beast frame/Transforming beast frame (2)
-Guyver frame (1)
-Wrestler frame (1)
- A "More gun" based frame(1)
-Plant based warframe (1)
-Vauban prime (1)
-Amaterasu Okami frame (1)
-Anti-Armour frame (to match mags "Anti-shield") (1)
- Rapier frame (1)
- Music Warframe (1)
- More Journey to west frames (1)
-More healing/utility focused frames (1)
-Space frame (1)
-Time Frame (1)
-Belial Frame (1)


                                     <Weapons to Rework>

-Snipers (7)
-Scythe (6)
-Silva and Aegis (2)
-Miter (2)
-Skana (2)
-Older weapons (2)
-Old prime weapons (1)
-Lato Prime (1)
-Tetra (1)
-Karak (1)
-Magistar (1)
-Lato (1)
- Redeemer (1)
-Fist weapons (1)
-Daggers (1)
-Fang/Fang prime buff (1)
-Skana prime (1)
-Lato Prime (1)
-Torid (1)
-Explosive weapons rework(1)
-Telos boltor (1)
-Vaykor Hek (1)
-Flux rifle (1)
-Dethmachine rfile(1)
- Panthera (1)
- Paracyust (1)
- Tetra (1)
-Boar Prime (1)
-Latos (1)
-Vastos (1)
-Pangolin swords (1)
-Quanta Vandal(1)
-Tiberon (1)
-Ether weapons (1)

                                     <New Weapon Wish list>

-Lance/Spear/Throwable spears (13)
-More Gatling weapons/minigun (8)
- New Gunblade (7)
-Grenades (4)
-Heavy weapons (3)
-Akvasto Prime (3)
-New sword and shield (3
-Galatine Prime (3)
-upgraded Brakk/Dex (3)
-New scythe (3)
-Mara Supra/Supra Vandal (3)
-Aklex prime (2)
-More different style/combined weapons/outlandish/strange (2)
-Rapier (2)
- More explode-self safe weapons (2)
-Lightsaber (2)
-New Nikana (2)
-Elemental Bow/more bows (2)
-Sybaris Prime (2)
-Nikana Prime (1)
-More themed weapon sets (1)
-Obex Prime (1)
-Pyrotechnic Ogris - the one napalm uses ? (1)
-Infested Medi-gun(1)
-Prisma Kohm(1)
-Akstiletto Prime (1)
-Secura Obex (1)
-New Braton variant (1)
-Semi auto energy weapon(1)
-More corpus weapons (1)
-War fans (1)
- Gunabi(1)
-Dual Nikana (1)
- Dual Broken War (1)
- Sentient weapons (1)
-Lacera prime (1)
- Dual Rapiers (1)
- New dual daggers
-New single dagger with high crit rate (1)
-Bullpup burst rifle (Tenno) (1)
-Glue gun(1)
-Ignis wraith (1)
-Double barrled shotgun (1)
-LMG with no windup (1)
-Spear and shield weapon (with kick!) (1)
-Ether Reaper prime(1)
-Dual Glaive (1)
-chain sickle (1)
-Dual flame pistols (1)
-Mios prime (1)
-Dual nikanas (1)
-More dragon weapons (1)
-dual function weapons (1)
-Pump action shotgun (1)
-Dual swords and dual daggers of exisitng sword types (1)

                                     <Other Weapon changes wish list>

-Weapons damage scales with rank (2)
-lower mastery on syndicate weapons (2)
-Now sniper punch through nulifier bubble (1)
- weapon leveling 2.0  (1)
-weapon utility slot(1)
-Alternative nikana holster(1)
-Energy weapons having rechargable ammo pool and overheat mechanics (1)

--------- Melee

-Rework Channeling and its revelant mods (4)
-Rework combo system/3.0 (4)
-More combos on old stances (4)
-Charge attack tweaks (2)
-New Whip stance (1)
-New stance of Obex (1)
-More unique gameplay effect stances (1)
-More focus on melee(1)
-More stances (1)
-New dual sword stance (1)
-Multiple stacnes with set roles e.g single target vs aoe(1)
-Blocking blocks stastus effects (1)
-Blocking buffs (1)
-Finishers moved to the "use" key (1)
-Remove Quick Melee (1)
-More stance mods for dual daggers (1)
-Buff when playing sword alone (1)
-Melee Multi-strike (1)
-Remove cost of channeling blocking (1)
-Aerial executions (1)
- Each melee weapon typ to have a purpose (1)
-Hand to hand combat (1)
-All finishers 1 hit kill (1)
-Cancel combo actions with roll or block (1)
-Hadouken shooting sparring stance (1)


-More cinematic quests (29)
-Quest replayability (7)
-Umbra quest (3)
-Rework older quests to second dream level (2)
-Ordis repair quest (1)
-Warframe inside/insight/diseection quest (1)
-Void/Tower quest(1)
-Archwing quest (1)
-Quest for unlock and story of each planet (1)


-More chances for old weapons/mods (14)
-New operation/s (12)
-Snipertron vandal returned (1)
-Ranked events (1)
- Return of latron wraith (1)
- Return of quantum badge (1)
-Return of rift sigil
-Monthly tactical alerts (1)


-Make Better (7)
-Auction house (3)
-Auction house esque stuff (1)
-Better search system (1)

---------Missions/solar system/game mods/Maps

-Star chart rework (9)
-Additional misson types/gamemodes (7)
-Boss Reworks (7)
-More tilesets (5)
-Void rework (4)
- Star chart to better represent spheres of influence of each faction/mission to affect solar syatem with actual implications (invsions do nothing!) (3)
-Bosses drop more frames (3)
-Plantary settlement hub/missions (2)
- Less draco (2)
- Reduce parkour boundaries (2)
-Rework invasions (1)
- More Vertical maps (1)
-Sortie only missions (1)
-Mission types with higher spawns of rarer eneimes.  (1)
-Nef Anyo/corpus trial (1)
-Defender the oribiter (SW barttlefront 2 style) (1)
-Go with barokiteer mission (1)
-ODS/ODD being more rewarding (1)
-Excavator hp scaling based on mission (1)
-Mini map and pathfinidhing improvements (1)
-Remove mesa keys and atlas requirements (1)
-Missions that use liset (1)
-Move forma to T1 void only (1)
-Solo /smaller groups (2-3) having access to raids(1)
-Moon being its own zone (1)
-More void missions(1)
-Rework mobile defence (1)
-More trials (1)
-Gravity varies per planet
-Stalker Skin(1)
-reduce invasion mission runs from 3 to 1 (1)
-Defence 2.0 (1)
-Better alert rewards (1)
-More dynamic tile sets e.g. weather (1)
-bigger tiles on a tile set (1)


- Nitain obtain-ability (4)
- More Uses for alloy plate (4)
-Less Argon decay(2)
-Removal of argon (1)
-Less things using argon (1)
-Less new resources more use of old (1)
-More uses for control modules (1)
-Argon for survival rewards  in void (1)
-Remove resources from void drop table (1)
-Remove control modules from void (1)

---------Cosmetic & Tennogen

            <Wish list for Cosmetics>

-Operator Cosmetics (23)
-Finish more PBR (non-excalibur)(7)
-More skins/helms/cosmetics (6)
-more cosmetic armour/armour sets (6)
-Buy/trade steam/Tennogen items for plat (5)
-seperate customization/colours per cosmetic (3)
- More warframe loadout options (more than A,B,C) (3)
-More freedom to colour/customize stuff (2)
- Rerigging weapon holstering (2)
-Mag premimum skin (2)
-Toggle Prime parts options on warframes (2)
-New non-warframe linked idle stances & animations(2)
-Cloaks (2)
-Metalic colour sets (2)
-Weapon contest (2)
-Ability to swap cephalon (2)
-no more seasonal time limits on cosmetics (2)
-More freedom on use of cosmetic weapon skins (2) - Dupe?
- non DotD skins for halloween (1)
- Obsidian Braton Skin obtainable again on PS4 (1)
-Cosmetics linked to weapon/weapon sets e.g. Grakata clip holders (1)
- Rhino platine icon (1)
-deluxe skins having custom effects (1)
- Fixing Syandana and making real scarfs and more physcics (1)
-More Ormolu skins (1)
- new waist cosmetics (1)
-Dual zoren skins to work on Ichor (1)
-Sixth colour slot for prime frames (1)
-More weapon shooting animation rather than default (1)
-Non-lotus communication handler pack for normal missions/syndicate handlers (3)
-Weapon sheaths (1)
-Scarfs (1)
-Alt helms for china frames (1)
-New cosmetic armour - Gauntlents (1)
-More cosmetics that are frame spcifc (1)
-More commuinity suggested everything (1)
-Improve cosmetic skins (e.g. Saryn) (1)
-seperate armour parts for kubrow cosmetics(1)
-Ability to put name in tennoscript on side of ship-Stalker Skin(1)
-Stalker Skin(1)
-Limbo premimum skin(1)
- Give stats to prisma warframe skins (1)
-More warframe skins (1)
-Sentinel cosmetics (1)
-Stalker Skin(1)

            <Wish list for new premium Skin>

- Frost premium skin (5)
-Banshee premium skin (3)
-More premium skins (2)
-Nova premium skin (2)
-Ember Premimum  Skin (2)
-Volt premimum skin (2)
-Zephyr Premimum skin (1)
-Vauban Premimum (1)
-Trinity premimum Skin (1)
-Oberon premimum (1)
-Nyx Premimum skin (1)
-Nekros premimu mSKin (1)


-Dedicated warframe augement slot (9)
-More augment mods (4)
-Primed streamline (4)
-Primed Stretch (2)
-Some mods being available on market (2)
-Primed Rush (1)
-Remove primed fury and rebuff normal fury(1)
-Augements in Exilus slot (1)
-Dedicated utility mod slot for weapons(1)
-Primed Intensify (1)
-Primed Pressure point (1)
-More unique mods for unused weapons (1)
-Drop rate on Venegeful revenant (1)
- MoD underclocking (1)
-Primed vaccum (1)
-Remove mandatory mods (1)
-Improve stance drop rates (1)
-Stop serration and multi shot nerf(1)
-More use out of Vazarin(the D) (1)
-More primed mods (1)
-More melee mods e.g. affect chrage attack and channeling (1)
-Fix the uncommon weapon status chance mods (1)
-More mod slots/remove hp and shield mods (1)
-More mod slots fro warframes and weapons (1)
-Primed chamber (1)
-improved moding options/customizations (1)
-More warframe mod slots (1)
-Warframe vaccum exilus mod (1)
-More duial stat mods (1)


-Dark sectors returend (5)
-More modes (1)
-Dedicated pvp servers (1)
-Rework melee for Pvp (1)
-PvE darksector mode returned (1)

---------General Balance

-Less disparity between regular and special versions weapon/Frame (1)
-General weapon balancing (2)
-More balance between wearframe abilities e.f. why trinity only energy giver? (3)
-Balance shield vs armour (6)

---------Void trader

-Better Items (2)
- Selling prime acces accessories (1)
-More saccesibility to his wares (2)
- More mods and  Weapons (1)

---------Focus & Operators

-Complete rework/big changes (8)
-Interact/Play as operator  e.g. walk around (7)
-Focus ultimates where you change into a focus form (3)
-Rework EXP sharing system (3)
-Unairu changes (2)
-Zenurik changes (2)
-Madurai changes (1)
-More lense availability (2)
-More options e.g. vocals, dialogue lines and the like (2)
-Removable lenses/lense distiller (2)
-Cap scales with mastery (2)
-Focus shared between players (2)
-Put the mask back on (1)
- More ways to get focus exp (1)
-More passive buffs on focus (1)
-Fix stuff & change stuff (1)
-Option to have frame float not operator(1)
-Increased options on focus system (1)
-Focus system to affect equipped warframe powers (1)
-Focus system expanded to mastery of chosen weapon types (1)
-No Focus cap (1)
-Focus system to Intearct with mod system more (1)
-Hear your other team members operators talk to you (1)


-More everything/Archwing love/Arching 2.0/more archwings (28)
-More mission types (11)
-Bring archwing more into regular missions (3)
- Freedom of rotation (2)
-Prime Itzal (1)
-Sharkwing on moon (1)
-Healer support/utility Archwing (1)
-Space fighter gameplay (1)
-Archwing weapons (1)
-Archwing augemnts (1)
-Better archwing Ui to detect enemies (1)
-controller support overhaul fro archwing (1)
-Archwing to get itsd own development team like PvP(1)
-Tutorial improvements with damage "cracked" mods (1)


-Better rewards (3)
-More variation on effects and conditions (2)
-Remove Nehza (2)
-Ability to choose sorie reward (2)
-more event weapons (1)
-remove dera and karak parts(1)
-New weekly sortiee (1)
-Ability to replay soriee missions once completed that (1)
-Repeatable sortiees fro additional rewards(1)
-4th soritiee misson combinign all previouis effects for fun only (1)
-more rewards per day (1)
-Arcanes as a reward for solo (1)


-Enemy scaling (5)
-More sentients/more setnient mobs (3)
-Make nuffliersd more fun/reworked (3)
-Replace placeholders e.g. Ancient hookshot attack (2)
-Mini bosses/complex enemies/enemies require tactic/excution (2)
-Review Enemies (1)
- Better enemy desgin (1)
-AOE from napalm and bombards stop clipping through everything (1)
-more larger enemies (1)
-Make nuffliers void exclusive (1)
-Make scambi more frequent (1) - new corpus mobs?
-Nuffliers removed (1)
-More Orokin enmies (1)
-Remove grineer hitscan weapons (1)
-Enemies using new weapons (1)
-Nerf Stalker (1)


- Bring back wall run (3)


-Liset/Oribiter  gear display room (5)
-Free fly the liset/orbiter (2)
-More Orbiter (1)
-Alwayts exit to Liset(1)
-More orbiter rooms (1)
-Lotus Noggle (1)
-Female Grineer Noggle (1)
-Ordis room (1)
-Palatine Rhino Noggle (1)
-MoA Noggle (1)
-More liset decorations (non-Noggle) (1)
-Noggle decoration stand (1)


-Fix broken exterminate missions (7)
-Head snap bug (2)
-Zephyr turbelnce bug (1)
-Moon walk melee bug (1)
- Eliminate "Failed hopst migration" (1)
-AoE headshots not working (1)
-Fix thrown melee (1)
-Fix void sabotage glitches (1)
-Fix gear and animations being reset daily bug (1)
-Machere appearing when un-obtainable (1)
-Level normal weapon/frame before can use prime (1)
-Immortal skins overwriting prime trim on prime frames (1)
-Nexus app cant login (1)


-Make me a guide of the Lotus (3)
-Warframe to keep going another 10 years (1)
-Keep Being Awersome (1)
-Stop being afraid and listen to player base more (1)
-Geoff charidee flexathon (1)
-Rebecca vs Steve dance off, in compulsary pink shorts (1)
-Sheldon vs Megan innuendo duel (1)
-Scott vs beer (1)
-Permanent Christmas (1)
- All the hugs (1)
-Free beer for DE (1)
-An Album of Rebecca and Megan singing Warframe theme parody songs(1)
-Santa clem(1)
-More [DE]Danielle (1)
-Remove my warning point(s) (1)
-Keep dreaming, and keep it coming (1)
- Keep being awesome (1)
- A date with the Grineer Queens (1)
-Option to give Space Mom a hug (1)
-Pls give me 15 plat (1)
- I wish for a whole life supply of Cheesebugga(FORMA)! :D (1)
-Girlfriend  Friends~ yes friends I wish for it :3  (1)
-Keep drinking beer on stream. You've done it for years now theres no point in changing now (1)
-Dancing Sheldon Noggle (1)
-DESteve Kubrow skin (1)
- More Lotus voice ("Hey Idiotenno ! Stop doorcamping and defend the objective.") (1)
-Headphones for booben (1)
-I can haz job here please? XD (1)
- A grakata that shoots out smaller grakatas. (1)
-The ability to fight RNGesus himself(1)
-Why are there no hot pink fur colors for Kubrows? WHY?(1)

---------Dojo & Clans

-Dojo needs More things/attention/Everything (14)
-New rooms (2)
-Alliance banners (1)
-Inventory in dojo(1)
-Christmas decorations (1)
-Arsenal access (1)
-Lotus statue (1)
-Dojo Npcs (1)
-Dojo Lighting control (1)


- No more Bundle exclusives (6)
- Arcanes not linked to cosmetics (6)
- Account migration (5)
- Distilling old arcane helmets buff (5)
-Arcanes on cosmetic Armour parts (4)
- More faction NPCs (3)
-Foundry queue and auto claim (3)
-Space race and comeptitive parkour (3)
-More free gifts/more reactors/catalysts (3)
-Remove 24 hour mastery test wait timer (2)
-Formas in market/syndicates(2)
- Chat  rework/Chat system to be fixed (2)
- automatic sprint/sprint button or control rework  (2)
- More Ordis/ways to interact (2)
-Rework mastery locks (2)
-Player made missions (2)
-Rare containers increase in apperance (2)
-Better controller support (2)
-Playing as NPCs factions (1)
- Actual physical problems with warframe e.g. colour blindness(1)
- More prime access accesiroies (1)
- Enemey awarenes and state improvements (1)
- Enemy Field of view on radar (1)
- More graphical toggles (1)
- changs to system so that it doesnt penalize support play (1)
- Player generated levels (1)
- keep the cool livestreams (1)
- Technical updates - engine/smoothness (1)
- updating place holder grpahics (1)
- Removal of negation mechanics (1)
- More tennolive events (1)
- Uranus relay to be an underwater secret base(1)
- Spectre control UI(1)
- More attention paid to console calendar releases (1)
- Arsenal sorting (1)
- Arcanes accebsible to solo players(1)
- Tenno Npcs (1)
- More Radio stations (1)
- Complete Ordis mute (1)
- More Mission Intros (1)
- Hide loading screens behind cinematics? (1)
-Post mission Cinematic/docking scene (1)
- More Gore/blood (1)
- More linked design. More variety (1)
- More variety of everything (1)
-More variety on consumable gear items (1)
-Less gateing on regular frames. (1)
- More revelant rewards in alerts (1)
-More Anti Aliasing (1)
-Turn down graphical effects options (1)
-Forum software update (1)
-Discard surplus items (1)
-Improve fire graphics (1)
-Prime accesories all sold in one big pack (1)
-more transaltions (1)
-More nexus app development e.g. chat featurs (1)
-Remove shark wing give proper swimming system (1)
-Clem based mini game (1)
-More 2.0s (1)
-proper weapon and warframe progression tree (1)
-Warframe to work on more operating systems (1)
-Warframe OST (1)
-View teamamts sentinels/compansions on UI (1)
-Rework the in mission minioibjective e.g. hack a terminal in defence? (1)
-Another UI overhaul/update (1)
-companion playground in relay (1)
-Colourpicker option that it randomly changes during mission/ability cast (1)
-Enhancements/unique to additions to the Solo play option. (1)
-Cancel build in foundry (1)
-Be able to see our platinum purchase history(1)
-Ability o move active quest to pending/pause quest spam (1)
-Team vote kick (1)
-Ability to change email address associated with account (1)
-Prime vault is accesories only (no frame) (1)
-Faster general matching making (less clicking each node)(1)
-Formas unlocks the ability to change at will the polarity of a slot (1)
-Stop using "Paygarden" to process gift cards (1)
-Dark sector style finishers (1)
-Stop leeting damage bleed through shields(1)
-Better drop tables for information like prime Items (1)
-Energy 2.0(1)
-Fix transmutation(1)
-Reduce mod drop table clutter (1)
-Flashlight toggle (1)
-Cosmetic crosshairs (1)
-Release more frames per prime access (1)
-Update/new voice lines (1)
-FPS mode (1)
-arm mounted weapon, that stays on arm when holstered (1)
-Enemny to have non-alert idel animation e.g. grineer dice, corpus mops (1)
-Coidex scanner used to do archeology (1)
-More camera options to take better screenshots of self and environment. (1)
-Reuce forma price (1)
-Recery void credit reward(1)
-Better UI fro abilities e.g. see all frost snowglobes (1)
-Dyson sphere around the sun (1)
-Physx rework (1)
-Fix disconnect exp loss (1)
- Increase starting colour pallet(1)
-Trails auto matchmaking (1)
-Buy Plat through apple wallet (1)
-Each craft has a different ineterior (1)
-Challenge rooms in regular missions (1)
-Ability synergy between different warframes (1)

--------------- Balance Related comments (not an exhaustive and hard to measure list)

-General Reworks/More balance e.g. balance/damage 3.0 (8)
-Rework performance/balance/skill/resource requirements (2)
-Weapon scaling/disparity/old weapons - this is probably a dupe needs merging elsewhere (2)
-General Reworks/More balance e.g. balance/damage 3.0 (8)
(probably more to hard to define all)


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A handful of my thoughts...


1. Change Oberon's Hallowed Ground from a rectangle to a 45-degree cone.


2. Change Chroma's Spectral Scream so you slowly build up walking speed, topping out at about 1.2x your sprint speed. (Thread on this here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/587461-chroma-spectral-scream-suggestions-dont-crawl-charge/)


3. A new Polearm stance that focuses on stabbing forward enemies and lets you throw your spear as a charged attack, impaling enemies.


4. Adjust Nullifiers and Sapping Ospreys, they're just not fun. Nullfiers shouldn't dispel self-buffs or summons like Shadows or Rumblers, and Sapping Osprey AoE shouldn't have constant damage - they should do subtle CC such as blocking power use or draining energy. They could even drain shields, but not hurt health.

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Ah another bright year for the amazing Warframe.

As for my wishlist:

A reworked combat system

This is a ninja themed game yes? There needs to be much, much more emphasis on melee combat, and much less emphasis on guns. Melee should be our primary weapon. Then a new way to use melee, chaining combo's, flowing quickly from enemy to enemy, and more purpose to use counter attacks, perhaps a new counter attack button, that we can activate just as an enemy strikes. I am not saying remove guns... it is just that for a ninja themed game, it does not feel enough ninja-like.

More reason to use parkour

Another aspect our ninja themed game is missing. Currently, parkour is used merely as an advantage in combat or to quickly traverse maps, it needs to be more than that, it should become compulsory to use in order to progress through the maps. This would mean a rework of maps... However, it would be really nice.

Cooprative cinematic boss kills

Once a boss reaches little health, a cinematic sequence is initiated, and button prompts will show on screen for each player in the cell, pressing the incorrect button results in failure. (Such as the vor fight in the E3 trailer) And a shorter version for normal enemies.

The feature to visit other player's ships

I do not mean merely vewing their ships, The feature to actually visit our fellow Tenno.

Kusarigama skin

A skin for blade and whip weapon types, which will pay more homage to authentic ninja style.

Conclave Tournaments

Weekly tournaments, that rewards exclusive tournament items. Perhaps Conclave weapons?

A New Ranking system

Not everyone can, or wants to obtain all gear in the game, Perhaps a new ranking system besides mastery, that actually measures skill. The duration of one's membership could contribute towards this rank.

Edited by (PS4)Ultro-Warrior
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Oh boy 3 wishes, what is missing from the game.....


1. I wish for a shipyard to be constructable in the Dojo, which allows Members of a clan to build large scale Tenno Warships,

those ships could be used in Archwing situation and used to expand the Archwing expirience. Like escorting your own

personal warship on a bombing run on a facility guarding it while it passes the perimeter defense systems of the site.


2. I wish for better defense on warframes


3. I wish for another great surpirse as was Second dream, you guys had me crying.

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Reworkssssssssssssssssss <3


- Syndicate invaders rework (with proper syndicate units and weapon)

- Ash, Volt, Mesa, Mag rework

- Some tweaks on other frames like Limbo, Loki, WUKONG

- Better icons for some weapons (Dark Sword/Dagger, Ceramic Dagger/Cronus, Mutalist Quanta...)

- A FULL Codex, with all mobs (even bursas and nightwatch) and with vandal/wraith. Same for the mods (and better icons for some mobs like eximus)

- No more eximus looking specters !! Use the loki decoy texture, so we can easily see who's with us, and who's human or not. (use it on frame specters too)

- Orokin faction that use prime weapons, and wear more prime parts, and more units

- Some fun and wtf mods for Mk1 weapons for PVE

- Make Baro ki teer with a constant shop, and weekly unlocked rare items. And a roulette with platinum to unlock rare items even if they're locked this week.

- Dojo rework and update, with old rooms, more decoration, more labs, more colors, being able to move rooms and switch them out, coloring decoration, easy decoration mode with flying camera, ability to move decorations...

- Arcade Room for relays, with wyrmus, flappy zephyr, landing craft racing and other minigames, with highscore and goodies to win

- Rework of archwing extermination, do it like a modern arcade rail shooter, with a big ship to defeat at the end, scoring will change the loot at the end. We need an arcade shooting mode for archwing.

- New Warframe(s) with archwing weapon related spells. (Examples : cast a mech that use equiped archwing mélee as a invocation, become a ground mech with equiped archwing primary weapon, cast a specter that will do equiped archwing spells and such)

- Many other tweaks, patch, rework, 

Edited by Xgomme
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I'd like to see every single "special" variant of a weapon receive a rather significant buff where needed. IE, Prisma Weapons, Event Weapons, Primes. A lot of the time the weapons that get an extra variant are very poor in their vanilla incarnation, and its generally thought that the special versions will "fix" them, yet far more often than not they just become another form of mastery fodder...only one that you don't actually want to sell away, either due to cost or in the hope that it will one day be buffed and you will be vindicated in keeping it. Make these weapons worth a damn, and then add the parts to sorties to give new players a chance at nabbing them.


I'd also like to see a particular mod either rendered obsolete, or removed outright: Primed Point Blank. It boggles my mind that DE decided the best course of action in regards to Shotguns having been inferior to Rifles damage-wise due to mods was to Prime Point Blank instead of just turning it into a 10-point. As aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable it is to those of us who have the mod, all it really does in practice is limit the ability of newer players to bring Shotguns into the endgame, as they can only access that very mandatory mod by either trading for it, or waiting months in hopes that it shows up at the Void Trader again. No newbie should be required to shell out the high amount of platinum asked of it in trade, much less forced to enter into the trading scene at all in the early stages of their getting into the game.


The other main thing is that I'd like to see more casual endgame content, like Sorties but improved (along with improvements to the Sortie system in general). Warframe has always suffered from excessive grind, which is one of the biggest turnoffs to people. It really needs alternative "short" content that feels rewarding but doesn't require obscene amounts of time to justify. Sorties are a step in the right direction, but they can still take a long enough amount of time to be unreasonable to very casual players (An hour + if all 3 missions roll as endless, and GOD HELP YOU if you get paired with a bad group and fail any of them part of the way through). I'm not saying they should start giving stuff away for very little effort, but there really needs to be more "jump in jump out" content that people who can't necessarily sit down for 1-3 hours at a time every single day, and it needs to feel rewarding to accomplish. Nothing breaks your balls like spending 30-minutes-to-an-hour finishing your sorties only to be rewarded with a Lens from a focus you aren't working on, when even something as simple as cores would have made it feel INFINITELY more rewarding. The best day I've had from sorties since they came out was when I maxed one of my 10-rank mods and then received x25 Gold Cores from my sorties. After days of lenses and Dera Prime Parts, for the first time it felt WORTH IT to have done them, and I stopped and said to myself "How much better would this system be if I could forego the RNG for the other items and just opt to receive a decent allotment of cores instead?" That leads me to my final hope...


LESS. BLOODY. RNG. They've talked about how they want to make Warframe less grindy over and over yet all they ever do is make it even MORE grindy. I get why Warframe has such a grind, I get that grind is integral to its monatization and the whole process and prosparity of the trading scene...but why does EVERY SINGLE FACET OF REWARD in this game have to feel like such a bloody gut-punch of grind? Why can't there be systems that just reward for playing with something that you are guaranteed to use mixed in alongside the RNG systems? For example, why not make it so that when you finish a Sortie, instead of the entire party getting a random reward, they instead receive a "token" of sorts. They can then take the "token" to the Relay, or just somewhere on their ship, and at that point the "token" rolls the RNG wheel to show you what you get from the same sort of seasonal pool system we have now. However, if you don't like what shows up on the wheel, you can instead opt to take some small amount of Golden Cores in its place like x5 or x10. An amount that you could potentially get faster doing other content (IE, Interceptions), but large enough to make you say "You know what? That's alright." It would also mean that future equivalents to stuff like Dera Vandal Blueprint parts will be both more exciting and more valuable, because less people will take them and there might actually be a demand some time sooner than the next ten years (assuming we NEVER get them in a Sortie Season again, and if that happens, I'll eat my own socks.).


There are so many other ways to improve the game, mostly in reworking old systems rather than just "content"...but those are the things that I would REALLY like to see. Honorable Mentions to the ritualistic annihilation of all bloodlines leading up to the Corpus Engineers who designed their Spy Vaults, and the further nerfing of the more ridiculously powerful weapons like the Tonkor to be more on-the-line with the rest of the endgame equipment whilst not becoming a shallow husk of their former self (Still mad at you for what you did to poor Ogris, DE).

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