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Apparently I Suck Or Don't Understand Frost Prime.. Builds?



So im attempting 2 builds to solo pluto excavation. At least for 3 extractions then leave.. And it's incredibly annoying and frustrating when I'm barely surviving with builds that are supposed to be good for these to be relatively easyish..

Now to the two builds I'm trying..



Fleeting expertise


Steel fiber

Quick thinking



Chilling Globe

Second setup..






Steel Fiber


Primed Continuity


I barely ever have any energy to stick with one extractor. And Pluto - Hirracon hasn't been dropping any either so there is that issue.

And what's with the "spam chilling globe every 4 seconds" thing I hear about? How is that supposed to happen without any energy coming... Is my issue that I'm just terrible or that I'm trying to solo one of the harder excavation missions? I mean I've heard all the good stuff about Frost yet when I try and build them up and look up advice and try it, I still get roflstomped.

Any suggestions/ideas? Will those builds work for a group for defense and sorties at least?

Help? >.<

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Get max efficiency and range, maybe energy reserve and spam the globe every 4 seconds (soaks damage while being invincible, also stacks HP), put QoL mods in the remaining slots (like Chilling Globe).


It's all about refreshing the globe every 4 seconds to create an impenetrable barrier.

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Get max efficiency and range, maybe energy reserve and spam the globe every 4 seconds (soaks damage while being invincible, also stacks HP), put QoL mods in the remaining slots (like Chilling Globe).


It's all about refreshing the globe every 4 seconds to create an impenetrable barrier.

You can very well do that, and it's a very viable strategy that I see used all the time. (although in Excavation, as the OP mentioned, you'll be pulled between multiple nodes and need too cast multiple instances of your Globe, making recasting your globe every 4 seconds almost impossible to accomplish successfully)




It doesn't mesh well with me. I prefer to cast one or two globes that stand up to punishment and go off to utilize my other CC abilities and go around and kill things rather than be relegated to refreshing my globe every few seconds. *I do this EVEN through Sorties* and my Globe still lasts a LONG time.


Anyway, this is my build: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=580216938

I also run the Arcane Aurora Helmet to up my armour (and by extension, my globe's armour) so you MIGHT not be able to match those numbers exactly. and some of my hard CC suffers due to the decreased Duration, but the kill/damage potential I gain from Avalanche and Ice Wave, AND the added HP on my Globe from the Power Strength, more than make up for it in my opinion. Your mileage may vary, but I find this is a very reliable way to build Frost. I run this build of Frost ANYWHERE I don't solo, and a few places I DO solo when my other frames aren't optimal for it

Edited by KiloFoxx
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energy problems are best solved by maximising efficiency and keeping some restores on hand. if you don't know how to build them, you can find a blueprint in your Market for Credits. Perrin Sequence offers the largest ones.


personally I like to build for Strength and Efficiency, with a Stretch to help range. Chilling Globe is also a great Mod to have, an absolute lifesaver of an Augment.

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Try this build:

Energy Siphon


Steel Fiber


Transient Fortitude


Fleeting Expertise 3/5


Primed Continuity

Power Drift (exhilus)

Looking at your first build you are using quick thinking for a defensive mod with bad effeciancy which means you will never have enough energy to spam powers or enough energy to tank damage not to mention limited power strength. Quick thinking is fools gold, only a handful of warframes make good use of it. The 2nd build looks a little better but needs more power strength, Rejuvemation is just plain bad on frost I would put a - on that slot.

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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And what's with the "spam chilling globe every 4 seconds" thing I hear about? 


During first cast of snow globe gives it invulnerability for a few seconds.  When enemies have high enough level/damage that can take down the globe in one shot, casting every 4 seconds becomes necessary almost so you wont get wiped out especially on defense mission when one single bombard shot can kill your entire party.  



Try this build:

Energy Siphon


Steel Fiber


Transient Fortitude


Fleeting Expertise 3/5


Primed Continuity

Power Drift (exhilus)

Looking at your first build you are using quick thinking for a defensive mod with bad effeciancy which means you will never have enough energy to spam powers or enough energy to tank damage not to mention limited power strength. Quick thinking is fools gold, only a handful of warframes make good use of it. The 2nd build looks a little better but needs more power strength, Rejuvemation is just plain bad on frost I would put a - on that slot.


This is pretty good build though I prefer stretch + overextended in there somewhere for even bigger globe.  Bigger is better? :)

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Quick Thinking is usually enough for personal defense, even on a Frost with 150 Energy as long as you have max efficiency and  a guard mod on your sentinel. (Ab)Use your Avalanche to clear sticky situations (i even use it on single enemies if i'm to lazy to turn around XD). Also get a Amprex with a range extension mod, it needs several Forma to really shine but is my favorite Weapon to clear large enemy groups, just keep those ammo packs ready on longer missions.


Try to get one of the old arcane helmets, either one boosts the bubble, one is power the other armor.


Also Natural talent is an awesome mod on Frost, as his casting times are on the long side especially on your 4.


The casting every 4 seconds is dependend on incoming dps. After some time, you get time to breath because you have stacked enough live for it to survive a little bit longer (its actually not invulnerabilty but damage absorbtion during those seconds, hence armor mods can be neglected to boost bubble life), trick is to put it up with alot of enemies around, then avalanche before your last 4 seconds run out (or when the indicator starts to drop) and clear out most of them to reduce incoming dps. You may want to get a feel for it in Defense missions with a single point to defend, so you can use the life indicator of your bubble for reference.

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Usage and build of frost? It's easy, first the build;


Frost P (no forma)
This is well rounded balanced frost build, medium globe, high efficiency. Against shooting enemies (all except infested)
First forma in here would be in aura slot, dash for CP
So, if enemies are high level, spam a globe several times before each wave. Or whenever. 
You don't need much energy but if you don't have trin, bring energy reserves, even medium version should get you started.
When things get hairy, hit ult. Bring good AoE weapon liky synulor, tonkor, amprex and you're set. You can do excavs alone if necessary. 
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Fleeting expertise


Steel fiber

Quick thinking



Chilling Globe

Second setup..






Steel Fiber


Primed Continuity



The first build is pretty bad to be frank.  You have a lot of energy related mods like Flow and QT that have no business being on a Frost.  First and foremost max efficiency with Fleeting Ex and Streamline (like you did in build #2).  This lets you cast two globes for 25 energy every time you pick up an orb.


As a second priority you can take Frost in two different directions - either pile on power strength or range.  Doing both is hard since overextended is plus range / minus strength.  Range mainly matters on an ice wave impedance build though so if you are going the chilling globe route (which is better for the infested on pluto) then strength is what you want.


Against the infested spamming a few globes is a lot less important since the globe really doesn't take that much damage from ranged units.  Infested generally enter the globe and attack the excavator directly.  This is especially true at low waves, just don't bother with that spamming.   Then start doing it as you progress further into the mission if you continue deeper.


Instead rely on the other awesome feature of globe in that it if you re-cast a globe inside another any enemies in it are pushed out.  So cast a globe and if you start getting over run cast another to gain breathing room.


On the topic of range, how big of a globe you want is personal preference.  For me its situational based on the enemy type and how many players and how far we're going.  Cramming 4 people into a small globe at wave 40 of a T4D sucks.  Playing solo against the infested is entirely different.


With that said, I like either stretch or overextended but never use both.

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My go to build is this: http://goo.gl/jnOSQo

You can replace stretch with intensify if you don't want so much range. Power strength isn't too important, as snow globe has the 4 second absorption period, and stacks up to one million health. Strength is only useful for avalanche's armor reduction, so if you really wanted strength, replace overextended with intensify, and put cunning drift in the exilus slot. You would need to forma the D into a V though. 

Edited by torint_man
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First off, snowglobe's health is affected by armor and strength.  So, in a mission where enemies actually shoot at you (i.e. t4 def) you would want to focus on those two things (I throw in a stretch for a 145 range) so as not to constantly cast snowglobe over and over again.  I think my numbers are somewhere in the neighborhood of... 750 armor, 212 strength, 145 range, 160 efficiency, 12 duration, 315 health and shield, 150 energy (would post a pic of the mods, but having trouble with onedrive right now).  That's my typical build (roughly).  With this setup I have little trouble going for 900-1000 cryotic the pluto excavation Heirracon and don't typically use any energy pads.


Now what OP is talking about may require a totally different setup.  Infested don't shoot you (ok swarm moas sort of).  So a build that focuses on range and duration and efficiency might be better for crowd control.  Also bring weapons that can kill more than one enemy at a time.  I choose synoid simulor and sonicor, and they work great for me.

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