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De Is Baro For Beginners Only?


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Well u stated that he didn't bring anything new/uselful in a while.

And just because you don't find the bane ones useful doesn't mean others enjoy them.

Didnt you read the forums?I think quite no one enjoyed the Bane mods.Only a small percentage actually do.There was a huge S#&$storm over them.They arent bad (i never said that) but the investment is to high for 3 diffrent of them.Would be 1 Bane mod for all 3 factions it would be a diffrent case.

Like i said warframe has so much mods why dont prime good or really good ones?

Edited by K0bra
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People keep forgetting the point of Baro.

He brings luxuaries, not staples.

Yu can't keep expecting him to bring good stuff every week, he brings random stuff that could be fun or useful. 

Primed mods aren't everything, infact, some builds totally don't utilise primed mods. 

i don't expect him to bring good stuff every week. but the past couple weeks he hasn't really brought ANYTHING appealing or that i don't already have.

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i don't expect him to bring good stuff every week. but the past couple weeks he hasn't really brought ANYTHING appealing or that i don't already have.

not only that but the few potentially interesting things he brings we have already seen a couple of times already, the rest is pretty much for under MR 12 folks.   Everyone else is pretty much out of luck, perhaps we got to dependent on him adding something to the game such as new weapons or mods to play with.


The same problem also affects sorties in that after the first week, it seems to be non stops cores, and a particularly horrible way to get cores since you can get more from 3 missions seperately that are not  as annoying (3 missions ~45 cores so normal missions are the way to go for cores if you still need them)

Edited by Kyronz
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When people start thinking about what Baro SHOULD bring, is when they set themselves up to get disappointed and possibly mad. Baro brings what Baro brings. It's a bonus, it's extra. If it's something you like then that's great. If it's something you don't want then it's a bummer but not that big of a deal. There is always next time.


I think Baro is fine as he is. I've never gotten worked up over his inventory either way and I've had nothing but nice experiences with him because of it.

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You said you want primed streamline and primed stretch? Surely you've thought of how awesome it would be to have those mods, but did you once think of the horrors those mods could do?


Take primed streamline, for example - it would probably grant 55% power efficiency. Add in a maxed fleeting expertise and you have 115% efficiency. Although only 75% of that value is used, that doesn't mean the other 40% just disappears; it's still there. Toss in a maxed blind rage and you're still rocking 60% power efficiency, enough to throw around whatever power you want without burning yourself out of energy (most sensible people, these days, pack team energy restores unless they don't have any), and there are tons of people who use weapons, which recovers some energy per affinity explosion. Blind rage was given to us to control fleeting expertise. But if primed streamline is introduced as well, the -55% power efficiency part of blind rage is completely neutralized. What remains is a whopping 99% increase in power strength.


That's absurd.


And what happens when you have those mods? Your expectations will only ever increase, eventually to stupid heights. What's next, prisma dragon nikana prime with a base damage of 400 in pure slash, 40% critical chance, a 4.5x critical multiplier, 50% status chance, a 99% damage reduction on block, and an added ability to expel energy waves upon each slash like Exalted Blade? You'd be a god with that weapon, but will that be enough? Of course not.


There are many things you can ask for, but more power should never be it. Instead, ask for more ways you can use that great power you already have. As a veteran player and owner of many weapons and warframes, more power is the last thing I want, but I'm not you. So, for the love of all things decent, I suggest rethinking your requests.

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Don't be Sad Guy. At Least PC got another shot at Primed Flow after Continuity came. When he showed for us, he brought the Items that he was supposed the bring the visit after Flow, and now no one knows if he's going to bring it the visit after today's. 

Well, basically what im trying to say is, DE screwed us over with primed Flow, and the PS4/Xbone community is mad as hell, and people aren't sure if we're going to get it the next visit. :-\

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i would hope that they dont think that a Rank10 legendary mod is for beginners.


recycling is fine. There have been several times where he shows up and I have everything he's offering.

the only problem I had was with the 700d potato. that was just ridiculous.


He have been recycling forever , so recycling should be over now.

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Im getting a feeling that sometimes, when asking to farm a certain game mode or level with a specific team, they expect you to have a prime mod of this or that. So these vets/pros/highlvlnubs are starting to get a state of mind that not having a prime mod of x makes you weaker and not good enough for whatever farming you are about to do.

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^ I can somewhat see why you'd say that, but it's not true at all.


I started thinking this way when we were doing ODD and one of the guys who was serious, was asking the excal player if he had a certain prime mod equipped. The excal didnt have a prime mod so the guy asking left after the first extract.

Edited by kilerskull
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Baro is never going to bring mods like Primed Stretch or Primed Streamline: they'd be mandatory mods that contribute to power-creep, which is what DE is trying to avoid. Baro's job is to bring Exotic gear that can't be found anywhere else, as well as offering useful gear and cosmetics that don't require Plat, instead allowing you to turn bad luck from the Void into a personal gain.

besides, there's nothing to stop Veteran players from buying duplicates that they can then sell for Plat. just because you already have it doesn't mean its not useful for somebody else, and who would turn their nose up at Platinum?

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didn't got the prisma gorgon first time round, so I'm exceedingly happy. now I have all three. 

Didn't have the primed reach neither. Is going to be interesting for my whips or scindo or longswords. So that's cool too.

And I'm NOT a new player (founder here). So maybe... just MAYBE... you are wrong and should get over it.

Buy the prisma gorgon, wait a month or two, sell it for 100 plats. Or give it away and make someone's day, just because you can.

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I started thinking this way when we were doing ODD and one of the guys who was serious, was asking the excal player if he had a certain prime mod equipped. The excal didnt have a prime mod so the guy asking left after the first extract.

Classic case of an idiot. Ignore and continue to enjoy the game.

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"What about people who already has those stuff?"

Oh, they can't sell the things for 1000+ plats now, the horror.

What the crap do you want?You play for not even 3 month and come in this topic and talk about 1000+ plat?You dont even know what you talking about so please stop.

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i don't expect him to bring good stuff every week. but the past couple weeks he hasn't really brought ANYTHING appealing or that i don't already have.

Iunno man.

Resource and Affinity boosters pretty much meant : Dood, lets host a fun squad, go farm a few rounds of Plastids and Polymers.

And I comply. 

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What the crap do you want?You play for not even 3 month and come in this topic and talk about 1000+ plat?You dont even know what you talking about so please stop.

I'm a paid user. I can talk whatever I want about plats.

Even free users can actually. Because they are who I spend my plats on.

Edited by ClinkzEastwood
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I'm a paid user. I can talk whatever I want about plats.

Even free users can actually. Because they are who I spend my plats on.

Häh?I dont understand what you are talking about.That makes absolutely no sense.

You said i can sell Baro stuff for 1000+ plat.Show me this spectacular items you talking about.

The other thing is you play since 3 month so no wonder you dont care about Baro stuff.All stuff he will bring is new for you but here are alot of people who play 2 or 3 years (some even longer) and some never miss any apperance from Baro.Baro is out for 1 year? 1 1/2 year? Some saw this Prisma Gorgon for the third time( i think it was the third time)?

Still dont understand?

Edited by K0bra
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Häh?I dont understand what you are talking about.That makes absolutely no sense.

You said i can sell Baro stuff for 1000+ plat.Show me this spectacular items you talking about.

The other thing is you play since 3 month so no wonder you dont care about Baro stuff.All stuff he will bring is new for you but here are alot of people who play 2 or 3 years (some even longer) and some never miss any apperance from Baro.Baro is out for 1 year? 1 1/2 year? Some saw this Prisma Gorgon for the third time( i think it was the third time)?

Still dont understand?

1000 is hypebole. People still sell them for a lot since the mods are hard to obtain in normal ways.

Yeah old players don't get new things, so what, you want more power creeps? The majority of existing prime mods already give too much powers to builds comparing to it's normal counterparts. If there is a build possible rigged with primed mods, it'd be too powerful for the game content.

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1000 is hypebole. People still sell them for a lot since the mods are hard to obtain in normal ways.

Yeah old players don't get new things, so what, you want more power creeps? The majority of existing prime mods already give too much powers to builds comparing to it's normal counterparts. If there is a build possible rigged with primed mods, it'd be too powerful for the game content.

IMO Primed mods should have been restricted to Warframe mods only, because Warframe mods are interchangable, and not every build NEEDs a Primed mod to shine.

But when things like Primed Point Blank appear...... it only gives players thought of Primed Serration and Primed Hornet strike, and a Rank 10 overpowered version of a Rank 10 is just hella useful in every build, especially if the Primed mod's original version was already a staple.


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Recycling is fine actually.


Some people even on Council chat are just glad that Prisma Gorgon and Primed Reach are back since they were away from the game for a considerable hiatus.


Not to mention we had a flux of newbies since the back to back releases of Wukong/Nezha/Ivara etc.

Edited by fatpig84
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Recycling is fine actually.


Some people even on Council chat are just glad that Prisma Gorgon and Primed Reach are back since they were away from the game for a considerable hiatus.


Not to mention we had a flux of newbies since the back to back releases of Wukong/Nezha/Ivara etc.


One of those people reporting in!

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Elitist talk from OP, showing contempt for a 3 month old player. What you are asking for is Power Creep, unbalanced Power Creep and nothing more. Interesting new weaponry, nifty weaponry rather than simply OP new weapons and Primed Streamline blah blah, all that is just greedy power creep with the potential to completely break the game.

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