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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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  • 2 weeks later...

  Alright, I'm not quite done recovering as of yet, but, I'm getting a bit stir-crazy and figured I could use some of the excess energy to give a report. 


Specifically, the docs predict I'll return to full functionality on December 26th!


Wish me luck fellas! These Goddem face stitches make me eyes look positively Grinic, but, with a elluva lot more itching that cannot be scratched.

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On 2019-12-16 at 7:55 PM, Unus said:

  Alright, I'm not quite done recovering as of yet, but, I'm getting a bit stir-crazy and figured I could use some of the excess energy to give a report. 


Specifically, the docs predict I'll return to full functionality on December 26th!


Wish me luck fellas! These Goddem face stitches make me eyes look positively Grinic, but, with a elluva lot more itching that cannot be scratched.

Good to have you back, dood!

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   Just popping in to tell you all merry Christmas, to say that my medical deadline draws ever nearer, and to say that I can't wait to finally get back on the proverbial horse!


Again, apologies for the dread silence, but, doctor's orders!

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   You know, I gotta say, this year has been absolutely pure chaos by my standards.

The first year free of collegic chains and shackled to worldly fears more then ever, the first year of so many many winding spin-offs that have led me around and in and out of the Pit, leading to little progress. The first year of an unpaid AND a paid part-time job. The year of the life-altering surgical operation that focused my eyes where they once wobbled and squinted,trying to see distant things.


  Yet, against all odds, I still see many of those familiar faces who have been with me along the way, in both better AND worse times. A relief and a frustration both, the second part due to how inconsistent I've been with everyone and the Pit. 


I deeply, DEEPLY hope I can achieve regularity and balance in the year to come, while, at the same time, I must deeply DEEPLY express my thanks to you all for being . . . well. . . you all!


May we all progress onto better and bigger things (Perhaps with many of said things being a part of the old!)!!!!


Haaaapppyyy Neewwwww Yeeeaarrr to ya all!


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   (Apologies if what I scrapped out of my skull was a bit messy. This blasted head-cold, mixed with some recent financial annoyances really blended my brain cells. Apologies that it may have sucked any and all of the eloquence out of my end of year statement.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goddem it!


Yesterday was gonna be the day the Pit FINALLY returned in force, but, apparently, I have contracted a disease of some kind that A) crippled my movement to the point that walking is like sprinting and B) at random intervals, liquid violently erupts from EVERY orifice at the exact same time.


I must have been alarmingly sociopathic to puppies in a previous life.


Anywho, expect a sudden Pit resurrection very VERY soon, at any moment as soon as I'm able to pilot this ambulatory carcass towards the nearest computer.


Wish me luck folks!

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1 minute ago, Unus said:

Goddem it!


Yesterday was gonna be the day the Pit FINALLY returned in force, but, apparently, I have contracted a disease of some kind that A) crippled my movement to the point that walking is like sprinting and B) at random intervals, liquid violently erupts from EVERY orifice at the exact same time.


I must have been alarmingly sociopathic to puppies in a previous life.


Anywho, expect a sudden Pit resurrection very VERY soon, at any moment as soon as I'm able to pilot this ambulatory carcass towards the nearest computer.


Wish me luck folks!

Hope you feel better soon!

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Need me to draw up a welcome-back gift? 😛

 Pah, its fine! If you want to, by all means, have a go at whatever looks juicy to ya! Anything that catches your eye is all up to your preferences and desires, perhaps if it will even help you in your own projects.


 Me, I'm about to see if Liquidageddon is over by eating crackers for the first time in 3 days.

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  This is it. I've done enough getting battered by reality and wasteing your collective times with unceasing explanations of my lack of presence! From here on out, unless something truly hellish thunderbolts out of the sky and requires it, I'm gonna be in work overdrive!


  Estimated T.T.C., 1-2 days, no ifs, ands, or buts.


  I just hope I haven't Half Life Threed the ell out of all of you enough that what's coming will seem egregiously dissapointing.


Signed with "blood" and sworn "duty".


Unus, Ancient Windbag Extraordinaire.



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                                                                                                                                    Post 704
(Flesh-birthed kill-crystal dagger Conceived circa 6/10/2019 between 20:00 and 21:00. Completed Circa 1/14/2020 at 01:31)

Took me long enough, eh? Boy howdy am I losing touch. That, or, maybe I should start advertising some of my old work elsewhere and discussing it since production takes so long these days as I do what I can to avoid copying anything I, others, or Digital has done.

Designation: Spartoi

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Throwing Type.


Manufacturer: The Helminth Mind, in the weeks after the raid on Ballas’ private lab.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Vector-Growth).

Damage= 85 Slash, 8 Puncture, 7 Impact.


Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.00

Critical Chance= 9%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X. 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 30%.

Magazine= 1 hand-growth.

Reload Speed= 0.9% (Extend hand forward and upward palm facing upward, singular “flesh flower” rips through skin with a combination of a metal shearing sound and flesh being split apart. Flesh flower “blooms” in a banana style with four “petals”, revealing a serrated syringe-spine connected via veins and capillaries that go back into the hand. Assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4.

Polarity= None.

Special Traits: 
The Grey Death=
  Guaranteed toxic P.R.O.C. on a target for 20% of the weapon’s collective damage for 3 minutes. If a target dies to this P.R.O.C., then it’s body projects a radial sphere of spines that extend up to 15 meters in every direction, dealing 20% of it’s collective damage as pure puncture damage.  

   When not in use by the Warframe, the Spartoi gives off next to no signs of it’s presence beyond  a faint gangrenous gash in the center of the warframe’s palm, lightly studded with very small ruby-colored cystoids. When properly engaged however, the weapon reveals itself in all its sinister glory as the “wound” freshly and audibly rips open again, a fleshy “floral” growth pushing it’s way free before “unpeeling” and revealing a proboscoid spine that blurs the line between an industrial steel-and-glass syringe and the flesh and translucent chitin of an invertabrete’s mouthparts. All of this mirrors the coloration and aesthetic of the Helminth spine to a T, save for the corusceting ruby liquid that can be seen within the containment portion of the proboscis and the pellucid tube veins that come off of it and continue to pump the liquid up from deep within the “well” that is the host Warframe. To “fire” the weapon, the warframe grasps the spine in a ready state and, in one smooth motion with one hand, rips the proboscoid spine free with a slight spray of ruby liquid and tosses it in a dartlike style, the now torn-free vein-tubes twisting in on themselves to form rudimentary fletching. Sailing through the air with a faint whistle, the spike stabs into the enemy, injecting the ruby liquid into the target. 

   If the Spartoi’s damage-over-time effect on an enemy actually kills it’s target, the enemy will seem to “freeze” over, its flesh and armor taking on a wet and metallic almost paper-mache white coloration that works its way along the body, disrupting the details of the target’s body until it is reduced to a hard vaguely-original-victim-shaped lumpy mass. On completion of the effect, the body emits an array of needle thin spines in every direction, piercing former comrades and friends alike. Steel thick for only a short time after bodily eruption, the spines quickly turn brittle and shatter into hundreds of pieces, while the hardened mass of the host crumbles to powder. 

“Basic” Description:
   Unlike the Phoroid Gestalt’s brute-force techniques for evolutionary improvement of it’s various strains, the Helminth takes a far more clinical approach to it’s eternal quest for the next best iteration. Within it’s dark bowels, alongside the organs necessary to the provision of nutrition and respiration for their Warframe “masters” and scrubbing the air biologically, strain after strain after strain is subjected to clinical extremes in specifically grown chambers over and over again, until they are either rendered defunct or they achieve whatever goals esoteric or mundane are needed of them. After the raid upon the labs of Ballas, however, the Helminth had the very tools behind it’s own creation dropped at it’s metaphorical feet. No longer a slave to the lengthy amount of time it takes to force mutation in the technocyte, access to lengthy files on the molecular profile of itself would allow the Helminth to directly manufacture strains whole-cloth on demand. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the Helminth has been unable to make much use of the data, as rigid ancient programming embedded into it’s very being prevents it from understanding the vast majority of the information present, save for several modifications made by Ballas to the various formulas and practices during his considerable “free time” stranded during the Collapse. With these few crumbs of knowledge, however, the Helminth has still been able to work some of it’s dark science, nurturing strains symbiotically cooperative to a Warframe’s internal strain, all with its characteristic thoroughness and despite being distracted by it’s Sisiphyian task of attempting to read the unreadable.

Edited by Unus
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10 hours ago, Unus said:

Designation: Spartoi


10 hours ago, Unus said:

The Grey Death=
  Guaranteed toxic P.R.O.C. on a target for 20% of the weapon’s collective damage for 3 minutes.

Hmmm, is it really necessary to modify the toxin proc? Considering the weapon has easy 100% status already and the basic toxin proc is:


Poison, which infects an enemy with a damage over time that deals Base Damage × (Toxin Mod Multiplier ÷ 2) per tick for 9 ticks over 8 seconds as Toxin b Toxin damage. Multiple instances of the effect can stack on the same target with each instance having its own timer.

I don't think it's entirely needed to change the rules here. Also:

10 hours ago, Unus said:

If a target dies to this P.R.O.C.

I'd reword this to:


If a target dies while under the effects of a Toxin proc...

which means you don't need the proc to deal the final blow, making it easier (and more convenient) to use the effect.


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16 hours ago, Neo3602 said:

Pretty nice, I don't think you've lost your touch yet.

  Huh, really? I had my doubts in the story section and a bit of a wishy-washy feeling when I went over the special mechanics department, but. . . hm, perhaps it's my perfectionism talking.

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On 2020-01-14 at 12:16 PM, HugintheCrow said:


Hmmm, is it really necessary to modify the toxin proc? Considering the weapon has easy 100% status already and the basic toxin proc is:

I don't think it's entirely needed to change the rules here. Also:

I'd reword this to:

which means you don't need the proc to deal the final blow, making it easier (and more convenient) to use the effect.


  That's odd, why the ell didn't it load your message in until now?! That's a. . . huh. 

Alright, no use crying over spilled milk I suppose, down to the task at hand!


  Hm, I see what you mean now. . . I never really think about my weapons modified statswise for some reason, just the baseline. Might very well be something for me to head back and rejigger.

   But isn't that to overpowered if one were to extend it to any toxin p.r.o.c. at all as opposed to just the one inflicted by the Spartoi? This one I'm not as sure about altering, though, if it seems needed, I could potentially addendum on "Or killed outright by the Spartoi".


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  Be getting back in business quite shortly folks, gotta clear my head of several concepts so I can crystallize on each one, one at a time.


Two are surprises to me, each one a potential boss battle I tried to think of in the first place back in the day, yet, I feared I couldn't do justice. Yet, despite that fear, here I am now, stuck between the tumescent and boredly mad Alink Innoy of Deimos and the faux foo-manchuness of The Tengu (Doc T after a tiny bit to little oversight from the Kweens.).


Think I should try to wrap up the current batch of swordflesh weapons before I try tackling those particular mountains.


All I got for a status update at the mo! Hope you folks aren't disgusted by the wait times!

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On 2020-01-14 at 1:34 AM, Unus said:

Reload Speed= 0.9% (Extend hand forward and upward palm facing upward, singular “flesh flower” rips through skin with a combination of a metal shearing sound and flesh being split apart. Flesh flower “blooms” in a banana style with four “petals”, revealing a serrated syringe-spine connected via veins and capillaries that go back into the hand. Assume firing stance.)


...That sounds awesome.


On 2020-01-16 at 1:51 PM, Unus said:

  That's odd, why the ell didn't it load your message in until now?! That's a. . . huh. 


it does that sometimes.


On 2020-01-16 at 1:51 PM, Unus said:

  Hm, I see what you mean now. . . I never really think about my weapons modified statswise for some reason, just the baseline. Might very well be something for me to head back and rejigger.


It's weird, isn't it? I've had to balance some of my stuff specifically for the existence of Lethal Torrent or Primed Shred before. There was one time where I purposely gave something a cripplingly low fire rate just because of lethal torrent.


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17 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...That sounds awesome.


it does that sometimes.


It's weird, isn't it? I've had to balance some of my stuff specifically for the existence of Lethal Torrent or Primed Shred before. There was one time where I purposely gave something a cripplingly low fire rate just because of lethal torrent.


  Heh, is it? I couldn't help but wonder if folks would grow tired of my more biology-based tools of warfare. That could just be me spending so much time with them that I know the things outside and in.


  First time seeing that on my end. Wonder if the comment was edited by administrators or something close to that?


 Ah, hyperreactivity rather then being inert. It's hard to tell which approach would be the best one of all for me, although I feel the hype-act approach is more in-tune with the spirits of balance then just blindly charging onwards.

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33 minutes ago, Unus said:

  Heh, is it? I couldn't help but wonder if folks would grow tired of my more biology-based tools of warfare. That could just be me spending so much time with them that I know the things outside and in.


I know I'm not! I've only made like... three infested weapons and just haven't dived into the more biological aspects of Warframe, so it's good to have someone who does.


49 minutes ago, Unus said:

  First time seeing that on my end. Wonder if the comment was edited by administrators or something close to that?


Nah, don't worry about it. It's pretty easy to miss new comments here while you're typing out a reply. Happened while I was responding to feedback on the E U S T O N. (I like Euston.)


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  • 2 weeks later...

  Apologies for the slow updating ladies and germs, had a family health scare crises that riled up the household a bit and had us needing to pull extra duty before we found out it was a false alarm.

   Now though? Back to the Swordflesh vita-wombs for me!

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:


Any thoughts on swordflesh polearms?

Hm. . . .back in the day, the one thing I was ever known by was my Conatus Staff. It is THE one thing that Digital remembers me by, the first in the Swordflesh lineage, and the only thing I ever got on Prime Time for.

So, my thoughts on them? Of course!

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