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is this game starting die out ?


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1 hour ago, TheBright888 said:

Well that is a flaw in the game design and not a sign that the game is dying.

There are simply too many missions that are too similar and that are not very popular. So players pick the ones that are most efficient and fun and they play those, and ignore the other 99%.

DE has a tendency to add huge and intricate maps with archwing segments ect, when those really cater to a small minority of players. But then the map designers need a job and so on. If I worked at DE, I would focus on smaller, simpler but more beautiful maps. Because those are fun, efficient to farm and overall more popular.

What strengthens that effect is that usually there are like 2 missions per planet that people use to farm resources/XP and those are the 2 that you can even find a party for, leaving very little incentive to try another mission.

As for "boring" yes if you dont enjoy the game mechanics, the grind will be boring to you. That means the game is not for you. I like being a space ninja jedi and leveling new OP things to blow stuff up with.

I didn't say the game is dying.

And for "boring", excuse me but I've done like 90% of the game's content.... So yeah I'm bored, it's not about enjoying or not the game mechanics or grind.

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11 hours ago, gunsmoke77 said:

Last time i played this game it had know one on any maps just hand full 400 players hanging in chat window what gives ?


So cute. Equating amount of people in chat with amount of people active in game. 

Maybe those people that are normally chatting are playing missions more often instead, which means it's the opposite. The game is thriving and people are playing more WF than ever before. 

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This game is so much fun when new content comes out but doesn't have much to do while we wait for content.

In the past, there have been some lulls in player count (update 8ish - update 10ish and update 12ish - update 15ish) mostly because players either run out of things to do or want to wait for content to pile up for them to do.


Don't worry about it.  The people will all come back for major events and after a few updates.

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The game on average tends to peak over 30,000 a day on steam. It only feels empty because everyone is either

  • Doing Solo Runs
  • Doing Clan Runs
  • Doing Void/Vault Runs
  • Cheesing Draco (which makes me wonder why I can't find anyone on Europa since it's on the path to Ceres)

With things like that, most of the nodes (even Dark Sector and Boss nodes) and empty despite me setting my ping to no limit and in the East US server (it was the closest to my actual area of the midwest). Maybe I'm not just not playing at peak hours (I don't wake up until noon and I don't login until a bit later)

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20 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

Because sometimes you have things to do, and you can't... is this an actual question?


Sorties became a part of daily rewards, which takes approximately an hour to earn, which means a lot of people who are busy can't do it.

Back on topic.

Warframe as a community is growing, as evidenced by various statistics. However, without major effort promoting the game via TV commercials, new update videos and advertising from online news websites, it's really hard to really get Warframe "hyped".

Warfrrame as a game is degrading. Most enemies and Warframe abilities have broken scaling, and people do not care about most nodes of the game. With the addition of nullifiers, manics, combas and scrambus, ability use is prevented, rendering Warframe as a normal, average shooter game. The community is occasionally toxic, but most people I've seen are doing the exact opposite, so a +1 to the community. Now, DE is currently being torn apart, with one faction being the common faction, who wants rewards, more innovation and less grinding in order to make Warframe a better game, trying to reduce the difficulty which would otherwise quickly overwhelm new players. On the other hand, another faction consists of elites (not necessarily elitists) who demand more difficulty because the current game can be cheesed through, or else you will be OHKO by the weakest of enemies on higher levels. The game itself requires a fix ASAP, in my opinion.

Overall, Warframe is a great game for a true free-to-play model, but it is definitely not without serious problems, and we could only hope that DE is willing to fix it.

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16 hours ago, JesterTheNight said:

I dunno, you tell me...


Is this bridge shaky and in need of repair?

53,000,000 people have crossed, $206 Million Dollars in Toll, 62 Toll takers, 4,500 Limos with important people in them have crossed, over 42 security cameras, Featured in Seriously Safe Bridges over 6 times! 

The bridge:



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Amazing chart. 

I think the one stat that tells you all you need to know about Warframe's health: over half the total amount of xp ever earned in Warframe was earned in 2015.

All DE really need to do is sort out the Star Chart so that a new player is always able to play in PUGs and never has to solo unless they want to, that will get around the impression of desertedness that's sometimes possible for a new player around Saturn or so.

I think Warframe has a good many years to go yet, and probably still hasn't quite peaked.  The new drive to storytelling is going to help get more new players in and bring back older ones.

I mean, given that Warframe is hardly advertized (compared to some of the other bigger games), it's doing amazingly well, and if DE are ever able to put more spare money into a big advertizing push, I think then it will probably reach its peak.

(Re. the advertizing: I'm an average gamer.  WF had been around for nearly 2 years, and I hadn't even clocked it.  I think I'd seen the name around a few times, but didn't know anything about the game.  It was only a comment in a forum from a respected forum member that led me to investigate the website and Youtube lets plays, and I liked what I saw.  But actually to some extent that's right, Warframe is really a much more ready-for-release game now, and is now pretty close to coming out of "beta" status, whereas it really wasn't before, maybe up until around u17 or so.  Now that the sentients are in, and the beginning of a true "endgame" is approaching, I reckon once the Focus system is around version 2.0 or so, and they're really finally happy with the combat system, and the lore is fleshed-out to their satisfaction, then they'll make the big push.)

Edited by Omnimorph
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1 hour ago, Omnimorph said:

Amazing chart. 

I think the one stat that tells you all you need to know about Warframe's health: over half the total amount of xp ever earned in Warframe was earned in 2015.

All DE really need to do is sort out the Star Chart so that a new player is always able to play in PUGs and never has to solo unless they want to, that will get around the impression of desertedness that's sometimes possible for a new player around Saturn or so.

I think Warframe has a good many years to go yet, and probably still hasn't quite peaked.  The new drive to storytelling is going to help get more new players in and bring back older ones.

I mean, given that Warframe is hardly advertized (compared to some of the other bigger games), it's doing amazingly well, and if DE are ever able to put more spare money into a big advertizing push, I think then it will probably reach its peak.

(Re. the advertizing: I'm an average gamer.  WF had been around for nearly 2 years, and I hadn't even clocked it.  I think I'd seen the name around a few times, but didn't know anything about the game.  It was only a comment in a forum from a respected forum member that led me to investigate the website and Youtube lets plays, and I liked what I saw.  But actually to some extent that's right, Warframe is really a much more ready-for-release game now, and is now pretty close to coming out of "beta" status, whereas it really wasn't before, maybe up until around u17 or so.  Now that the sentients are in, and the beginning of a true "endgame" is approaching, I reckon once the Focus system is around version 2.0 or so, and they're really finally happy with the combat system, and the lore is fleshed-out to their satisfaction, then they'll make the big push.)

How will the Star Map Changes effect how we play ? Other then when an Alert or an invasion is on a node there all empty. The only nodes that consistent players are the farming nodes. They should have spent there time on developing a A Looking for Group tool (this is something that every modern game has).

I thing more advertising would hurt them at this time, a 3 year old game that's still in Beta ? (but takes in real cash ?) it really sends a mixed message to new players.





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1) Almost any starter area will become deserted as the game ages as the population coalesces around a few hubs.

2) Trade chat and recruiting is always bustling with people throughout the day. Thats pretty indicative of the flow of goods and the creation of new goods to be traded. These two metrics are better representatives of player  activity (also plat being thrown around). Continious demand for older goods also indicates a continious fresh player pool. As well you can see in recruit that the true hub of replayable content is focused on farming wether leveling or getting goods (Draco or Void). A community will always find the most efficient fastest way of doing things thats focused on the shiny rewards for gameplay.


Saying Warframe is dieing out is a pretty wrong statement.

Edited by PoopManZ
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