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My Warframe Story - Pay to win?


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I have some words of encouragement to some of my fellow Tenno that are struggling with plat.
I shall share with you my tale of when i started in Warframe.

I started playing Warframe on 8th of July 2015.
When i started, i didn't know what Warframe was. I expected it to be another shooter that had people screaming loudly but i was wrong. My brother introduced the game to me and we both played side by side since that day.

After defeating Vor and Phorid, i built my Nyx and got her out.


I made a Cernos, Ballistica and Ether Repear for her.

Until i hit a wall. There were Warframe slot and Weapon slot limits.
I thought there that i would have to stop playing and was about to complain.

Until, i watched a video on Youtube on how to earn plat. Then i started going on void missions and earning platinum with almost any deal i got. Even going as far as to sell prime junk 1p each.
My first ever item sold was a Scindo prime bp for 20p.CTBwQwy.png
Once i got the hang of the game, i started to gain more warframes, more weapons and my first Syandana, The Kryoptera Syndana.j3BezqA.png
I was so happy getting it. I even had a Classic Saturated Colour Palate gifted to me by my school friend StarPaw.5VHe3hc.png

After that, i got my first prime, Nyx Prime!
As i continued, i saw my brother struggling with platinum.
With all the prime junk i had earned, i sold nearly everything i had and sold sets! Me and my brother had a steady stream of Warframe slots and Weapons slots because of the platinum i earned from trading.
I soon learned more about the lore, more primes and earned more and more Warframes and Weapons.

By the time Valkyr's Gersemi skin had been released, i bought it since it had been available for a limited time only.fL5w9V4.png
Then me and my brother started to buy more and more cosmetics, going on missions together, keyshares and void runs.
Now me and my brother have some good deluxe skins, a ton of cosmetics(But not all) And are somewhat nearly end-game.

And in all of that spending of plat. It was roughly around:
6,621+/- PLATINUM

And that was for me AND my brother which doesn't know much about trading and normally relied on me to earn plat for him.

But all that platinum was from only trading. I didn't spend a single cent on the game, But i sure as hell wish i could.

Warframe is the kind of game that makes me WISH i could spend on it but due to my parent's view on spending on video games, they said it is pointless and a waste of money.

In the end, remember this fellow Tenno. Work hard for what you want. The game isn't a Pay to win. It's only a Pay to ATTEMPT to win. It's mostly just fashion frame at this rate.
Enjoy playing Warframe. It's one of the best games i've played :3

A rough accumulation of my platinum spendings in Warframe:

  1. 35+ 23 war frame slots 20 each = 1160p
  2. 126 +65 weapon slots. 12p each= 1146p
  3. 100p Edo armour set.
  4. 40p Day of the dead skins.
  5. 595p Hunhow’s gift
  6. 165p Stalker Noggle pack
  7. 35p Clem noggle.
  8. 245p Feyarch Oberon skin. x2 = 490p
  9. 165p Saryn Orphid skin.
  10. 150p Excalbur Proto-armor skin. x2= 300p
  11. 250p Trinity Deluxe skin collection. x2= 500p
  12. 215p. Palathine pack. x1
  13. 75p Classic Saturated colours x2 = 150p
  14. 75p Lotus Colours
  15. 75p Smoke colours. x2= 150p
  16. 75p Twilight colours. x1
  17. 50p Naberusshoulders. x2= 100p
  18. 40p Excalibur Immortal skin
  19. 40p Mag Immortal Skin.
  20. 40p Nyx Immortal skin
  21. 40p Mirage Winter skin.
  22. 105p Izvara Syandana. x2 =210p
  23. 50p Kyroptera Syandana
  24. 70P Pyra Syandana
  25. 50p Uru Syandana
  26. 90p Nelumbo Syandana
  27. 90p Day of the Dead Igaro Syndana.
  28. 5 Kubrow stasis slots 10p each= 50p
  29. 2 Orokin catalysts. 20 each = 40p

+350p more plat of spendings of investments and buying specific sets.

Total : 6,621 Platinum~


Edited by ToaPhantom
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4 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

I started playing warframe when it arrived on steam. I used my first plat for revives. Wasn't in any position to buy it back then. So my plat adventures were over untill 2015 when I got a job.

he literally just told you how easy it was to get plat. lol go get some. join some keyshares easy.



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Though i dont have the time to trade and i dont like doing it, so i just bought platinum instead which in the end ended on 550€+ and i wont probably stop there since i love this game ever since i started playing it back in +/-U8.

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1 minute ago, Vifany said:

This is PvE game, isnt it? So about wat kind of "win" you talking about? You cant WIN this game technicaly coz there is no end goal and it pretty hard to loose.

It's merely a Term people use. Like Pay to play(P2P) in TF2.

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I generally agree with OP.

For me, paying in WF is just to skip the tedious grind and gain instant enjoyment TBH.

And sometimes it may bring frustration to newbies, cuz they buy something with plat on market / being scammed on trade chat, which they will regret afterwards.

Therefore it gives a false interpretation to them that, WF is simply another game which requires P2W.

But conversely speaking, WF is the only game atm, that I am willing to happily spend my money on buying plat without any regret.

I just feel DE deserve for my investment afterall.


25 minutes ago, Teadude said:

can i have some plat im kinda in a rough zone man u spare some change?

Seriously I can't determine whether this is sarcasm or not.

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My story is like this, joined back in 2013 about easter. Played ever since, I did spent plat on revives at first but then stopped. There was one time when everyone recived a free 50 plat, just after first syandanas were introduced. Spent all of my plat back then on Uru one, never regreted it. Then when tradeing kicked in I started to get plat from there, basicly i bought event modpacks when they were online and sold much later with about 500% price of what I spent on them. Only recently I bought plat form DE, once on xmas 2015 and once a month ago. I didnt spent it on any weapon/frame on market, only slots and cosmetics + tradeing. Everything other than that I farmed.

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I may or may not be a whale due to my impatience, multiple 50%-75% discounts and a lot of OT when I was working security.  

If the trading in this game was a bit more user friendly, I'd probably spend a lot of time doing that and making plat off the ridiculous amounts of spare Prime parts and mods that I'm sitting on.  

OP gave some good advice though.

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3 hours ago, ToaPhantom said:

The game isn't a Pay to win.

  Reveal hidden contents
  1. 35+ 23 war frame slots 20 each = 1160p
  2. 126 +65 weapon slots. 12p each= 1146p
  3. 100p Edo armour set.
  4. 40p Day of the dead skins.
  5. 595p Hunhow’s gift
  6. 165p Stalker Noggle pack
  7. 35p Clem noggle.
  8. 245p Feyarch Oberon skin. x2 = 490p
  9. 165p Saryn Orphid skin.
  10. 150p Excalbur Proto-armor skin. x2= 300p
  11. 250p Trinity Deluxe skin collection. x2= 500p
  12. 215p. Palathine pack. x1
  13. 75p Classic Saturated colours x2 = 150p
  14. 75p Lotus Colours
  15. 75p Smoke colours. x2= 150p
  16. 75p Twilight colours. x1
  17. 50p Naberusshoulders. x2= 100p
  18. 40p Excalibur Immortal skin
  19. 40p Mag Immortal Skin.
  20. 40p Nyx Immortal skin
  21. 40p Mirage Winter skin.
  22. 105p Izvara Syandana. x2 =210p
  23. 50p Kyroptera Syandana
  24. 70P Pyra Syandana
  25. 50p Uru Syandana
  26. 90p Nelumbo Syandana
  27. 90p Day of the Dead Igaro Syndana.
  28. 5 Kubrow stasis slots 10p each= 50p
  29. 2 Orokin catalysts. 20 each = 40p

+350p more plat of spendings of investments and buying specific sets.

Total : 6,621 Platinum~

It is. Whenever there's still the possibility of purchasing everything with a credit card, the game is pay to win. Mastery and credits are irrelevant -- they're too easy to obtain with paid boosters. I have no clue why people keep arguing otherwise. I don't mind having p2w games around. The only down side is the lack of any real end game competition, ever.

Take a look at World of Warcraft for example. Nothing of use for the real end game competition of PvE. (raids) and PvP. (Arena, Rated battlegrounds) can be bought with real life currency. And the feelings that come out of it are, not comparable to this game.


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31 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

It is. Whenever there's still the possibility of purchasing everything with a credit card, the game is pay to win. Mastery and credits are irrelevant -- they're too easy to obtain with paid boosters. I have no clue why people keep arguing otherwise. I don't mind having p2w games around. The only down side is the lack of any real end game competition, ever.

That isn't the definition of pay to win.

An example of what it means is, say there's an item that can only be acquired if you pay. You HAVE to pay for it and when you do, it's the best weapon in the game. Better than anyone elses weapon. You can't grind for it, you can't farm or earn it. You HAVE to pay. Pay to have the most efficient stuff and no one else can get it unless they pay.

Another example of this are level restrictions, Things you can earn are locked behind a very high level requirement, but players who pay can get the top gear instantly.

Warframe is just pay to skip. You can still earn everything by trading

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Everyone will have a different answer to their question of whether Warframe is "pay to win."

The most common definition is a competitive one, and since Warframe doesn't have (and hopefully never will) any truly competitive elements... no, it isn't "pay to win" by any definition that includes being more successful in competition.

I don't think that's the real goal of Warframe, though.

I think the real goal is to collect all the things, which you absolutely can do just by spending money. I define "winning" in Warframe as having a complete or near-complete collection of stuff that lets you walk into any mission and perform well. This can be accomplished near-effortlessly if you put enough cash into the game.

I absolutely do define Warframe as "pay to win," and I think it's completely ok.

Again, as long as our spending doesn't pressure other players to spend along with us or have an inferior experience - which it kinda does in competitive games - I don't mind at all.

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