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This newest hotfix pushes Draco farm even more.


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I don't understand why DE would remove enemies from respawning in already cleared rooms in spy missions. Spy in the past was a good way to farm affinity, focus, and level up weapons and avoid the toxic environment that is Draco. Then came the shared affinity "rework" which nerfed stealth affinity farm. It pushed us to go to Draco more. However, spy was still worth running because it gave good rewards such as tower keys and different mods and could still rank up weapons quickly. But with this newest "hotfix" and non respawning enemies, it seems DE is just pushing us more and more to live on Draco for our farming needs.

This makes no sense considering how much DE has changed frames, skills, and committed reworks to try to kill Draco farming.You got a Saryn rework from it, you got the RJ excal change to LoS, you nerfed greedy pull augment, you reworked mesa largely in part of Draco meta. Which I don't mind too much in of itself. But the issue I have now is changing the other viable methods of farming for affinity and focus. I might as well put a tent and campfire and live on Draco.

Edited by KutieKat
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Just now, KutieKat said:

This makes no sense considering how much DE has changed frames, skills, and committed reworks to try to kill Draco farming.You got a Saryn rework from it, you got the RJ excal change to LoS, you nerfed greedy pull augment, you reworked mesa largely in part of Draco meta. 

Yes, I'm sure that was all solely because of Draco.

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Just now, (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly said:

Yes, I'm sure that was all solely because of Draco.

I never said it was "all" solely because of Draco. I said it was a large part of the rework of frame skills to avoid the passive farming methods being devised there.

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Just now, ashrah said:

cz to improve gameplay to game be more dinamic and to ppl actually play game....!!! also i can agree curret focus system xp gain is very bad and very slow that need change for sure

So in your mind, removing an option to farm for focus (i.e. stealth solo play), which is very dynamic requiring lots of movement and timing, makes the game more dynamic???

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2 minutes ago, Educated_Beast said:



DE hasn't figured out that in order to kill Draco, you need to give us other options.  


I hate new change.  I hate that they called it an exploit.  How is it an exploit?



Agreed 100% We need other options then just Draco.

There aren't very many options now unless you want to play low content forever to rank up stuff. Spy stealth farming was a very viable option before this nerf and the affinity nerf. Now what are we left to run with to rank things up and not spend our life playing this game to get anywhere? Tower Defenses? Tower survivals? I have done those methods solely in the past and for me its just boring running a long low tier mission to rank up gear. I'd rather rank it up quickly and go play with it in more meaningful (for me) content.

These new changes that keep coming out just kills more and more options. And pushes the Draco as the only real viable option. It is disheartening.

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4 minutes ago, ashrah said:

cz to improve gameplay to game be more dinamic and to ppl actually play game....!!! also i can agree curret focus system xp gain is very bad and very slow that need change for sure

they removed the dynamic method that made people play the game, not the other way around. pressing 3 for hours on end to get a paltry amount of focus is neither of those things

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Pretty much. Stealth XP farming wasn't perfect because it didn't encourage you to traverse the map but stay in a certain tile and do your patrol, but at least it required a lot more agency from the player in terms of inputs per second than standing in the middle of a map and spamming the same buttons. Not quite sure why DE thought this was necessary. I get that they want to encourage players to move around the map, but repeating the same mission over because there are a finite amount of enemies on the map is quite cumbersome. Plus the old stealth farming allowed for solo players to keep up with the speed of a Draco focus farm somewhat. Now, well, not anymore.
If you'd at least get 5x or whatever times the current bonus xp from doing a mission without being seen at all, it'd sort of act as a balancing factor. This way, however, makes the problem of popular nodes worse. Yeah, I get that things like Draco, Xini and Kappa won't be a thing in the new star chart anymore, which is good, but at the same time one needs to ensure that playing missions as intended, aka finishing them in a reasonable amount of time, is also not much less efficient compared to whatever the meta has come up with.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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I'm not sure what ashrah is saying.

6 minutes ago, (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly said:

Yes, I'm sure that was all solely because of Draco.

I never saw her say it was all due to Draco, but these things have been mentioned in devstreams (i.e. 55 about Mag and the subsequent nerf).

As to the nerf, I really don't understand it, as I've mentioned in another thread.  I can understand addressing an exploit some are using on a map, but I see this as a poor solution to a problem.   They have addressed this by killing the enjoyable solo stealth missions.

Those methods (Ivara, Loki) are slower, but still an alternative for people who just want to level/forma gear and not deal with the common Draco players and the drama found therein.  You can max a full loadout with ease in 4 rounds with the right squad on Draco, and max your focus just as fast, so what are they targeting here?  Doing long stealth spy missions (not exploiting spawns on certain Deception maps) take much longer and forget about doing a full loadout.

I guess I'll go play Draco...

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1 minute ago, pumaferd said:

I'm not sure what ashrah is saying.

I never saw her say it was all due to Draco, but these things have been mentioned in devstreams (i.e. 55 about Mag and the subsequent nerf).

As to the nerf, I really don't understand it, as I've mentioned in another thread.  I can understand addressing an exploit some are using on a map, but I see this as a poor solution to a problem.   They have addressed this by killing the enjoyable solo stealth missions.

Those methods (Ivara, Loki) are slower, but still an alternative for people who just want to level/forma gear and not deal with the common Draco players and the drama found therein.  You can max a full loadout with ease in 4 rounds with the right squad on Draco, and max your focus just as fast, so what are they targeting here?  Doing long stealth spy missions (not exploiting spawns on certain Deception maps) take much longer and forget about doing a full loadout.

I guess I'll go play Draco...

All hail RJ, the power of the 3 button! 


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20 minutes ago, (XB1)A Frikn Grizzly said:

Yes, I'm sure that was all solely because of Draco.

DE nuked the living crap out of Mesa AND Saryn for this reason, and attempted to do the same to excal for the same reason (even tho that kinda backfired)

to nerf powerfarming that was efficient, if they'll nuke excals 3 then youll see rhino or possibly ash, even mags, which will then be complained about and get nerfed (mag is already on the list for corpus power farming)

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Maybe it also had something to do with the fact that players trying to do a stealth clear would often have enemies spawn in rooms they'd already wiped out, get the drop on them because they thought (rightfully) they'd cleared everything, and promptly trigger the alarms.

I'm just spit-balling here.

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Why not just rush spy missions instead?

Just equip Loki, a melee weapon you can one shot with from stealth and go from there

You just ignore 90% of enemies,  killing only to maintain exp bonus, and rush the hell out of the mission. 

Easy exp and spy drops, and completely unnerfed

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it was already like that before that Hotfix, just was missed in the Changelog.

however the affected Missions feel very... empty because of it.
Enemies not Spawning in the general vicinity of where i'm quietly Killing makes sense, but those rooms being forever empty after that makes the map feel dead.

Edited by taiiat
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I could be totally fine with the changes to spawning if the next hotfix deletes the Convergence token and makes Focus gain 5% from kills and 2.5% from shared xp sources.  Unalerted tiles not respawning enemies constantly is totally fine in my book, but I really, really need ways to get Focus that aren't spam kill stealing a 4 man group to maximize my gains.

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This is just my opinion on things some people might know a better way to gain focus all i know is i just go to Cupid on Uranus and while i farm for plastids/polymer by the 30 minute mark and extract with the good loot i got from farming resources i leave with 8k Focus that is with my rhino p and soma p with a basic lens. but yeah i agree with some of you on how DE is pushing us to draco and i honestly despise how they are not giving us any other options that is good as draco without the mind numming process that is some people that run around E Blading and not watching their point.... 

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solo focus affinity gain need to be incresed   or to implement in gam sigils who will give u bonus on  xp in general for each rank 5% bonus .so if u are nak 10 that means u have incresed xp-focus gain 50%  incresed

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20 minutes ago, Sixty5 said:

Why not just rush spy missions instead?

Just equip Loki, a melee weapon you can one shot with from stealth and go from there

You just ignore 90% of enemies,  killing only to maintain exp bonus, and rush the hell out of the mission. 

Easy exp and spy drops, and completely unnerfed

Because it was fun gaining and keeping the 500% exp multiplier for kills as long as you can. It gave tons of focus and affinity that way. That was the reason for stealth spy farming pre nerf. Now, empty rooms and no reason to stay to farm for focus/affinity. Think of it this way, each spy vault gives you 12k affinity if undetected. A scorch at 5x multiplier gives you about 10k. Same with the heavy gunners, 10k. You just go aroudn the map looking for them and killing them. It was fun and effective. And way faster then rushing the map. It was comparable to Draco but you could do it solo without Draco drama.

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20 minutes ago, Sixty5 said:

Why not just rush spy missions instead?

Just equip Loki, a melee weapon you can one shot with from stealth and go from there

You just ignore 90% of enemies,  killing only to maintain exp bonus, and rush the hell out of the mission. 

Easy exp and spy drops, and completely unnerfed

For me, that isn't the point -- the point is enjoyability solo stealth killing for long streaks and finishing a weapon in a mission -- again not the fastest, but far more preferable than Draco.  The option you suggested was available before and is boring and a grind.  You have to do quite a lot of spy missions to max things, and it is the definition of tedium to me.  That may be different for you, but the whole point here is that they've nerfed stealth killing as a method to both enjoy the game and level stuff.

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Draco isn't the problem, it's the fact the rest of the star map cant yield anywhere near the affinity that Draco can.

Why ? The 50m share rule, this needs to go, this game is full of lone wolf hallway hero's that do nothing but leech affinity from the group.

Other than Draco there no reason to group up, you will always make more affinity solo.



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14 minutes ago, pumaferd said:

For me, that isn't the point -- the point is enjoyability solo stealth killing for long streaks and finishing a weapon in a mission -- again not the fastest, but far more preferable than Draco.  The option you suggested was available before and is boring and a grind.  You have to do quite a lot of spy missions to max things, and it is the definition of tedium to me.  That may be different for you, but the whole point here is that they've nerfed stealth killing as a method to both enjoy the game and level stuff.

So doing the same mission over and over is a grind, but staying in the same room for an extended period of time murdering respawns ad infinitum is...not a grind?

Don't get me wrong, I can completely understand that it might not feel like a grind, but...really, the only thing that's changed here is that at some point you have to actually progress the mission now.

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11 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

So doing the same mission over and over is a grind, but staying in the same room for an extended period of time murdering respawns ad infinitum is...not a grind?

Don't get me wrong, I can completely understand that it might not feel like a grind, but...really, the only thing that's changed here is that at some point you have to actually progress the mission now.

It's less of a grind than draco because more things can go wrong if you don't pay attention, and there are minor variations in the routes you choose to patrol the room. It's not prefect by any means, but it's definitely less grindy feeling than Draco. Unless you're AFKing and do something else, but at that point you're not playing the game anymore.

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