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Operation: Shadow Debt Post 18.4.3 Feedback [Megathread]


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The actual reward isn't the mods, it's the Vulkar Wraith, the Sigil, the Badge, the Lacera skin, and the Potatoes.

Actually, the "actual" reward is up to the player. The mods are also event exclusive for now, so there's literally nothing wrong with considering them the real reward if you don't care about cosmetics or another sniper rifle.


Seriously, no need to turn it into pointless semantics over what's the real reward or whatever. Just because it's not the very last thing you get from the event attached to a "GOOD JOB YOU DID THE THING" in-game mail doesn't mean it's less of a reward.

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- Complete the first 4 Missions for Alad V: Operation: Shadow Debt Sigil, Orokin Catalyst.
- Defeat 10 Acolytes in-mission: Operation: Shadow Debt Sigil, Orokin Reactor.
- 20 new Event Mods are here, and can be earned as drops from Defeating Acolytes or by playing the bonus final challenger mission. The names of these New mods are as follows, find them in-game to reveal their function:




The "find them in-game" portion tells me that it will probably be based on either RNG drops or A/B/C rotation rewards

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I would just like an explanation as to why they changed giving the event mods at the conclusion of the event like they have ALL the other events to something requiring RNG to gain the mods, this to me was a ill thought out idea and to complicate it by having to wait till the end to see if you yet again got another laser sight for the 50th time.

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The obsession people have with getting rare stuff ASAP never ceases to amaze me... youve all got OCD or something lol.

Even mobs, event mods.  If you don't get them during the event, you're not going to be able to get a drop for... about a year based on history.



I would just like an explanation as to why they changed giving the event mods at the conclusion of the event like they have ALL the other events to something requiring RNG to gain the mods, this to me was a ill thought out idea and to complicate it by having to wait till the end to see if you yet again got another laser sight for the 50th time.

People were complaining about it everywhere.  There was even a megathread about it.


Hosts were quitting if the mod they wanted didn't drop, which make the other players in the game go through at least one host migration (up to three), would sometimes kick players out of the mission (so the players who wanted to finish the mission could not and would get nothing either), and would make it so that users who joined into the now-open spot(s) would have 0 chance of getting the mod since the mod had already dropped and the thing already vanished.


That's why this change was needed, to stop impatient people from screwing everybody else over.

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They say that they increased mod droprate for uncommon and rare: just done 100 torments and still no Argon Scope. Ive done every event in game exept arid fear and fussion moa and got the rewards. Now I cant, why? Coz RNG hates me, every time. Events should grant reward on the progess, not rng.


This is the first event that has its dedicated mods as a random reward. I dont like it. Im grinding as much as it is now. This is just new layer. Dont do this.


From what I can see now, the only way I could get rare mods from this event THAT I PARTICIPATED IN is to buy them. Malice will drop mods from all of them and it make it 5 times as likely to not get rare as it is now. And its not granted that I will get the one I want. This event is just another Mutalist Insurection but with worse reward to input ratio. They could have done it as in that event and things would be fine, but no, its got to be RNG.

Edited by Xardis
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They say that they increased mod droprate for uncommon and rare: just done 100 torments and still no Argon Scope. Ive done every event in game exept arid fear and fussion moa and got the rewards. Now I cant, why? Coz RNG hates me, every time. Events should grant reward on the progess, not rng.


This is the first event that has its dedicated mods as a random reward. I dont like it. Im grinding as much as it is now. This is just new layer. Dont do this.


From what I can see now, teh only way I could get rare mods from this event THAT I PARTICIPATED IN is to buy them.

you get most of the mods within a few runs. the rare ones are for those that are lucky. simple


dont want to try your luck- dont grind. You dont NEED those rare mods

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you get most of the mods within a few runs. the rare ones are for those that are lucky. simple


dont want to try your luck- dont grind. You dont NEED those rare mods

Thats not the point - all other events gave you reward equal to participation, this does not do that, and its not OK. And yes, I need Agron Scope.

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Like it being said, how come it's fair when some get all the mods within 100 runs and some don't get any rare after 400.

This event is totally unfair and discouraging  a lot of players from participating including myself.

I really don't think they had to change the previous reward style for events that they were obtained through completing certain task x times.

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they did also say they increased the drop rate of the uncommon and rare mods. hopefully you have better luck from here on out.

No. They said they doubled the drop rate, but at the same time DOUBLED the MISSION TIME.



You still have to farm about 10 hours PER RARE, PER ENEMY. Unless you get insanely lucky.

Edited by ShadesofWhites
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They seriously just need to give us all the mods on the last challenger.

I think I need to equip my warframe with Primed Disappointment. +100% salt.

Also the fact that they don't even spawn sometimes really annoys me.

You really want to waste more of my time?

Edited by Valletta
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