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What Syndicate Melees Do You Want?


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Am I only one who would see telos galatine/scindo? (executioner's sword/axe would fit greatly in their judgement theme). Or magistar (thing looks painfull, painfull enough to inflict harsh juistice.)


unless what sb mentioned here is true and least favored weapons are scheduled for syndicate weapons, i clearly see V.jat kittag (meridan offers some really up close and very personal brutal weapons). Furax and machete fit theme of 


+1 for secura serro, it fits. Or silva and aegis (no particular reason, shield composes well with name secura)


I'd see suda with thrown melee. You know, "think different" scheme observed so far.

Also, ripkas, ceramic dagger (you know, dissecting things and analyzing them)

or tekko/venkas (I know you can see those grammacor parts too)

Yes, suda is my fav.


New loka with their fancy taste to overcomplicated weapons... Destreza seems fancy enough. Also lacera fits as overcomplicated thing. Redeemer would compliment tigris nicely, but it's... not subtle enough? 


And red veil... What would be edgy enough for red veil? hmmm... War? edgy enough, but it's strong enough already. So... Shiv? Halikar? Dunno, I'm not a big fan of veil. Mby kronnen?

Edited by 5HV3N
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what I want?

Rakta anku/reaper (or whatever scyther really)

Sancti Scoliac

Vaykor Atterax

Secura Lacera

(one or the other obviously don't want 2 whip)


What I think there will be

Rakta Heat dagger (veil already use it for torture in their relay rooms, any others wouldn't make nearly as much sense really... unfortunately)

Sancti infested weapon X

Vaykor Jat kittag

Secura Lacera


Hexis: Nikana or Galatine

Suda: ether sword

Edited by Vantooth
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I could honestly see Rakta Karyst or Dark dagger, something edgy for RV and probably Jat kittag for SM

^I so much want a dagger on red veil. Currently i go with rakta cernos & rakta ballistica on my Ivara. A rakta dagger would only complete the theme xD

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Steel Meridian

Vaykor Sheev or Vaykor Halikar (with Status moddable up to 100%) or Vaykor Machete (IF Machete as the weapon class could get some love, yeahhh...)


Arbiters of Hexis

Telos Tonbo or Telos Pangolin Sword or Telos Venka



Well, i believe that Suda will get a unique weapon again, bu-u-u-ut! I'd like to see Dual Energy Whips



Something like these ones ( o3o)


Red Veil

Rakta (Dual) Heat Sword(-s) or Rakta Mire or Rakta Cerata or Rakta Silva & Aegis


The Perrin Sequence

IIRC, they have already mentioned Secura Obex, right?

Secura Obex or Secura Lecta or Secura Fragor(? The source of this thing is still questionable)

New Loka

Sancti Dual Ether Swords or Sancti Ether Reaper or Sancti Redeemer or Sancti Kronen

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I personally want a redeemer. Im in steel meridian/red veil and i dont think sm will have that as they seem to favor grineer weaponry and rv will probably have some daggers so i dont know who would have a redeemer, new loka maybe? Anyway thats what i want. What about you?

Three words. Vaykor. Jat. Kittag.

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- Steel Med won't get the Jat Kittag, it's already powerful and popular.would be nice though. personally I see them using the Atterax; it's underrated, and it was used to kill disobedient Grineer, so it would be kind of Ironic for a rebellious Grineer faction to use it against their masters (basically like a Slave whipping it's master)


- Arbiters are getting a Boltace. deal with it.


- Suda could get just about anything. before I said it could be a Synoid Obex, since we don't have an enhanced Sparring weapon and Suda Knuckle Dusters would be cool, but I'm now leaning towards an Energy-blade version of the Redeemer or Plasma Sword. who knows.


- I don't want another Prova, so I think Perrin should get the Lecta. people say "what about Serro?" but Perrin's guys are merchants, not industrial workers, so they wouldn't need an Energy Saw, which is what the Serro is.


- Red Veil should get the Heat Dagger: they like fire, they like stealth, and they already use these in the relay. it's perfect for them.


- New Loka would suit a Polearm such as the Tonbo or Tipedo. both could use the love.




Vaykor Atterax

Telos Boltace

Synoid redeemer/Plasma Sword

Secura Lecta

Rakta Heat Dagger

Sancti Tonbo/Tipedo

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- Arbiters are getting a Boltace. deal with it.

No, I won't just give up and deal with it. Did Steel Meridian get a Vaykor Grinlok to add another set weapon with its Marelok? No, they got something different. Did Perrin Sequence get a Supra to go with Dual Cestra? No. They got completely different weapons despite there being obvious set pieces that could have gone with them. There is still hope the Arbiters won't have the boltace.
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Rakta daggers?... With covert lethality, wouldn't it have the same focus going invisible and activating finishers.

If they were to make a rakta any dagger, it would be the same playstyle.

When's the last time we got a dual dagger, I want rakta fang

Edited by (PS4)abb12355
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Synoid gunblade.

I hope that the Loka SKOOM does not get a Redeemer variant. I thoroughly love Redeemer but wielding Loka stuff is against my principles.

That's how I feel about the Rakta gear. I love using bows, but I prefer Arbiters of Red Veil.


To stay on topic:

Rakta Fang

Telos Dual Skana

As for melees that I'd like to have for syndictes, but don't care where they go:

Silva and Aegis, Redeemer, Lacera, and Magistar.

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