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Bursas In Normal Corpus Missions.


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Kill the dang cameras and they wont even spawn. That was the original intent of the game anyway, we're ninja's after all. We aren't suppoed to be seen by every camera that we pass by. 


This promotes good playing in the long run. I really think they are a fantastic deterrant. Plus they drop some amazing mods for the "hassle".


How about just ONE of them then? Not one spawning every 2 minutes, It gets really overwhelming.

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Kill the dang cameras and they wont even spawn. That was the original intent of the game anyway, we're ninja's after all. We aren't suppoed to be seen by every camera that we pass by. 


This promotes good playing in the long run. I really think they are a fantastic deterrant. Plus they drop some amazing mods for the "hassle".


This is a fallacy because Bursa can spawn as long as an alarm is going off and that includes alarms on planet surface missions where there aren't cameras. I would know because that's the very Exterminate mission that me and my friends couldn't finish because the Bursas kept spawning with reinforcements faster than we could kill them (and the reinforcements would then turn on an alarm.)


"Killing the dang cameras" on a mission where there are no cameras does not work as advice. Bursas need to be looked at because something is going badly wrong with the frequency they spawn in once an alarm goes off and the fact they are ridiculously stupid bullet sponges that can turn on a dime.

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Bursas have basically made solo play on Corpus missions a hideous experience. You either stealth through the entire mission so as to avoid spawning any, or you have to specifically take a frame and weapon that can deal with them. If you don't then as soon as an alarm goes off you'll be ganked by two or three Bursas stun-locking you to death. They can spin on the spot at a rate faster than you can orbit them, meaning that if you don't have an explosive weapon you don't have much of a chance, and even if you get behind them it seems that the hitboxes are strange and sometimes they will only take damage if you directly shoot the panel. Not to mention the fact that if they knock you down your Warframe will just lie on the floor like an idiot for a few seconds while the Bursa and inevitable horde of enemies and Sapping Ospreys wreck you (after all, there's an alarm on).


I hate fighting them with fairly well set up stuff, I can't imagine how horrible it is if you've just started the game and you come across a Bursa with your level 6 Volt and Mk1 Braton, Lato and Bo...

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Bursas have basically made solo play on Corpus missions a hideous experience. You either stealth through the entire mission so as to avoid spawning any, or you have to specifically take a frame and weapon that can deal with them. If you don't then as soon as an alarm goes off you'll be ganked by two or three Bursas stun-locking you to death. They can spin on the spot at a rate faster than you can orbit them, meaning that if you don't have an explosive weapon you don't have much of a chance, and even if you get behind them it seems that the hitboxes are strange and sometimes they will only take damage if you directly shoot the panel. Not to mention the fact that if they knock you down your Warframe will just lie on the floor like an idiot for a few seconds while the Bursa and inevitable horde of enemies and Sapping Ospreys wreck you (after all, there's an alarm on).


I hate fighting them with fairly well set up stuff, I can't imagine how horrible it is if you've just started the game and you come across a Bursa with your level 6 Volt and Mk1 Braton, Lato and Bo...


Stealthing through Corpus missions is a UNBEARABLE PAIN because MOAs have no animations for stealth kills ( yet! ) and the GOD DAMN OSPREYS CAN SEE YOU.

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Kill the dang cameras and they wont even spawn. That was the original intent of the game anyway, we're ninja's after all. We aren't suppoed to be seen by every camera that we pass by. 


This promotes good playing in the long run. I really think they are a fantastic deterrant. Plus they drop some amazing mods for the "hassle".

They spawn on every mission type, including survival and defense (where you cannot disable the alarm).

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OMFG, the ONE thing that needs to change on Bursas is their frequency....dear @(*()$ god. 


I was trying to help a low lvl guy last night farm some materials, I must have run into like 60 Bursas...it made the mission 100x longer then it should have been. 


3 or 4 bursas per mission is cool, or 1 Bursa every couple of minutes so long as the alarms are on, but goddamn, its Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa,  Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, its Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa,  Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, its Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa,  Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, Incoming Bursa, you spawned a bursa, bursa, bursa, bursa, bursa.....


I even had like 2 bursa, then a 3rd showed up......


Tone them down a little.

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that wouldnt be so bad if the timer on air support was dropped to 5 minutes instead of 10.

That I agree with but it does allow you time to take out the Bursa and you don't have to hack any panels, it does it for you while also jamming any further alarm attempts from the Corpus. Honestly I think the majority of complaints are because they can't simple bum rush the level without tripping an alarm and alerting these things. People have to slow down and think about neutralising security and they don't like that. That being said, there's many abilities that will instantly wreck every camera in the place, as well as CC'ing anyone trying to raise an alarm. All that needs to be done is scale the Bursa according to the mission level. In the Sortie I encountered a level 100 Denial Bursa and killed it easily. For new players, they should be encountering level 10 bursa's with lower health and armour but the same mechanics to get used to. Problem solved.

Edited by Zilchy
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I think the problem here is not about the Bursa presence on it's own but in it's spawn rate, which is way too high considering the unit potential.


Bursas in normal corpus missions are fine, the true problem is they spawn too often, make them spawn like a Grineer Maniac (or a bit more often than that) and it will be fine.

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I still don't understand how people managed to get stunlocked by Bursas.

It's like they don't know how to Bullet Jump or something.


Well when there are three Bursas surrounding you and you're already having to jump to leap over the enemy who are surrounding you so as to escape from Nullifier bubbles, it's not too unlikely that at some point your feet will be on the ground when a shockwave hits you. After that you're basically screwed.


I find it funny how half of the Bursa supporters are saying 'I like them, they provide a challenge', while the other half are saying 'They're easy, get good'. 

And anybody saying 'Just use high-end gear and frames with a slow' can walk right on. Firstly, that does nothing to help new players who can very easily get stuck fighting two or three Bursas on THE SECOND PLANET! And secondly, even players with that good gear don't always want to take it into a Corpus mission. I'll quite often take a lower level frame or weapon into a low-tier syndicate mission or alert, and when you trip the alarms and are, ten seconds later, getting gang-b***ed by a load of Bursas it rather dampens one's enjoyment of whatever new frame or weapon your using.


Warframe already is already a crap early-game experience for new players, and the introduction of Bursas to all Corpus missions has made it even worse. I could understand if Bursas only spawned on Neptune or Europa, but having them on every Corpus tileset means that you have to go into every battle prepared to take them on, and low-level players with limited gear simply won't be able to do that.

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This is..thread No. 500 on that topic? Close. Anyway, there is a very easy, very doable way : Don't play like an idiot. There are a lot of ways to get around this issue.


First things first : I agree that they should fix the scaling of the Bursas in lower level missions, so don't rage at me.



Now, ways to not drown in Bursas : 


#0 Destroy cameras. They aren't just for show to be easily ignored anymore.


#1 Stealth. Yes, there is finally a reason to actually try and stealth Corpus Exterminate and Sabotage missions instead of going LEEEEROOOOYYYYY JEEENKIIIIIINSSS on their collective asses. Take out cameras, stealthkill foes , use enemy radar to quickly spot and take out all enemies in a room before alarms can be triggered, or -god forbid- actually use a supress or hush mod for once, so you can get rid of enemies without alerting evey unti in a 50 mile radius. We ARE supposed to be space ninjas , and there is finally a reason to act like it.


#2 CC. There are a lot of good CC and allround frames for the first few levels (Excalibur eg. is a starter). Radial blind will keep enemies from being able to activate the alarms at all, and on low levels (which seems to be the major problem) even unranked credit-weapons like the Strun and Braton make quick fodder out of enemies, and one should have enough credits for it after going through Mercury.


#3 Learn to do the hackpanels quick. On the lowlevel missions they have like 3 tiles, which should be no problem to do in ~5 seconds. As for "the enemies reactivate it too quick!" - No, they actually do not. It is just that running into a camera seems to actually trigger it now. 


Here, too, CC keeps you from being killed while hacking, and hacking the Bursas to be your allies helps immensely.


#4  Don't stand still. Run, (bullet)jump , and aimglide around. If need be, retreat into a room you already have cleared for hacking. Don't stand next to a Bursa like a fool and wonder why you get stunlocked. Mind your surroundings. 



#5 Shooting a Bursa from the front might not deal damage (except when using radiationdamage or explosives), but it usually gets them to play bulwark. Then you can easily run around and get rid of them.


#6 If you really have problems with humanoid Corpus reactivating the alarms too quick, kill those first. Keep in mind not to stand in line of sight of the Bursa(s) and clear them out, then get rid of the Bursas next.


And finally #7 : If you are new, have no idea what to do, are not a total shooter maniac and have major problems with getting the mechanics of the game, THEN DO NOT INSIST ON PLAYING SOLO AND WONDER WHY YOU DIE. This is supposed to be a coop game, not a "i have no @(*()$ clue what i am supposed to do but i don't like people so let me rage cause i cannot solo S#&$ without at least having a good grasp at how things work" game. If you want to play like that, farm Mercury survival or something until you have completely overleveled gear and then proceed to corpus missions.



Conclusion: There are quite a few ways to deal with Bursas. Yes, their hp etc. might be too high for low level missions, and yes, maybe they shouldn't spawn on the first planet at all or get a cap... But then again, Napalms exist, which tank just the same, and instead of CC'ing you when you get too close, they just simply brun you to death with 3 ticks (with an attack that blends in way too much in the fray of battle)... and I have yet to see a ragethread about those. And scorches, while having low hp, also do way more damage than 90% of corpus enemies and are hard to spot among the blue and brown hues of the other Grineer troops. And you cannot prevent either of them from spawning by playing smart or sneaky.

Edited by ShikiRen
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Warframe already is already a crap early-game experience for new players, and the introduction of Bursas to all Corpus missions has made it even worse. I could understand if Bursas only spawned on Neptune or Europa, but having them on every Corpus tileset means that you have to go into every battle prepared to take them on, and low-level players with limited gear simply won't be able to do that.

Yea I guess they should just put Bursas on higher level Corpus tilesets.

(But if a newbie for some reason manages to enter these tilesets, and gets screwed over, they should have no right to complain right?)

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Yea I guess they should just put Bursas on higher level Corpus tilesets.

(But if a newbie for some reason manages to enter these tilesets, and gets screwed over, they should have no right to complain right?)

I've yet to have bursas spawn on anything but neptune and higher corpus maps...tried jupiter, tried mars, tried venus...no luck on any of those planets....unless they appear on exterminate only?

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I've yet to have bursas spawn on anything but neptune and higher corpus maps...tried jupiter, tried mars, tried venus...no luck on any of those planets....unless they appear on exterminate only?


I've had them appear on Venus in Spy, Exterminate and Defense missions. When they spawned on the Corpus defense missions I'd never encountered them before, and suddenly in one go I was ganked by three of them on Wave 10. I had no idea what to do, and this is perhaps the major problem with the Bursas: they offer no feedback whatsoever. It's fairly obvious that you shouldn't bother shooting the shields, but other than that how are you meant to know what to do? This is made worse by the hitboxes being buggy: sometimes you can shoot them from the side into the rear and it'll damage them and other times it won't. Warframe has always had this problem with its bosses: the Jackal, Lech Kril and Vay Hek all have the same issue of not providing any indication of what you're meant to do, but when the basic enemies have the same issue I can only imagine how frustrating that becomes for new players.

Not to mention that they just limit options, I daren't go into even a low tier Corpus missions unless I'm in a decent Warframe with at least one well-modded weapon just in-case one spawns, and screw trying to level up my new Kubrow by playing any of the Syndicate missions I have on Venus.

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Who was the person who suggested them? weren't they a fan concept?


i say we shun him/her Along with whoever Suggested Juggernauts



Juggernutz it probably the most useless boss.  What do those Pherliac pods do besides make Jordas go off on some random tyrant about them?

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I've had them appear on Venus in Spy, Exterminate and Defense missions. When they spawned on the Corpus defense missions I'd never encountered them before, and suddenly in one go I was ganked by three of them on Wave 10. I had no idea what to do, and this is perhaps the major problem with the Bursas: they offer no feedback whatsoever. It's fairly obvious that you shouldn't bother shooting the shields, but other than that how are you meant to know what to do? This is made worse by the hitboxes being buggy: sometimes you can shoot them from the side into the rear and it'll damage them and other times it won't. Warframe has always had this problem with its bosses: the Jackal, Lech Kril and Vay Hek all have the same issue of not providing any indication of what you're meant to do, but when the basic enemies have the same issue I can only imagine how frustrating that becomes for new players.

Not to mention that they just limit options, I daren't go into even a low tier Corpus missions unless I'm in a decent Warframe with at least one well-modded weapon just in-case one spawns, and screw trying to level up my new Kubrow by playing any of the Syndicate missions I have on Venus.

Why must the game hold people's hand so much? What's wrong with having to figure a few things out, this happens in most games at some point or other. I first encountered Bursa's in the Proxy Rebellion Tactical Alert last year. I wondered what the strange shrill shrieking enemy that just covered me in a green energy ball and nullified my powers was. Then it fired a harpoon and dragged me kicking and screaming away from my team. After getting back up I shot at it only to find I did zero damage thanks to what were very obviously shields on the front. With that in mind logic suggested to me that I should try and shoot it in a weak spot, the glowing green panel caught my eye so I shot that and the Bursa died. After then checking the forums and discovering they dropped Tempo Royale I was no longer worried about these new menaces and eagerly got to work farming them with my Nyx. At the time I had Loki, Volt and Nyx and that was it, my main weapon was a Boltor Prime with rank 5 or so Serration and little else(no forma) and dual ether swords, with a trusty Lato as my secondary. I didn't need anyone to explain it to me, this was such an obvious thing to do and people who can't figure that out must've never played a single game in their life before Warframe.


Oh and btw back then, they were BIGGER.

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several mods to use that blocks knockdown 3 invisible frames, a sh!t ton of cc abilities low to high tier primaries and secondaries to use and any melee with any school + the enhancing mods that were released a  couple of weeks ago. I think the surviving part as anything else comes down to the player's savvy as how  one should combat these.


 ninjas use everything available at their disposal and make it work, suitable or not.

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Now, ways to not drown in Bursas : 


#0 Destroy cameras. They aren't just for show to be easily ignored anymore.


#1 Stealth. Yes, there is finally a reason to actually try and stealth Corpus Exterminate and Sabotage missions instead of going LEEEEROOOOYYYYY JEEENKIIIIIINSSS on their collective asses. Take out cameras, stealthkill foes , use enemy radar to quickly spot and take out all enemies in a room before alarms can be triggered, or -god forbid- actually use a supress or hush mod for once, so you can get rid of enemies without alerting evey unti in a 50 mile radius. We ARE supposed to be space ninjas , and there is finally a reason to act like it.



I have actually tried to play "stealthy" in Spy missions before, crouching, looking around corners, I even put a 100% HUSH mod on my Tiberon for silent kills.  It works until I fire my first shot, and suddenly the whole world knows im there anyway.  I then just figure, well, now they know im here, F*** it, LEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!


Ofc, im doing it with a Rhino, but still, I do try to be somewhat sneaky, never works. 

Why must the game hold people's hand so much? What's wrong with having to figure a few things out, this happens in most games at some point or other. I first encountered Bursa's in the Proxy Rebellion Tactical Alert last year. I wondered what the strange shrill shrieking enemy that just covered me in a green energy ball and nullified my powers was. Then it fired a harpoon and dragged me kicking and screaming away from my team.


Yeah, my introfuction to the Bursas last year was one jumping on my head and perma stunning me for an indefinite period of time, until the enemy converged on my and killed me from 100% Iron Skin, 1280 shields and 860 health....I was never able to stand up, move or anything, just stuck, flat on my &#! until I died. 

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Didn't realize they were spawning on missions you cant disable the alarms on. In that case, i guess one or two could spawn to keep it "realistic".


They are a fun challenge though, it's nice not just click and shoot something. Actually gotta work for the kill on them.

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I have actually tried to play "stealthy" in Spy missions before, crouching, looking around corners, I even put a 100% HUSH mod on my Tiberon for silent kills.  It works until I fire my first shot, and suddenly the whole world knows im there anyway.  I then just figure, well, now they know im here, F*** it, LEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!


Ofc, im doing it with a Rhino, but still, I do try to be somewhat sneaky, never works. 


Yeah, my introfuction to the Bursas last year was one jumping on my head and perma stunning me for an indefinite period of time, until the enemy converged on my and killed me from 100% Iron Skin, 1280 shields and 860 health....I was never able to stand up, move or anything, just stuck, flat on my ! until I died. 


Thats really, really weird. Cause I'm doing that all day, every day with any frame in Spy, Exterminate, Sabotage...


The problem is you have to have something that oneshots or kills very fast, because if not the guy you shot will start shooting/yelling which will alert the rest of the bunch. Maybe that is what's happening? Or maybe some janky sh*t with the Tiberon? Cause it works fine with Vulkar (Wraith), Tonkor, bows, Marelok etc. 


Maybe you oneshot one enemy and accidentally hit and wounded another enemy ? It is a 3-shot burst after all. I think I still have a Tiberon... Gotta test that.



And I gotta say the Redeemer is the best stealth weapon ever...almost too easy with that thing X)


EDIT : Didn't have a Tiberon so i took my Sybaris instead. Played an exterminate a spy and a sabotage; got through with 0 alarms. I was detected twice, because the vision range of the drones is so incredibly wonky sometimes, but i easily cleared out the room before the alarms could be triggered, and thanks to my Sybaris being silenced it didn't alert any enemies in adjacent rooms. So i really have no clue what caused your issue except a) You injuring a guy with one of the bullets from the burst, b) you weren't spotted because of the shot but because an enemy saw you (maybe wonky drone range), c) you did not actually equip Hush/it bugged out, or d) there is some strange bug making the Tiberon unsilencable.

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