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What Weapons Do You Wanna See In The Game?


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Ive got a couple:



Ancient weapon of the Thracians. Imagine a Katana on a long stick, but the tip is bended forwards and the blade inwards, like some kind of scythe. This weapon was so brutal and effective, it forced the Romans to change their armor because their soldiers were chopped into pieces with these things.


BFG 9000:

There may be people here that never played a DOOM game, so...

It basically shoots a huge energy ball into enemy crowds, that evaporates everything with energy lightnings while passing by.


Typhoon Assault Rifle from Crysis:

Ever heard of the "Metal Storm" weapons? The munition is kept in tubes, a bullet and its propellant, queued behind each other. If the trigger is pulled, a electrical signal fuses them one after each other in the blink of an eye. The theoretical firing rates are enormous, when enough barrels are put next to each other. Whatever you are pointing on is ripped apart by hundreds of bullets that are fired in a second.

We might need a prime rifle ammo mutation for this...


Laser Rifle from Shadowgrounds:

A typical laser rifle with 2 firing modes. The first is like the Dera, single laser projectiles are spewed out. The second is a continuing beam of light, like the Flux. A kind of 2 weapons in one.

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I want another shot at a gunblade.  even the sword and board got another weapon in it's arc type.

I'd also like to see more USEFUL throwing weapons.

And I would LOVE to see a self damage weapon that grants you extra damage.


Something similar to this weapon:  

Lastly I'd like a transforming weapon.  Look to any weapon that is in bloodborne.

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I definitely want quite a few of the weapons posted here so far (spears ohmahgaaaawd), but saying them all again wouldn't be very useful, so i'm gonna go with something new.


Like grenades. 


Not grenade launcher, just plain grenades, to send rolling between enemy legs, bouncing on the ceiling, ect....




Or a laser weapon who would bounce off walls and stuff.




Or just imagine a Warframe with a leech osprey under one arm, hitting it on the head to make it shoot leeches on enemies!

Edited by Lomuwiel
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I want a new kind of weapon that take the place of secondaries, it's called a satellite they're a number of small several sentinel like machines that are deployed from containers located on the lower body and float around the character attacking enemies some deal raw damage some deal one type of damage and some only focus on specific elements. they should all require another secondary to make and in some cases warframe parts.

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 only I don't see a point since it won't be better than broken war.



Not everyone cares for how powerful it is


I still use and love my Venka despite them not actually being "super OMG OP". Broken war looks godawful and only reason i haven't tossed it is the need for it to be used to make War which i will undoubtedly then toss once its 30 as i have a functional Greatsword that i enjoy already. War i possibly would have kept if it had a interesting thing to it like be a Elemental damage type since its a giant energy blade, but no and i already have a enjoyable large jet powered hammer for High levels of Impact Damage.



I kinda got what i wanted when Ack and Brunt came out, a solid Weapon and Board weapon made better by the fact it was a Axe.

Aklex Prime would be nice to see and a Shoulder mounted Heavy weapon of some sort (maybe a mini missile system)

Edited by AzureTerra
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I also want some weapon that attaches to your palm and can generate whatever you think of.. for example, a radiation beam?......... so it makes you look like there's a blue beam coming out of your hand...... u know like how your character looks like when casting sparkles/flames in skyrim but this time it's a radiation beam that confuses enemies........ so basically your hand + powers of amprex........


I wanna see a fcking power glove......  or have the ability to make the warframe unarmed with just their fists and kicks and the stats of "unarmed" relies on the warframe for example...... rhino has like high base damage but slow attack speed while excalibur has moderate power and speed.

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