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Destiny Gaurdian vs Warframe Tenno, who would win?


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To make this far, I'll be making three classes of destiny versus a (properly modded and maxed) Excal, Volt and Mag regulars. They would pitted against a Titan, fist of havoc. Warlock, Void Walker. Hunter, Gunslinger. 

They would fight on the abandon planet Earth, with no one in sight. Their was enough energy for Excal, Volt and Mag for 300 energy for each of them. The Guardians had gain their supers, melee and grenades charges (which are modded as well) during the travel. It takes about 5 minutes to recharge all their abilities after use.

Excal had bough his Skana. Mag her Braton. Volt his Bo. Ordis was there watching from the sky, keeping Operator safe.. The Guardians had taken common gear set. The Guardian's Ghost were there as well, watching them behind from behind.

Who would win? The Teens on overpowered VR machine, or Super Zombie Soldiers? 

Disclaimer: I know this is going to be one sided, but who cares, right?

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This is how this battle will work:

Tenno will destroy the guardians when properly equipped.

Then, three DLC packs and 100$ later, the Guardians will have enough fire power to eliminate any Tenno.

3 months, one server issue, and some quality of life bugs fixed, the Tenno will have another 2.0 power house that will kill any Guardian in one hit.

The community of Warframe then cries "This thing is to OP!" prompting DE to nerf that thing into oblivion. 

The cycle of DLC for Destiny and constant updates for Warframes continue as one tries to one up each other.

Then One Punch Man comes and smacks everyone to the ground, because he is the antithesis of power creep.

Winner: One Punch Man, like always

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5 hours ago, Plushy said:

Nyx, mind control, I win. 

Or sick Clem on them :clem: 


38 minutes ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

Valkyr can literally just rip them to shreds and not worry about taking a single hit to her hp or shields. The destiny people will stand no chance when they are against Valkyr 

I guess you guys haven't read what I said >.>

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1 hour ago, (XB1)SgtFunBun said:

Tenno because we don't spend all our money on DLC, so we can afford good weapons


Not to mention parkour

4 powers vs 1 and grenade 

Better melee.. their one punch or our war, galatine, scindo, jat kittag, nikana

Out classed in everything but glitches...


Well technically warframe has a armada of bugs vs destiny, and they are funny

So we win in that regard to

Just toss in Banshee, shed kill all of them by herself, while dropping a beat 


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1 hour ago, Ibro156 said:


I guess you guys haven't read what I said >.>

I read it but I also didn't care. I play Nyx and I'm not gonna let you limit me to any of those frames or weapons when there isn't nearly as much limitation on the destiny guys. 

So :poop: on you. 

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4 minutes ago, spacerocks said:

Tenno, cuz tenno would be able to get updated to beat anything in destiny. Also, warframes already have a better sense of identity than a guardian

Destiny, the wannabe Warframe 


Its got no content, no story, no chance 

They even copied Warframes plat system to try and jack some more money  

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It's very one sided... Mostly in a warframe forum.

I'd think: Volt shield, Excal RB, Mag pulls 1, ground finisher while ragdolled, repeat.

And with any other frame:

Ash: Bladestorm

Atlas: Rumbler and hulk smash I guess

Banshee: Hit the beat

Chroma: Vex armor and fight with weapons

Ember: WoF, augment into consideration for this.

Equinox: Either day form for more damage or night form so they deal less damage

Frost: All skills provide CC and advantage to frost

Hydroid: Kinky swarm nuff said

Inaros: Tankiness, omnomnom, CC

Ivara: Snipe like a boss or steal their Destiny items for Warframe usage

Limbo: 2, 1, Hek boom, repeat

Loki: I so want to see guardians with those shiny sticks

Mesa: Have fun with 95% damage reduction while they attempt killing you

Mirage: Disco ball with wall trespassing blind

Nekros: Fear and again, steal Destiny items for Warframe

Nezha: *insert benny hills song here*

Nova: So much CC

Nyx: Well, mind control is mind control, tho I ignore if chaos would do anything

Broberon Tennobi: The Force

Rhino: I don't think I have to say it

Saryn: Well this'd be fun with spores and actual fighting IMO

Trinity: Nothing defeats a Trinity

Vauban: CC and troll for fun with jump pads if you get the time

Valkyr: As if immortality wasn't enough also rip them to shreds...

Wukong: Personally don't like him but use the power pole and the force push should do, right?

Zephyr: Turbulence pls

Even if you don't let the frames be fully modded, all of them have more than enough to fight and beat a guardian.

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ive seen this thread before, the tenno would still win. we are faster than guardians our abilities are arguably more powerful and our frames can cake much more of a hit than a guardian can.

the only advantage they have is their ghost that can revive them any number of times unless destroyed.




but that's gameplay wise, lore wise then... I cant give it to anyone as guardians are known to completely wreck S#&$. warlocks vaporizing entire buildings an such. super energy is also probably just a gameplay mechanic so they are just limited by their "light" and endurance. while the warframes have limited energy pools in comparison and stock unchangeable abilities. but warfames are faster, more maneuverable, more adaptable to situations, and the operator's abilities to boot. at the end of the day it's a battle of who can instagib the other faster. whoever vaporizes the other the fastest wins. the guardians need to completely turn the waframes to molten slag before they have time to react to stop them from reviving then killing them and the tenno need to stay on the move-dodging or reflecting everything then kill their ghosts to stop the guardians from reviving and gathering their strength so they can trap and do to you what the sentients did to mirage.


Edited by McDuffMan
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6 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

No matter who wins, we all lose...why?



We both have to watch our ships flying in cutscenes. 

Except we can make our ships go in a limited direction during loading, and call down support abilities which a Guardian ship can't for either. 

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