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Ok... did anyone notice that spawn rates have been nerfed for spy and deception modes.

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It was intended anyway,because some people really like stealth farm focus in spy or deception in high level area. (like me)

And the way of stealth farm focus just took 40 minute or less to get 100k Focus experience.

I suggest Draco with 4 people party or public,kill as many as u can when u get Focus Buff (you bring 1 Warframe & 1 Weapon only "each has lense") to get 100k & leech a bit too when they keep killing too "not running around leech and afk"

Example : Loki Prime (Lv 30) "Zenurik" & Nikana Prime (Lv 30) "Zenurik"


Edited by ---Greed---
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actualy is fun too go stealth love it did a few missions whithout any one see me coming  with no steath frames
too bad ppl only care about xp and dont actualy have fun ...


Edited by venon23
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The good :

You can relax a bit when you do these missions since enemies are less WHICH encourage using frames other than Loki/ Ash/ Ivara/  Nezha/ etc.

The bad :

Yup, we cant farm Focus points that easily now.

My take :

This is great because :

1. I am in Vazarin school and got the passives i needed (out of all passives, get the ones you really need, not all worth it). 

2. I really like Spy and Sabotage and never liked how the spawn rate was, ever so thanks DE.

My advice :

Take your time with Focus, why?

Its still in beta and is subject to be changed in the future, might get nerfed, might get reworked or even completely taken out since its rather unbalanced.

Take it easy and enjoy the game, cant do that, take a break from this game since its not the only game out there!

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4 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

The good :

You can relax a bit when you do these missions since enemies are less WHICH encourage using frames other than Loki/ Ash/ Ivara/  Nezha/ etc.

The bad :

Yup, we cant farm Focus points that easily now.

My take :

This is great because :

1. I am in Vazarin school and got the passives i needed (out of all passives, get the ones you really need, not all worth it). 

2. I really like Spy and Sabotage and never liked how the spawn rate was, ever so thanks DE.

My advice :

Take your time with Focus, why?

Its still in beta and is subject to be changed in the future, might get nerfed, might get reworked or even completely taken out since its rather unbalanced.

Take it easy and enjoy the game, cant do that, take a break from this game since its not the only game out there!

yap my same idea about focus keep it calm just take it slow maybe december focus system will be cool until there just keep it calm

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i wonder what will happen when Draco goes away.

Yeah, most people will go to the next hot spot, but you have a ton of newbies and vets alike that ONLY play Draco.
I think that they've dug a whole. Shoulda nerfed Draco when they had the chance. Now it's a staple of the game.

People started this game over the last few months running before walking. Leveling weapons, focus, syndicate standing, and frames in one mission, then going off to play some endless void mission to test out the new goods and farm loot. They (including myself) have become accustomed to cheesing the game.

You're going to have to make another loot cave that's as good as Draco. Especially after you've effectively nerfed the potential gains of every other mission type in the game. That crutch has gone from optional to highly preferred for all players.

Edited by (PS4)SupeBoss
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Doing high level endless missions for high rewards  has been a staple of the game for as long as their have been endless missions. The only reason people do draco over say, cerberus is two fold, preferable resources, and a lack of a grineer nullifying unit. Add that in and you'll see maybe a little more dispersal, but honestly first we need interception only maps for A LOT of tilesets. Earth is the only one i can think of off the top of my head that has not one, but two unique maps for interception, both of which are much better designed than the defense maps used on other planets.

People play draco because there's less WASD in between their murder-loot orgies.

Edited by BaneOfOrion
misspelled interception-gg
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I personally really like the change. It's been something that I've wanted since I returned to Warframe a couple months ago, since it finally allows me to run stealth missions the way I've always wanted to, by carefully sniping enemies until the tile is empty, then moving on to the next one. Having enemies instantly spawn in the place of the one I just killed was frustrating when I wanted to play to the stealthy space ninja fantasy. It does make focus farming a little more difficult, but it is a wonderful change for players like me.

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^^^ I think exploits as seen in the video above are well within DE's right and benefit to fix.  Why are people even logging in anymore if that's the "game play" they'll resort to?

The problem isn't lack of enemy spawns... it's that they went from hive mind to near sighted and nearly deaf.  When they DO notice you, they're reluctant to hit the alarms.  Once those alarms are hit though, there's even more enemies spawned than before the updates.

Edited by Littleman88
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6 hours ago, Prinny13 said:

Take your time with Focus, why?

Its still in beta and is subject to be changed in the future, might get nerfed, might get reworked or even completely taken out since its rather unbalanced.

Take it easy and enjoy the game, cant do that, take a break from this game since its not the only game out there!

This is where i'm at ^  Focus is not important to me... I have lenses on my main WF and main primary weapons and I just let the points rack up at their own rate.  when i max my present school, i'll move onto the next one. 

in the same vein, I haven't even completely ranked up my arch prime wings :P

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Well since this ruined my favorite game mods and turned them into glorified exterminates i only have spy left to enjoy.

Kind of ironic that i could rebuild my frames without any lenses at all and just play spy forever and actually enjoy the game.

This game has been less and less fun for me after evangelion light

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"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." Voltaire. I honestly don't care how you play or what missions you play b/c well it's not my business. Complaining about Draco b/c it's your personal complaint and you want to change it doesn't make what you desire right. If you don't like Draco fine cool that's awesome but don't try to get it changed b/c it's your own personal sore spot. So I may not agree with the way you play your game but I will fight to the death for your right to play it the way you want too.

Edited by MattM01
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