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Imperative: Change Focus Gains For Solo Play


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with the advent of the new changes where everyone got what they wanted with shared focus, the overall affinity-to-focus ratio was drastically lowered.  i agree that this is the best way to give people what they wanted in regards to people playing in co-op circumstances when other players in squad have immensely-powered frame abilities and/or weapons getting most of the kills.


however, this lowered gain in focus severely harms a player who selects the option to play in solo mode when they wish to go alone.  DE developers, it is a must that you code in something to change the focus gain ratio based on solo versus coop, or at least the number of people playing at a given time.  this kind of reduction across the board without taking into consideration the contributing variables is not worthy of something that reflects good-thinking and logic.  the golden icon 40-sec boost does not at all compensate in any way for a solo player or possibly even a squad of two, either

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Gaining focus is proportional to the number of kills. The normal affinity works like this, reputation works like this too. Those 2 don't gain any bonuses from solo play either. So why should focus alone do?


I am a mostly solo player, as well as never having taking place in spam-camp-fests like Draco for the last half of a year, at least. However, this system is the most fair of them all. After all, you don't just go complaining that the affinity(xp) or reputation systems are unfair for the solo players, do you?

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Gaining focus is proportional to the number of kills. The normal affinity works like this, reputation works like this too. Those 2 don't gain any bonuses from solo play either. So why should focus alone do?


I am a mostly solo player, as well as never having taking place in spam-camp-fests like Draco for the last half of a year, at least. However, this system is the most fair of them all. After all, you don't just go complaining that the affinity(xp) or reputation systems are unfair for the solo players, do you?



The problem is that the rate of Focus gain has been massively nerfed unless you play with a team. (Playing with a team, it's only a small nerf.)



The change is hugely, enormously negative for people who like to play solo, in a way which is disproportionate as all Clem.

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Gaining focus is proportional to the number of kills. The normal affinity works like this, reputation works like this too. Those 2 don't gain any bonuses from solo play either. So why should focus alone do?

You are aware of the stealth affinity multiplier, yes? The one that really helps out with affinity and syndicate rep. So your entire point is immediately refuted, both of those benefit from solo play because you can play stealthily. Something that appears to no longer be the case with focus.

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You are aware of the stealth affinity multiplier, yes? The one that really helps out with affinity and syndicate rep. So your entire point is immediately refuted, both of those benefit from solo play because you can play stealthily. Something that appears to no longer be the case with focus.

The lens give less focus now and convergence has zero affect solo. Sure it throws up huge numbers, but you do not actually get anything. If it's a bug, should have been fixed by now.

Convergence does not work solo and lens got nerfed. Even with x5 stealth bonus, you need about 4 times as much kills as before, meaning it takes about 4 times longer.

Would have preferred a boost to rate and decrease in daily cap.

Now your even more limited to frames you can use While trying to max a school, i.e. can't just max OUT then play whatever

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Convergence seems to work just fine for me.  Be aware the number is a sum of what you earned during the 45 seconds, not a bonus on top. 


Tested it too, seems to work just fine. Did an exterminate, the bonus properly added, and the total amount gained back in the ship matched. Don't know if it was ever broken, but now it works properly.

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You are aware of the stealth affinity multiplier, yes? The one that really helps out with affinity and syndicate rep. So your entire point is immediately refuted, both of those benefit from solo play because you can play stealthily. Something that appears to no longer be the case with focus.

Prepare to be ignored.

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