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Coming Soon: Devstream #68


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Will Machete receive a Augment mod or buff?

It's currently the weakest weapon in the game, and could use some love.


Any chance for a Prisma Machete sold by the Void Trader soon?


Any chance we'll have Syndicate cosmetic skins and/or helmets one day?


Detron got a Void Trader variant, will Brakk be getting one too?


Will there be Vandal skins for Warframes?

I like the designs of the Vandal weapons, but they don't really match any of the warframes.

Would be cool if their colors where changeable, or at least there where matching Warframe skins.


Will we ever getting a male Grineer themed tank/combat warframe with tons of armor?

Hopefully with a Rocket Punch power.


Would be cool is there where optional secondary missions during your main mission.

Like, during a spy mission, a officer could spawn,

and you could go capture him.

If you fail or choose not to do the optimal mission you don't fail your main mission,

it's just a chance at getting extra affinity,

and something to freshen up the game-play a little.


Would be cool for each Relay to get their own Bar where the Void Trader could go.

(he's always talking about wanting you to come to parties he's throwing.)


Would be cool of the Relays could have an Arcade,

where you can play the different mini games like Happy Zephyr and Wyrmius.


Would be cool if the Relays could have a fighting pit where anyone in the relay can fight each other.


Also, could we get a smaller Kubrow body type?

I want to make a tiny dog, but even the smallest one isn't small enough.

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Following are my questions:

1. Any plan of having new solar system, new planets, new enemy races?

2. Any plan of having new raid?

3. Will there be any Vault opening for those previous Prime, such as Excalibur Prime, Frost Prime, Rhino Prime and etc?

4. When will PS4 getting operation Shadow Debt quest?

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1. Word on Virtual Reality / Oculus Rift / ViVe support?
We are less than 2 months away (sans delays) from VR being less virtual and more a reality and I WANT to play Warframe in VR.


2. The promised touch-up on Volt's shield ability after the 70m range nerf?

The adjustment post-nerf sounded much more imminent than what has happened up to this point.


And a sincere, friendly suggestion for you:
To alleviate your "balance" problem, remove endlessly scaling gametypes/MOBs from the game. Fix the point where your mobs growth stops and it will help you target the balance of your game (especially, balance the game in a way to not wholly focused on your endless mission types that ends up siphoning perfectly viably game play options from the new player experience...)


P.s. thank you for Warframe. 2k hours of play and climbing.

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Howdy doody all I hope all is well, Looking forward to seeing the mod rework after the event (minus the drop chances for the rare mods) 


I have three questions for ye


With baro evicted from the Big Lotus House, what's in store for the man who did sell very good mods? (I still need muh Primed Reach)


Secondly I wonder if there is a chance to add additional customisation tabs for warframe/ weapon upgrades and appearances perhaps as a option to buy with plat? 


With Totalbiscuit creating renewed buzz about warframe and his criticism about the new player experience there's been renewed effort to polish and fix it up.


My question is should Weapon/ Warframe/ Sentinal slots be removed and you just have a unlimited inventory. While new players do get some starting plat I feel as though they more prone to spend it on cosmetic items. On top of that the Slots I mentioned Cannot be found in the market  and its very easy to miss. We already run with no slots for Archwing, should we streamline it for everything? If implemented players would simply be refunded plat they spent on slots. 

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I have a few usual questions, again:
1) There are many corpus and grineer weapons in the game, but enemies are using lesser than half of them. Do you have any plans on this?
2) Any plans on adding more tiles in existing tilesets?
3) Progress on replaying quests and replaying old events as quests?
4) Should we hope for crossplatform multiplayer? Something like other version of the game, similar to console's.
5) Any plans on reworking kubrow and specter AI? They are stupid, and it is a very gentle word.

6) PBR update for Rhino?

7) Progress on kavats?

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Are those catbros coming soon? I think you guys said they are for update 18.5 but I'm not so sure... 


Also... Am I the only person that noticed that the tenno come from the Zariman ten - zero... in other words 10 - 0... in other words ten - oh... in other words... tenno..... :O

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How about these ideas for Ivara's Augments:


Multi-Prowl: Pick pockets multiple enemies at once


Grab Wire: Have her Dash Wire also work like Valkyr's Rip Line. Pulls enemies close, but works like Rip Line when you aim upwards.


Fast Stalker/Prowl Proficiency: Faster movement while Prowling


Also, any chance we'll ever find out why Ivara has a weird orb effect around her torso when she jumps or slides and stuff?

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Thank you DE for this awesome game.

Just a few questions:

1) As Steve said in passing in the previous devstream, will we be able to visit other Tenno's landing crafts while we are in the same squad?

2) Will there be a dual sword/ nikana weapon where both swords are the same length? (SAO Kirito style?)

3) Would it be possible to make landing crafts more interactive in-game? (Racing in Archwing-style missions, or maybe used as a vehicle or something)

Thankyou all once again!

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Aklex Prime and Akvasto Prime. Please? Pretty please?


In terms of things that aren't just my wish fulfillment, any comments on Baro Ki'Teer? What about a Starchart 3.0 ETA? Any big decisions on that new stance-collecting system? ETA on Focus changes?

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1) Any syndacate melee and the triggering syndacates effects in stealth?

2) Any way to get machete and/or machete wraith? (maybe dropping the normal machete blueprint from scorpions and wraith machete from sorties)

3) Navigate in a free roam in the space with your landing craft, maybe with the possibility to see other fellow tenno's landing crafts? (it's a shame to see the landing crafts only in your loading screen)

4) Increase/Remove cap focus points?


5) There will be a possibility to set a default focus for each warframe? (like zenurik for mag, unairu for atlas, ect..?)

6) Can you create labels for objects? (Like: I want to distinguish serration mod for rifles from another serration mod for sentinel applying the labels "primary" and "sentinel"; something like that: user-created labels)

7) Any news on the new method for acquiring stance mods? Can you do something similar for all things? (Like bring orthos prime in the void increases the chance to drop its parts)

8) Any possibilities on distill/remove or at least disable lens installed for preventing accidentally-gained focus?

9) Exilus slot for weapons?

10) New gunblade in your mind? Because we have only the Redeemer in that category

Edited by Ylantron
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In the future, do you see this game becoming more open universe? Something along the lines of No Mans Sky? Any type of work being considered for player controlled ship battle/planetary orbit free roam type manuverability rather than a static load screen? When will we know if Excalibro Umbra is a skin for us or a new frame type? Will we ever have as cool of player created helmets as PC players do?

Regardless, you guys are doing a fantastic job with this game and I will continue to hand you my hard earned schmeckles.

In the future, do you see this game becoming more open universe? Something along the lines of No Mans Sky? Any type of work being considered for player controlled ship battle/planetary orbit free roam type manuverability rather than a static load screen? When will we know if Excalibro Umbra is a skin for us or a new frame type? Will we ever have as cool of player created helmets as PC players do?

Regardless, you guys are doing a fantastic job with this game and I will continue to hand you my hard earned schmeckles.

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Have you ever thought of making it so Warframe's animation sets effect melee weapons as well as primary and secondary weapons, meaning making it so Rhino holds hammers differently than, say, Nyx? If so, is this something we can expect to see in the future?

Also, as you can tell from my picture, I would love some updates on Zephie's Deluxe Skin. :D

Edited by TheNinetalesKing
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Are there any plans to give us the option to select a physx HIGH option, so that we can get back the old APEX over the top effects? A setting like off/low/high would satisfy everyone. I really miss the particle effects on disintegrating bodies, cool explosions, etc 

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Could you consider adding a function that allows prime frames to use the standard frame's appearance? Like, say if I have a Loki Prime, Loki and Loki Prime clearly have visual differences. So I think that Loki Prime should be able to use the Standard Loki's body. Why be able to use their helmet and not their body?


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Are those catbros coming soon? I think you guys said they are for update 18.5 but I'm not so sure... 


Also... Am I the only person that noticed that the tenno come from the Zariman ten - zero... in other words 10 - 0... in other words ten - oh... in other words... tenno..... :O

:O What if this entire time they've been calling them 10-0 as a codename, not really a species?!?!?

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Hey, DE, may I suggest a new trading system that is easier for people? A billboard would be nice if a player can use it and list the items they want for either plat or trade for a particular item. It would be really nice so I don't have to constantly look at trade chat and spend time trying to find someone to trade with so I can play more Warframe. 

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