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Coming Soon: Devstream #68


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Are there any plans of adding more solar systems/planets to the game ?

Maybe make flying over there yourself with your spaceship/archwing possible ?
Or maybe introducing comets to the game, as long as the comet is passing, the missions on that comet will be available to play (even earns you mastery points ?)
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<p>Q1: What's the news on sydacate melee weapons? I think Magistar would be cool for Arbiters of hexis. Red viel should be a scythe, a dagger(and before any one knocks dagger, Covert lethality makes them perfectly viable weapons), or Blade and whip( thats what I'm hoping for). </p>

<p> </p>

<p>Q2: on the topics of Blade and Whip weapons, could you guys give them a ranged stealth attack, basicaly if you use your charge attack on unalrted enemy you wrap the whip around their neck yank them off their feet and to you the impail them with the blade.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Q3: What about a better trading system? </p>

Edited by Bikerbud89
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Since many of the Deluxe Skins came with some ability changes and/or fixes, can we expect the upcoming Zephyr Deluxe Skin to to bring some much needed quality of life fixes to her? Mainly the sticking to walls due to momentum, randomness of tornado and general unreliability of turbulence. That last one is partial due to a bug which I discovered here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/597898-video-repro-zephyr-turbulence-unreliability-vs-hitscan/#entry6766557


Oh and like every Zephyr topic ever... Divebomb! (something needs to happen to it but I'm unsure of what it should be).


If this will not be the case can we please discuss the possibility of fixing and adding quality of life changes to her somewhere in the near future? Zephyr can be an amazing frame but sometimes very random when it comes to abilities.

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Don't have much time to ask questions so Im going to put pictures with small descriptions instead.



Kubrow armor helmet toggle on/off?




Return of wall-running next to wall-hopping?




Exterior liset events? ( Depending on location of liset )




More Relay activities?




More syndicate interactions other than hit-squads?




Kubrow commands?






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I have 2 Questions:


1: Can we get an option to change match-making from "public" to "Friends-only" and vice versa when in a party?


2: What happened to the Shadow Stalkers loot table? Me and my friends have been playing pretty regularly since the Second dream (Pretty Awesome update FYI) and we maybe got 1 or 2 BP drops where as in the past stalker dropped a BP almost every death. (lets just say that from around 20 invasions from the stalker i got 1 bp Drop and the rest were either blind justice,heavy impact and/or molten impact). I don't care if its a rare drop the problem is we can't really farm Stalker and my OCD is slowly kicking in cause I'm missing maybe 3 melee weapons from mastering all Melee non-archwing weapons :S

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Given that Our Tenno is now aware of the relationship between themselves and their many Warframes could we-the-players please get some clarification on how the stories presented in the Limbo Theorem, Hidden Messages and The New Strange quest-lines relate to our new information:

Why are Warframes being referred to in the second person?

Did the operators of these Warframes die?

How did they die if they were not in the Warframes when they were damaged/destroyed?

Why are the Warframes discussed in a manner that suggests there is only one of each class?

All if this is information that should not be secret any longer, our characters should know this sho why can we-the-players be told?

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Would DE consider adding transmogrification too Warframe?

The ability to swap the appearance of a weapon with other weapons and skins in the same category / sub category

 (a rapid fire hit scan gun in the primary slot could only have skin access to other rapid fire hit scan primaries)

E.G have an item in the market that I can buy with plat that would allow me to change the appearance of my rakta cernos to the abra paris skin OR to swap the look of my AKbolto with twin gremlins.


Due to the Drahk Master's abilty to disarm you, leaving your weapon on the ground, this would be fundementally a BAD idea as you could (can) pickup another player's weapon, and you would not have your weapon, or would not have the weapon you visually expect to have... It's already bad enough with some of the weapons not having proper disrmed models, leading to confusion on whoose weapon is at which marker... It may be possible to change it to a marker that designates it with your waypoint number so you know which weapon is yours but then you have a conflict with making it look different from actual waypoints, which CANNOT be done JUST with color for the interest of the color-impared players...

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