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Infested noises and Orbiter - NOT U19 [Megathread]


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I guess it might belong to this topic...?


(The Second Dream spoiler alert!)


Did anyone else have the same darkness filter during the Landing Craft loading screen before the mission starts?
It doesn't happen very often (5%?), and it doesn't affect the gameplay.

Also, someone said he saw there were some kind of infested scars (similar to Alad V's when he was recovering from the infestation after the Operation: Tubemen of Regor) on his operator's face during the mission.


Looks like something is going to happen...?

Edited by Vecasra
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5 minutes ago, Vecasra said:

I guess it might belong to this topic...?


(The Second Dream spoiler alert!)


Did anyone else have the same darkness filter during the Landing Craft loading screen before the mission starts?
It doesn't happen very often (5%?), and it doesn't affect the gameplay.

Darker loading screen before mission is probably this

"Fixed a Landing Craft loading screen that was unnecessarily bright." (from update 18.6)

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Okay this is what I think is going to happen for update 19.



During the New Strange, Cephalon Simaris said that Ordis is an antique and all the other Series 2 Cephalons Simaris had found were degraded beyond repair.

During the Jordas Precept, Jordas couldn't control himself half of the time and turned out to be infested. Ordis shows the same split personality symptoms.

What if the only reason Ordis and Jordas are still alive/functional, unlike the other Cephalons, is because the infestation is keeping them alive? Just that in Jordas's case, the infestation got out of control and we end up killing him, but Ordis deliberately damaged himself to block off the infestation, limiting his own capacity and damaging his own memories in the process. But now the infestation is spreading and getting out of control.

So I think Update 19 will involve a quest where we need to recover some old technology to save Ordis from being taken over completely by the Infestation. Only then will it be safe to get a kavat to eat the infestation.

Thoughts guys?

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"Ordis, I inquire information on why you do not open the door."

"Orbiter compartment is yet unable to reach full functionality, operator. Areas need to be kept shut to enable stability"

"Would you mind doing a scan sweep for me, checking for abnormal signs or integrity failure?"

"Oh my! Why would the operator think that Ordis -[ssscrewed u.u.up]- ...does not perform routine analysis on a regular level?"

"...you did not answer my question, nor did you execute the request."

"Oh! Ordis meant no insult! Starting compound-wide analysis. What am I -[missi.i.i.n.ng...]- ...searching for?"

"Signs of infestation on the starboard compartment closest to the Dropship."

"...Inconclusive results. The large amount of proxies and infected weaponry the operator has -[piled u.u.u.p]- ...acquired is making a clear result difficult to achieve."

"You can do better, Cephalon. Eliminate known patterns in my arsenal and concentrate on Corpus-like ship infestation, usually found on the ground level."

"... applying filters... no trace found!"

"That is impossible. Should I send you live footage to show you?"

"Ordis is not sure if visual dataflow is compatible with processing capabilities. Irregularities might lead to system failure! Ordis does not want to become more -[bro.o.o.ken.n. and obsole.e.e.te]- ... inadequate than now."

"Is there something leeching on the system power or causing power shortages or any other irregularities in powerflow?"

"Negative. All systems nominal, no power shortage currently needed to be balanced out."

"Alright Ordis, scan for infested lifesigns similar to the samples scanned in the Codex. I am HEARING something in there."

"Scanning! ...no matching or similar entries to the database found."

"I am losing patience. How about unregistered patterns or bio-signatures based on different biological life that was not yet recorded as being infested?"

"Ordis advises the operator to check for sensor damage in the proxies. Maybe the operator is seeing things from -[being la.a.azy]- ...the long absence of battle?"

"What? Do not make me regret the choice to NOT let Cephalon Suda poke through your core functions and see why you are glitching."

"Ordis thinks the operator is joking and appreciates the witticism!"

"I am not joking. You tell me I am blind and deaf when I can TOUCH the infestation and feel it through the ground?"

"Maybe the operator brought remnants of the infestation along with his continued fight against the mutant strains?"

"I have not been out to fight infested for quite some time now, and you know that. It would also mean your contamination hazard detection routines are flawed and corrupted, which screams for maintenance."


"I'm going to fly to the next solar relay and request a maintenance crew to report this issue."




Meanwhile, Ordis ran short on excuses to successfully navigate
around the issue to not lie to the operator while also hiding the truth.
In an attempt to make the operator happy with a surprise (which horribly
failed) Ordis might have brought the infestation on the ship himself by
using biological samples from the abundant foundry components the
operator SURELY wouldn't notice. Those got combined with DNA samples
of Kavats stolen from Grineer databases to breed a new pet for the operator,
as the Kubrows are so appreciated and repeatedly incubated. The core priority
to care about the operator and trying to bring something new to get rid of the
constant meditation was higher than keeping the ship and the orbiter compartment
clean. Although the conflicts are quite glitching here, when observing the five-legged
breeding failure happily sliding around in it's own slime which covers the floor,
pushing enjoyed grunts out of a malformed orifice every time it bumps against
something, enticed and excited by the impression on the young kitten senses...

How should Ordis POSSIBLY explain this or act upon it?
Conclusion still pending...

Edited by Khunvyel
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31 minutes ago, LordEppEoN said:

Yea I heard the same update 19. I think the infected part of the ship has something to do with it???

I don't think the infestation in our Liset has something to do with us having new pets. It's likely that both things are linked with U19, but they're probably just two separate contents.

(Unless we're getting Infested cat pets!)

On a side note, I'm hoping they'll rework breeding for the release of the Kavats. At least make it possible to breed both Kubrows and Kavats at the same time, that would be a good start!

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13 minutes ago, JohnViande said:

I don't think the infestation in our Liset has something to do with us having new pets. It's likely that both things are linked with U19, but they're probably just two separate contents.

(Unless we're getting Infested cat pets!)

On a side note, I'm hoping they'll rework breeding for the release of the Kavats. At least make it possible to breed both Kubrows and Kavats at the same time, that would be a good start!

Kavat eat infestation

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Guys, this is the setup for THE quest.  The one we've been waiting for since LITERALLY FOREVER AGO.

THE ORDIS QUEST.  THE KAVAT QUEST.  This the the quest where we FINALLY get to work exclusively with Ordis, for the sole purpose of helping Ordis.  The quest where Catbrows FINALLY come to live in our Orbiter.


This is it.  This is THE quest.  And the infestation in the Orbiter is the setup.





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These are only hypothesis, we have no real information about "what" will happen and "when" it will happen.

Seriously this community, you could show them 1/100 of what an update will be and they'll all start hyping like the game will be divine thanks to that.

And then they'll just complain it's not what they wanted (hello focus)

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4 hours ago, PrimaryForce said:

Thoughts guys?

I think it is possible, but at the stage we are currently at I don't think so. The main reason being is that Ordis had shattered his memories before we awoke. During the time we were asleep if he had shattered his memories because of the infestation. The entire orbitor should have been infested by the time we awoke. So while I love the theory, I still do not think it is possible.

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It's a bug. If you change the interior colors of your ship, the tendrils will change color as well, until you go on a mission or log out, then they revert to being white.

Whether the bug is that they revert or can change at all, I don't know, but the picture is legit :) It's just not relevant to the infestation.

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3 hours ago, JohnViande said:

I don't think the infestation in our Liset has something to do with us having new pets. It's likely that both things are linked with U19, but they're probably just two separate contents.

Orbiter. Liset(or other landing craft) is not the one we are walking inside between missions. Someday... ill get my floating kubrow-breeding-farm-ship...

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11 hours ago, ITr1ckst3rI said:

To quote the wiki


"Due to their anti-Infested potential, the Grineer have domesticated Kavats for use in clearing out the Infestation from their ships. "


Now we have infested in our ship. 


Can almost say with 100% certainty that we will be getting a new quest to get a kavat. Much like howel of the kubrow but with a kavat, to clean out this infestation. There isn't any kavats in there yet. I am unsure if DE will add an entire room for a new pet when we already have the incubator, unless they both get moved. 


The origin for the infested is unknown, we will most likely find out once we get this mission.


Get your tranquilizer darts ready! WE'RE GOING HUNTING.

Or unless they are expanding the Liset Interior to add the Kavats. I'm talking about another room similar to the one where the Arsenal is but with more features.

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I don't want it to be retrofitted into a quest. That would be flimsy and on-the-fly design choices, if not a knee-jerk reaction. If they have a quest in the works that requires this as build-up, then fine. I was not even spinning ideas around, I was just riding the wave and poked fun at the situation and Ordis. I had spontaneous written outbursts like that which were of little consequence, just random offshots that I felt like sharing, like a Kubrow sidetracking

Now to be fair, the hype train things are indeed silly, but then again I don't know if it is a large part of the community that does it, or just the vocal minority, and neither do I know how many of them do not question things with critical thinking and prod situations to see if they can withstand any amount of scrutiny.

All I really want to say is:
I would have let it slide if it was a "mishap." Like, something that slipped in with a patch which would be related to an upcoming quest.
But since a later patch was not removing it, but instead EXPANDING it... then was the time to question it's validity and plausibility.
Because no matter how you twist and turn it;

Infestation that goes UNNOTICED by Ordis, and infestation that we CANNOT INTERACT WITH or do something AGAINST... is more than just a flawed design.
It's plain wrong.

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On 3/17/2016 at 9:16 AM, Khunvyel said:

Like, sure, there is everything going on in the solar system and whatnot. We can basically choose to ignore it or not. But infestation right in our bedroom? Well THAT Is troubling.

I don't see what's wrong with ignoring it. We ignore global warming all the time and noone seems to care.

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