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Why Does Alad V Get So Much Screen Time?


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Are we suppose to like Alad V or something? He's DEs go to npc lately.

Is he really popular with the community?


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this, personally i despise rotten salad, sure he's a great villain, but DE's awful writing that has us taking sides with him just annoys me to no end =[, also they forgot to include his post-infestation scars =[


GiiiVIiiVEee untoooooOOo0o0o0o the v00oolilililid - guy...


Needs to come back.


yes more nef plz


In contrast, I'd prefer more Vor over him.

When I started the game I thought he was going to be one of the tenno's main reoccurring villians. Hes the kind of bad guy I like to hate, but Alad is just annoying and slimy to me.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this as well, we get 'void vor', but then DE does nothing else with him for 2+ yrs =/


[DE]Skree voice acts for Alad V. (I bet he's paid for it, or he just does it for fun.)


Though, aren't all early bosses a member of DE voice acting them? I'd like to see some more of Sargus. He's an interesting character, more deeply rooted in the aspect of an eye for an eye. The more honorable of the Grineer.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ yep, Ruk was a super awesome and well received character [voice acting-wise at least, his ingame mechanics leave a lot to be desired], yet after the Hek rework DE completely forgot about Ruk and went full on Hek =[


I think we need more of Frohd Bek or whatever his name was.


He was only kinda... briefly shown during archwing I believe?


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ again, another great example, it would make a LOT more sense for the tenno to assist frohd or nef than alad, A LOT more, and vice versa as well


I think he's just a fun, popular character. 


Interestingly, so was Sargas Ruk (and he still is quite popular, given his limited exposure) but we haven't seen hide nor hair of him since Gravidus.




Sargas Ruk : being betrayed and forgotten by DE since 2014

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Reason why we stick with Alad V was the Operation Tubeman. Nef Anyo wanted to destroy the labs and stop Alad V from getting his cure. Alad V wanted us to steal the research and give it to him to cure him.


Lotus had a point when she said that the research could help us fight the infestation. Thats why the PC-Tenno choose to steal the research, ultimatly helping Alad. It was not done to help Alad in the first place. We wanted those research data.


Whereas Nef just wanted to destroy everything to get rid of a foe and to satisfy his greed for money, not thinking about the value of the researches!

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personally Alad isn't a character I like, he comes across as a really creepy dude. on some levels, he actually reminds me of Deathshead from Wolfenstein; a creepy scientist interested solely into the Occult, and not afraid to stop those who get in his way. he's come a long way, that's for sure, but I think the reason for the focus on him is because it's interesting to see him work with the Tenno, who he used to dissect in his horrifying experiments.


I have a feeling though, that if Alad were to fully understand the Plight of the Tenno, he would maybe start siding with us and going against the Corpus. sure, he wanted to sell Mag to the highest bidder, but I don't think he's quite as money-hungry as the rest of the Corpus. he seems to me like he just wants more knowledge, hence his eagerness to stick around during the Second Dream.


either way, seems we're on a vegetarian diet, because there's a lot of Salad on our plate!

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Here's a question I posted somewhere else, but here goes it here: Alad v was taken over by the infestation and survived, without turning into a monster. If he were exposed to void radiation, would he be a tenno?


The Tenno are a faction. Would he be Tenno-like? Lore-wise, the only known contributor to Tenno power is Void exposure. Vor required the use of the Janus key to harness it, while the only survivors of the Zariman had been children.


Alad V's not exactly a child.

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Here's a question I posted somewhere else, but here goes it here: Alad v was taken over by the infestation and survived, without turning into a monster. If he were exposed to void radiation, would he be a tenno?


No, he would not be a Tenno. There is nothing to suggest the Tenno were ever infested. The Warframes being derived from the same cause of the infested is what we know through implications.


Vor is closer to being like the Tenno from what we see.

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Alad v, as a whole, isn't really that character I like but also the character I dont hate.

As others previously mention, he's voiced by a de member, so it's understandable as to why he's been reappearing so often.

I really want to see more neutral grineer enemies asking us to cooperate so and so. I think Sargas ruk and lech krill would be perfect candidates, but that's entirely subjective

Regardless, I want to see more screen time on other npcs. Especially frohd

Edited by Jaruis
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I'm getting tired of him to be honest. So many other NPCs (excluding Maroo, hate that character) with great personalities and potential, and devs keep picking the slimeball that supposedly went insane from the Infestation and threatened the entire solar system with mutalysts. But now, we "owe him". *sigh*

I like Maroo. :(
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