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Always A Headache: The Question Of Transferring


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As I have read that its not going to happen or probably never will happen or that I should complain to support about it or just a number of other things, transferring. I hate to be that guy and bring it up again and I know DE is awesome and I've put quite a bit of time into Warframe but thats exactly my issue. I put a lot of time into Xbox and started playing 2 days after Warframe was released on Xbox and I find myself sort of depressed that I can't enjoy my same gear on PC. Like I said, didn't want to be that guy to bring it up again but I feel the occasional reminder might bring the topic closer to the front of the table for DE. After playing Warframe for so long and being a MR15 on Xbox, I don't want to have to start from scratch to play on PC. You guys (DE) were awesome for allowing transfers from PC to console at one point and that made a lot of people happy but nothing could be done the other way around? I feel like this might get shot down pretty quickly but its always worth a shot in my eyes to do something that could make some players in the community happy. I guess my overall feedback is that its a great game but could use more features like transferring and it would be nice if everyone was on the same update all the time.


Thanks for the consideration or thoughts.

Edited by XaeroSpecTre
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like is the answer ALWAYS to this question - Microsoft and Sony are the problem. Digital Extremes supports Cross Platform Play, constant Account Migration/ Syncing, Et Cetera.


but Microsoft and Sony don't like supporting those things. they don't even really like PC to Console for some reason, and they would NEVER allow Console to anywhere else. ever.

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I know its a headache to see these posts as often as they probably appear. I just never got a clear answer until now I guess. So the issue is Microsoft and Sony? Thats annoying. I understand they may not want to lose players or something along those lines but its a two way street. It could go both ways with people migrating from console to pc as players have migrated from pc to console before like you said. Stubborn companies. I'm probably going to go complain to Microsoft now and see what their response is. Thanks for the help and clarification!

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I know how you feel dude, I contacted Microsoft Support about it and they told me to turn to DE and DE told me that Microsoft won't let them. I wanted my account to be transferred from Xbox to PC, but I had to start from scratch as you mentioned. This @(*()$ sucks.

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I'm probably going to go complain to Microsoft now and see what their response is.

It won't help you a bit.


For the record, people at DE know that there is a certain request, and have said they "might" consider it. There are however legal implications. You are wrong in assuming that Microsoft and Sony are worried about losing players: migrations only go from PC to XB1 and PS4 - Microsoft and Sony have only to gain players from migrations.

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like is the answer ALWAYS to this question - Microsoft and Sony are the problem. Digital Extremes supports Cross Platform Play, constant Account Migration/ Syncing, Et Cetera.


but Microsoft and Sony don't like supporting those things. they don't even really like PC to Console for some reason, and they would NEVER allow Console to anywhere else. ever.

as much as I used this as an explanation, the way that steve said "You know, I think we should offer one next Year" makes me wonder if it really only is DE, not wanting these migrations...



Edited by -.A.-Prime
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I don't support consoles because they hurt developers. PC gaming is way better. Never going back to consoles. To answer your question. Going from PC to console is possible, however, going Console to PC will never happen.  

Edited by Robm
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Thanks for all the responses and help. Its interesting pointing out the way Steve said that and I know migrations in the past have only been PC to console but as I think most people understand what I am talking about, many others and myself would like to see a console to PC migration. I know its a bit of work but hopefully DE can pull it off like they have been able to do pretty awesome things for the community in the past. I wish I would have started off on PC but me and a few good friends started on Xbox and got pretty involved and thats how I ended up at 24 days of play time and Mastery Rank 15. Hopefully something will happen in the near future. Thanks again for the help guys!

Edited by XaeroSpecTre
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One thing I'm not so clear on.


The "save state" of our accounts is just a data block on the servers at DE someplace, which means DE holds all the account info regardless of platform. If an individual wanted to get a transfer, it could be made a Plat based cost, could be queued up and delayed if the versions were different on the two systems you were moving to - and yes, this could mean a player could be locked out for weeks, but he would be warned of that - and could have a restriction of once a year or whatnot.


How can Microsoft or Sony say "no" when they don't have control of the save game data? Is it simply because of the fact that the "agreement" between companies has clauses that stops DE messing around with their user base as a whole?


Am I missing something here?

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like is the answer ALWAYS to this question - Microsoft and Sony are the problem. Digital Extremes supports Cross Platform Play, constant Account Migration/ Syncing, Et Cetera.


but Microsoft and Sony don't like supporting those things. they don't even really like PC to Console for some reason, and they would NEVER allow Console to anywhere else. ever.

I wouldn't say that is entirely true. There are examples of Sony and Microsoft supporting Cross platform play, when it's console to PC of course. Console to Console seems to be totally impossible though because of Microsoft wanting to keep their playerbase separate from Sony's.

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I wouldn't say that is entirely true. There are examples of Sony and Microsoft supporting Cross platform play, when it's console to PC of course. Console to Console seems to be totally impossible though because of Microsoft wanting to keep their playerbase separate from Sony's.


DE didn't want to slow down the PC updating just to meet up with consoles to cross platform play. That just hinders their development. So they pretty much said No to that ever happening.


So bottomline is Cert process can go Clem itself

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I wouldn't say that is entirely true. There are examples of Sony and Microsoft supporting Cross platform play, when it's console to PC of course. Console to Console seems to be totally impossible though because of Microsoft wanting to keep their playerbase separate from Sony's.


I've heard they won't do console to console simply because of their policies? I'm not sure exactly what the problem is aside from feeling like Microsoft doesn't care that much about making the community happy. This is after I've been an Xbox player for 6 years now. As for cross platform between console to PC, if that is something that they have been known to allow before, then whos to blame for the issue we're dealing with now? The issue of not being allowed to transfer from console to PC warframe? The world may never know. XD

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There are examples of Sony and Microsoft supporting Cross platform play

yes, some very few examples.

you don't want to know how expensive of a deal that was for the Developer/Publisher to setup. Microsoft and/or Sony make out like crimminals on those deals.

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  • 3 months later...

You all make great points and I am more than willing to support the decision to do the transfer.  The question still remains "Will DE do it?"  More than likely they will but it will be nice to try to keep it there like DSpite said.  DE if you've read this then you can see that we do want this to happen again.  Please tells us what is the progress on this on the next devstream.

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The PC to Console migration happened in the past, and It might happen again eventually. Then again, who wants to migrate to PC to consoles anyway, unless you have a terrible PC that can barely run the game ?

Console to PC probably won't happen because console manifacturers don't want to lose customers. Less people playing means less plat purchased, which also means they don't get a cut of the profit on each plat sale. If you're an active, mastery rank 21 player that occasionally buys plat from the MS or PS store on console, you're exactly the kind of person you want to keep on your platform, and giving you the ability to basically bring all your progression to PC and never touch the Console version again is actually losing a customer. DE doesn't care, as you'll be a loyal customer regardless of platform, but it makes a difference to Console manifacturers...

Finally, another thing to factor in is the fact for account migration to be possible, both versions have to be at the same build simultaneously, which pretty much never happens, since PC gets updates every week or so and by the time certification is done on the Console version, the console build is already obsolete. If DE wanted to do account migration, they would have to withhold updating the PC version for a couple of weeks so they Console versions can catch up...

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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For me, if migration transfer can't be between console to PC, at list surely THEY could create a multi-platform server, with ps4 players, PC players and Xbox players. The solution would be to delay the PC version of the game. It's simple in my head but i perfectly understand that in truth it's a bit harder. Excuse my language (i'm french and i play on ps4)

Please could someone do something ??? :(


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Virus-OSX said:

For me, if migration transfer can't be between console to PC, at list surely THEY could create a multi-platform server, with ps4 players, PC players and Xbox players. The solution would be to delay the PC version of the game. It's simple in my head but i perfectly understand that in truth it's a bit harder. Excuse my language (i'm french and i play on ps4)

Please could someone do something ??? :(


Nope, DE doesn't want to do that. They already did it before and they specifically said no

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its still so hard for me to want to start over but I'm trying to accept it. I'm just afraid that when I do start over and make progress on pc, they'll have a console to pc transfer at some point and I will have wasted time and money. I hate having to give up on my progress on console in order to spend almost a year getting back to where I was.

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1 minute ago, XaeroSpecTre said:

Its still so hard for me to want to start over but I'm trying to accept it. I'm just afraid that when I do start over and make progress on pc, they'll have a console to pc transfer at some point and I will have wasted time and money. I hate having to give up on my progress on console in order to spend almost a year getting back to where I was.

Console to PC transfer?

That's never going to happen. Only PC to console

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IMO I think Microsoft should make a Windows 10 launcher for warframe and make it free. Make it sync to a Microsoft account and bam u can play ur xbox one account on PC. But idk how Sony could get such treatment


P.S I want this so warframe can have DX12 lol. I don't even own an Xbox but i want DX12 warframe


Edited by -BE-VoltageKg
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  • 2 months later...

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