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What Would You Guys Do First At Zombie Apocalypse.


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Got this idea from another thread. But, rather than derail it might as well do this.


I would take my Model 41& sw1911(although I have a .45 rather than a 9mm which is overly common) and a Machete that my roomate has(lets admit it zombieland is going to be correct,2e2c10ddbb2e316ccb338426d012eacf.jpg so he won't mind) and whatever I can get from the army surplus store 2 blocks away.


As for food there are some storage warehouses for large chain stores a couple of towns over. I'll need to move quick since this is a desert environment so I will most likely move North towards the national parks while having a car won't be a chore to upkeep and worry about. 


Thanks to a bro on the forums Imaru my new leatherman wave will be a must. Some kitchen knife(don't have anything else) and a raincoat since I am sure I can find warm clothing anywhere. This wind-up radio flashlight thing that I got out of novelty.


Pads not tampons for such a situation it just feels like a better choice. This orange degreaser/cleaner thing that my dad brought when I was doing some home improvement to wash my hands since purell doesn't feel like a good choice either.


So how about you guys?!


No need to state the obvious choices of fire starters like matches, flint, a lighter, and of course water bottle, backpack, clothes, shoes/boots, your brain...etc



Edit: I noticed by looking at my title that well...don't say I am going to do my wife or something along those lines.

Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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Weaponry is a must of course. I'm thinking and .45 or 9 with tons of ammo and any rifle with a scope for clearing out from a distance. cant be picky when the goin gets tuff. food shouldn't be a problem for awhile. After all, the fatties are dead and most people will be to afraid to go out.


North sounds good along with a build with solid door maybe a generator, kitchen and med supplies. I could definitely seal off a wing of a clinic or hospital with a all of the above. Good luck to you all and uhhh... no new friends.

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Use all my time spent playing Warframe to travel to DE's office in Canada and fight back against the zombie invasion, with Spacemom as our leader. Now nobody can criticize me for 'wasting time' in Warframe.

You must reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaally like Rebecca...

Well if you want a serious answer I would kill myself if they were fast zombies and if they were slow I would grab my Mosin and AR-15 and head to Idaho to spend the rest of my days eating potatoes.

I'm obsessed with potaters might redirect my travel plans

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Run to the nearest field, gotta get out of densely populated areas. Then raid some poor man's barn/shed/house for some stuffs and probably head south (after trying to round up nearby friends) in order to find a boat and head over to some island, or at least mainland europe. UK is a bit tragic to spend your zombie apocalypse in, it would be easier though, no wolves/crazy wildlife or crazy plants/reptiles.

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Run to the nearest field, gotta get out of densely populated areas. Then raid some poor man's barn/shed/house for some stuffs and probably head south (after trying to round up nearby friends) in order to find a boat and head over to some island, or at least mainland europe. UK is a bit tragic to spend your zombie apocalypse in, it would be easier though, no wolves/crazy wildlife or crazy plants/reptiles.

I would have thought the opposite. Stick to the coasts. Gather survivors to fence off a town and systematically cleanse the empire.

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Hard to obtain live weaponry. I'd probably procure myself a large vehicle, and find a way to solar power it. I should be good for awhile.

And if these are the infra red seeing and hearing zombies: lots and lots of fire crackers to draw their attention.

Id probably fasten myself a crossbow + arrow.

Failing all this, a metal suit i.e. knights armour. Since infection is done by biting, i just need to cover myself in steel.

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Probably freak out and off myself. Not a good person with stress.



Nothing, because zombies are scientifically impossible.



Do we know that for sure?


Science has made bigger leaps before, and time brings things with it.


A couple hundred years ago, most of the stuff we have would be thought impossible. Open up your mind, eh?

Edited by Rheoidegen
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