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30,000 Cryotic isn't actually a problem


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4 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

14 Pages within 17 hours...hmm...

(did not even count all the other threads about this weapon that have their own pages and are not in this specific thread just like this one here is)

So sad... I'd hate for anyone there to play a real grindy game.

Hell, Dark Souls has more grind for some things than Warframe has for the Sibear. Never saw anyone complaining about that...

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I have over 2000 hours in Warframe so I have almost half a million cryotic lying around, even after mass dumping it into dojo projects. 

For me this isn't a big deal, I was able to start building the hammer immediately but my clan chat was saturated with complaints. Even people who play regularly didn't have nearly enough, and there's no way to more efficiently farm for it. No matter what difficulty level or how well you play you will always get 100 cryotic per excavation, you can't make it go faster. In most cases I can taxi clannies to better farming spots and bring a Nekros or Hydroid to get them more drops and alleviate grind but in this case there's nothing I can do for them. 

Fortunately for them and unfortunately for me, the hammer seems like mastery fodder with atrocious stats, so I don't think it will be a loss for any of them. The Jat Kittag is far easier to build and is one of the best melee weapons in the game. 

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30k is a problem when you're still farming 20k for an archwing knuckle and already dumped 20k into fomorian disruptors.

If I could convince the couple of people I play this game with to run excavation with me it would be a lot easier, but they never play excavation for some reason.


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7 hours ago, CoRRh said:

The weapon simply isn't worth the 30k Cryotic. I could understand the resources required if the weapon had better stats. Hell, the thing only has base 10% status and a fairly low base cold damage. And it's supposed to be an ice hammer. It's pretty silly.

With that said, I think the Cryotic is perfectly obtainable.

The weapon is not all that great. I would know. I have it, have tested it, and have concluded that while it's decent, it's not at all top tier stat wise. So, there's no point in freaking out over it. There are a plethora of better melee weapons. Just run an excavation a day and you'll get enough in a month, month and a half. Heck, if you can find structured groups to get to 2k, you could do it in 15 days, assuming that you started with almost none.

It's a lot of cryotic, but you don't just get cryotic on excavations. You get mods, keys, affinity, other resources, and Fusion cores. In the end, you'll be satisfied anyway.


Lmao have you even looked at the stats?


You said it has mediocre damage... Lol. Tied for second highest melee damage is mediocre now?


The stats are almost clone of jat kittag and you say most melees are better? The only thing jat has over it is better base status, but it has an IPS spread with mostly impact which means your gonna proc impact a lot if you build for status on jat. You have no idea what you are talking about here.


"A fairly low base cold damage"... You really said that about second highest damage melee.. 


Everyone who is saying the weapon has bad stat are weakening the argument of those with a legitimate point. If you think the stats are bad you are either new to the game, or just flat out blinded by anger at the requirements and it helps nothing.



Edited by Tesseract7777
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I honestly don't get the problem with this whole situation.

30k cryotic is not a problem. Veteran players have tons of it lying around, new players have a reason to play something else other than Draco and towers. Not to mention you get keys, money and random mods that a lot of people are paying platinum for (please keep this info hush hush).

Personally I lost track of where I spent my cryotic and now I'm 10k sort. That will be 10 runs that will wield 3-5 keys, plus money, plus mods.

Seriously why are people even whining about this?

I'm patiently waiting for the day that DE will implement something that needs 30k alloy plate...

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it IS a problem, if you have limited time to play. I already have plenty, the Sibear won't hit consoles for some time, and I don't see anything else taking up my Cryotic till then, unless we get another Formorian Alert. so I'm pretty fine, but I'm not going to act like it's easy. I've done long excavations before, and they can get pretty tedious and boring, if not challenging.

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13 hours ago, Freelancer27 said:

Unfortunately, the reason due to difficulty increase of Excavation is from a very sensitive controversy that happened not so while ago, involving tests that tackles with Cryotic farm and its rewards.

I wish for the reward and spawn system of Excavation will return to normal and even be an example for other missions like Survival and Defense in return.

Everyone I to talk to about the issue don't seem to have noticed the difference between new excavation and old excavation.


It's odd... though it is just a subtle change that essentially made it harder in some regards. Such as in general it takes more time now to reach high amounts of cryotic (2000+) compared to before.

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29 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

Everyone I to talk to about the issue don't seem to have noticed the difference between new excavation and old excavation.


It's odd... though it is just a subtle change that essentially made it harder in some regards. Such as in general it takes more time now to reach high amounts of cryotic (2000+) compared to before.

It isn't subtle as people think once they figured how Excavation works as for more skilled players who wanted a harder, faster challenge which is actually far more cost-effective than standing around in a single Snowglobe every 4 minutes.

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54 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Lmao have you even looked at the stats?


You said it has mediocre damage... Lol. Tied for second highest melee damage is mediocre now?


The stats are almost clone of jat kittag and you say most melees are better? The only thing jat has over it is better base status, but it has an IPS spread with mostly impact which means your gonna proc impact a lot if you build for status on jat. You have no idea what you are talking about here.


"A fairly low base cold damage"... You really said that about second highest damage melee.. 


Everyone who is saying the weapon has bad stat are weakening the argument of those with a legitimate point. If you think the stats are bad you are either new to the game, or just flat out blinded by anger at the requirements and it helps nothing.



Before I actually get into this, I need to point something out. Your post is lined with strawman logical fallacy.

Mediocre is far from what I said. I said: " The weapon is not all that great." Mediocre implies that it's middle of the road. I only said the weapon's stats weren't top tier. 

I did not say that most melees were better. I said " There are a plethora of better melee weapons." Most implies that at least 51% of melee weapons are better. Most is a word describing portion and percentage. Most could mean 2 or even 4 million depending on the total number. Plethora describes amount. Plethora is simply a large amount of something. Whatever is described as a lot could be a plethora. In the case of Warframe, which has over 90 melee weapons, having 20 can be a large amount. With that said, 20 weapons being better than it certainly doesn't make it middle of the road or even the "mediocre" you were mentioning before. In the end, it would take a lot to beat weapons like the Nikana Prime, the Destreza, or War.


On to actually debating the point.


"Lmao have you even looked at the stats?"



"You said it has mediocre damage."

No, actually, I didn't. I said the stats were undesirable.


"Tied for second highest melee damage is mediocre now?"

Sorry, but that isn't a good point. The weapon could have millions in melee damage and still be total crap if the rest of its' stats were the lowest in each of their respective categories. You'd kill bosses just fine, but bosses make up a minuscule amount of time you'll spend in the game. It's be a one-trick pony.

I can understand the confusion, and I'll address that later in the post.  

And again, nowhere in my post does it say "mediocre" or even suggest that it's mid-tier. 


"The stats are almost clone of jat kittag" 


Sure, but here's the difference between the two.


The Sibear has no IPS. The Jat Kittag does. You wanna know what the catch is? The Jat Kittag can equip Status mods and use them. The Sibear cannot equip IPS mods and use them. So, the Jat can equip and use both Status and IPS mods and has the extra bonus of 25% base status chance (15% higher than the Sibear). The Sibear can only equip and use status mods but has less base status chance than the Jat. In fact, it has one of the lower status chances for melee weapons in warframe, with over 45 melee weapons having better base status chances, while the Jat is topped in status only by three melee weapons (two of which are purely status, no ips, weapons, that are also the top two).

Granted, I was wrong. It's cold damage is low by no means. However, that doesn't mean much when you could put a north wind on the Jat Kittag and already have no stat less than the Sibear, and two higher.

You're going to be able to achieve more on the Jat either way, as you can mod for status and physical damage, while you can only mod for status on the Sibear. When you mod the Sibear for straight elemental (blast and corrosive, but without IPS because you can't mod for IPS), with some mods for status chance (the +status chance and +elemental damage mods, Ex: Virulent Scourge) to make it viable for status, it still falls short of the Jat Kittag. Allowing room in the build of the Jat for Impact mods, you can still do both Corrosive and Blast. And you will even end up with more total damage (with the total elemental being slightly higher than the total physical).

Basically, while the base stats are almost identical, having no IPS seriously hurts the weapon when in conjunction with low Crit and Status chance. Once you have no IPS on a weapon, you have to make up with Elemental. It has 130 Cold Damage. Great. Now it just needs to proc enough to work well. It procs worse than half of the melee weapons in the game. Most of which have IPS and can equip those status mods. Alrighty, that's pretty much out for the count. Now it's down to critical chance. Aaaannnndddd it has 15%, which is on the low end of viable for a crit build.


"You really said that about second highest damage melee"

I'll concede that my point about low cold damage isn't correct. However, the whole bit about being the "second highest damage melee" still really doesn't do a lot for it, as making the status chance get to a viable level will take up slots that would already give another weapon an edge over it. So, yes, it does have a crap ton of cold damage. That doesn't make it good, though. The other stats have to back it up.


"If you think the stats are bad you are either new to the game, or just flat out blinded by anger at the requirements and it helps nothing."

Thanks for making weird assumptions. I've played almost actively for the past 2 years. I have used and played around with 95% of the weapons in warframe. I'm neither new, nor inexperienced. I'm perfectly fine with the requirements, as my original post pointed out. All I'm saying is that the weapon is not good enough to warrant the amount of resources spent on it. I'd argue that this weapon takes the most concrete farm wall to make. 8 hours of guarding Excavators (which most people won't be able to do in under a week) is what it takes for someone who has no cryotic. For that many resources, it should be better than the Jat kittag, which will require a maximum of 60 hours of manufacturing time (which is done online and offline). It will take you an hour a day farming Excavation to get the Sibear in about 8 days, having at least 334 enemies drop Alloy (assuming you get 150 from each enemy), and then having the Magistar (another weapon).  It will take you farming or building 5 Detonite Injectors (12 hour build time, or you can get them for Invasion rewards; Getting an Invasion reward shouldn't ever take more than 30 minutes) building a forma (a flat 24 hours either way), have at least 24 enemies drop Rubedo (assuming they all drop 25 rubedo), and then 5000 salvage (will take you less than half an hour at the right place). The farm for the Jat is significantly smaller and it's a better weapon, if only slightly. 

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I see a lot of people are okay with the amount. I personally think its not. But I keep wondering if people keep defending these grind requirements at what point do we draw a line?

Incoming weapon 100 sensors, 100 neurodes, 250 cells and 25 forma. I can totally imagine people defending that as well.

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i could get more than 30k cryos  just by attempting to max out a r10 gold mod via r5 rares cores on excav missions

it felt kinda too much for some people that can't spend too much time on the game while being cheap by not buying any plat even with 75%'s.

still, either way, wait few days for kittag research (or just clantech leeching), or few days of cryo grinding.  

the new hammer kinda nice though, looks like something out of warcraft got ripped out into warframe.

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2 hours ago, kubbi said:

I see a lot of people are okay with the amount. I personally think its not. But I keep wondering if people keep defending these grind requirements at what point do we draw a line?

Incoming weapon 100 sensors, 100 neurodes, 250 cells and 25 forma. I can totally imagine people defending that as well.

A lot of us higher MR players just have nothing to do.

Most of my time in Warframe is spent helping other people, grinding ducats or waiting for new gear to be released.

By no means do I suggest that DE is slow to release content, they're great, I just blow through it very quickly.

Stuff with grindy requirements at least gives me something to do, albeit not this time because I already had enough cryotic, but you know...

Nitain for example I really like because it gives me an excuse to play games I normally wouldn't because I need the resource. 

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13 hours ago, Klies said:

.... What's the difference between farming your cryotic over a longer time for this weapon, or having to wait for the Azima as the 100 day tribute? you still have to wait, but this you 'can' get a lot faster... The developer of any game gets NOTHING out of making, or letting you play as little as possible to finish everything quickly.

Many people, (in my opinion), should stop thinking about more more more, and gimme gimme gimme, and focus on the JOY and FUN of playing this GAME... ...

The difference is in the time you are farming cryotic over the long period DE will likely release more gear using larger quantities (history shows growing resource usage) of cryotic than the Sibear does (not including the stuff that already uses it), while nothing will use up your days getting to Azima while you play (playing whatever missions you like).

While sure people are somewhat not focusing on the fun, but DE actually reduced the fun in excavations with their previous changes. The mission was much more fun when the whole squad looked after 2-3 drillers in close proximity (actually playing together, something that is good for multi-player games) rather than just sitting around looking after a single one while your squad is off looking after a second one miles away from where you are (not playing together at all, which is very bad for a multi-player game).

Edited by Loswaith
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20 hours ago, izzatuw said:

The problem I see with the 30K is that this is really only doable for "hardcore" players

I'm not sure I entirely agree with this bit. Actually to be honest, I didn't know that there was any issue to begin with, until I logged onto the forums haha. I was only curious about what others thought because 30K seemed so much on the lower end.

It really just depends on how long you've been playing for, and what you specifically do during those times. I've been around for over 2 years, and the Cryotic Front event has only been around for 1 and a half years, and I play, I suppose what you would call it, pretty "casually", via whenever I can or have the time too, and right now I've so much of the stuff, I can make quite a few of these guys.

For the newer players, I guess I can see where they're coming from, but like I said, I thought 30K seemed a tad generous, and was honestly expecting more talks geared that. I mean hell, if I didn't see some of the responses here, I was going to say that 70K is seemed a bit more reasonable. If someone has been around for that long, it's not like you needed to grind at all (I and quite a few others didn't need to). So in that regard, I don't see any excuse why someone who's been around the block for a while shouldn't at least have that (or at least anywhere between 80,000 - 100,000 minimum).

Though to clarify again, newer players I can see why it's steep, but by no means, you don't need to put the man hours in to get that much (assuming what "hardcore" means in this context), and remember, with just about every weapon/content under the sun, there never has been instant gratification to obtain anything, since generally speaking, you need to work for it over time. It's not something you can get over night. Most cases, it never has been.

Though other than that, for those few who feel like they're "forced" to get everything and anything as soon as possible (for whatever weird reason) and you don't have the materials for it, I guess it would cost you less time to just sell a few prime parts and just straight up buying it. But honestly, if you don't like the Jat Kittag, there's really no reason anyone should worry about getting this anytime soon. Even for "Mastery points" reasons, that should give you even less of a reason/more time since it's not like you're going to keep it after you level to 30 haha.

I mean, at least if someone needs more Cryotic, just bring a squad with you, since you'll be running 2 to 3 extractors at the same time. If you're only running one at a time, I'm not sure why you would be doing that in the first place, you're just making it harder for yourself haha.

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5 hours ago, kubbi said:

I see a lot of people are okay with the amount. I personally think its not. But I keep wondering if people keep defending these grind requirements at what point do we draw a line?

Incoming weapon 100 sensors, 100 neurodes, 250 cells and 25 forma. I can totally imagine people defending that as well.

How long have you been around for? I've been around before Cryotic was introduced into the game, and since then, I can make quite a few of these guys lol. If you've been around that long, I don't see why you wouldn't have (ideally) 80K to 100K. I think 30,000 is a bit on the lower end. Maybe 60,000 or 70,000 seems a bit more reasonable. It's not like you need to grind for it if you've been around for about 2 years lol.

But like I said in my last post, I didn't know there was a few of you guys on the forums having an issue with it (excluding newer players obviously). If I didn't log into the forums, I was going to say that 30,000 seemed a bit to generous, but for those older players, I guess it's not the case. Oh well. Never needed to grind for it before and I don't play on a daily basis either, so I just assumed I was going to need much more since I don't play those kind of missions enough haha. Hence why I'm surprised I can make quite a few of these hammers. But hey, what can you do lol.

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13 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

So sad... I'd hate for anyone there to play a real grindy game.

Hell, Dark Souls has more grind for some things than Warframe has for the Sibear. Never saw anyone complaining about that...

One word. Cheat engine.

That's not to mention, I can't really agree with it. I played Ds1 and 2 and can't remember even grinding or farming for anything. It all pretty much came naturally if you haven't been trying to max unnecessary amount of weapons or armor or something like that. I just can't think of anything. Titanite? Souls? Humanity?

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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Should I start complaining about plastids? I build and research my dojo all by myself. Wukong and shaku was way worst on the plastids than this hammer on cryotic. At least you get crap tons of credits and goods and cores and life strike and a chance for handspring if you go Neptune..., I got nothing but plastids I needed to burn for two xp folders that I dont even like. 

There is always someone experienced worst, I bet people who grind for mods will have a much worst story. You know, some sword stance that drop on the moon... you know, some mod with an edgy name.

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I swear the only people who will/do have a problem with the 30k are those who grew up in Draco and only leave for the void.

The "I have limited time" argument is moot, so what? You should be short on all things by your logic so why does it matter when you're not going to be making use of it anyways with your limited time.

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25 minutes ago, Valteria. said:

Should I start complaining about plastids? I build and research my dojo all by myself. Wukong and shaku was way worst on the plastids than this hammer on cryotic. At least you get crap tons of credits and goods and cores and life strike and a chance for handspring if you go Neptune..., I got nothing but plastids I needed to burn for two xp folders that I dont even like. 

There is always someone experienced worst, I bet people who grind for mods will have a much worst story. You know, some sword stance that drop on the moon... you know, some mod with an edgy name.

Only no one forced you to build dojo all by yourself. Or build it at all.

But plastids are another cancer of this game, there's no doubt.

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14 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Only no one forced you to build dojo all by yourself. Or build it at all.

But plastids are another cancer of this game, there's no doubt.

So DE has a Brakk to your head and if you don't built it now they are going to blow your operators brains all over the orbiter????

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