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When are we getting Syndicate Warframes?


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15 minutes ago, ThePunkyReason said:

I am all ears buddy, when you're ready, I have pencil and paper in hand.

Well, So far warframe is quite balanced in it's own way.
Fixes are made everyday to make sure not all weapons are overpowered and have some weapons that are less powerful which leaves them in the "Mastery Fodder" category by most Warframe users.
If this game were unbalanced, it would have MAJOR issues with it like having your regular mods put into PVP making your weapons nearly unstoppable and unfair.
That's only one example. Unbalance always finds a way out but most things have been fixed or pointed out by popular Warframe Youtubers like Faitko about the spamming of Draco.

Syndicate Warframes would make the game unbalanced in some regions such as increasing the neglect of normal warframes over Syndicate warframes.
An example would be a Rakta Ember(Red veil). Then there are Ember prime and Normal Ember . With another Ember put into the game, The Normal Ember would be shunned and no one would go to Saturn just to get Ember except for only using her as Mastery Fodder. Ember prime is currently in Prime vault. But she's still obtainable through trade. 
With all of this, Rakta Ember would be the new popular Ember and Normal Ember Would be near to flat out unused.
Putting Rakta Ember skin wouldn't bring up such problems and give mutual benefits. Players would want to get Normal Ember quickly just to get the Rakta Ember skin. It could have special burst effects when in use and it would still maintain Normal Ember's value and use since Ember prime sets are limited at the moment.

I'd like to encourage more people to understand things such as this than just rejecting it for the sake of their own idea.
I'm not shaming the idea, i'm just pointing out the problems in the idea and giving a solution for it to still be able to be implemented

Edited by ToaPhantom
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Having a distinctly different frame in the same way that a prime is a distinctly different frame from its normal counterpart? No, it would be questionable from a lore standpoint and screw over people who had invested multiple forma and potatoes in the standard variants. Having it be as a thing you passively equip or as a mod? That would be perfectly fine, great even.

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1 hour ago, ToaPhantom said:

I could give some criticism about this but it'll take awhile to type it all out.
There are factors on the good of this and the bad of this.
My Solution is to make Syndicate warframe SKINS!!
Having Syndicate warframes would make the game unbalanced.

I like this idea. They could look at even having the skins tweak stats a bit depending on the frame, similar to some weapon skins. Maybe dependent on the Syndicate's passive. Red Veil skins could give a sprint speed boost, for instance, similar to the passive on Blight. Though, a new look for a frame on its own would probably be enough incentive for most. Not to mention, I like that Syndicates provided a few free cosmetic options for players who don't invest in the game.

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37 minutes ago, Cara360 said:

Yes I know, but I was a bit confuse when I first saw her. Was she built from the Orokin Council or the present one.

She was built from the Tenno council.... back then? Like- I don't get why so many people have an issue understanding the concept that the Tenno were around back in the time that the Orokin made them..... like- we're not some invention that randomly popped up in current times..... that's why primes exist. That's what all the lore in the game says over and over... but for some reason people see that Nova description and their brain tells them "oh that means recently made". :/

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7 hours ago, ToaPhantom said:

Well, So far warframe is quite balanced in it's own way.
Fixes are made everyday to make sure not all weapons are overpowered and have some weapons that are less powerful which leaves them in the "Mastery Fodder" category by most Warframe users.
If this game were unbalanced, it would have MAJOR issues with it like having your regular mods put into PVP making your weapons nearly unstoppable and unfair.
That's only one example. Unbalance always finds a way out but most things have been fixed or pointed out by popular Warframe Youtubers like Faitko about the spamming of Draco.

Syndicate Warframes would make the game unbalanced in some regions such as increasing the neglect of normal warframes over Syndicate warframes.
An example would be a Rakta Ember(Red veil). Then there are Ember prime and Normal Ember . With another Ember put into the game, The Normal Ember would be shunned and no one would go to Saturn just to get Ember except for only using her as Mastery Fodder. Ember prime is currently in Prime vault. But she's still obtainable through trade. 
With all of this, Rakta Ember would be the new popular Ember and Normal Ember Would be near to flat out unused.
Putting Rakta Ember skin wouldn't bring up such problems and give mutual benefits. Players would want to get Normal Ember quickly just to get the Rakta Ember skin. It could have special burst effects when in use and it would still maintain Normal Ember's value and use since Ember prime sets are limited at the moment.

I'd like to encourage more people to understand things such as this than just rejecting it for the sake of their own idea.
I'm not shaming the idea, i'm just pointing out the problems in the idea and giving a solution for it to still be able to be implemented

I nearly completely disagree with everything. 90% of the weapons in the game are outclassed (Kraken, Cernos, Burston) while 10% is so good there is no reason not to use it (Tonkor, Rakta Cernos, Soma Prime).

Additionally, what is "Unbalanced" about draco spam, it is just a fast way to level, don't understand how that is "unbalanced".

In regard to syndicate warframes out classing regular warframes, there are some primes that are so much better than their normal counter parts, there is no reason to run the regular version (Volt, Ash, Rhino). Why would you use a 200 energy, 15 armor frame when you can use a 300 energy 100 armor frame? Normal volt is already irrelevant trash, and it is why the only Volt that can even carry you past early late game is volt prime.

Also, I don't see any reason why this is a bad thing, think about how there are some unusable trashy frames. Hydroid and Oberon are the first that come to mind. Wouldn't it be nice to have them receive a new chance at being useful?

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2 minutes ago, ThePunkyReason said:

I nearly completely disagree with everything. 90% of the weapons in the game are outclassed (Kraken, Cernos, Burston) while 10% is so good there is no reason not to use it (Tonkor, Rakta Cernos, Soma Prime).

Additionally, what is "Unbalanced" about draco spam, it is just a fast way to level, don't understand how that is "unbalanced".

In regard to syndicate warframes out classing regular warframes, there are some primes that are so much better than their normal counter parts, there is no reason to run the regular version (Volt, Ash, Rhino). Why would you use a 200 energy, 15 armor frame when you can use a 300 energy 100 armor frame? Normal volt is already irrelevant trash, and it is why the only Volt that can even carry you past early late game is volt prime.

Also, I don't see any reason why this is a bad thing, think about how there are some unusable trashy frames. Hydroid and Oberon are the first that come to mind. Wouldn't it be nice to have them receive a new chance at being useful?

Ah screw it .. .you didn't listen. . .

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