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[Focus V1.1] It Is Not A Bug Anymore, It Is A Nerf.


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Again... you are not supposed to FARM Focus, just play, and you will gain Focus while doing so, jeez, its long term goal, don't turn it into next Syndicate


How many hours you should play every day to get the focus points? Since on normal play you would need hundreds of hours to just unlock the useful stuff in one tree(what is one single skill and nothing else in Zenurik for example).


Why did people stand with 3 Excalibur and 1 trinity in interception missions and just spamming buttons back in the days? Because you could not get syndicate points in any reasonable amount by just "playing the game". This is the same reason why people had to solo 1-3 hours every day before the changes. What we need is a change to not force this play style, what we get is not a fix to this and not a fix to group play.

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A snippet from DERebecca in private chat:


6:57 AM DERebecca said: If you look at it in isolation:
6:58 AM DERebecca said: Before greater lenses Turned about 7% of affinity earned from that item into Focus
6:58 AM DERebecca said: Now greater lenses turn up to 10.5% with convergence, but it can include Radial/Shared XP
6:58 AM DERebecca said: So what factor you choose to include or ignore will determine your conclusion
Make of it what you will


I'm making of this that DE chooses to ignore Convergence up-time and pretend that somehow we have Convergence active all the time.



1.25% x 4 = 1.75%. 








I have no idea where you're pulling that "4" from.


The original Focus conversion was 5% of Affinity for normal lenses and 7% for greater lenses. These base values are now reduced by a factor of 4 to 1.25% and 1.75%, respectively, with the Convergence boost being a 6x multiplier (to 7.5% and 10.5%, respectively).




This is a significant disappointment as I have always prefered to play solo. Convergence should be a way to improve Focus gain without being mandatory.

Edited by Inarticulate
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It's funny that on one hand they are very concerned about the new player experience and how they need to do a better job at getting people through the beginning stages of the  game, but then they introduce changes like these that are bad for casual players, bad for hard core players, just out and out bad for all players. If a player just gets through the second dream and is all excited about using the new focus system and then sees how things take 100,000 focus and they get 100 focus per mission I would just quit. 


It shouldn't take hundreds of hours of farming to utilize a key game system. I know it was introduced for players who have fully maxed out weapons and frames. I know it is supposed to an elder game form of progression. However there is a difference between "progression" and Sisyphus reenactment within the context of the game. 


I never once capped out my focus gain playing the game normally. Running void missions doing sorties and alerts at most I would get maybe 2-3k a mission. Stealth runs I could farm up like 6k per mission, it was slow and steady progress. This is just painful and boring and not worth even caring about anymore. These changes effectively kill the focus system and maybe I will care about what was initially a long hyped and important new system/feature once the devs make it possible to actually use the feature and make progress instead of throwing a few grains of sand in the ocean and expecting to see change. 


Saying this is a a"beta" system doesn't excuse changes that pretty much break what you were trying to fix and only encourage gameplay that is boring, grindy, and as far from the definition of fun or engaging that I can possibly fathom. 

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4 because you need 4 lenses to make a greater lens. But screw that, apparently it was unfair back then too. But now it's just more of a joke.

Yeah, from what I can remember from my thread the overall % difference between a greater and a standard lens is about 1% more affinity converted. It's certainly not worth the 2 months to get 4 lenses, and the resources to stick them together.


Yup, checked, about 1% more affinity converted if you use a greater.

Edited by DeMonkey
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wasn't focus supposed to be long term investment not a do it in a 1 day syndicate stuff.

guess all of u forgot that and are busy complaining when u have absolutely no reason to since focus is LONG TERM INVESTMENT OF YOUR TIME


So i'm supposed to never get it in my warframe life? Understood.

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wasn't focus supposed to be long term investment not a do it in a 1 day syndicate stuff.

guess all of u forgot that and are busy complaining when u have absolutely no reason to since focus is LONG TERM INVESTMENT OF YOUR TIME



Then what's the point in the 100k cap if we're apparently not supposed to reach it in one day? Based on your ''goodbye'' you realise you're talking gibberish and you just said it anyway to troll, probably a good thing that you left.



I thought I might like the focus changes I was wrong...


Left today, right was from a video a few weeks ago. I was trying to get the orbs, but when they spawn 1-2 tiles away it gets really, really difficult.


Matches the math, really sucks, you won't get that 27k again unless you're in a party.

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I'm making of this that DE chooses to ignore Convergence up-time and pretend that somehow we have Convergence active all the time.




I have no idea where you're pulling that "4" from.


The original Focus conversion was 5% of Affinity for normal lenses and 7% for greater lenses. These base values are now reduced by a factor of 4 to 1.25% and 1.75%, respectively, with the Convergence boost being a 6x multiplier (to 7.5% and 10.5%, respectively).




This is a significant disappointment as I have always prefered to play solo. Convergence should be a way to improve Focus gain without being mandatory.


So if i ignore the convergence thingies and just "farm" i will get 1.75% focus from each thing i kill and if and when i collect a thingy i will get 10.5% for 45 seconds. Even if they buffed it to 25% with convergence i would say it sounds pretty inefficient. I never really dedicated my time to focus farming anyway, half the time i even forget its there or even to press 5.

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As far as I understand that we could get way more points if we put it on our frame instead of weapons. 

Yeah that should be it. Only 8k points after almost 1 hour farming survival. It should be way a lot more if it were on the frame. Anyway I'm with Naramon. Shadow Step is all I need. :^)


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Tested this myself, 2 separate missions. No apparent difference between using lensed weapons and unlensed ones.


The base numbers seem lower. Not entirely sure. Need to check further.


They definitely seem lower to me.  Perhaps this is some attempt to make Affinity Boosters more appealing to the general populace?

At any rate, I've farmed most of the Focus I wanted and the rest is just for completion's sake.  I'm sure those players new to Focus will find ranking up their trees a mite cumbersome.

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As far as I understand that we could get way more points if we put it on our frame instead of weapons. 

Yeah that should be it. Only 8k points after almost 1 hour farming survival. It should be way a lot more if it were on the frame. Anyway I'm with Naramon. Shadow Step is all I need. :^)



Shadow step is broken OP and yet you only got 8.4k focus out of that, while 40 minutes in DS excavation or ODS did give round about 30k on a solid dps frame without a booster for solo play.

Edited by Djego27
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Added to notes 09:39 AM EST 12/02.

  • Focus Convergence and Focus Gain changes:
  • As per above, Convergence will reward the player a 6x Focus multiplier for 45 seconds.  This time limit will appear as a countdown buff on the player. Here is how the Focus gain percentages work in v 1.1:

  • Normal Lens: 1.25% without Convergence
  • Normal Lens: 7.5% with Convergence (multiplied by 6)
  • Greater Lens: 1.75% without Convergence
  • Greater Lens : 10.5% with Convergence (multiplied by 6)


Well the official word of DE would appear to be this. on the 18.4.10 notes. unfortunate

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Shadow step is broken OP and yet you only got 8.4k focus out of that, while 40 minutes in DS excavation or ODS did give round about 30k on a solid dps frame without a booster for solo play.

Fok dat!



In terms of following this guide, strictly, I was am able to hit up my cap (the 75k) within 20~25 minutes, solo! No leechers! No forced kill stealing! No struggle! Decent amount of Focus! Seriously, DE messed this up entirely.


And people saying "this is a LONG TERM THING" - just get off please.

People mentioned it, and yet the best argument, which I was going to post (SCREW YOU DEMONKEY!!! :P) "Why saying that this should be a long term thing, the raise from 75,000 Focus Daily to 100,000 Focus Daily makes NO SENSE AT ALL WITH YOUR ARGUMENTATION".

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As far as I understand that we could get way more points if we put it on our frame instead of weapons. 

Yeah that should be it. Only 8k points after almost 1 hour farming survival. It should be way a lot more if it were on the frame. Anyway I'm with Naramon. Shadow Step is all I need. :^)



I was getting 15-20k focus solo on a Ceres Deception in 15-20 min. With only a greater lense in my melee. Right now i havent tested it, but i will in a moment to see if the focus gain was totally nerfed. if it has been nerfed then i will forget about the Focus system from now on.

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I usually do not post on the forums, however in this case I must. I bought several greater lenses from the market for 40 plat each and with this nerf I strongly feel that my investment has arbitrarily been diminished. This was not a clever business decision on DE's part, I'm afraid.

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Well, watch out whatcha posting guys. DE patrol keeps roaming and loitering around and deleting people's comments instantly, if they are way too hypocrite. And I guess, they are assigning warning points as well.

DE says no to any opinion about and against their game, if they don't like it. Cover it with unicorns and donuts, and your comment may survive the dead walking.

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Well, watch out whatcha posting guys. DE patrol keeps roaming and loitering around and deleting people's comments instantly, if they are way too hypocrite. And I guess, they are assigning warning points as well.

DE says no to any opinion about and against their game, if they don't like it. Cover it with unicorns and donuts, and your comment may survive the dead walking.

Nah - DeMonkey's post got moved back to GD by Danielle, and his thread is pretty strongly critical of the changes.  Just gotta keep it clean.  Besides - an intelligently, cleanly worded paragraph or two that takes a few minutes to realize just how much despite it contains is going to sting a lot more than any open cursing.

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Focus is no LONG TERM goal, cause the rates at which you earn focus and the numbers you need are too different. And wihtout focus it will probably be really hard tonigh impossible to play future Events successfully.


Without "special farming methods it was (and is) not possible to farm the focus.


Draco as a Team with 2 heavily formad frames (rj exca and ev trin) is still possible, but harder and doesnt net the same amount as before, but is still viable. Tested it today and I gained 6K less each round. But now the EV Trin "NEEDS" her shield augment mod, cause the exca would likely die without it when collecting those tokens.


Playing an Ash Prime (no formas) in Draco is still possible, but nets less. And you need luck to have no dmg frames with you. Had a game with 3 Ashs, only got 17K after 15 waves.


Ember, just playing any mission, probably less dont use this cause I have no ember P, Probably less as well.


Loki Stealth kill, never used it but heard it was viable.



You "NEW" changes just ruin 1 of 4 ways in earning focus completely and lessen the rate for the other 3 possible ways.


My guess you wanna sell more greater lenses and want that people leeching weapons in draco put a greater lense in the frames too. But why limit the gain then?


For me Focus in mandatory, cause it has a huge impact on strategy and teambuilding and my playstyle. Especially in soloplay or random grp play it really helps players. But the ways to earn focus really sucks and there is no coherent strategy we as a playerbase can see what the endgoal might be.


A lot of yourr players have jobs and family, before and after the changes it was  and is nigh impossible to farm all what you require of us.


Void, Events, Focus, normal missions, Leveling frames and weapons...


And now you prolong the focus farming but 100% each day? We get less focus but can grind more now? China anyone? You know this is why griner games fail in western markets?


Guess Focus needs a lot of reworks...

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well my weekly affinity booster purchase  has just gotten the axe<< giving my wallet a just deserved nerf towards Warframe. also focus , weapons frames, and anything that is affiliated with leveling up will also be left on the back burner.


They only get nerfing stuff right basically so if I cant enjoy what I chose to spend $$ on then its time to stop supporting it. and that's how I feel atm about this whole thing.

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