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Focus 1.1 Complains Are Not Really Warranted.


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It is, noticed the 100k per day cap? It pops up on your screen every time you load the focus trees. I can grab a screenshot for you if you want. Put a nice big red circle around it so you can't miss it.


Have you noticed that we went from decent focus gain and a 75k cap, to bad focus gain and a 100k cap?


I mean, they clearly intend for us to get that far? That's why the cap's that high.

Basically this. If DE wants to truly enable the hardcore player with a system like this, then the daily cap wouldn't exist.

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Oh look it's........someone, I think I remember, probably. Not sure.


I see you are doing fine, if you feel like laying some baits yourself. Still getting white hairs over endless debates and walls after walls of texts? Not like someone every said "You are right", after all that. Keep at it :P



A bait does require to give some pointless stuff to argument against, what I(different to you) never provide. I don't get a single white hair over you(you can't beat CCP Nozh, since he did back in 2008 set the standard of how low you can you go while still getting

money for doing so), since you will not change status shotguns, same as DE will not change status shotguns. I don't need to somebody tell me "I am right."(since the subject is very specific and I don't expect people to understand it anyway), different to you needing somebody to point out that you are wrong to get anything out of your threads...

Edited by Djego27
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In order to disagree with the whiners ofc. Your kind is everywhere, after every change, no matter how good or bad. You will come to terms with it eventually, that is what your kind always does, love to bother unnecessary.

So your entire purpose in the Forums is to disagree with people just for the sake of having an argument regardless of who's actually right?


That is some sadistic logical fallacy you got going mate and that is a road that will be your downfall

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So your entire purpose in the Forums is to disagree with people just for the sake of having an argument regardless of who's actually right?


That is some sadistic logical fallacy you got going mate and that is a road that will be your downfall


His last 4 threads.


1) This one, clearly him whining about us.


2) Aoe weapon's automatically doing headshot damage, can be construed as whining about OP explosives.


3) Weapons damaging the player, that's obvious, that's just whining about self damage.


4) Whining about Exalted Blade spam.


If the community is ''whining'' according to him (despite the fact that we seem to be keeping it quite civil, gg community) then he's a massive hypocrite. It's not worth trying to use logic.

Edited by DeMonkey
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How much we gain is irrelevant. What matters is that the gain takes longer to keep players invested. the amount of utility and usefullness that comes out of the Focus system warrants a longer period of aquiring it. That sort of power should very well be locked behind a huge 'endgame' grindwall.

Like two useful passives--amazingly useful passives yes, and probably ones that'll get nerfed sooner or later once focus as a whole gets looked at in terms of powers--and 90% fluff stuff that ranges from actively terrible to meh at best (but still increases the cooldown on using your focus power itself, lol) is not how you keep players invested. Like, at all.


Seriously, if someone who didn't know what was going on picked Madurai, saw how lousy focus gain was, saw how lousy the Madurai power was and how lousy its associated passives tend to be, and was told 'yeah but it'll keep you invested, this is for the endgame!!' they'd probably die laughing.


EDIT: This is to say nothing of the base powers tending to be completely mediocre either, mind. The system basically does as much as it can to keep you NOT invested by the sheer mediocrity of so many of its options. Were it the case that every focus point was valuable and there were so many good options to invest them in, you might have a point. But the "amount" of utility and usefulness that you're describing just isn't there outside of a tiny subset of passives.

Edited by Eltoshan
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Due to AFK rules, I play solo often as I have real life activities and its nice to press pause. 


This is a huge kick in the nuts. 



I also like to farm focus and get it out of the way so I could play any frame I wanted to on a mission without gaining focus on wrong school.  Can't do that now due to time constraints. 


I'd have preferred a system with a reduced cap that could be meet much faster. 


Excuse me while I go get some ice for my jewels now...

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Complaining about people complaining doesn't really help get things done. Lots of players in the game, meaning lots of potentially differing opinions, meaning disagreements on what people think is good/bad.


Locking as metacomplaints aren't really constructive.

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