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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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1 hour ago, Unus said:

GODDEM IT, a power outage took out my Wyrms again!


Blast and Deemnation! 


I'm so sorry folks, that was. . . ALOT of work to see flashed in the pan.

I think I. . . I think I'm gonna take a few short days on my Hammer projects, just as a bit of steam blowoff for the steam I can't seem to blow off here without a random acta God thunderbolting out of the blue and smiteing my abhorrent creation.


Rest assured, this IS NOT burn out. I WILL be finishing this blasted fellow, even if I have to marathon a day of it.

Do you need any writing help then? Or help backing it up? Because I can do both of those.

...I mean, I won't be able to recover it (probably) but I can find ways to make it easier to back up.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Do you need any writing help then? Or help backing it up? Because I can do both of those.

...I mean, I won't be able to recover it (probably) but I can find ways to make it easier to back up.

Hm. . . I. . . hm, I may ask you at a later time, perhaps to preserve a chunk or two, or at least hear what's coming together. Think I'll be devoting a day or two to making SURE Onslaughter passes through properly, as soon as I'm done with the Auxila project likely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, back from my vacation AND with the almost entire introductory piece being done at last! Think I'll have to parcel it out in increments to ensure I cover everything properly.

Might even participate in that contest Mr. Jado is working on.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

You'll knock em dead!

We'll see suh! Certainly have a few more pieces then when I asked what I should work on next. May have some juice left in me to squeeze out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is almost time folks! The Wyrms may, at long last, be freed from my phone notes and unleashed upon your eyes! Ur. . uh. . .metaphorically I mean.

Things have just been much to busy with job applications, data recovery, babysitting, current job, blah blah blah.

Rest assured folks, I'm ITCHING to put this out there for you folks. Flesh-space is just being a bit of a time vampire!

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On 2019-07-12 at 6:10 PM, Unus said:

It is almost time folks! The Wyrms may, at long last, be freed from my phone notes and unleashed upon your eyes! Ur. . uh. . .metaphorically I mean.

Things have just been much to busy with job applications, data recovery, babysitting, current job, blah blah blah.

Rest assured folks, I'm ITCHING to put this out there for you folks. Flesh-space is just being a bit of a time vampire!

I feel your pain, dood. Life can be like that sometimes...

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                                 Post 623

(Conceived circa 4/10/2019 at ??:??.)

Take. . . . . .6.


Designation: Onslaughter.

Purpose: To bring in an Infested invasion subtype on-par with the Grineer's Fomorians and the Corpus' Razorbacks.

Flavor Injection:

(Black Screen)

(Crackle of the tuning of a radio.)

(The tuning stops on a channel. It is a calm Grineer voice, amidst a cacophonous background of gunfire and the crackle of flames. The Grineer speaks in it's native tongue as the background music begins in a Grinic style.)

"(Containment of infestation is failing, central node of manifestation is not present in any current sectors, Infested threats exhibiting . . .)"

(The channel changes suddenly, this time, a fearful Corpus voice is barely audible over moans of pain and panicked whimpering. In the distance, metallic clanging and discordant chattering. The Corpus to, speaks their native tongue and the background music switches thematically towards Corpus, though retaining it's rhythm and sense of escaleteing horror.)

"(. . . unprecedented levels of coordination! Unidentified strains present among invading forces! Colossal organism sightings reported. . .)"

(The channel changes again, this time to a newsroom setting, while the theme becomes Tenno in styleing.)

". . . though those reports remain uncorroborated. Ladies and gentlemen, this. . . is a slaughter.

(The Grineer voice reappears)

"(Its a slaughter.)"

(The Corpus Voice reappears.)

"(Its a slaughter!)" 

(The screen turns on,  revealing it to be a Corpus console. On it, in the Corpus language, the sentence "Warning, infestation on site, please evacuate." flashes on and off in the bottom right. The music has "warped" and "decayed" into something only similar to the original score in the mos basic of ways.)

(A sibilant set of whispers come over the audio, while a set of subtitles slowly fade into view.)

"(And on the slaughter shall go. If they will not accept the Gift willingly, then it must be delivered directly to their doorsteps.)"

(The computer's screen begins to flicker and corrode as three horrifying tendrils slowly inch their way from seperate corners of the screen, like parasites neath the skin of the afflicted, one dark metallic sapphire, one ashen black, and one of chitinous sand (the color). The music has quieted and turned to a set of horror chords, building in anticipation.)

(They twirl together in the center and the screen behind them dissolves into a blinding sea of scattered pixels , merging and intermingling together until they form a horrid symbol straight from a Giger piece. It bears a resemblance to the multiple chambers of a nautilus shell, only, each "chamber" is filled in with a sphincter-esque membrane corresponding to each tendril color that begin to spew spores.)

(The spores take up the entire screen before it shatters from the inside, the screen flashing with horrible displays of brutality being inflicted upon Grineer, Corpus, and generic civilians by a variety of Infested, all to a loathsome sound between a high-pitched tone and a scream. The camera pans down to the fractured glass, revealing the gnarled pulsating lengths of "cable" and "wiring" that have already coated the floor. The shards hold several images from the "gameplay flashes" on their surfaces, yet, one remains blank. The camera zooms in that particular shard, before a horrific visage of a rictus face with sunken glowing eyes and flailing tendrils comes into view as if curiously admiring it's own handywork

(The fadeing letters return a final time before the watcher's viewpoint jumpcuts to the title page.)

("So goes the wisdom of the Wyrms.")

(The title is revealed, "Onslaughter", alongside the legal information relevant to Warframe. The horrid symbol sits at the center of the O. From the sphinctors come a set of tendrils in thematic colors that intertwine themselves with the letters and give them a grotesque and twisted appearance. After they quickly subsume the letters, the music crescendos, the trailer ends.).


The Crunch: 

Potential introductory mission aside (Due to less then optimal experience with dialogue involving greater then 4-5 subjects.):

   After a certain amount of (Digitally dictated) Phoroid Manifestations are destroyed which have in turn lasted long enough to "spawn" adjacent Infested zones, a current Manifestation and it's accompanying zones will suddenly resolve themselves and disappear. After about an hour, an "unidentified signature" is detected in the same spot. Depending on where the signature is picked up and what faction is in control of the node, various "unique breeds" of Infested will appear. Regardless of the location, the units present will all be five levels higher then average and the Battle Damage or Cryogenic Leak environmental effects will be present. If the first zone is not cleared, a new zone will appear, leaving a 3-way crossfire version of the original mission in it's wake.  

   The longer the missions are left above 50%, the faster new Infested zones will pop up, forming a path of virulant infestation to the nearest open-world zone. On reaching said area, the area suffers from an Infested invasion in the manner of the boils of the Plains, only the effects are far far worse, particularly with the plethora of special Infested and the centerpiece of the update, the local Wise Wyrm. This fetid beast is extremely powerful, quite capable of bulldozing through on-site enemy positions and leaving a trail of rotted earth that increases the local Infested population by it's very presence. The Wyrm generally avoids the other local bosses, intent on spreading it's filth across the entirety of the world map from named area to named area. Attacking it will easily garner it's attention, and it will be hard to shake once it has spotted a foe.

   A constantly spawning horde of various regionally-themed Infested follows alongside it and in it's wake, coming to it's aid by flooding the battlefield with their bodies in significant (barring computer friendly entity caps) numbers that will only cease when the Wyrm itself is driven below or slain. The more filth it encrusts on the landscape, the larger it's accompanying horde will get and the faster said horde's replenishment will be, an issue that can be mitigated ""simply"" by using incendiary effect weapons on the ground to clear patches or driving off/killing the Wyrm.

If the Wyrm's health is not depleted in a timely manner (decided by D.E.), the next Phoroid Manifestation to appear on the map will undergo the same process of transformation and devastation, leading to another Wyrm bulldozing across the Sol-Origin System to reach the same Open-World area and further increase the spreading taint and corruption through it's wandering. At this point, either clouds of noxious spores (Plains of Eidolon) or swarms of Mutualist Ospreys (Vallis) will begin to fill the skies and make travel exceedingly difficult above. If the three Wyrm's aren't taken care of, they will meet at the same area and will promptly disappear. Then, the Conquerer Wyrm will spawn, the environment will change, and the Tenno's nightmare task will begin.

Unique Threats:

Grinic Infestation Zones: 


Infested Security (Roller)

Corpus Infestation Zones:



Infested Security (Camera and Turret)

"Other" Infestation Zone:




The Bosses:

Sporathrix, Wyrm of Pride.

(Feminine nobility voice.) 

"Look upon our gleaming hide bretheren! You to may become one with it's perfectly magnificent perfection, if only you bent thine knee!"

The Lephantis entities' Grineer head on a large and swollen Phoroid body. This Wyrm constantly scythes it's head across the battlefield, painlessly tossing Infested out in a radius, while also horrifically damageing anything caught by it. At close range, it "sweats" volatile chemical globules onto the ground, staggering, knocking over, and damageing anything caught by their detonations.

Wuchara, Wyrm of Avarice.

(Marketplace hawker voice.)

"Come forth ye poor and unwashed masses! Let us grow fat and rich off the Universe till the suns grow dim and we lay satisfied in the twilight gleam!"

The Lephantis entities' Corpus head on a large and swollen version of the Phoroid body . It precisely fires Infested pods that explode on impact with a target if they don't strike the ground, revealing a randomized Infested foe, often of the Eximus variety. At closer ranges, it vomits up a modest cluster of volatile chemical sacks that can stagger or knock-over pursuers in the blast radius while damaging them.

Trachemos, Wyrm of Ignorance.

(Benedictive Voice)

"Oh troubled people's, oh noble savages! Join us, unburden yourselves of your fears of present and future. Fade into the sweet rapture of our form!

The Lephantis entities' ancient head on a large and bloated Phoroid body. It constantly leaves organic mines in its wake with a significant blast radius that are deadly to friend and foe alike, though only the presence of a foe or time will make them explode. Like the others, it fires clustered volatile chemical sacs as point defense weapons to stagger, knock-over, and destroy foes.

Proteus, The Conquerer Wyrm.

(Synchronized multilayered seismic-shaking voice, Knightly in content, yet, traditionally Satanic in presentation.)


A true force to be reckoned with.

On Cetus, the skies fully saturate with toxic fog roiling off it's fetid pores, murdering condracs and downing dropships in hellfire rains of debris. The sky becomes grim and marked with the ghosts of tendrils of clouds, shaped in unnatural ways.

On the Vallis, Mutalist Ospreys erupt from it's flesh in skyblotting legions, killing man and destroying machine as the skybox fills with the shape and sound of their chattering mass, dropping crawlers and pulling screaming men into the sky to be torn to bloody ribbons that fall through the air like discarded tissue paper

Regardless of the scenario, the being remains the same, an absolutely massive Lephantic gestalt, towering beyond the meager sentient fragments and the piddleing orb mothers. Though it rarely moves from it's selected locale, this matters little, as it bombards across the map with torrential volleys of acid, organic mines, and cluster pods of random-number-generator-only-knows. Like Lephantis, each head must be taken down. Unlike Lephantis, said heads are hundreds of feet off the ground, meaning one must risk flying into the mess above to fight it at it's strongest. If the Tenno can defeat it, the arterial spray of Infested resources and terrified fleeing to escape the meat/bones/putrescence self detonation will be their's.

If they cannot, a Fomorian Bombardment or Repurposed Cargo Drop will be the dealer of the killing blow, with 3X the blast radius and a 25% (common) 50% (rare), and 75% (very rare) reduction in local fish and other organic resource populations in addition to lingering clouds of toxic smoke for 1-5 (Digital determinate) hours afterwards.

Edited by Unus
Released circa 7/21/2019 at 02:20.
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12 hours ago, Unus said:

Designation: Onslaughter.

Liking that cinematic. Your descriptions are always fun.

Gameplay wise I'm not sure if the summoning conditions aren't too difficult to pull off. Especially considering Phorid is a popular way to farm rare resources, so he's bound to die fast most of the time.

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12 hours ago, Unus said:

Take. . . . . .6.


...Damn. That many? Dood, that's hella rough. 


12 hours ago, Unus said:

"(Containment of infestation is failing, central node of manifestation is not present in any current sectors, Infested threats exhibiting . . .)"

(The channel changes suddenly, this time, a fearful Corpus voice is barely audible over moans of pain and panicked whimpering. In the distance, metallic clanging and discordant chattering. The Corpus to, speaks their native tongue and the background music switches thematically towards Corpus, though retaining it's rhythm and sense of escaleteing horror.)

"(. . . unprecedented levels of coordination! Unidentified strains present among invading forces! Colossal organism sightings reported. . .)"

(The channel changes again, this time to a newsroom setting, while the theme becomes Tenno in styleing.)

". . . though those reports remain uncorroborated. Ladies and gentlemen, this. . . is a slaughter.

(The Grineer voice reappears)

"(Its a slaughter.)"

(The Corpus Voice reappears.)

"(Its a slaughter!)" 


This is almost... cinematic! Kinda reminds me of something... hold on...


Ah, here it is. Check this crap out, it'll probably give you some great vibes for this intro.

12 hours ago, Unus said:

   After a certain amount of (Digitally dictated) Phoroid Manifestations are destroyed which have in turn lasted long enough to "spawn" adjacent Infested zones, a current Manifestation and it's accompanying zones will suddenly resolve themselves and disappear. After about an hour, an "unidentified signature" is detected in the same spot. Depending on where the signature is picked up and what faction is in control of the node, various "unique breeds" of Infested will appear. Regardless of the location, the units present will all be five levels higher then average and the Battle Damage or Cryogenic Leak environmental effects. If the first zone is not cleared, a new zone will appear, leaving a 3-way crossfire version of the original mission in it's wake.  


I am left with the feeling that you did not merely want to emulate current Invasion mechanics, you wanted to surpass them. And I think it's working - this looks MUCH more engaging than current Invasions. If not for the fact that Invasions very, very, very rarely reward Potatoes (and the various Wraith and/or Vandal weapon parts they give) I would have absolutely nothing to do with Invasions.

Gotta say I hope that Invasions in general someday receive a rework reminiscent of Nightwave. As Invasions are, they seem super easy to just pass over. This just sounds so much more rich in character and engagement than the current system.

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On 2019-07-21 at 2:51 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Liking that cinematic. Your descriptions are always fun.

Gameplay wise I'm not sure if the summoning conditions aren't too difficult to pull off. Especially considering Phorid is a popular way to farm rare resources, so he's bound to die fast most of the time.

Phew, so the consistent enjoyment remains! Guess putting a massive amount of effort into it works still.

Hm. . . a fair point, I'll need to look into that aspect then. On the one hand, I suppose it could increase the rarity of the event if the conditions don't happen to meet very often, break up the monotony of it's appearence as opposed to the bog-standard brushfire conflicts the Sol-Origin system suffers.


On 2019-07-21 at 3:22 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...Damn. That many? Dood, that's hella rough. 


This is almost... cinematic! Kinda reminds me of something... hold on...


Ah, here it is. Check this crap out, it'll probably give you some great vibes for this intro.

I am left with the feeling that you did not merely want to emulate current Invasion mechanics, you wanted to surpass them. And I think it's working - this looks MUCH more engaging than current Invasions. If not for the fact that Invasions very, very, very rarely reward Potatoes (and the various Wraith and/or Vandal weapon parts they give) I would have absolutely nothing to do with Invasions.

Gotta say I hope that Invasions in general someday receive a rework reminiscent of Nightwave. As Invasions are, they seem super easy to just pass over. This just sounds so much more rich in character and engagement than the current system.

Yeahhhhh, a real enthusiasm stinger in the creation process. I'm so happy it pulled through at last, big ones take a lot outta me, but, now I can focus on the Jadogun and the many waiting weapons much MUCH more!


Hm, I'll give it a whiff suh. You've told me quite a bit in the past about this world, figure I can do a first-hand exposure.


Huh, hadn't really thought about it that way suh! I feared it might fall to content accretion given the time it took to rebuild after the data-losses, but, happy to see I can chalk it up to my natural paranoia!

I can also understand. In the absence of system alerts, the Invasions have become my monetary and resource slaughter-fields, alongside the Syndi-Sponsored ones.

Been racking my brain for an introductory mission of sorts, but, I feel like I wouldn't do something quite THAT big justice. Only vague inklings of Tenguswork gone awry, deluded intentions gone somewhere unexpected.

On 2019-07-21 at 6:48 PM, Neo3602 said:

Sounds interesting the infested have been really neglected and don't really feel like a threat, something like this would change that I think.

A not-insignificant portion of me Pit is dedicated to ways to remedy that! From the Infested Strains to the horrid denizens that live down here, several of which seemed logical to add to the Invasion.

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   Apologies folks, gonna have a bit of an interim rest period for a short while. Firing both barrels off in rapid succession for Mr. Jado's contest, especially with the sudden thunder strike that was the Olphant, has left me feeling a bit drained. The grey matter is more then willing, but, the drive is temporarily weak.


   Rest assured, I have NOT forgotten the voted list, we'll be right back on things before ya know it!

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

   Apologies folks, gonna have a bit of an interim rest period for a short while. Firing both barrels off in rapid succession for Mr. Jado's contest, especially with the sudden thunder strike that was the Olphant, has left me feeling a bit drained. The grey matter is more then willing, but, the drive is temporarily weak.


Don't even trip, dawg! We all need a break sometimes. Maybe... spend some time in another property with bizarre weapons and concepts (like Spacelords, MUTHA MUTHA) and see what that does for your creative vision. Or just play something else to relax. Or read some Alastair Reynolds.

That's what's usually helped me, anyway.

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ALRIGHT fellas, back in the saddle for me, as I rebuild the shotgun from the scraps I have remaining on me, got another project piece that demands a bit of attention from my associate's eyes!

I have a possible idea for a small selection of weapons that will be made by a rather eccentric pair of Free Smithers, acting outside of the bonds of typical allegiance. 
Trouble is, i'm torn on what their names will be! Would it be to much of me to ask for your opinions on a set I have, mayhaps tell me what you like?

Byn and Saln?

Sesoon and Kesoon?

Tembuck and Barthabyte?

Harrun and Weiss?

Up to you you folks? Either way, won't be getting to the A.G.G. for a while, but, this will be an aspect that lasts for a bit.

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On 2019-08-04 at 5:26 AM, Unus said:

ALRIGHT fellas, back in the saddle for me, as I rebuild the shotgun from the scraps I have remaining on me, got another project piece that demands a bit of attention from my associate's eyes!

I have a possible idea for a small selection of weapons that will be made by a rather eccentric pair of Free Smithers, acting outside of the bonds of typical allegiance. 
Trouble is, i'm torn on what their names will be! Would it be to much of me to ask for your opinions on a set I have, mayhaps tell me what you like?

Byn and Saln?

Sesoon and Kesoon?

Tembuck and Barthabyte?

Harrun and Weiss?

Up to you you folks? Either way, won't be getting to the A.G.G. for a while, but, this will be an aspect that lasts for a bit.

Harrun and Weiss sounds like precision engineered weaponry. Tembuck and Barthabyte- spaghetti western, Firefly. Byn and Saln- high tech, laser weapons, AI controlled? . Sesoon and Kesoon is tougher for me to imagine, maybe tribal style? Or dual magic scimitars? Names rhyme, which I'm not really fond of outside fairytales. On another hand, that could be fitting for weapons in Warframe universe. Many frames are based on myths or cultural sterotypes, after all. 

Maybe a little bit of additional information about what the weapons are would help us get a better feel for best fitting name? 

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On 2019-08-05 at 6:14 PM, (PS4)Jacobivan said:

Harrun and Weiss sounds like precision engineered weaponry. Tembuck and Barthabyte- spaghetti western, Firefly. Byn and Saln- high tech, laser weapons, AI controlled? . Sesoon and Kesoon is tougher for me to imagine, maybe tribal style? Or dual magic scimitars? Names rhyme, which I'm not really fond of outside fairytales. On another hand, that could be fitting for weapons in Warframe universe. Many frames are based on myths or cultural sterotypes, after all. 

Maybe a little bit of additional information about what the weapons are would help us get a better feel for best fitting name? 

(Blasted job keeping me from answering, HERE WE GO.)

Ah, a retrofuturistic design. Its a pair of ray pistols of sorts that can be merged together into a retro-blaster. Big bonus about it is that, while it takes up both the pistol and primary slot, it can be fed from one ammunition set in one mode, and still use the stored charge in another. Effectively doubles excess magazine storage size!

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                                      Post 633

(Conceived circa 4/15/2019 at 4:23.)

There we are, data retrieval slowly comeing together. 


Designation: Montu.

Weapon Designation: Shotgun.


Manufacturer: Formerly the Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing Group, now Saturnine High Command.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Hit-Scan.

Damage= 35 Puncture, 18 Slash, 3 Impact (224 Damage).

Critical Chance= 21%.

Critcal Damage= 2.0X.

Pellet Count= 4.

Accuracy= Unable to determine due to wiki removal of accuracy data.

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 4.14.

P.R.O.C. Chance= 7.5%.

Magazine= 4 chamber rotary butt-pan-magazine. 

Reload-Speed= 2.2 (Press glow button on bottom left side to redirect powerflow from the magazine into a holding loop pattern in the gun's body itself, detach bottom magazine attachment point from wiring, hinge off magazine from buttstock, swap in magazine, reconnect to wiring, press button again in order to shunt power back into magazine, assume firing stance.)

Trigger Type= Burstfire (4).

Mastery Rank Requisite= 3.

Polarity= None.

Special Trait(s):

N/A (The weapon's very nature is special in and of itself.).


   Unlike many of its bretheren, the Montu displays an unexpected level of clinical cleanliness, though not through any special care on it's owner's part. The cylindrical smoke-white "shroud-body" is chipped and marred around the barrel end, but, it still maintains a dull shine, like that of glazed pottery. The bottom half of the weapon has an even darker smoke colored streak along the bottom, partially to show that this IS in fact the weapon's bottom half and partially because it is made of weaker material to beam-weld through in the unlikely event that the "internal gun" or it's electrum wiring requires direct maintenance. The vast majority of the weapon is taken up by it's significant "shroud", which covers the weapon's true body entirely and cuts down on wear and tear to a significant degree. The "barrel shroud" area of the weapon is choked, somewhat resembleing a domed roof, but with a small circular opening at the top that is colored in the checkered yellow and black of a hazard barrier.

   The aiming system along the top is minimalistic, consisting of a muzzle blade and a rear aperture that aligns with it.The thumbhole stock of the weapon remains uncovered by the shroud, showing the green-gunmental colored metallic nature of the "gun within" in it's oily shine. The trigger grip just barely exists, being only an "outgrowth" of the shroud's ceramic material that fits the entire cloned-to-exactness hand, minus the trigger finger, very-snugly. The trigger, meanwhile, is a singular metal piece, bent in a half-rectangle in the middle to accommodate a finger.

"Basic" Description: 

   Never actually meant to see the twilight shroud of the battlefield, the Montu was originally constructed for the sole purpose of munitions testing. Hailing from the cruelly sophisticated gun-forges of the Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing group of Deimos, the Montu is meticulously engineered to survive repetitive fire no matter what exactly leaves the barrel. From discarding sabot shells, to specially formulated "dragon's breath" shot, industrial- solvent-imbued slugs, and distributed particle bolts, the Montu has proven to be almost supernaturally resilient, accomodateing payloads that would render most firing platforms smoldering scraps alongside their operators. Centuries of planned ammunition testing could suddenly be collapsed into a few short decades, enough of a time decrease that their envisioners may live to see their results. The fruitfulness of this venture proved short-lived, as a single efficiency evaluation effectively tore it all asunder.

   During the inspection, the attendant in charge stumbled across the munitions testing labs just as the engineers were testing a promiseing caseless rotary magazine design on the Montu platform. Blinded by thoughts of glamorous rewards for "their "exciteing discovery", the attendant bluntly requisitioned the engineer's current Montu assets and all access to future produced models, all under the threat of poor reports leading to potential restructureing or liquidation. Through gritted teeth and with a throbbing forehead vein, Project Lead Dem Ful was forcibly called off the range and forced to sign away their "miracle", by extension pushing projects back into generational timeframes and morale back to "Empire Normal". Though the attendant himself had not planned for his waiting execution for interfereing with promiseing research back at High Command (Ful's old ties to the Kweens came into play here), the hungry maw of war's endless demand for more meant that one man's selfish thoughts suddenly became a necessary step in keeping the Empire ever-expanding. Now, ever in demand and always in limited supply, the Montu has become a specialist's "marksmen" shotgun, unchanged and as inviolable as it was in the hands of it's still-bitterly muttering former masters.


FINALLY! Finally finally FINALLY! We can continue at last! So busy, so much pain from the original's loss, and now, here we are anew! I can only hope I salvaged any of the quality it once had folks, alotta my best effort seems to show up in the first drafts of everything I make, hence the long disappearances after dataloss incidents.

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 8/18/2019 at 03:28.
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As an aside to my latest creation up above, scanned over the new suit on the way and. . . well. . . dem it all, I think my Feynman suit has finally become outdated in her entirety.


The new Grendel suit effectively co-ops (very much without meaning to for sure) a significant portion of her kit, meaning. . . eck, bah, making to much of a big deal out of it, here's hopeing all goes well with it's release.

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9 hours ago, Unus said:

Magazine= 4 chamber rotary butt-pan-magazine. 





10 hours ago, Unus said:

Accuracy= Unable to determine due to wiki removal of accuracy data.


I feel your pain. Here's something from a thing I was writing up earlier:

"13 I guess. I don’t even know, man. Whatever the equivalent to 50% Accuracy in Borderlands is. I don't know how this works! Nobody knows how it works! I used to have dreams once, you know!?"

10 hours ago, Unus said:

   Never actually meant to see the twilight shroud of the battlefield, the Montu was originally constructed for the sole purpose of munitions testing. Hailing from the cruelly sophisticated gun-forges of the Esoteric Developments Weapon Smithing group of Deimos, the Montu is meticulously engineered to survive repetitive fire no matter what exactly leaves the barrel. From discarding sabot shells, to specially formulated "dragon's breath" shot, industrial- solvent-imbued slugs, and distributed particle bolts, the Montu has proven to be almost supernaturally resilient, accomodateing payloads that would render most firing platforms smoldering scraps alongside their operators. Centuries of planned ammunition testing could suddenly be collapsed into a few short decades, enough of a time decrease that their envisioners may live to see their results. The fruitfulness of this venture proved short-lived, as a single efficiency evaluation effectively tore it all asunder.


I've been  meaning to ask here - is there, like, a picture that was the aesthetic inspiration for this?

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:




I feel your pain. Here's something from a thing I was writing up earlier:

"13 I guess. I don’t even know, man. Whatever the equivalent to 50% Accuracy in Borderlands is. I don't know how this works! Nobody knows how it works! I used to have dreams once, you know!?"

I've been  meaning to ask here - is there, like, a picture that was the aesthetic inspiration for this?

The best way I can describe it is that the magazine fits onto the buttstock snugly into place. The inside of the smooth pan houses a rotating revolver-style-cylinder connected to an electrical ignition system, with each chamber packed with nitrocellulose and ingrained with four buckshot pellets in the top. When fired, the recoil automatically rotates the cylinder to the next chamber, with an electrical zap being applied the moment the chamber aligns, firing off the next chamber, and so on and so forth.

Heh, they USED to have data on the wiki, but, then, suddenly, an administrative shift pushed all of that out on the big comparison screen. (Grumble grumble, change, grumble grumble.).

None at all suh! The design entirely came together in my own mind. Apologies if its hard to mentally construct (NO malice behind that). 

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

None at all suh! The design entirely came together in my own mind. Apologies if its hard to mentally construct (NO malice behind that). 

I ask because for virtually any gun I do, there's something real or fictional that inspired it buried deep in there. Well, one or two things. For example:



Granted, the Bruin is actually lever-action-auto, (Long story short) but it was mostly just a John Moses Browning homage.

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18 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I ask because for virtually any gun I do, there's something real or fictional that inspired it buried deep in there. Well, one or two things. For example:



Granted, the Bruin is actually lever-action-auto, (Long story short) but it was mostly just a John Moses Browning homage.

Where 76% of the time, my work comes from inside my head, meaning I have to curse mentally whenever someone uncovers a prexisting fictional piece that makes me look like a copycat.


(No, this is NOT aimed at you, you tell everyone when you have something, as you literally just did.)

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