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Warframe Isn't about Ninjas anymore, in my opinion


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Why I say that isn't quite obvious to those who, die hard, follow this game but i say this because

Warframe barely sticks to Ninja like mechanics. The fact that we have guns itself is lore breaking for Ninjas. The play style, nobody cares about sneaking everyone just wants to go in guns blazing

These abilities that we have cause just as much noise just lie everything else we do in the game.

Warframe is a good title but the fact that the slogan is still "Ninjas" play for free.... might as well change that cause this game is anything but Ninja to be honest. When I play this game it gives me more of a Borderlands vibe in aspects of gaming. 

  1. Guns
  2. Noisy Playstyle
  3. Most Missions contradict the Ninja aspects of gaming
  4. Everyone plays gunsblazing
  5. The fact you can wallrun, go invisible, and crouch doesn't make it a Ninja game
  6. Noisy Ability
  7. Tenno Honor is nothing more than being a vulture scavaging stuff
  8. All you want in game is money and loot....thats not honorable nor id that a "Ninja" game.

To be honest there are too many elements that contradict on the game to be "Ninjas" i say you change Ninjas to Heros or something. I support DE but its quite obvious now that this game has nothing to do with being like Ninjas.

The Warframes too represent the fact that they don't act like Ninjas Inaros is the latest frame that, once again, does not represent anything Ninja like. Non of the abilities are even close to the ways of a Ninja.

Change the slogan or something, this fame isn't a Ninja game, in my opinion

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4 minutes ago, Barrett_Linwei8 said:


  1. Guns
  2. Most Missions contradict the Ninja aspects of gaming

These ones I have to disagree with you on.

Ninjas use any equipment to get a job done, that can be anything from a blow dart to plastic explosives. Firearms are not outside of a ninja's arsenal.

Spy missions are pretty ninja like. Maybe sabotage, capture, and rescue to an extent as well.

Other than that, I agree, this is not a very good real ninja game. This is more of a pop culture ninja game.

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You know its just a slogan right?  You know that if you play stealthy you pretty much can get through a level freely without harassment?

Also as Zerga said you missed spy misions being ninja like and the fact that ninjas use w/e tools they have access to.  Also Tenno honor is up to the tenno themself (each player will have differing code of honor).

And if you want to play a game where you don't get loot or money for completing missions good luck finding one.  While I'm not 100% sure I believe ninjas were hired to do jobs and paid for said job not 100% though (if you're good at a job never do it for free).

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they are all ninja warframes cuz Naruto is a true ninja anime......

Edit: its called warframe and after the second dream game where playing a can where we control on avatar that is controlling a wide variety of avatars. or if you have ever seen the movie surrogate with Bruce Willis its that kind of situation.

Edited by Herosupport
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1 hour ago, Barrett_Linwei8 said:

Why I say that isn't quite obvious to those who, die hard, follow this game but i say this because

Warframe barely sticks to Ninja like mechanics. The fact that we have guns itself is lore breaking for Ninjas. The play style, nobody cares about sneaking everyone just wants to go in guns blazing

These abilities that we have cause just as much noise just lie everything else we do in the game.

Warframe is a good title but the fact that the slogan is still "Ninjas" play for free.... might as well change that cause this game is anything but Ninja to be honest. When I play this game it gives me more of a Borderlands vibe in aspects of gaming. 

  1. Guns
  2. Noisy Playstyle
  3. Most Missions contradict the Ninja aspects of gaming
  4. Everyone plays gunsblazing
  5. The fact you can wallrun, go invisible, and crouch doesn't make it a Ninja game
  6. Noisy Ability
  7. Tenno Honor is nothing more than being a vulture scavaging stuff
  8. All you want in game is money and loot....thats not honorable nor id that a "Ninja" game.

To be honest there are too many elements that contradict on the game to be "Ninjas" i say you change Ninjas to Heros or something. I support DE but its quite obvious now that this game has nothing to do with being like Ninjas.

The Warframes too represent the fact that they don't act like Ninjas Inaros is the latest frame that, once again, does not represent anything Ninja like. Non of the abilities are even close to the ways of a Ninja.

Change the slogan or something, this fame isn't a Ninja game, in my opinion

It never was, the slogan was something we the players coined even though it's always been about cyborg-armored super-powered super-soldiers. We the players said it enough they made it a catchy tag-line.

Edited by Gelkor
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The game had always shown us with swords AND guns. It's written into the lore why we use these. We also have space magic powers, and are heavily armored. Pretty sure that alone disqualifies us from ever having been ninjas.

Also, nobody even knows what feudal Japanese ninjas were even like. As far as we know (and more often speculate), ninjas were just hired assassin's and mercenaries. They'd be the equivalent of a historic hit man. It's a futile attempt to try to match futuristic space "ninjas" to traditional or pop culture versions of ninjas. Wth is even the point? Wth would be the point of only using blades or bows against enemies that have star ships and lasers?

Ninjas play free is just a slogan. Just like how food companies say "no added preservatives" or "100% real fruit". You are taking it way too seriously. 

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1 hour ago, Barrett_Linwei8 said:


In all honesty, have they every refered you playing as a ninja, or have they ever even used the "ninja" in the game. 9/10 they refer the players as Tenno, or traitors 

They should just change it too "Tenno Plays Free"

Edited by Ibro156
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Something can be evocative of an idea without being identical or otherwise rigidly faithful to the original concept. Tenno are not ninja; they're Tenno. They share some characteristics (and, for that matter, share some--arguably more--with samurai as well), but trying to match them to a checklist is an exercise that's doomed from the start.

Also, a lot of the problems you're listing have to do with players, not the setting itself.

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OP is right, but that's really being picky. We have never been space ninjas, we are (story spoiler)


Ancient space-children that control cyborgs/drones that enable us to channel our magic energies

It's really just a slogan. DE chose it so just play another game if you can't live with it.

Edited by Genoscythe
spelling, the spoiler is real
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I mean, while everyone is ragging on OP for taking the "Ninja's play free" slogan too seriously... I'm gonna have to agree with him in that it should be changed. Not for his reasons, but just because IMHO it sounds cheesy, tacky and unappealing. 

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