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Salt Treat: Well Guess Im Done With This Event (Post Hotfix)


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Making the drop rate from 2% to 4% is not helping much if the time it will take now is upped 600%

There is nothing fun about the missions we need to do, the RNG is distracting from the "epic" story that is supposedly going on.

Everything about RNG in an event is just a bad choice.

(inb4 bye bye, you dont have to play comments)

But yeah, this is just simply short sighted, ill just wait till yall finish it up and the final boss can be done.

You (and the other abort farmers) won't be missed. Cya o/
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You (and the other abort farmers) won't be missed. Cya o/

I used to upvote these sorts of comments but as my available time to play Warframe has dwindled, I resent them.

People here are basically watching the time investement vs. reward ratio go from bad to worse and this is the best thing you can find to say? Shame on you.

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Got both of these since the hotfix




Only thing I got in the 100+ runs before the hotfix was a single Argon Scope. Either I finally got some luck or the improvements aren't as minimal as people believe.

Edited by AM-Bunny
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I used to upvote these sorts of comments but as my available time to play Warframe has dwindled, I resent them.

People here are basically watching the time investement vs. reward ratio go from bad to worse and this is the best thing you can find to say? Shame on you.

Look, i agree 100% with the fact that this event is an RNG madness.

That said, i'm ok with feedback on that, not with people exploiting a less than well thought out mechanic to ruin the fun of everyone else.

So, shame on you.

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You (and the other abort farmers) won't be missed. Cya o/


well yeah I was an abort farmer but one that did not hurt anyone, I did it alone with a friend and even better, not finishing the mission means I did not affect the remaining life of the Stalker I was fighting meaning no negative impact on the chances other people had.

It was a win win win situation


Also dont get me wrong, I think the entire RNG element is a massively broken aspect of the event, before and after this hotfix.

Edited by ZoneDymo
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And what of the people who played solo and used the abort method?


the fix was absurd. only to benefit DE making the grind harder. Any non-brain dead person who might want to play through the whole mission to get hydraulic x99999999999999 times could just 

a) goddamnlingly do it alone. as most of us "aborters" did.

b) USE THE RECRUITMENT CHAT, a tool provided by the game to find people who might want to do the same sick thing you want. and It works. Just see how theres always trins for draco still.

its absurd. and from those who wanted to go w/ ppl thru all the mission, its lazy. because the recruitment works. in my 2 years playing this game there have not been a single time I've come up with an idea for recruitment no one answered to/wanted to join. no matter how absurd or w/e theres always someone, one just have to be PATIENT (which ffs, one can't say is not when is fully on favor of doing the missions till the end)

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Totally unrelated, I dont get the Lore here.

"Alad V has returned, hunted by the Acolytes of Stalker for his crime of aiding the Lotus. "

So that is related to Second Dream right? because Alad helped out....but that was infested Alad....and this is normal Alad....how does that make any sense chronologically?

 he got nfo from tyl research in the last event (when karak w. was introduced) which would allow him to develop a cure for his condition. one can see how different (less infested) he is in the second dream compared to back on the said event, so it makes sense he could be fully regenerated by now. wich I find very cool actually :P (who knows... perhaps he gained any extra in the process and later we will have to deal w him in an interesting way :D )

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 he got nfo from tyl research in the last event (when karak w. was introduced) which would allow him to develop a cure for his condition. one can see how different (less infested) he is in the second dream compared to back on the said event, so it makes sense he could be fully regenerated by now. wich I find very cool actually :P (who knows... perhaps he gained any extra in the process and later we will have to deal w him in an interesting way :D )


Man, totally forgot about that, alright cool stuff :)

Yeah who knows what this might mean for the future

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Well, my salt may be a bit different yet it is still there.

The drop rate is horrendous and the grind is real, yet I do consider myself lucky with 3 Argon Scopes and one Maimed Strike with several silver and bronze ones in maybe around 70 Runs, most pre hotfix.

I mainly targeted torment/violence and did not care for the others which on itself is a dull design. To me those other runs always felt wasted and to be frank, that is not how you enjoy a game. Yet I can understand that some people realy do want the stuff for maybe not the way of acquiring these is fun but actually using them.

Good game design would make both enjoyable.

Yet here I come and have to say that for me it is the second thing I cant enjoy and I am pretty salty about.

The fact that you went through all the grind to just notice that stuff like Blood Rage and Maiming Strike simply dont work under certain circumstances.


Maybe introduce a new mod category that surely would fit Argon Scope as well. Make them colored red and call them "experimental" for they are clear targets of future nerfs and simply don't work under certain, unexplained circumstances.

You may call this game a Beta but that is no excuse, not if you are in business for quite some years and charge money for services. That is a Product and call me t but entitelt if that is actually a bad word but from a Product I expect quality.

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well yeah I was an abort farmer but one that did not hurt anyone, I did it alone with a friiiend and even better, not finishing the mission means I did not affect the remaining life of the Stalker I was fighting meaning no negative impact on the chances other people had.

It was a win win win situation

Also dont get me wrong, I think the entire RNG element is a massively broken aspect of the event, before and after this hotfix.

The point is, before the hotfix kills counted on your tracker even if you aborted the mission. And with how fast Torment was going down (4% in less than 5mins when she hit 12%), they most likely also counted towards general progress.

We can agree on the flaws of this event though.

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One of the longest event droughts we've faced and this is the result.


You know, they could've made it a bit easier on us with guaranteed drops, at least one of each mod per Acolyte. And if we want, we can do reruns on the same Acolytes for duplicates, that would've satisfied a lot of collectors and farmers.


If that had happened, they also could've rode the event popularity train and segway to Star Chart 3.0, something like "look forward to improved drop rates in the near future!"

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Actually due to an oversight, farming solo or with a friend and aborting did negatively impact others. Each time the Acolyte was killed, regardless of an abort it's health was decreased, thus contributing to the quick death of Torment and people being unable to farm him due to time constraints.

Edited by Zilchy
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Actually due to an oversight, farming solo or with a friend and aborting did negatively impact others. Each time the Acolyte was killed, regardless of an abort it's health was decreased, thus contributing to the quick death of Torment and people being unable to farm him due to time constraints.


Well then effectively its just the same as it was meant to be, apart from people being able to get some more goes at it in the given time.

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207 confrontations and no Maiming Strike. This is totally ridiculous.


I have 200 and still no Maiming either.. i get your feeling, i think if you made 100 runs you deserve at least to get mailed MODS YOURE MISSING not that it will happen. I am beginning to get really frustrated with this event tho

Edited by TehWorstOne
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I agree tying RNG to this event was horrible...just horrible...I've grinded 90 acolytes (altogether pre and post hotfix) and am yet to be rewarded 1 rare mod...for the amout of time I, and TONS of other players have spent, should have 5 packs of all the rares. It's just ridiculous worst event ever in my opinion...

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This event is pretty fun if you don't care which mods you get. The only way I'd be butthurt is if these mods aren't available after the event ends.


Just enjoy the event. You don't have to have all the best loot immediately.


or you know just grind the void for random S#&$ and sell it for plat to buy the mods with.

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I hit 143 runs this morning before work. Not a single rare. I cant take this anymore, these things are supposed to be fun but this is disgusting. Every event before this gave you all of the event items for participating in one form or another. This is the only event i've ever had the luxury of being on for and it's this crap.


So tired of the mindless grind with no payout. I put in just as much effort as everyone else yet i'll have to shell out 100s of plat to get each of these rare mods while people who have less then 100 runs have multiple copies of each.


Edit: Little salty yes :). Who wouldn't be. The only people defending this madness are the ones who got lucky and multiple copies of the mods. I have people in my clan who have less then 30 total runs and almost every rare mod. 

Edited by Coaa
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207 confrontations and no Maiming Strike. This is totally ridiculous.

Well, thats rng in a nutshell.

It took me 1.5k hours to get my 1st and as of now only Brutal Tide drop, yet I was lucky enough to get every rare mod from the acolytes aside from the nano one at least once with under 200 fights and without any aborts.

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Some of these figures sound a bit far fetched, there's no way people are this unlucky.


Unfortunately it's not. They buffed the chance from 1% to 2% (doubled). You could do 1000 runs and get nothing with 2% chance, it's how rng works.


It's the same reason why you could have a 75% chance to get a rare and go 10 runs without getting one still. 


With such a low chance of getting a rare, it absolutely is entirely possible, and it really sucks being on the bad end of rng.

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