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The Toxic behaviour of a large number of Forum Members and Why i wont be Returning


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Iv made very little posts on here as i am kinda happy with the game as it is . Through the course of my time on here id found that a large number of players here only care if there ideas are implemented and could care less about what others are saying . Cropping up arguments, misunderstandings, insults. Leaving players who actually want to stay on subject behind.

Nothing here is a conversation its always a debate. players literally post that they want you to knock out a previous idea before coming up with a new 1. players wont validate even slightly reasonable thinking without some sort of long unnecessary back and forth, and not a single Forum Admin Actually cares about the posts that have Nothing to do with the Subject at hand. Ideas are being over looked , Ignored and there is no direct way of contacting DE about the Forum Itself being the issue. well i may even have it wrong there .  maybe the problem is the consistent lack of care about game progression and subject management from both the players and the Forum admins!.

Any Differing opinions get ridiculed instead of considered, and having a differing opinion forces people to either ignore the subject or get into long posts leading off the original subject in the first place. There is no order and posts are thrown around about anything. If i were any member of DE looking at this forum id be able to take consideration of maybe 5 percent of the posts between each subject. Taking some of the other ideas would ruin the game slowly but surly , and other things posted are simply not part of the subject at all and offer no help. People lash out when you take away their vested interests, or ruin their vested interests by completely changing everything about them.

Thanks to these forums nothing can stay nice.I am not saying no good has come of it but recently iv seen Nothing but Cry posts about Weapons are too OP . power creep is bad , cant gain any more power!. with no real backing too them other then they are not having fun because someone else is using it .  "power- creep " as people call it is the natural evolution of any game . in what MMO game that u play, is constant progression in power a bad thing? if we always stay only strong enough to kill the Same old enemies , same levels , same survival times, in short no "power creep " and the game will die !. progression in a game is necessary for that game to continue, telling DE its alright to stay at the Same level of power that weapons have now is like telling them " its alright, the weapon base of the game doesn't need to be any better !. Witch is false

The Ultimate answer to the problems of those who don't like OP anything . Or Power Progression ( power -Creep as misguided people call it ). Its as simple as DO NOT USE IT! its shocking to hear i know but, did Players know that the game can have things in it that they personally don't like but another player might?. it may be unheard of but if players happen to not like an aspect of the game . Don't Play with it ! but forcing your dislikes on other people because they get things done easier then you is going to make a section of the player base lose there vested interests . and in such events as DE ruins our items id normally advocate staying it through and wait for the next change. but more recently after dealing with these forums id suggest finding your next favorite game and playing it out until the next change.

My Final point of all of this. A large number of the Player base here has a 1 track mind and a large number of players who are perfectly fine with the game are being ignored and unheard.people who come to forums are people with a Large Amount of time in the game and Nothing to do , or people who are completely Unhappy with the game and want to complain about it . If u want a better opinion of what the community is thinking then things like Undercover boss, and more interactions like it need to be made Directly to the Server ! use info from Guides of the Lotus , have them ask General Question to players about how they have enjoyed your game . Get Feedback From People Off the Forum ! or , Make the Forum More Appealing to players who have only good ideas to add and no complaints to be made. as it stands for a player like me who Enjoys the game. and takes it at face value for what it is , with only ideas on progression not changing whats already here, the forum as it is doesn't seem to be built for my kind of player.

Please fix these issues


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A fine meta thread that will take a dive when a community moderator sees it.

Now, please OP I do understand you - but the very moment you hit the forum you are on double edge blade. Everyone has the right to act as they see fit, and no one has the right to deny that. On a side note, this is not toxic forum. I may have my misses with how Community Devs do they job, but they do lock and clean up really toxic things. Too bad that they don't have the option to "ban due to idiocy".

Edited by phoenix1992
age is not edge.
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Frankly, I won't really miss you.  It's not your mindset and opinions on balance I dislike (Though I disagree with them), but your attitude has been awful and you're guilty of doing everything you complain about here.  You can't just say "The other guys" are being toxic to you when you're being toxic right back.

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People criticizing your ideas is ridiculing? It's a forum, it's literally open debate (although, I can completely understand getting emotionally attacked to viewpoints and ideas; I'm still butthurt none of my (awesome) Chroma ideas made it into the game). I mean, the thread that convinced you to post this (I'm betting on the Tonkor one you "argued" with me on) is in General Discussion. If you were expecting that to be an echo chamber, or for people to instantly agree with your opinion...tough luck. You're convinced your ideas are correct, that nobody else has a valid viewpoint; if you aren't willing to have an open mind, the forums really aren't the place for you.

And before you leave, "Please fix these issues" is asking DE to somehow make people stop voicing opinions, criticizing bad arguments, and overall trying to improve the game through constructive debate. Good luck with that.

Best of luck, wherever you may go.


Edited by Magneu
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2 hours ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

and not a single Forum Admin Actually cares about the posts that have Nothing to do with the Subject at hand. Ideas are being over looked , Ignored and there is no direct way of contacting DE about the Forum Itself being the issue. well i may even have it wrong there .  maybe the problem is the consistent lack of care about game progression and subject management from both the players and the Forum admins!.

I stopped reading your rant after this passage.  Considering every statement here is 100% false.  Ideas are not ignored, watch primetime, they have an entire segment on fan concepts.  There are two direct ways to contact DE, support and the report button that is on literally every single post.  

Noone cares on either side?  Then why are they arguing? for amusement's sake? No, they care, they want the game better, mostly redone in their own idealistic image which doesn't match those of others (hence the arguments), but people care.  People who don't care don't post,  Not that every person who doesn't post doesn't care, but people who don't care don't bother, why would they?  They don't care.  

And admins don't care?  Really?  Follow DE_Danielle (I'm sure she'll make an appearance here shortly), she has the arduous task of reading every bleeding post that gets thrown on these forums and has to clean up the toxicity that is constantly being spilled.  Not to mention the volunteers who assist her.  

I gather you have feelings and you dislike some of the threads posted here, but that is actually the minority, there are dozens of posts that have 0 toxic behavior, I'm sorry you feel this way, but yeah, good luck to you on your future endeavors.  Take care.  Nothing more can be said here.

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When in a forum, you have to expect opinions.
Some opinions may seem toxic to you, but not toxic to others.
After all it is an opinion.

It will be up to DE on whether who they choose to side with.
A lot of nerf and buffs ideas that DE implemented pretty much started from opinions.

Like people complaining why Ogris/Penta has 540 rounds and now both of them are gutted to 20 rounds (yes I am still annoyed DE gave them 20 rounds instead of 40 like the Tonkor). But again this is just my opinion that the Ogris and Penta have too little ammo.

Some might say it is fine, others will claim it is unusable.
But ultimately they are opinions.


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You should take a break from the forums and go to a relay sometime. FashionFrame is endgame after all.

Don't let the toxicity get to you. An important thing to remember is angry people are always the loudest. Then comes to super ecstatic people, also loud. The vast majority of people are nice and calm and don't flip out when something diesntgo their way.

I hope you come back to the forums someday. It's not all that bad once you learn to just not even look at all the salt. 

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I understand what you are saying about both the replies and power creep debates.

I think the reason why issue at hand becomes a debate is because every player want to see the game to be what he wants it to be. Some people want ppwer progressing, some do not...

Power Creep is nor bad or good. It's what game decides to be balanced around. Some games embrace it, some do not. In the end it's up to DE to decide either they want power progression to be a thing or not. How they handle is also an important question...

At least in terms of weapons. Warframes, on other hand, should not have tiers and power progression, but divercity instead.

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I have learnt to just ignore people who feel the need to argue and grow their e-peen by winning arguments. 

On the bright side, there are tons of friendly users on the Forum.

Regarding discussions on Power Creep, it just really isn't worth it to argue over it, Power creep exists in every game, and it is better than stale arsenal weapons with various skins. Afterall, final call for Buffs or Nerfs is by the Devs, who no doubt will play test and gather data to make a significant tweak. 

Criticism and Opinions are all healthy, even negative ones are good. (I do not refer to those with swear words ridden throughout the post)

If yu can't learn to take criticism with a grain of salt, then Forums is not a place yur gonna enjoy. (Not only Warframe Forums, but every type of Forum) 

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I thought this is going to be a meta-complaint thread about the forums being toxic, which is already bad enough. But it devolves into "Why do people want nerfs?!?!?!?!?" then I can't even take it seriously anymore.

Ignoring the problem doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. Shocking, I know right. Wow. 

Now watch as OP calls me toxic because I disagree with him.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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9 minutes ago, CynicalAutumn said:

"Disagrees with nerfs and toxic" inb4lockincoming. Seriously grow up and play some COD you kid, its just a game and if you do not wish to participate in the community or game itself, then don't post a hateful rant.

Here we got a prime example. Congrats for proving OP's point.

@(PS4)IrSchm33 Even though i like how well you have written that complaint, it's still a meta-complaint. Some people like nerfs, some don't. People always gonna have differing opinions to each other and they most likely don't tend to change their opinion. When people try their best to impress the others of their opinion with their arguments, they'll soon lose their patience and start to get toxic. Or some people get toxic right ahead when they feel insulted by the "OP's stupid idea" (which is also just an opinion). It's in humans nature. And this is how forums work. I know you don't like it how it works here but complaining about it won't help you and it won't change anything. With that said, don't let yourself get dragged down by others. Or just ignore the forums if you can't stand it anymore. That's all the advice i can give you.


Edited by IceColdHawk
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I am sorry to hear about your experience.

Yes, I can understand that you sometimes feel unheard, but in fact these forums are as close to the Devs as you can get anywhere. Really, I've never seen a game in which the Devs were so close to the community when it comes to feedback and ideas. (Of course this includes some very bad ones in the form of nerfs too, but that aside).

I can also understand that you are disappointed in the quality of the discussion. I've tried numerous times to have a serious discussion, in which you defend your point of view by reasonable arguments and use logic and reason to make it all tie together. However as many times as I tried, I could never get a serious discussion off the ground, nothing like any real form of debate as always people would just come up with nonsense replies or one lines which don't go into the subject.

However, that's a given you have to accept. Though, I disagree with you on the matter that Mods don't read posts. I know from experience that lots of posts are being read and they are moderated, sometimes even a tad too much moderated.

Now I'm not saying you should stay here, if you cannot take it anylonger on the forums feel free to leave. But do keep in mind that nothing will change if you leave. Stay here and become the lone voice of change, the voice that wants to improve the game, not destroy it. The voice that wants the game to progress, not get stuck in a communist state of being like North Korea where everything is equal and we are all so happy *wink wink*.

It's up to you to decide, so decide now, because destiny waits for no man.

And when your time comes and everyone is saying you're not good enough at it, your arguments are invalid, believe in the you that says your arguments are valid, you are right and you can make a change.


That's more or less how I get by :P

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13 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

A fine meta thread that will take a dive when a community moderator sees it.

Now, please OP I do understand you - but the very moment you hit the forum you are on double edge blade. Everyone has the right to act as they see fit, and no one has the right to deny that. On a side note, this is not toxic forum. I may have my misses with how Community Devs do they job, but they do lock and clean up really toxic things. Too bad that they don't have the option to "ban due to idiocy".

both smart and critical . this was enjoyable as there was no way it could have escalated as other replies could have

13 hours ago, TheBrsrkr said:

Alright then. 

a Prime ( get the jk ) example of a comment that adds nothing . waste of space and time that could have been spent on something as nice as what Phoenix said

12 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:

Frankly, I won't really miss you.  It's not your mindset and opinions on balance I dislike (Though I disagree with them), but your attitude has been awful and you're guilty of doing everything you complain about here.  You can't just say "The other guys" are being toxic to you when you're being toxic right back.

my gaining Toxic behaviers is another Really good reason why after this post im logging out and staying off

10 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

When in a forum, you have to expect opinions.
Some opinions may seem toxic to you, but not toxic to others.
After all it is an opinion.

It will be up to DE on whether who they choose to side with.
A lot of nerf and buffs ideas that DE implemented pretty much started from opinions.

Like people complaining why Ogris/Penta has 540 rounds and now both of them are gutted to 20 rounds (yes I am still annoyed DE gave them 20 rounds instead of 40 like the Tonkor). But again this is just my opinion that the Ogris and Penta have too little ammo.

Some might say it is fine, others will claim it is unusable.
But ultimately they are opinions.


its not so much Differing opinions that got me . it was the making valid arguments that were completely ignored even though i tried to give every post i read thought. its obviously too much to ask others do the same, well most others as it seems iv gotten more good answers on this post then i expected

7 hours ago, DuskLegendary said:

Just here to see what direction this is going to take, it seems it's already gone downhill.  

another example ( no offense meant ) of a not helpful comment that could have been used on Anything on Any of the topics i have posted about initially

7 hours ago, Plushy said:

You should take a break from the forums and go to a relay sometime. FashionFrame is endgame after all.

Don't let the toxicity get to you. An important thing to remember is angry people are always the loudest. Then comes to super ecstatic people, also loud. The vast majority of people are nice and calm and don't flip out when something diesntgo their way.

I hope you come back to the forums someday. It's not all that bad once you learn to just not even look at all the salt. 

i agree with a break . possibly Never Returning will be less of a head ache for me

6 hours ago, akira_him said:

Welcome to the internet, hope you will have a nice trip in your next stop

3erd example of a comment that could have been better used and is a waste of space and time to read

6 hours ago, Artek94 said:

I understand what you are saying about both the replies and power creep debates.

I think the reason why issue at hand becomes a debate is because every player want to see the game to be what he wants it to be. Some people want ppwer progressing, some do not...

Power Creep is nor bad or good. It's what game decides to be balanced around. Some games embrace it, some do not. In the end it's up to DE to decide either they want power progression to be a thing or not. How they handle is also an important question...

At least in terms of weapons. Warframes, on other hand, should not have tiers and power progression, but divercity instead.

direct . constructive and useful . on point , so far some of these posts have honestly restored my faith in "some " of the forum community , its also not lost on me that the worst iv seen wer from people with the larger number of posts.

2 hours ago, Fifield said:

No, he's saying he disagrees with nerfs, that he's right and everyone else is toxic.

where as Yes I Completely Disagree with Nerfs they are unnecessary in some cases . and rarely Necessary in others . but Reworking is a much Better form of progression . like with Synoid gamacore . same DPS , more ammo loss , this Rework . not Nerf . was good for game play while not at all harming the gun ( for players with ammo mutations and pads )

2 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:

I thought this is going to be a meta-complaint thread about the forums being toxic, which is already bad enough. But it devolves into "Why do people want nerfs?!?!?!?!?" then I can't even take it seriously anymore.

Ignoring the problem doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. Shocking, I know right. Wow. 

Now watch as OP calls me toxic because I disagree with him.

no im not going to call u toxic all though id like to know how i got the nickname 'OP ' before i go. As for the ignoring it part , its true. and would be valid if the things being used for others enjoyment were problems ! but they are simply aspects of the game and deserve the right to remain in the game for players to have fun with

2 hours ago, blazekan5 said:



"If you don't agree with me you are toxic!"


no i enjoy disagreement as it breeds creativity but to consistently logically move past each idea with my own just to call my logic invalid cuz im comparing it to other " cheese " methods. witch made me have to go asking what " cheese " meant as i thought it was something you eat or say before getting a picture taken ( plz note that i wouldn't have brought this up if it wasn't  for it being a reply iv gotten from more than one person and seen on other posts to other people )

2 hours ago, Ellthan said:

The forum is incredibly toxic and despicable but for none of the reasons you stated.

id love to talk about some of those other reasons someday

1 hour ago, CynicalAutumn said:

"Disagrees with nerfs and toxic" inb4lockincoming. Seriously grow up and play some COD you kid, its just a game and if you do not wish to participate in the community or game itself, then don't post a hateful rant.

4! 4th example of an unnessasary post with no real addition to the topic just insults "kid" ha ! im 22 . i do enjoy the game and will continue to excel at it . as for these forums though , some of these posts are redeeming but not Quite enough to deal with the consistent Undermining things being posted.

1 hour ago, IceColdHawk said:

Here we got a prime example. Congrats for proving OP's point.

@(PS4)IrSchm33 Even though i like how well you have written that complaint, it's still a meta-complaint. Some people like nerfs, some don't. People always gonna have differing opinions to each other and they most likely don't tend to change their opinion. When people try their best to impress the others of their opinion with their arguments, they'll soon lose their patience and start to get toxic. Or some people get toxic right ahead when they feel insulted by the "OP's stupid idea" (which is also just an opinion). It's in humans nature. And this is how forums work. I know you don't like it how it works here but complaining about it won't help you and it won't change anything. With that said, don't let yourself get dragged down by others. Or just ignore the forums if you can't stand it anymore. That's all the advice i can give you.


thank you as i found this very helpful other then ..... why is my name OP now??? and as im not used to being on forums much if u dont mind . meta complaint? im smart enough to understand complaint , obviously iv done it enough in the initial post . but meta?

55 minutes ago, InglriousB said:

I am sorry to hear about your experience.

Yes, I can understand that you sometimes feel unheard, but in fact these forums are as close to the Devs as you can get anywhere. Really, I've never seen a game in which the Devs were so close to the community when it comes to feedback and ideas. (Of course this includes some very bad ones in the form of nerfs too, but that aside).

I can also understand that you are disappointed in the quality of the discussion. I've tried numerous times to have a serious discussion, in which you defend your point of view by reasonable arguments and use logic and reason to make it all tie together. However as many times as I tried, I could never get a serious discussion off the ground, nothing like any real form of debate as always people would just come up with nonsense replies or one lines which don't go into the subject.

However, that's a given you have to accept. Though, I disagree with you on the matter that Mods don't read posts. I know from experience that lots of posts are being read and they are moderated, sometimes even a tad too much moderated.

Now I'm not saying you should stay here, if you cannot take it anylonger on the forums feel free to leave. But do keep in mind that nothing will change if you leave. Stay here and become the lone voice of change, the voice that wants to improve the game, not destroy it. The voice that wants the game to progress, not get stuck in a communist state of being like North Korea where everything is equal and we are all so happy *wink wink*.

It's up to you to decide, so decide now, because destiny waits for no man.

And when your time comes and everyone is saying you're not good enough at it, your arguments are invalid, believe in the you that says your arguments are valid, you are right and you can make a change.


That's more or less how I get by :P

that has to be the most helpful thing iv seen here and has honestly made me consider posting here again , this comment is only here because i was foolish enough to get back on to see if any 1 actually posted here . im glad i did

54 minutes ago, (PS4)JackRavensog said:

Stop saying "toxic" it makes you appear foolish. 

does any 1 in this world anymore really care about looking foolish? there are 7 billion people on earth . even your foolish to someone else , who cares? . id say this would be another example of a post that has nothing to do with the subject but at least u said 1 word on topic so your infinity X better then the other Examples iv Quoted


Thank You all For Your Feedback

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

but Reworking is a much Better form of progression . like with Synoid gamacore . same DPS , more ammo loss , this Rework . not Nerf . was good for game play while not at all harming the gun ( for players with ammo mutations and pads )

Most people rightly called that a nerf and it made the game much better.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

thank you as i found this very helpful other then ..... why is my name OP now??? and as im not used to being on forums much if u dont mind . meta complaint? im smart enough to understand complaint , obviously iv done it enough in the initial post . but meta?

Welcome to the forums ;P

OP = Original Poster. So the thread starter...or it means overpowered.

Meta-complaint = Complaining about other users behaviours which has nothing to do with the game itself.

Hope i could help!

7 minutes ago, (PS4)IrSchm33 said:

Thank You all For Feedback

No problemo.

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5 minutes ago, Fifield said:

Most people rightly called that a nerf and it made the game much better.

nerfing is Direct Stat Reduction with no compensation . that is Not what happened with gamacore it gained Massive fire rate for its Extreme damage loss.

P.S. and Was Really Really good for the game

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
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