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Ash Rework (Straw poll)


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7 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

Loki's role is Subterfuge? lol

Distraction and subterfuge become lethal weapons with Ash Prime. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.


This is copy and pasted from Warframe wikia on Ash Primes page and I see it says Distraction and Subterfuge become lethal weapons with Ash Prime, maybe your info is incorrect? Idk I just go by the concepts Warframe offers us.

We all know Ashs role and Lokis role, that doesnt mean Ash shouldnt be modded and played differently.

Are You one of those who claims Ash shouldnt be used for Stealth and built for Smoke Screen? If so then I cant take Your response serious because You are ignoring the fact he can be built for Smoke Screen and still be viable, and if Your reply is why if Arcane Trickery+Shadow Step then You are being ignorant.

Nova can be built for Slow and Speed builds, as Trinity can be built for EV and Bless, Excal can be built for other then Exalted Blade and all frames can be maximized in different ways to achieve a slightly different effect and playstyle 

Really?  Those are your "complaints" with my post?  Forgive me, I typically use words as their meaning entails rather than misciting the wiki.  The definition of subterfuge:


That sounds an awful lot like Loki's kit.

As to my playstyle, if you must know, I typically run a hybrid built Ash and engage solely in melee.  I usually refrain from using ALL abilities because I don't need them.  However; I know how to use them should I need to.  I prefer to be ready for any possible contingency.  I am aware that frames can be built multiple ways, but I would prefer if you actually hit me with a real argument instead of this seemingly endless barrage of fallacies.

3 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

Ashs role as an Assassin should allow him to Assassinate Bosses most efficiently then any frames but I press 4 on a Boss and if no enemies are in the area I just do one animation and return back to normal. 

However a Stance Bladestorm will allow You to ASSASSINATE these enemies and isolate them one by one with higher damage.


So far as assassinating bosses, (yes I'm aware it's an "Assassination" mission) it should be quite obvious that DE wants an actual fight instead of a single stroke battle.  In fact, the recently nerfed many frame abilities in regards to their use against bosses.  In regards to killing that lone high-priorty target, I'll just use my teleport to close the gap and kill him outright with a melee finisher.  Why waste the energy?


Magnalust, it seems we are mostly in agreement, though I must point out that Smoke Screen trades duration for an AoE stagger.  It's not that I'm opposed to changes, I'm just opposed to bad changes.  When it comes to ability spam, all of these rework demands just seem like band-aid fixes at best.  I'd prefer to focus on the actual problem, or it's just on to the next spammable frame.

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I think bladestorm could be made into a buffed state where you have free teleport and increased melee damage while you are able to call in your clones by casting shuriken on enemies. The ability works as it does now but only the clones go into the current state while you do your thing. You can work with your clones to take down tough enemies, keep enemies busy in an area, feed on their combo counter and deal increased melee damage or just focus on doing something different altogether like reviving allies while they draw all the aggro.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Thers ways and means to up ashs performance without replacing it but rather making it more desireable to use.


You might wanna be more open mindet yourself.

Soo everyone wants to attack Me? Well I will push My ideas after all its My thread but I am open minded to reading other ideas, My thread about Ash as I have stated a Million and 1 times is a collaboration did You not see how I even linked plenty otherguys threads that offered good ideas that are pretty similar to mines. 

Thats being open minded and supportive, if I dont agree after reading a concept thats just my opinion. Its not my taste or doesnt catch my attention. That doesnt mean I am close minded. Repeating what i said to turn it on Me is ineffective if You intend on making a point with No just cause.

I mentioned about not being closed minded to You, or some one here i dont remember, because the commenst made were without knowledge of what My idea offers. saying that my idea makes him slow and You have to walk to enemies is rediculous and ignorant. 

I provided a long extensive thread for a reason, it requires more then just numbers to explain a rework and how it functions and would look in game. I provided more then enough mechanics to compensate the mobility of Bladestorm with Teleport+Shuriken+Smoke Screens did I not?

If You continue to say that slow then You are just being ignorant for no reason. 

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4 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

I think bladestorm could be made into a buffed state where you have free teleport and increased melee damage while you are able to call in your clones by casting shuriken on enemies. The ability works as it does now but only the clones go into the current state while you do your thing. You can work with your clones to take down tough enemies, keep enemies busy in an area, feed on their combo counter and deal increased melee damage or just focus on doing something different altogether like reviving allies while they draw all the aggro.

Ill refer you here buddy, Your idea sounds pretty close to what I am offering here but alot of guys are giving Me hell about My ideas. Its cool to disagree but some guys here are taking this waaaaaay too serious smh 

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Yeah, people are afraid their tactics will become irrelevant, but it's natural. I'd feel the same if someone were to propose a huge change to my favourite frame, given that people naturally resist change. But thankfully DE has recognised the problem and let's see where they go with it!

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3 minutes ago, Veryk said:

Maybe just take Ash out of it. Press 4 and The clones do everything and you can continue about your business?

Thats exactly what (DE) Steve wanted and alot of guys didnt want it.

Basically what I have been calling it Ninja Rumblers, I prefer to do the Bladestorming, thats why I promote a Stance Bladestorm, as most troll it to be an Exalted ability, this idea has been around before Wukong was released with Primal Fury yet ppl are complaining about Stance Ultimates and not needing any more and DE slap us with Primal Fury.

Iirc Ash was our 1st warframe with a built in weapon in his ability, and he is a melee frame so i see a Stance Bladestorm to be the Best rework for his ulti and adding utility to his kit will work Ash wonders and make him a wanted Frame in teams instead of keeping him a Bladestorm bot, he needs to be not only an assassin but a team mate. 

Provide CC with smoke screen and cloak allies, a protector and assassin, Ninjas serve more then just the role of assassins, they are spies that gather intel, sabotage, rescue, capture, etc. Ash shouldnt just fill the damage dealer role.

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6 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Yeah, people are afraid their tactics will become irrelevant, but it's natural. I'd feel the same if someone were to propose a huge change to my favourite frame, given that people naturally resist change. But thankfully DE has recognised the problem and let's see where they go with it!

Yes I agree change can be scarey.

But I dont seek to destroy Ash, I want to make him fun and innovative.

Heck My clan is ful of Ash Fanboys, Our Clan Leaderis the Epitome of ASH FAN BOY im sure everyone knows xLORDKOGAx can agree all he does is play Ash, our clan name and emblem even yells 


why the heck would we want to destroy Ash? Bladestorm currently is cool asf, just annoying and uncontrollable. Heck I prefer watchin an ally Bladestorm cuz it looks better as a client. It looks very similar to Ninja Gaidens Ultimate Technique I posted in the title of the thread, idk if you seen it check it out.

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Akkilla, if you are going to find fault with so many post at once, please use the multiquote.  It makes things much less of a hassle.

21 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

Utility? Wait are You serious?

What utility? He only kills and ruins others kills as another guy here said. BTW You are completely wrong My thread offers way more utility then what Ashs kit offers now which is NO UTILITY WHAT SO EVER

Smoke Screen only cloaks ash with smoke shadow it provides a buff but smoke screen in my rework is an actual Smoke Screen, and smoke screen+teleports

Shuriken +Teleport provides synergy and utility to get to enemies faster as You said it will slow ash down, You sound like You just prefer to be lazy and press 4.

Thats You idea, not a great one but its what Bladestorm does currentl which is provide a cancerous animation, why else You think DE made Arcane Trickery?

To Mask there Mistake with Bladestorm and cover up the short duration smoke screen provides, so Ash players created a pure Greedy meta of Bladestorm spam which is what DE doesnt want.

Now You prefer a Ninja Rumblers Clone or a Bladestorm Stance which keeps Ash in the Bladestorm action?

Yes (DE)Steve mentioned this several times about if they do rework Ash, it will be a Ninja Rumblesr basically, soo you prefer them copy paste a bad concept that takes ash away from the action instead of a concept that keeps ash in the bladestorm and allows you to use other abilities while in it?

Very well, I will explain the utility to you.  I'll even omit the augment mods.  You should be careful with using words like "no" though.  I'd only have to provide a single example to disprove you.  Worry not though, I'm feeling generous.

Shuriken:  Decent for taking out up to two mid-level targets and all those weak annoyances like cameras.  Especially when you are in melee, or reloading.  Though it is damage-centric, I still find it useful.

Smoke Screen:  Good for a quick on demand invisiblity and stagger.  Useful for evasion when you're in over your head, reviving a downed ally, and cleaning up a few mooks.

Teleport:  Few abilities match teleport when it comes to mobility.  You can use it on allies and defense objectives as well.  And of course there is that finisher opening.  Insanely useful against that pesky Corrupted Heavy Gunner or Bombard.

Bladestorm:  Arguably the most utilitarian skill in his kit.  As I mentioned earlier, you ruin everyone's day in that general area.  In fact, the majority of the time I use Bladestorm is on request, or when I know it will be on request.  Ally down and being revived?  Kill everything in the area to ensure their safety.  Surrounded on all sides and taking a lot of damage?  Bladestorm at your location for some breathing room.  You get invulnerability for the duration and will even recharge a bit of your shields.  Got an unblockable and/or insanely strong DoT proc on you?  The invulnerabilty will negate that for Bladestorm's duration.

The best part of all of these?  One. Single. Cast.

7 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

Soo everyone wants to attack Me? Well I will push My ideas after all its My thread but I am open minded to reading other ideas, My thread about Ash as I have stated a Million and 1 times is a collaboration did You not see how I even linked plenty otherguys threads that offered good ideas that are pretty similar to mines. 

Thats being open minded and supportive, if I dont agree after reading a concept thats just my opinion. Its not my taste or doesnt catch my attention. That doesnt mean I am close minded. Repeating what i said to turn it on Me is ineffective if You intend on making a point with No just cause.

I mentioned about not being closed minded to You, or some one here i dont remember, because the commenst made were without knowledge of what My idea offers. saying that my idea makes him slow and You have to walk to enemies is rediculous and ignorant. 

I provided a long extensive thread for a reason, it requires more then just numbers to explain a rework and how it functions and would look in game. I provided more then enough mechanics to compensate the mobility of Bladestorm with Teleport+Shuriken+Smoke Screens did I not?

If You continue to say that slow then You are just being ignorant for no reason. 

No one is attacking you.  We are attacking your ideas.  There is a difference.  You on the other hand are throwing ad hominems at seemingly everyone who disagrees with you.  They don't like your idea?  They clearly don't know as much or don't have as much experience as you!  They refute your argument?  Better change up the argument!  Ah, but that brings us to your latest strawman.  Some of us said your rework would be "slow".  We must insist on walking to each enemy!  Wrong.  Even ignoring things like sprinting, bullet jumping, etc. the playstyle you would choose to place on us is slow.  Almost any time I use an ability, I use just the single ability.  That's all I need.  No prep.  No setup.  Just execution.  (pun not intended)  I would imagine most if not all of the others who have also chosen to refute your claims with this argument would say the same or similar.  With your proposed change, we must bring our entire kit to bear nearly anytime we choose to use it.  That is, assuming we want to make optimal use of it.

1 minute ago, Evanescent said:

Yeah, people are afraid their tactics will become irrelevant, but it's natural. I'd feel the same if someone were to propose a huge change to my favourite frame, given that people naturally resist change. But thankfully DE has recognised the problem and let's see where they go with it!

I do not fear my tactics becoming irrelevant.  I don't want to be forced to adopt a playstyle I detest or change my prefered frame just because someone who clearly doesn't understand and/or like it decides it would be much better completely overhauled, when there are at least three frames already with a variation of their preferred playstyle already in game.

Most of us freely admit Ash could use his fair share of tweaks, not an overhaul.  Shuriken homes better?  Great.  Shuiken applies "death marks"?  No.  Smoke Screen gets some added utility?  Fine.  Smoke Screen must be integrated into the rest of Ash's kit?  Not fine.  Teleport gets more valid targets or better targetting?  Awesome.  Teleport becoming the closest thing to the current Bladestorm?  Not fine.  Bladestorm gets quality of life changes or a reasonable/fun rework?  I might be open to that.  Bladestorm becomes another Exalted Blade clone?  Absolutely not.


Oh and about me trying to Bladestorm manics, I've known they were immune to it since I read it in the patch notes a while back.  Not that it matters since I opt for close quarters melee combat with them anyway.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Ozone1249953 said:

Which lowers duration and duration affects the drain of stance ults, seeking shuriken, rising storm, smoke shadow and smokescreen. and lower smokescreen duration means more full power strength bladestorm builds

Here maybe this will help You with a New build and take You outta what Your comfortable with. I will offer My 3 Loadout builds, each one is revolved around complimenting Ashs Augments






















  4HAwrQp.jpg?14FgTKAe.jpg?1 Requires Synoid Simulor+Synoid Gammacor to regain energy but Deals massive damage ^

piwgaB5.jpg?1beuQYnq.jpg?1 here is a more spammier Seeking Shuriken build with less damage but still a powerful build allowing you to spam Bladestorm and shred enemy armor



On the Rising Storm build at the bottom I offered a Hybrid alternate build that allows You to still use Smoke Shadow. You still have 14.5 seconds on smoke screen+You have Arcane Trickery and Naramon Shadow Step 3 means of invisibility at Your disposal makes him quiet Lethal so I am not just complaining about changing Ash cuz he doesnt work for Me. Quiet the contrary Ash functions great just frustrating that i can imagine this rework so much I can actually see it in game and how it would function. 

I imagine it being very useful and providing allies with much needed utility.

REAL UTILITY Not what the other guy mentioned, Ash currently has no utility soo idk what he was referring to

Edited by AKKILLA
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So what you're saying is that you DON'T wanna rework Blade Storm, and there's absolutely no problem whatsoever with Blade Storm. What you're TRYING to say is the ANIMATION needs some love and attention... NOT the Ability itself.

That's what I got from this thread, at least.

Edited by PickleMonster21
Prettynessed it.
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13 minutes ago, (XB1)freakytiki3 said:

There is A Lot of stuff on the rework plate and not a lot of of complaint about Ash, naturally he's moved farther down the list. I understand your concerns OP, but you might end up with a peacemaker style rework make sure your body is ready.  

I would prefer it stay as is, but Im a Man.

Ever been in Jail? When Your in jail You have to have a mind set of not getting comfortable, as soon as You do.

You get thrown to another cell or they bring in a few jerks to ruin your day.

In other words My analogy responds to Your Mesa Peacemaker destruction as follows.

 I play Mesa like this try it out and tell Me if it works for You, cuz It works fine for Me


This build is intended for any type of Team play like Defense Interceptions Mobile defence etc. The idea is to spam Shooting Gallery, with its short duration due to the intended negative duration it Jams enemies guns in a long range and then switches to allies and does a Flash that blinds enemies, This gives Mesa some nice CC and adds to her survivability. You dont Need Peacemaker to play Mesa. I also play a Shatter Shield Mesa but I prefer this Build its fun to Me and I see no Mesas play this way.

As I stated before I am cut from a different cloth not made any more. I play outside the norm of what everyone in this community plays and builds there Frames. I may use some Meta builds as reference but others I create my own innovative builds myself.

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12 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

So what you're saying is that you DON'T wanna rework Blade Storm, and there's absolutely no problem whatsoever with Blade Storm. What you're TRYING to say is the ANIMATION needs some love and attention... NOT the Ability itself.

That's what I got from this thread, at least.

where did you get that from homie?

I think I linked My Ash rework thread here didnt I? 

Idk Ill check in a sec im uploading images to Imgur at the moment

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12 minutes ago, bad4youLT said:

no I dont want another "saryn 2.0" , cemara and some animation need to be fixed and its done .

Ok cool fabulous You dont want a Saryn 2.0 Thanks for stoppin by cya.

I do, thank you very much :D

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2 hours ago, giantconch said:

I quite like Bladestorm as it is, yet agree that it could use some tweaking to the animations or the camera to be less jumpy. That said...





Claiming users are "missing some screws" and claiming users are "afraid of change.." while also claiming that Ash's Bladestorm is something they have "little knowledge of"

Claiming another user merely Bladestorms on Draco

Telling another user they have no idea what they are saying and insulting their ability to be "creative" when what they said does not mesh with your idea

Attempting to claim a person is "closed minded" to your idea when they simply do not like it, attempting to throw their side of the disagreement off track.


You are far from being mature in this thread while displaying your own negativity towards others who disagree with your ideas of changing Bladestorm. You are constantly using negative terms and phrases to try and gather supporters that Bladestorm is in desperate need of your rework. You post "clever" gifs trying to get under the skin of other users into not properly responding, much like any old forum troll would. I initially liked some of the ideas you had for reworking Bladestorm, but seeing how you react to other users who disagree, even if they are being rude, has made me just want your idea to fall flat on its face. You use the term "Its CANCEROUS" in the title to try and draw people in to responding. NO OFFENSE.


You want your idea to be taken seriously but act like an 18 year old trying to convince his friends that you are right because you get insulting towards people who flat out disagree with your opinion.


You already had a thread discussing an Ash rework but for whatever reason feel that Bladestorm needs its own special thread.


I should have put you on ignore from the Blindspam mirage thread when you tried making your "point" through memes and merely trolling other users. That mistake is my own, and it will not be repeated.


this ^ , so much this ^ , excal can be build for RJ and spam it in darco to , yet people dont complain , you ( AKKILLA ) on other hand seem some how attach to this hate towards ash .

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16 hours ago, AKKILLA said:

No its not if You come here with the idea that its fine then You have given in to Cancer and dont mind dying from it.

Currently Blade storm works as intended, clears a room in an unpleasant way. 

With bad outdated Finisher animations that bother me. The idea of Blade storm is great, but the way it was implemented says DE were in a rush.

Now lets compare the Trailer Bladestorm to the in GAME ONE lol


Hidden Content


What we were shown ^


Hidden Content


As You see here this may be an outdated video but the Blade storm is the same, If im correct in this video Blade storm was slightly reworked and they added clones (Not Sure) Never the less Blade storm animation is terrible, uncontrollable, cancerous, and frustrating.

I actually think Blade storm looks better watching an ally cast it. Doing it Myself hurts My eyes and makes Me start to dislike one of My favorite Warframes

I have already made several threads about how to Rework Ashs Blade storm and his whole kit, but Blade storm needs reworking the most.

IMO a Stance Blade storm is the best way to go about Blade storms rework keeping the ability Interactive and interesting while keeping its identity and Ash as the protagonist of Blade storm not just sending out Clones. 

IMO what I think Blade storm should look like animation wise. Or what it seems like DE got there inspiration from

(Im not stupid DE this is where You got it from lol)


Hidden Content


Imagine doing Blade storm like this with out just pressing 4 and watching it happen thru a horrible camera view, would this not be much better?

Just My opinions, lets stop ignoring Ash, DE spoke about reworks over 4 months ago in Devstream 60, then in NY Comic con panel they discussed a Blade storm rework and it went back in the shadows. I didnt like (DE) Steves concept or what he expressed on how it would work, but I loved what (DE) Rebecca said (EXALTED BLADE STYLE) I love You Reb <3


Hidden Content


Time stamp 34:20 ^ Then Rebecca says "Exalted Blade"


Hidden Content


Time stamp 51:50 Member asks Devs about Blade storm rework. Rebecca again says "Exalted Blade Style" Rebecca gets the idea, Steve however doesn't  


When will this issue get looked at? 2017-2018-2019? When Inaros Prime releases? lol jk had to be a bit humorous Blade storm discussions are frustrating Ash in general as a topic is a frustrating issue on going for a long time in Warframe and Blade storm is a very important issue in his arsenal.

Lets rework this ability to better it. What are Your ideas of how it should be reworked?

Leave it as is and spread more Cancer?

Make it a Ninja Rumblers Clone?

Give it the much needed Exalted Blade Stance Rework? (My idea)

Lets discuss this problem and end the press 4 to Cancer please.



23 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

where did you get that from homie?

I think I linked My Ash rework thread here didnt I? 

Idk Ill check in a sec im uploading images to Imgur at the moment

Anything with a line through it means it because TL:DR for me. So I just read the first bit and went from there, assuming the rest was a rant-type thing on the animation xD
Anything in bold was basically Animation-wise.
Anything that was underlined was basically how Ash currently is, or a positive comment.

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Just now, PickleMonster21 said:


Anything with a line through it means it because TL:DR for me. So I just read the first bit and went from there, assuming the rest was a rant-type thing on the animation xD
Anything in bold was basically Animation-wise.
Anything that was underlined was basically how Ash currently is, or a positive comment.

Excuse my ignorance but im still not familiar with TL;DR means

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28 minutes ago, AKKILLA said:

I would prefer it stay as is, but Im a Man.

Ever been in Jail? When Your in jail You have to have a mind set of not getting comfortable, as soon as You do.

You get thrown to another cell or they bring in a few jerks to ruin your day.

In other words My analogy responds to Your Mesa Peacemaker destruction as follows.

 I play Mesa like this try it out and tell Me if it works for You, cuz It works fine for Me


This build is intended for any type of Team play like Defense Interceptions Mobile defence etc. The idea is to spam Shooting Gallery, with its short duration due to the intended negative duration it Jams enemies guns in a long range and then switches to allies and does a Flash that blinds enemies, This gives Mesa some nice CC and adds to her survivability. You dont Need Peacemaker to play Mesa. I also play a Shatter Shield Mesa but I prefer this Build its fun to Me and I see no Mesas play this way.

As I stated before I am cut from a different cloth not made any more. I play outside the norm of what everyone in this community plays and builds there Frames. I may use some Meta builds as reference but others I create my own innovative builds myself.

when mentioning peace maker before i was referring to its uber use before rework to its almost non-existent use currently, i found it's actually stronger then before but lost uber effectiveness

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1 minute ago, bad4youLT said:

Im afraid of this

You know I want to play with some of You to get familiarized with how You run Your Ash.

I will say this, if You are under geared and dont have the mods needed or maxed then I would ce afraid as well. 

If You are geared properly and have all the necessary mods required to build any great frame You have no reason to be afraid.

Yes I prefer the current one at the moment then a Bad rework but i would like to roll the Dice usually DE fix things and I have to have faith in they guys who created the game I fell in love with will surely make us all happy.

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I'm having some trouble understanding the issue with ash and his blade storm presented in this thread. When you compare warframe to other games and when we talk about character animation I find the animation extremely fluent and organic. By animation we are talking about this:


To my eyes the animation with ash is pretty cool and fluent with his finishers. There are occasions that the animation doesn't go 1:1 with the foe: eg when ash cuts some throats from weird angle. You could talk about character clipping through objects. If we are talking about this I can understand the problem.

I believe DE used clones with blade storm to add some duration (read: camera screen time) to blade storm finishers. The animation itself is quite fluent but when watching blade storm it's like watching fast phased music video or "modern" martial arts action scenes where they cut the scene and action and choreograph pre-maturely (reason: the actor is horrible with martial arts and you need to use weird and tight camera angles with lots of fast phased cuts).

And if we talk about press 4 cancer, this means "press 4 to win" gameplay which means massive rework to the whole game. So which is it? Press 4 to win? Or screentime to the blade storm finishers? or the animation? 

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2 minutes ago, carnaga said:

I'm having some trouble understanding the issue with ash and his blade storm presented in this thread. When you compare warframe to other games and when we talk about character animation I find the animation extremely fluent and organic. By animation we are talking about this:


To my eyes the animation with ash is pretty cool and fluent with his finishers. There are occasions that the animation doesn't go 1:1 with the foe: eg when ash cuts some throats from weird angle. You could talk about character clipping through objects. If we are talking about this I can understand the problem.

I believe DE used clones with blade storm to add some duration (read: camera screen time) to blade storm finishers. The animation itself is quite fluent but when watching blade storm it's like watching fast phased music video or "modern" martial arts action scenes where they cut the scene and action and choreograph pre-maturely (reason: the actor is horrible with martial arts and you need to use weird and tight camera angles with lots of fast phased cuts).

And if we talk about press 4 cancer, this means "press 4 to win" gameplay which means massive rework to the whole game. So which is it? Press 4 to win? Or screentime to the blade storm finishers? or the animation? 

Ok finally someone with a solid response instead of hatred or negativity in response towards Me.

I feel like everyone here wanst to chew My head off just for making this thread :(

Well IMO there are lots of factors why i Love/Hate Bladestorm

I love it aesthetically and here is why


It looks awesome in the Trailer I first seen about Ash, but in Game these animations dont look nothing the same. There are Animations that anatomically make no sense.

Like the Back Stab, how the hell can you do a back stab with Hidden Blades that come out of your wrist? To do a Back stab you must wield a sword/dagger in a reverse grip and stab as so


How can ash do that with hidden blades? Imagine doing thi Yourself with hidden blades in your wrist. Makes no sense

How about the slap animation he does when you do a slide bladestorm? He does this on certain enemy types and it shows lack of animation and creativity.

Like Im sure DE can do better, with all the insane graphics this game has they can create a cool Bladestorm animation from Scratch but thats not the only problem I see in Bladestorm, and thats the interactivity it offers which is Zero

IMO Stance Bladestorm would be awesome but i guess i stand alone on that idea :(

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